Chapter 140 Paulownia Changquan
After everyone left, Yan Changqing carefully asked Zhu Xiaobin about his participation in the competition.

Zhu Xiaobin already had a basic foundation in boxing and kicking. It was not difficult to suddenly learn a set of boxing techniques stipulated in the competition before the competition, and another one was the stick technique. However, the physical education teacher did not know it, so he could only practice according to the book.

The competition is a performance scoring system, and there are not many people participating in the competition, so it is not difficult to get this certificate.

Just as Yan Changqing thought, the referee would be happy to send out a piece of paper that can only prove his hobbies.

And the referee was invited, and it is said that the scores are relatively high.

But Zhu Xiaobin is still very happy, feeling that his hard work has been proved.

Seeing his excited appearance, Yan Changqing felt that Erwa Tiedan and the others could try it out next year. If they studied hard, they should be able to pick out ten or eight. I don't know how many will pass by then.

It is to encourage everyone to continue to exercise in the future, to prepare for the second-level samurai exam in the future, and to gain points when they win the college entrance examination.

Although that's pretty far away.


In the evening, Yan Changqing began to read the "textbook" brought by Zhu Xiaobin, which was actually a martial arts book.

Because of the popularity of martial arts and qigong, it is very easy to buy some martial arts books now. Even at the bookstalls on the street, you can find a copy of Liuhe Dao, Yuejia Spear, Changquan, Ground Lying Quan, Zuiquan, Xiaohongquan at any time. , Xingyi Bagua, Tai Chi and so on.

Many children in the city have their own "treasures", which may be martial arts books, or a magazine, such as "Wulin" and "Jing Wu", which are relatively popular now. Many children will buy a copy if they have pocket money Treasure it.

There are also detailed explanations of all kung fu routines in the magazine, such as the 48 Tai Chi moves, etc., and each move and each move is demonstrated by a photo of a real person, accompanied by a text description. If you can persist in self-study, you can also practice according to the magazine Come out and make a gesture.

Of course, the effect is not guaranteed.

However, these situations are all cities. The bigger the city, the more popular it is, but it is not good in small places. It is not very popular yet.

For example, in rural areas, it is even rarer, because most of them are still worrying about keeping cotton and tobacco leaves for public grain. Who is in the mood to study this?
The self in Yan Changqing's memory didn't know these things until he was in junior high school.

But at that time, big cities were no longer popular, but small places started to fiddle around.

There are also some deceptive advertisements, such as the well-known "Story Club" magazine, which published some advertisements for selling cheats on the last few pages. The cheats are different from the publishing house's martial arts books. The price of "internal strength" cheats such as Yangshen Gong Yi Jin Jing is generally around 20 yuan.

Someone bought it, and there were quite a few, otherwise they wouldn't have been advertising.

Some of Yan Changqing's classmates bought some, stuffed the money into an envelope, and checked every day to see if there was a letter.When they came back, some carried them around to show off, while others hid them like treasures.

In fact, it is just a few sheets of paper. The quality of the paper and the quality of the printing are hard to describe—you don’t even need to go to the toilet, and there will be problems.

Even so, a group of second-year teenagers were still deceived into a daze, unlike Yan Changqing, who remained sober all the time and didn't even think about it.

Advertisements selling weapons are also very popular. Many advertisements sell all kinds of hidden weapons, darts, knives, guns, swords, halberds, nine-section whips and nunchakus.

The students who bought it held it like a treasure to show off.

Only students like Yan Changqing are never overheated or deceived.


One night is enough for Yan Changqing to study a set of Changquan thoroughly.

Get up early the next day and practice for a while, then you can continue to be Zhu Xiaobin's master and give him pointers.

Zhu Xiaobin couldn't help admiring him, but he didn't know that Yan Changqing's 90.00% proficiency in fists and feet didn't increase at all after learning so many boxing routines.

After practicing all morning and eating, Yan Changqing originally planned to take Zhu Xiaobin out to play, but he wanted to see how wine was made, and Yan Changqing could of course fulfill his request.

At this time, a group of friends also ran over, and it happened that Yan Changqing was not needed as a guide.

Erwa, a showy guy, came out and took Zhu Xiaobin to introduce him: "This is the soaked peach millet, which is sorghum. After soaking, put it here to boil and bloom, and then here..."

The program is really not complicated. Basically, after reading it once, you can explain it logically, just like Erwa, who often comes to the winery to play, and now his theories are one set of one set.

The focus is on the control of the details during the operation, which is something that not everyone can say.


A group of friends were playing in the winery, and Yan Changqing didn't have to worry about it. He only stopped them when they were going to play with the puppy.

The two puppies can't be played with them yet, otherwise the end will be worrying.

When it was almost noon, the old man Yan Xingwang ran over.

This is to ask for advice: "Qi Jin, the township asked to go to a meeting tomorrow, saying that it is to promote tree planting. I heard that we have to report the task of contracting how many trees. How much should we contract?"

The village head is becoming more and more unappreciated, and he has to come here for everything and report to a younger child who is not the village head.

Yan Changqing began to flip through his memory, planting trees?
I seem to have a little impression: "Did you say what kind of tree to plant? Did you say how to plant it? Is this season suitable for planting trees?"

Yan Xingwang scratched his forehead: "It seems to be a tung tree. It is said to be planted in the farmland. It will not affect the growth of crops. It can also be used for greening and has economic value... I don't know the details. Maybe it will be planted in the spring of next year?"

I know it!
Yan Changqing completely remembered: "Well, let me make a suggestion. You can do whatever you want, and I will only give suggestions. You go to see how many trees are in the task, and report it first. When you come back, look for it. The people here in Yatouwa discuss it, and if they really want to plant it, they will find a hillside and plant it together."

The meaning of the suggestion is to prevent the old guy from running to the village and claiming that he ordered it.


The main thing is that Paulownia has achieved certain results in other places, and it has also brought benefits to others in the local area, so it has already been promoted, and it is almost popular now.

Tongshu County is just a beat slower than others. Not long after it was planted, the farmers discovered that this thing is a pit!

Because everyone can't wait until they are mature, they find that a row of trees is planted in the farmland, which greatly affects the harvesting and sowing of crops.

Then the higher authorities only asked people to plant them at the beginning of planting, and there was no one to manage and guide them later, and gradually these trees became troublesome.

The most important thing is that these villages like Dayanzhuang have become rich in advance and have tractors.

When driving a tractor to harvest wheat, because of the row of trees, the tractor has to be driven like a yangko, how does it feel?
The trouble is still in the future, when the tree is cut down, the roots have to be removed, otherwise it will be troublesome to stay in the farmland.

Paulownia has a particularly well-developed root system.

In fact, these trees can still be seen many years later, because there are cemeteries in some farmlands, and the graves cannot be dug when the roots are removed. As a result, a group of small bushes that emerge every year must be cut down, otherwise the entire cemetery can be full.

Anyway, it's a hassle.

As for the economic value, maybe it has it, but it is valuable only if someone wants it. Now that most places have been planted and cut down, who wants it?
And don't ask why it's planted here after it's been planted elsewhere, just let it be planted.

The best way is to follow what Yan Changqing said, we can plant as many trees as required, and plant them directly when planting, and wait for the higher-ups to check, and it will be too late to find that the place is wrong.

Old boy Yan Xingwang is very cunning. Now the village is full of tractors going down the farmland. He also knew it was troublesome, so he came to Yan Changqing. Now, after hearing what Yan Changqing said, he immediately said, "That old fellow Zeng Shuangxi won't listen to you. Mine, can you tell me when you get back?"

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "I don't recognize what I just said when you go out. You, a village chief, don't have any responsibilities and say nothing. Go by yourself."

Yan Xingwang sneered: "Isn't it because everyone thinks you have an idea, and you can't be wrong if you listen to it!"

He has achieved his goal, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it when you leave the door, I will tell Zeng Shuangxi to enter this door tomorrow.

Anyway, planting some trees is not a bad thing. As for the money for saplings, it doesn't matter to these few villages now.

After Yan Xingwang left, Yan Changqing couldn't help but think about the trouble of planting trees.

If there is no accident, this is only the first time, and there will be more in the future.

In a few years, I will start planting fruit trees again, and plant apple trees in the farmland, and I will have to toss around for a few more years.

I don't know if the village is no longer considered a poor village, and whether it will make people rich by planting fruit trees in the future.

I hope not... It doesn't seem to matter, just continue to operate like this in the future.

Isn't it just a few saplings, the village is not short of that money.


Zhu Xiaobin was playing here again and didn't want to leave. After eating at noon, he still wanted to play for a while.

Yan Changqing had no choice but to "drive" him away. Now that he is in the fifth grade, the martial arts performance and rating have passed, so he can't continue to rely on his evening self-study.

I also brought him two jugs of wine, one from his family for his father, and one for Teacher Li—they helped deliver the textbooks, it’s too embarrassing to give money, so let’s send some wine to show it off!
I found someone to drive a tractor to deliver people and wine to the market, and there was a small truck over there to send them to the city.

Of course, if he is willing to take a big truck, anyway, now that there is a gas station, the car can run freely.

As soon as Zhu Xiaobin was sent away, Zeng Shuangxi came and asked about planting trees.

Yan Changqing was still the same suggestion.


The next day, the three village chiefs went to a meeting and came back together.

The village head of Goose Bay is still Cao Erhu's father, the old man's three sons, the second one is better at handling affairs, so he has been training Cao Erhu to run back and forth to do things, and prepares for the second son to "take over".

It's a pity that the training was too successful, the second child has a promising future, and he didn't forget the elder brother and the younger brother. The brothers worked together to make money, and they all went out to work together. The old man was left to guard the house. Now the old man doesn't even have a successor for the idiot who he didn't like before. Now, I can only continue to fight on my own.

The news brought back by the three village chiefs was nothing new.

It is said that they are asked to report how many trees each village intends to contract, but in fact it is a subscription with a minimum quantity limit.

Subscription is to prepare money, ready to hand in the year before, and the saplings will be distributed in the spring of the next year.

It's not a big deal to the few villages now.

As for planting trees, there is no labor in the village, so just spend some money to hire people to plant them.

Rich and willful.

 Thanks to the book friend "08a" for the reward!
  The fourth update is here, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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