Chapter 141 Showing Illiteracy
On New Year's Day, there are no activities at the unit, Yan Changqing only needs to go to receive benefits, and there is no need to perform shows, which is simply not too exciting.

I thought it would be nice to be able to relax and spend a holiday with peace of mind.

Unexpectedly, Chen Youliang, who went to Shanghai, finally came back.

After dealing with some accumulated affairs in the market, he went straight to Dayan Village.

After entering the winery, he saw two cats behind Yan Changqing, holding a dog in his hands, and a dog under his feet. He was immediately amazed: "You are planning to open a zoo!"

Yan Changqing put down the little flower dog named Fei Xiong with a smile: "Let me see if there is anything wrong with this dog. Uncle, you can be counted back, what did you do this time? The image is not bad, it has changed a lot."

It is true that the image has changed a lot. The suit is straight and the leather shoes are shiny. The jacket is a very fashionable windbreaker, but the glasses are a little bit old, but overall it is okay. It is a bit like a Confucian businessman. People who have been behind bars.

"Nothing." Chen Youliang didn't care about his nephew's praise, looked around, pulled a chair and sat down, then took out a small mirror frame and a small handkerchief from his pocket, and began to wipe. "I just went to the exchange to watch the fun and took a few photos."

"Bring it to me to have a look." Yan Changqing became curious, there is something wrong with this kind of thing!

"It's nothing." Chen Youliang chuckled, then lowered his head and continued to wipe, with a special (package) note (X) on his face.

Yan Changqing didn't give him a chance to show off, so he walked over in two steps, and immediately became disdainful: "Hehe, didn't you just go to the gate of the exchange to take a photo? What's so great? Are you doing business?"

Chen Youliang put this small frame into his pocket, changed his pocket and took out another frame, and continued to wipe it: "I made a few small transactions, and it was nothing. I sold a few stocks that I was not optimistic about, and I made money." Thinking that it would not be easy to bring the money back, I directly bought the stocks you are optimistic about."

Yan Changqing was staring at his photo, this photo is a bit awesome!
Look at the person who gave the speech in the middle of the photo, and the people next to him, they are not ordinary!

He couldn't help being curious: "This photo, how did you get here? Can you go in before the transaction is officially opened?"

Chen Youliang coughed softly: "I thought I'd go there, so I went in and took a look. The main thing is to listen to the speech of the mayor of Shanghai City and learn the spirit of his speech."

Yan Changqing is now planning to develop step by step and doesn't care about stocks anymore.

It's just that I don't want to talk to my uncle, I've never seen someone who can pretend like this: "Isn't this photo without you?"

Then Chen Youliang changed another small frame and continued to wipe.

Yan Changqing was speechless. This kind of small glass frame can only hold a palm-sized photo, but things these days are made of real materials, and the frames are all made of wood. Is it comfortable to put so many in your pocket?

Seeing how this man took out one after a while, how many of these things did he put in the pocket of his windbreaker?Don't you think the clothes are too heavy?
But he finally understood that this person was going to "snap" the heat!

Because the photo in the frame in his hand now only has his side face, and the main photo is the people in the hall. The angle of the photo is not good enough, and it is not very clear. It seems that it was taken hastily, but it can be seen carefully. It can be seen that there are people giving speeches inside.

It should be after the ceremony that he took the opportunity to take such a photo.

Yan Changqing didn't know what to say.

Forget it, in a few years he will naturally not show off this photo casually.

In other words, this person really hit it by mistake, and I don't know how to get these photos back.

Go back and ask your second uncle.

Still can't hold back to hit him: "Now you are also the boss of an advanced private company in the city, as for this?"

Chen Youliang chuckled: "You don't understand, this is Shanghai City. In our small place, even going to a meeting is meaningless. The speeches are all clichés. After listening to them, it means that you didn't listen. You can only hear good things when you go to other people's places to listen to the speeches. , people said, the future prospects of this stock market are very good.”

That must be very good, but it is hard to say whether you will make money or not.

Yan Changqing wondered: "Then what are you going to do with these few photos?"

"Put it in my office!" Chen Youliang finally wiped enough, handed the small photo frame in his hand to Yan Changqing, and took it out of his pocket. "I put all these photos together, who knew I was just a mess, haha..."

Yan Changqing originally wanted to hit him with a few more words, but after looking at the photo, forget it.

To be able to get in, and to be able to get in with such a few photos, is considered a skill.

He held a stack of photo frames and looked at them. Some were at the entrance of the exchange, some were in the crowd after entering, and there was a person standing on the second floor of the exchange leaning on the railing with a calm face, and those who were just now ...

In fact, there are really many celebrities at the opening scene, basically they are big bosses. Later, the four consecutive bosses of the China Securities Regulatory Commission were on the scene, as well as the future boss of the central bank, and several people who will often appear on CCTV at [-] p.m. in the future.

Not only domestic ones, but also Xiangjiang ones. There was also a lady who later became a member of the British House of Lords.

It's a pity that Yan Changqing can't recognize many people, and he doesn't know who is in these photos.

However, with this series of photos, everyone believed what Chen Youliang said.

He dared to brag that he was invited to go, and people in a small place like Xiyang City believed it.

As long as someone believes in it, the market can save 80.00% of additional troubles.

What kind of luck is this?
What kind of vision is this?
It can be regarded as an achievement to get to this point.

Don't be jealous of him!

Chen Youliang didn't clean the frames, but started to clean the glasses again, with a look of indifference: "By the way, my glasses need to be maintained..."

What broken glasses, still maintain?


Soon Yan Changqing knew why his uncle had to "maintain" his glasses.

Because Yan Erhe also came back, but he didn't come to the winery first, he went back to the village first before coming here.

Listening to the second uncle's narration, Yan Changqing was really speechless.

Speaking of which, after all, there are so many big figures, how can the security be so lax, allowing such people with experience behind bars to get in?

It's a miracle!
Yan Changqing felt that there must have been a few people staring at his uncle all the time, the kind with their hands still in their arms, who would snatch this suspect away at any time.

Otherwise, how could this person sneak in and no one would have noticed, with so many big figures at the scene, and Xiangjiang's trade group, how could the security be so lax.

Not only did he think so, but he also added embellishments to his uncle, and finally concluded: "I think if you took a few more photos at that time, you might have been clicked on the spot..."

Chen Youliang's expression suddenly became brilliant: "Isn't it? If you put it this way, I won't be registered in some confidential unit, right?"

Ha ha!

Yan Changqing turned his head and left with an expression of you slowly thinking about it.

Immediately, I felt a lot more comfortable, hahaha, people who have been behind bars are more sensitive!

When Chen Youliang approached unwillingly, Yan Changqing was writing and drawing in his room.

After watching it for a while, he understood: "Are you going to design a trademark?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Well, practice first, it will come in handy later."

Calligraphy and painting skills can be put on the agenda. After all, wine will be sold soon, so it is useful to design a logo pattern or something.

Besides, I spent a long time in the winery all day long, and I also need some things to cultivate my sentiment besides erhu and other skills.

"A good day? Backgammon? Backgammon?" Chen Youliang muttered while watching. "Is this the name of the wine you prepared? Everyone is Laojiao, Daqu, or the direct place name, or it must have a traditional meaning. Your name is too..."

Yan Changqing thought for a while, and added a sentence next to it: 7000 years of inheritance of craftsmanship.

Chen Youliang's eyes widened at that time: "7000 years? How long has your winery been built?"

Yan Erhe, who just came in, just heard this sentence, and asked curiously: "What 7000 years?"

Yan Changqing said rationally: "Wine has existed 7000 years ago. I said my wine is a 7000-year-old traditional craft. There is nothing wrong with it!"

Yan Erhe nodded approvingly: "There's nothing wrong with it!"

Chen Youliang was upset: "Who told you that wine existed 7000 years ago? Even if you want to increase your popularity, you can't just talk about it? Let's talk about 5000 years at most, and your 7000 years..."

Yan Changqing didn't bother to argue with him: "You two are illiterate, even if I tell you, you won't understand!"

Anyway, he seemed to remember that there was news that there were traces of wine making in the remains of 7000 years ago.

Thinking about the Shang Dynasty 4000 years ago, people have already played wine pool meat forest, it really makes people... feel that it is normal for wine to appear earlier!

As a result, Chen Youliang sneered: "I'm illiterate, hehe, two second-grade elementary school students also said that I was an illiterate high school student, what a joke!"

Yan Changqing also sneered: "Cultural quality does not depend on academic qualifications. What's wrong with the second graders?"

Next to him, Yan Erhe lay on the gun for a long time, and finally seized the opportunity: "Yes, what happened to the second grade?"

As a result, as soon as he spoke, the two of them fell silent, and looked at him together, the meaning was obvious: forget that this one here is the real second-grade elementary school dropout student—炄业, which means that although he has left school, he has not graduated as required years, or have not reached the required degree of graduation.

Yan Erhe covered his face and walked away, before leaving, he said: "Qijin, your mother told you and your uncle to go back to eat."

After speaking, he rode on the motorcycle and ran away, sneering in his heart: It is amazing to be educated, if you have the ability, don't walk on your legs, fly back!


Yan Changqing didn't go back to eat. He asked his uncle to go back and tell his mother, and said that the winery was just about to produce wine, so he had to watch and couldn't leave.

If his mother didn't confess, he planned to go back, and it would be nice for everyone to have a lively meal together.

But as soon as my mother confessed, the problem came.

Every time Li Xiuni tells others to eat, that's when she prepares a "big meal".

She will prepare a lot, and in addition to taking out some of her "good dishes", she will also prepare some newly learned dishes. As long as she is interested, she will try it.

However, her cooking skills are not as good as she imagined. Every time she prepares a big meal, the first problem is time - if she confesses to eating at noon, it is normal to wait until after two o'clock in the afternoon.

Followed by meals.

Yan Changqing doesn’t even want to give examples, just think of the pickled eggs she researched and marinated into strange-flavored black preserved eggs, the beans made of bean paste look like strange-flavored moldy beans, and the white worms wriggling in the pickled chives insect……


(End of this chapter)

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