Chapter 142

In the afternoon, I sent my uncle and second uncle away, and Yan Changqing stopped practicing calligraphy and painting.

After walking around the winery, he found that there was nothing special to pay attention to, so he came to the small river with a fishing rod.

Stepping on the withered grass by the river and gradually walking up, two chubby puppies ran in front of him for a while, playing with each other, and rolling on the grass from time to time.

After a while, the two little guys suddenly rushed to his feet and ran around, so he couldn't help thinking, if he brought someone along, it would be great to take a few photos.

The quiet river, the river is far away, there is only one poplar tree that has lost all its leaves, next to it is a green wheat field, the scenery is really good.

It's a pity that what he wants to do can't be seen by others, he can only do it by himself.

Walking and walking came to a sufficiently remote place.

Then, taking off all his clothes, he slowly tried to walk towards the water.

When my feet first entered the water, I couldn't help shivering, but I quickly got used to it, and gradually I only felt a little bit of coolness, but it wasn't unbearable.

After walking a few more steps, you can still feel the coolness, but you won't feel uncomfortable.

The mood suddenly became better. It seems that after ordering an anti-freeze skill, the effect is quite obvious.

It seems that no matter whether it is hot or cold, as long as it is not too outrageous, he can adapt the fastest now.

On the other hand, although his five senses are also very strong, they have no effect on these two skills. Just like now, he can feel the water temperature is very low, but he doesn't feel cold.

It's a bit awkward to say, but that's how he feels.

Yan Changqing felt that if his physical fitness continued like this, he would probably run in an inhuman direction.

The water in the river becomes shallow in winter, but the place he was looking for had relatively deep water. Near the high slope on the opposite river bank, there was a deep water area enough to completely submerge people.

When he was completely inside, he was no longer visible on the water.

The two puppies on the bank of the river began to get anxious and barked at the river water—these two little guys hadn't learned how to bark yet!

Yan Changqing could hear their calls, feel the slow flow of the water, and experience all kinds of feelings without moving.

The breathing method can almost complement most of the skills. Now when he dives into the water and holds his breath, he can easily last for more than 10 minutes.

And it hasn't reached the point where he can't bear to go out to breathe, but it's not something to enjoy holding his breath all the time, and training is too time-consuming, he still intends to let nature take its course and let his skills improve slowly.

After experiencing it for a while, he began to thump and swim around in the water.

Feihu and Feixiong followed him back and forth on the bank very cooperatively, calling out to him from time to time.

It's not like the big yellow and the big black at all, they only play with themselves, or just lie on their stomachs, and don't give the slightest response to how you toss.

After swimming back and forth in the water for half an hour, I went ashore and shook off the water on my body, then put on my clothes after wiping casually, then knelt down and rubbed the two puppies.

The two little guys were happier immediately, obviously just being touched on the head, their short tails kept wagging, not only the little tails, but the whole body was wagging, which made people like it.

No wonder there are so many people who keep dogs. Seeing how pleasing they are, they will respond to you with their small tongues, unlike two stupid cats who only know that they are comfortable.

At this time, the scenery becomes more beautiful. Under the setting sun, the scenery by the small river makes people unable to bear to leave.

Half of the river is rustling and half of the river is red, and there are sparse shadows and slanting waters.

There is a naughty and cute puppy beside him who can't stop making noises, Yan Changqing thinks it's pretty good to live like this.


When we got back to the winery, it was almost dinner time.

When I entered the winery, I saw an old farmer happily carrying a bottle of wine and walking towards a cart.

This is for delivery.

The dishes in winter are relatively monotonous.

In the area around Dayanzhuang, in addition to red and white radishes and Chinese cabbage, they also like to grow black and white vegetables in winter, followed by spinach, and then other seasonal vegetables in winter.

There are very few lotus roots. There is probably one pond per village on average, and the things dug out are only enough to share among the people in the village.

If you want to buy it, the price is a bit high. It is an expensive dish these days. It is better to cut some meat directly. The workers in the winery prefer it.

Except for meat and eggs and some special dishes such as lotus root, the prices of other dishes are ridiculously cheap.

Like this vegetable farmer who was smiling, and with a flattering smile, who greeted Yan Changqing, he felt that the food he brought over was a good deal and worth it in exchange for a bottle of wine.

In fact, it is really worth it. The loose wine is transported to the market, and it costs five or six yuan to sell it loosely. It is cheaper to buy the whole tank, but there are not many cheap ones.

With the current price of vegetables, more than ten catties of vegetables cost ten cents are everywhere, and more than 100 catties of radishes and cabbages can be bought for one dollar.

This price will keep getting cheaper, and the prices of these dishes will gradually start to increase until the housing prices start to soar.

In fact, the distillery has now become the favorite place for the surrounding villagers to come. In addition to harvesting sorghum, it also collects firewood and vegetables, and hires people to work from time to time.

Those who grow a lot of vegetables at home will send them over. As for the price, it is very casual, just give as much as you like.

There are also people who simply bring a bottle like this, which means that the vegetables on the cart can be exchanged for some wine.

The barter wines at the winery weren't good either, but people were still happy - even the worst wine here was better than what they'd paid more for elsewhere.

It's quite outrageous to say that the vegetables that people have grown for so long are picked in the cold wind and brought over, and they are exchanged for some wine.

But as it is now, if the winery intentionally raises the purchase price, it will soon offend everyone around it--can you not offend others by accepting someone else's?

The winery in winter is relatively comfortable, and the smell in the winery is much lighter when the north wind blows. The red fire stove that people don't want to get close to in summer has now become the first choice for everyone to get together.

Listening to the howling cold wind, feeling the warmth around me, and holding a delicious roasted sweet potato in my hand, I am so happy.

If you are lucky today, you can still listen to the top erhu music.

The workers couldn't come up with good words to describe how nice the erhu sounds, but they felt that it was very exciting, and it was more comfortable than drinking two taels of wine.

Speaking of drinking, there were still some people in the winery who liked to drink some at first.But now, smelling the smell of wine every day, and being able to drink as much as he wants, he doesn't seem to be that interested anymore.

If they get drunk and oversleep, it's a trivial matter to delay work and lose wages. If the wine is spoiled and the job here is lost, where can they find such a good place?
Yan Changqing stopped after practicing a few pieces of music, went back to the house and practiced calligraphy for a while, and then began to inspect the winery, and gave timely advice when encountering problems that needed advice.

The two puppies were not too cold, and they ran along with him. The fluffy balls were dangling under his feet. If Yan Changqing didn't have walking skills, he might have to step on them.

As for the two cats who fell out of favor, they were not aware of their situation at all, and they were wandering in the dark, looking for fun!
It’s just that Yan Changqing didn’t go far tonight and stopped in doubt. He turned his head to look at a place not far away that was not directly illuminated by the light, and then walked over: “Uncle, if you have anything to say, just tell me what’s going on here. What are you wandering around here?"

Li Xiujing scratched his head, it seemed that the scratching became more and more irritating, put his hand halfway down and scratched twice, Yan Changqing couldn't help it: "If you want to have an itchy head, go wash your hair, you don't even need hot water in the winery. It's over, what are you doing! What's the matter, you still can't trust me?"

"It's nothing." Li Xiujing muttered, bowed his head and prepared to leave.

"You don't even tell me what's going on, I'll go home and tell my mother." Yan Changqing immediately issued the most serious 'threat'.

At that moment, Li Xiujing's footsteps stopped: "Your aunt and your aunt won't let me tell you."

"Then I'll tell my mother." Yan Changqing made a gesture to leave.

Li Xiujing's head was extremely big, and he thought about it, two younger sisters on one side and one younger sister on the other, but this one alone is more powerful than these two.

It seems that there is nothing to worry about: "I have an acquaintance who injured his leg digging a river a few days ago, and sold the cattle to see the leg. I think his family is going to be in trouble, and I want to ask someone to come from his family and find someone here. work."

"What is he doing digging the river in winter?" Yan Changqing didn't take his uncle's introduction to the winery seriously, it was the first time that his uncle asked for something, so come here!
On the contrary, he was curious if this person had eaten too much to support him. Now that he was going to dig the river, he was also practicing the same skills as himself.

Li Xiujing explained: "The allocated work is to clear the river while the water is scarce. We have to go to several villages over there. I have work to do when I come out. Your grandpa wanted to go, so I asked him to give a few yuan to the team. The money didn't let him go. This acquaintance is still my former classmate, and the relationship is not bad..."

It's apportioned, so there's nothing to say.

These days, it is normal to allocate some work during the slack time. If you are better, you will have a meal at noon, and if you are not particular, you will be asked to bring your own dry food.

However, Yan Changqing suddenly thought of another question: "Then let him come here! How is the injury? Come here and let him have a look."

Li Xiujing didn't know what to say: "It's not him, it's his family. He went to the hospital for a few days, and now he's lying at home! His wife's hands and feet are also quite nimble. A few dollars will save the family from starvation..."

"Come on then." Yan Changqing became even more excited when he heard that he was being raised at home. "I can still take care of it!"

Li Xiujing opened his mouth, completely at a loss for what to say, usually you have nothing to ask someone to help your pulse, and it’s okay to go to a small clinic to see a doctor while you’re in school, but now that he has a broken leg, he can’t survive, how do you feel? What are you so excited about?

Yan Changqing was plausible: "Look at you, you let your wife come, can you feel at ease at home? Besides, someone who has a broken leg has to be taken care of at home. We don't have to be tired of cooking here, and his wife can still take care of him at ordinary times." Take a look at him..."

Makes sense.

Li Xiujing had no choice but to nod, but he was still a little worried: "His leg is wrapped up and put on a plaster cast, so you can't do anything here?"

"Then he can't take medicine?" Yan Changqing explained. "This kind of trauma, the bones are all connected. Now it's nothing more than a slow recovery. I will give him medicine and don't want his money. If he recovers faster, doesn't it prove that my medical skills are better? Besides, what if he If you can’t take good care of it at home, what should you do if your leg hurts when it’s windy and rainy?”

Li Xiujing struggled briefly for three seconds: "Anyway, his leg is injured and he can lie down everywhere, so I'll go and ask, as long as they want to come!"

He originally wanted to ask his nephew for help for a friend, but the two sisters told him not to mind his own business, saying that everyone did this and his nephew's winery couldn't do it.

I also hesitated for a long time, and I didn't want to say that I was going back just now.

After being chased by my nephew and asked about it, I felt very embarrassed when I told it... I always feel that it is embarrassing to beg for help...

Although he didn't say anything now, he was actually very grateful to his nephew. It wasn't just that his nephew agreed to what he asked without even thinking about it from the beginning to the end.

He was even more grateful for his nephew's 'unreliability'. It seemed that his nephew made him feel that he was not so 'embarrassed' when he was embarrassed to ask for help.

Of course, he also knew that his nephew was able to treat people in a small clinic, so he must have nodded his head in the clinic's husband, thinking that his nephew's medical skills were reliable...

(End of this chapter)

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