Chapter 161 What's up

Yan Changqing saw that Jian Hongfei was pouting and wanted to talk, and didn't want the plastic sisterhood between the two to continue to shatter: "She is really doing it for your own good, if you are sure, run away, if you are not sure, you are not caught and beaten for nothing. Yet?"

"Are you injured? You're quite strong. When you get to the village, find a female doctor to show you quickly so you don't get infected."

"I..." Jian Hongfei's eyes turned red, probably remembering the beating, and her voice dropped instantly. "I want to call my dad, do you have a phone here?"

Sure enough, the family conditions are not bad. She is lucky to meet her, otherwise she will stay in that small village in the future!
The bought daughter-in-law is strictly watched by those who spend money. Before the child grows up, she will not be given a chance to run away.Even the villagers will help to watch. If she is not rescued this time, she will not be able to travel far for at least a few years.

Yan Changqing nodded: "It's in the institute, you can call when you arrive. Both of you think about it, what clues can you provide. Maybe a few details can save a few girls like you."

Afraid that the two of them would recall bad memories, he added: "Don't be afraid, they are all finished, even the ones at the back have injured their tendons and hamstrings, and it will be difficult for them to walk and hold chopsticks in the future, but they are gone too. He must be sentenced to death."

"Anyway, don't worry, if you don't believe it, you two will go to the place and kick them a few times to relieve your hatred. Let me tell you, beating bad guys is very enjoyable."

There are other people in the car, all of them are speechless, you are not enjoying yourself, are you still addicted?

But when I think about it again, it seems to be quite relieved.

It is indeed a bit hard to tell the truth these days. Anyway, no one seemed to have much reaction to the death of the two people. From the beginning to the end, including carrying the corpses and throwing them on the car, no one showed any symptoms of vomiting.


As he spoke, he saw a few cars coming in front of him.

Seeing their three cars, the opposite car immediately pulled over and stopped.

The people who came down were known to Wang, and after they set off, the village chief Yang called to ask for support. Now two jeeps and a green truck came, with two rows of armed people sitting on them.

Yan Changqing vaguely heard that there are still people waiting for the notification, and they can call a few more cars at any time.

It just so happened that the confession was basically finished recording. As far as the current news is concerned, these people are not enough, and anyone who is ready can use it.

When she arrived at the institute, Jian Hongfei was not so strong anymore. She picked up the phone and burst into tears. When she dialed the phone and heard the voice from there, she yelled, and Yan Changqing was so scared that she hurried to take notes with Xiong Qishan.

The transcript is nothing, and the process is not complicated. There are mainly two prisoners who accidentally disappeared, so I need to write it down.

But it's not a big deal, the big case comes first, some small things are not worth mentioning.

After the transcript was over, Yan Changqing was ready to go home after seeing that he had nothing to do with himself.

As a result, a tearful girl outside stared at him: "Aren't you taking me to the hospital?"

Yan Changqing pointed at the helpless policeman behind her: "Isn't there someone here? Hurry up, come back and think about it with Mei Lele, maybe you can help lead the way or something. There are so many people are busy..."

"Aren't you a doctor too? Why don't you show me, my legs are all inflamed."

Yan Changqing didn't do it, she just had a good-looking face, and the traffickers were afraid that it would be worthless if she broke it, and she didn't just have injuries on her legs.

But it's also quite admirable. This girl is even afraid of going to school. Now that she has gone through a lot of torture, she is not afraid of injuries all over her body: "Go to the hospital quickly! Look at Mei Lele, she doesn't have as many things as you."

Mei Lele was not happy about being praised, and she was still a little bit entangled: "I also have something to ask for your help, I don't want to go home, I want to find a job here, can you introduce it to me?"

Yan Changqing just wanted to say that it would be good to come to our factory, but then thought, this girl's name doesn't work.

The winery is full of food, this girl's last name is Mei, how unlucky!

After thinking for a while, he pointed to the outside: "There is a labor service company in the town. You should cooperate here to handle the case first. Later, you can ask the director to introduce it to you. Ask if there is anyone there. The work is still light, just use a sewing machine."

The labor service companies are all old-fashioned sewing machines, but the work is really not heavy. After all, many big stars in the future will like to use sewing machines, and there are also overseas Chinese who will travel thousands of miles to use them!
The two girls looked unhappy. Obviously, Yan Changqing, who rescued them in this unfamiliar place, has now become their most trusted person, and they want to find him for everything.

But Yan Changqing really didn't want to take care of it, and even if he wanted to do it, he couldn't do it.

Now it's just that the county has sent people here, but they are reporting up layer by layer, and then they have to coordinate with the surrounding provinces and regions. I don't know how many people are busy with this kind of big case that spans many places. It's not his turn. What are the shrimps doing here?

It's over, brush your clothes and go home!


It was already dinner time when we returned to the village.

Li Xiuni was a little worried: "What did you do again? Some people said that they saw your car together with two cars from the village..."

Yan Changqing was speechless for a while, don't think about anything in this village, not only the wind leaks from all sides, there is no wall at all, okay, as long as there is something, it can be like dandelion seeds, sow with the wind and germinate everywhere.

Xiao Wang also said that Wang Suo made people scare the people in that village on purpose, saying that if the news was exposed, if the gang of human traffickers knew that their companions were caught in their village, if any fish slipped through the net, they would definitely take revenge on their village. Let them not disclose the case to the outside world for the time being.

It’s still a secret, Yan Changqing can think of it, someone must go to that village to inquire about the news, and those who are inquired about may not be able to help it, and when they say it, they must add: "I told you , don't spread the word..."

It is estimated that in two days at most, it can be spread all over the village.

But Yan Changqing felt that he could still keep it secret: "Mom, don't ask, you can't tell others if you ask, and you will feel uncomfortable if you bear it... there is something wrong, you will know later."

If you are unhappy, you will be unhappy, and if you are unhappy, you will cause trouble for me and my dad-this is what Yan Changqing omitted.

Other news about Li Xiuni was spread everywhere, but if Yan Changqing told her about it, and then told her that if she said it, the traffickers might be retaliated against in the future if they were not caught cleanly. For the safety of her son, she would definitely keep it a secret.

But she must be very uncomfortable. For her, her son has done such a great thing, saved two girls, and arrested several human traffickers. If she doesn't go out to show off, she probably won't be able to sleep for many days.

But it's the same now, the more Yan Changqing doesn't let her ask, the more curious she becomes: "What's the big deal? Are you catching bad guys again?"

Fortunately, Yan Changqing has a trump card: "Mom, I may go to the province to perform erhu in a few days. If I'm lucky, I can perform at the provincial TV show. If I'm lucky, I might even be able to perform at the Spring Festival Gala."

"Ah?" Li Xiuni's eyes widened. At this moment, she instantly forgot what happened in the village just now. "Really? Son, don't lie to me, or I will beat you!"

"It's still hard to say." Yan Changqing automatically ignored his mother's threatening words. "There should be some hope. You should bear with it for a while, and then go out and talk about it when things are done. Otherwise, if you don't get selected for our show, you will lose face."

Li Xiuni was very entangled at that time.

Yan Changqing finished the food in his mouth, put down the bowl and left, forget it, my mother won't be able to sleep tonight, so I better run!

After leaving the house, Yan Changqing didn't drive directly, but strolled to the house of Yang Zhili, a five-guarantee household.

The old man likes to sit by the door alone at night without even using a light.

Yan Changqing came over, and the two were familiar with each other. After all, they got along well when teaching Erhu, so he smiled and asked, "Aren't you busy in the factory?"

Yan Changqing smiled: "There is one less gatekeeper at the winery, you go to the gate! Don't worry about anything, just ask someone what they are doing."

"When you go there, it's all the food in the big cafeteria. When it's time to eat, you go to cook. The workers are all busy working, and no one cares about others. If you don't want to deal with them, you can live at the door, okay? "

Yang Zhili chuckled: "I'm old, what are you going to do there? A useless person can't do much if he goes there."

Yan Changqing persuaded again: "If not, you don't need to worry about the gate, you just hang around every day, and you don't need to worry about people with unknown origins, just go to the factory and say hello. Usually you want to live in the winery Just live inside, if you don’t want to live, I will build you a house on the outer wall, and leave a small door for you to eat.”

Yang Zhili was a little silent.

Yan Changqing seldom comes to his place now, and his grandfather usually runs errands to give Yang Zhili something.

Because households with five guarantees have nothing, food and drink are sent by the village in turn.

Now the conditions in the village are better, and people know that he taught Yan Changqing the erhu, and his life has improved a lot.

However, after all, you have to wait for someone to send it.

This time Yan Changqing came here, and his rare attitude was relatively firm, just wanting him to change places, let alone enjoy his old age, anyway, at least eat and drink more comfortably.

In the past, the winery was run by relatives, and there were not many rules in the mess. Now there is a factory manager and manager, and some rules have been established. The workers have also begun to learn to speak the rules, at least not like before. He runs around every day, and he doesn't ask anyone or anything when he sees him.

This can also prevent Yang Zhili from being disturbed too much when he passes by.

Yang Zhili didn't know the situation in the factory, but he still knew Yan Changqing.

After all, Yan Changqing had just been reborn at that time. Apart from his family, he was the one who had more contact with him. He just learned the erhu and was still fresh. He often tried to play new songs. Others didn’t understand, but Yang Zhili still understood, which he had never heard. .

I don't blame Yan Changqing, he knows some famous erhu songs such as Erquan Yingyue, but at the beginning, he couldn't pull them out directly, he could only practice some simpler ones.

It is estimated that Yang Zhili probably thought that Yan Changqing was the kind of person who was born to know him.

At least he knew that Yan Changqing was 'reasonable'. Apart from gifts from his family, he only came here to deliver medicine, and he didn't disturb his life much under the banner of 'for your own good'.

After thinking and thinking, he decided to trust Yan Changqing once, although this decision was not easy - because once he left, he would no longer be a household with the five guarantees elsewhere, he was an "obligation" of Dayan Village, which is not the case in other villages obligation.

Hearing his promise, Yan Changqing said cheerfully: "There is a big wine cellar behind the winery, and a house can be built next to it, and it's quiet there. Turn around and take a look. Anyway, you can point to a place. A house can be built and lived in in eight or ten days.”

After thinking about it, I reminded: "That small forest is the best location, but you'd better not go there. I often practice kung fu there, and the brats often go there too. It's very lively when it's lively."

Yang Zhili smiled: "You don't need to build a house anymore, there is no place where an old man can live in such a big place?"

"That's fine. You can just go and see, wherever you like, except for the houses of the finance department, you can do anything else." Yan Changqing is also agile. The winery is relatively large. Trouble, there are quite a lot of houses built. Anyway, no buildings are built, and it doesn't cost a lot of money.

Things were settled, and he didn't say when to urge the old man to go, so he stood up and left.

(End of this chapter)

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