Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 160 No psychological shadow

Chapter 160 No psychological shadow

Since someone wants to confess, it is necessary to prevent collusion.

Ask someone to drag the last person away, and then start taking notes.

Of course, Yan Changqing didn't stop. Saving people is like putting out a fire. Now is the critical moment when every second counts. A second earlier bandaging may save a life, or even several lives, as well as the families behind these people.

Following the woman's confession, a group of people felt that the sun in May was a bit cold, and it made people feel chills from the bottom of their hearts.

On the contrary, Yan Changqing didn't feel so uncomfortable, and his bandaged hands became more stable.

The four of them came here to explore the road, and only brought two of them here. The reason why they had to wait for someone to collect money when they arrived here was also to establish a good relationship with the villagers, and then it was convenient to inquire about the news, and they could also help introduce them. Business.

Yan Changqing still didn't believe it: "Is there anyone willing to help?"

"Yes, yes!" said the woman. "There used to be a village, and the people in charge of the village helped introduce people!"

It's so outrageous.

The dressing was done soon, Xiao Wang was a little worried, and pulled Yan Changqing: "Boss Yan, Brother Changqing, this trafficker's statement has been recorded, and he will be a witness later..."

"Don't worry, she will definitely be able to make it to the hospital." Yan Changqing understood as soon as he heard it, it was because he didn't trust his medical skills, so he immediately gave a guarantee.

After all, I can't say enough, if they go to the hospital, if their medical skills are not good, then good people can be put to death, let alone such serious injuries, anyway, he tried his best, and he can't blame himself for the accident.

Thinking in his heart, he walked towards the last wounded man, this is the boss of the small gang, he must be cured, he must know more news.


Passing by the two who were treated first, Yan Changqing sighed inwardly: "Brother Wang, my medical skills are still a bit poor, you arrange someone to find two broken mats and wrap them up!"

Then he came to the boss. Instead of treating the wound first, he asked, "Where's my money? My daughter-in-law seems to be running away. You have to pay me back the money."

The two girls over there saw three cars approaching, and some of the people who got off were in uniforms. They finally understood that they were not bought to warm their quilts, but were rescued.

At that time, the girl with big braids had a strange expression, while the other high school student behaved much more normally, hugging the girl with big braids, crying with a lot of tears and snot.

There were few people in the institute, except for an aunt who was in charge of the household registration, there were no other women, and at that time, I only wanted to rescue people first, and I couldn't think about anything else.

It's all right now, seeing one of them standing stupidly and the other crying, Director Wang didn't do anything, so he had to arrange someone to watch over her.

After the fairer girl finished crying, she was in the mood to look around. In the end, she saw Dr. Yan treating the wound. She only took a few glances, but didn't dare to look any further. After all, the little girl was afraid of blood.

Their greatest courage was to chat with the people arranged by the king.

Then I knew, the two who 'bought' them were not serious people, but they were serious people, and the one who looked silly and ugly was still a regular worker!
The other one is actually a doctor in the institute. You can tell from the fact that he is treating injuries. Regardless of his young age, he is actually a good doctor.

This was discussed between Wang Suo and Yan Changqing. Yan Changqing needs to be given a name, saying that he is a doctor specially invited by the institute to save people, otherwise it would be difficult for him to participate in the beginning.

Unexpectedly, at such a young age, he is actually a doctor, which is amazing.

It's just that before the two girls showed admiration, they saw someone over there, carrying a broken mat, and went to rape someone!


Yan Changqing got back his money and successfully treated the boss of the gang.

The effect is quite good.

So Yan Changqing was very dissatisfied. As far as our medical skills are concerned, let’s just give me a [-]th or [-]th level, not even a [-]rd or [-]th level. After today’s treatment, I don’t know how many lives have been saved. How many families were indirectly saved, but the proficiency didn't move much, and it was a waste of hard work for a long time.

After the confession is recorded, this matter cannot wait. Everyone is ready to go back to town immediately.

There are not enough seats in the car, so in the end, only some people can stay, walk back slowly, wait until they get off the car and drop them off in the town, and let someone pick them up again.

As for the young man who tried to snatch his wife with Yan Changqing, and the group of people who spoke for him, none of them ran away, and they all registered their names and ID numbers, and then walked to the prison, telling them that they would issue arrest warrants if they dared to run away. .

Then the temporary worker guarding the two girls ran over to report the situation to the director.

So not long after, Yan Changqing received a request from Wang Suo: "You were the first to meet those two girls, and your image is better than Qishan. Can you do me a favor? On the way back, you can talk to those two girls by the way." The girl is trying to figure it out? Pay attention to the girl with big braids, she is a bit abnormal."

It's troublesome without female staff.

So when Yan Changqing was driving, he warmly greeted the two girls: "Both of you get in my car! There are dead people in the car over there, and prisoners in the other car. I'll be cleaner."

When the two girls heard his greeting, they came over timidly, then hesitated for a while, took the co-pilot in a fairer way, and went to the back row with braided hair.

After the car started, Yan Changqing smiled: "Speaking of which, I still don't know where you two are from, and what are your names?"

The two girls looked at him timidly, and no one answered for a long time.

Yan Changqing was overjoyed: "Why are you still afraid of me, right? It's just that two unscrupulous human traffickers have died. They don't know how many girls like you have been cheated. Maybe they have more than one or two lives in their hands. Now that they are dead, you should be happy."

"I'm not afraid!" The girl in the co-pilot stared. "My name is Jian Hongfei, and I'm from Shizhi City."

Yan Changqing nodded: "How old are you? Why did you get cheated? You don't look like a fool!"

Jian Hongfei probably wanted to refute, but in the end she honestly lowered her head: "This year is fifteen, and I'm in the first year of high school. I don't want to go to school, I want to work to earn money, but I was cheated by a woman."

Yan Changqing was actually a little strange: "I think your family conditions are good, right? Why don't you want to go to school even if you know how to wear a seat belt in the car? Going to school is so good, you see that you are more than 2000 yuan more expensive than her who doesn't go to school! "

These days, if you know how to wear a seat belt in a car, your family conditions are probably not too bad.

The expression on Jian Hongfei's face was a bit exciting, how could anyone even mention this when the hostage was just rescued?

Yan Changqing didn't mind, and asked the one behind: "Hey, the one behind, what's your name and how old are you? Who is it? How did you get cheated?"

The big braid hesitated for a moment, then looked at Yan Changqing who was driving, and then said: "My name is Mei Lele, and I am seventeen. I also went to school, but only in the second grade. It's up. I'm not being cheated, my family wants to find a wife for my brother, so I came out voluntarily."

Xiao Wang, who kept writing notes behind, understood, and finally knew why the girl was rescued and was not excited.

He quickly wrote in the notebook, and it was quite difficult for him. The dirt road in the country was bumpy, but he could still write.

Yan Changqing didn't know what to say, was he sold voluntarily?

The word voluntary, after all, people who have been working all their lives, he immediately thought of countless voluntary, those who voluntarily worked overtime, those who voluntarily cut their salaries, those who voluntarily gave up vacations, and those who voluntarily posted company advertisements in Moments every day...

He reckoned that Merle could accept being sold, but he should be the same as him, not willing to mention the voluntary, so he smiled and said: "You also went to school? Then why don't you say you Literacy, look at her, she has studied a few years more than you, and she is more than 2000 yuan more expensive than you!"

It was intentional, Mei Lele deliberately mentioned that she had gone to school, she must have felt dissatisfied in her heart, why should she be cheaper than others?

Sure enough, Mei Lele looked a little unhappy: "They said that I don't know much about literacy, and that I'm too rustic!"

It can be seen that this is actually a girl with a big heart.Although Yan Changqing didn't hear her answer where he was from, he had already heard it, sister Sichuan!
Knowing that she didn't like to mention the family, Yan Changqing didn't ask any more questions, but said: "Then what are you going to do now? It is illegal for your family to sell you, even if you do it voluntarily. Turn them back You will still be punished."

Merle suddenly became entangled: "I really voluntarily, so what can you do to keep them from being punished?"

Yan Changqing gave an idea: "Didn't you do it voluntarily? Those traffickers must be more at ease with you. You know a lot about them. Tell me. This is to actively cooperate with the case to provide clues. Maybe you behaved well. Your family will not be punished."

Jian Hongfei next to her couldn't help but glance at Yan Changqing. Even though she was two years younger than Meilele, she had a different life experience. Anyway, she felt that she could see that Yan Changqing was lying to Big Braid.

In the case of Mei Lele, at most, when sending her home, the local policemen will follow her to educate her family, and there will be basically no punishment.

Yan Changqing was afraid that the two traffickers had concealed what they had confessed, and felt that the traffickers would not guard her much against Meilele's behavior, and there might be some clues.

Merle began to frown and think: "I don't know a few people, so I just followed them, took the train, and then took the car. They still wanted me to help them deceive people. I said I Can't do it..."

Yan Changqing didn't move anymore, she really deserved to be the girl who can reassure the traffickers, let a professional person guide her and ask questions later!

Jian Hongfei in front turned her head and was a little annoyed: "No wonder you told me not to run away, so you are with them."

I was still hugging and crying just now, this plastic sisterhood!

"I'm not with them. I saw that the people they brought, those who ran away were beaten, and some were beaten so hard that their legs were all discounted. That's why I persuaded you." Melele argued. "If you hadn't read the book and sold it for a lot of money, maybe your leg was broken too."

It's okay, these two people are doing well, and they don't seem to have left any psychological shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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