Chapter 159 Bandaging
In fact, until Yan Changqing was relieved, many villagers were still ignorant.

Things happened too fast, from the time when all the dealers fell to the ground when they raised their hands and threw the darts, it took only a blink of an eye.

According to the speed at which Yan Changqing raised his hand and threw the dart, normal people couldn't see anything, at most they could feel a blur before their eyes.

It’s not an exaggeration. Apart from hidden weapon skills, many skills can improve hand speed and flexibility, such as erhu, chopsticks are needed for eating, and calligraphy and painting...

In short, his current hand speed is very fast and happy!
Not to mention that it is difficult for people who are not mentally prepared to react, even Xiong Qishan knew in advance that he was going to do something, and he only realized what he should do when he walked up to the fallen human trafficker and saw him kick the gun away.

When the villagers reacted, a lot of blood was bleeding next to the few people lying on the ground, and with the darts stuck on their bodies, it was frightening to see.

The darts are still simple. The steel factory finds a steel plate and cuts it into a long and thin rhombus. The front is polished, and a hole is punched in the back. It was originally prepared for performance, but a small hole is drilled in the back for the sake of looking good. Cut the red cloth.

Now, like small flags, they are trembling on several people on the ground.

The first instinct of the villagers who reacted was to run, but a little evil star yelled just now, and anyone who ran to kill him would not dare to leave.

Now Yan Changqing is relieved, looked up at these people, raised his hand and pointed: "You guys, you were all awesome just now, right? You go to the wheat field over there and wait. Others want to watch the fun Just don't go, if you want to go, hurry up, close the door when you go home, and whoever comes out be careful not to go back."

A lot of hula la people ran away, and now they are not united, and they don't have the momentum of the booing just now.

The rest are all grimaces, and the young guy is even more stupid, looking left and right, but he still hasn't figured out the situation: "You have already snatched the daughter-in-law, why are you embarrassing us?"

"Go to the threshing field!" Yan Changqing pointed at him with a dart in his hand.

I get angry when I see this guy, Ma Dan, who dares to rob me of my daughter-in-law... no, dare to delay my rescue, right?When you turn around, you will be punished for an attempt to buy and sell people, and you will be locked up for a few days.

Does anyone dare to object?Really no one.

He had more than one dart in his hand, besides, Xiong Qishan was holding a weapon in his hand!
The layout of the nearby villages is similar. The threshing grounds are usually at the entrance of the village, right next to it, and a group of people go there slowly.

Yan Changqing glanced at them, then at Xiong Qishan: "How about firing a shot and sending people over quickly?"

We are still waiting for their news over there, but they haven’t gone back yet, and I don’t know how anxious they are—I want to come to support, I am afraid that they will happen to be with the traffickers, and they will alarm the traffickers and bring them danger. What happened to the two of them.

Xiong Qishan was agile, raised his hand and pointed at the ditch next to him, boom!
It was loud enough that people should come over soon.

Then Yan Changqing turned around and said to the two stupid girls: "Don't be afraid, I think they want to extort money from us, and they beat them when they had no choice."

I can't even believe this.

But these two girls are a little confused, now they don't know when they are next to each other, their hands are pulled together, they are so tight that they are probably encouraging each other in their hearts!

Yan Changqing looked down, picked up the remaining shotgun, and found that it was no different from an earthen gun, except that the pipe was sawn shorter, and it seemed that the manufacturing process was better.

He also pointed at the ditch, boom!

Try it out and see how it feels.

That's it, nothing more than shaking his arm and throwing it aside casually.

Then he kindly reminded the people on the ground: "You better not move around, the place where the dart is pierced may not be right, if a large blood vessel is moved, you just wait for the blood loss to die!"

The three men knew that they were stumped, and now they gradually came back to their senses, and began to become more rigid, and the boss wanted to try to sit up.

There was another one who was talking, with blood on his limbs and cold sweat on his head, and he said that the green mountains do not change the green waters, and everything is from the rivers and lakes, Yan Changqing ignored it.

That woman couldn't do it, she just cried and yelled, and begged for her wounds to be healed.

I can't see the joy of selling someone for some money just now.


In just a few words, the people in the threshing field were still in shock, when they saw three cars driving towards them.

The car drove through the threshing field and entered the village in one breath. Before it stopped, three people with autocratic tools got off first, and then a large group of people followed.

Director Wang rushed to the two people at the scene and asked, "Have you got the situation under control? No one else?"

Xiong Qishan hurriedly reported: "The four traffickers and the two trafficked girls are all here. The gun was fired just now to notify you to come, we can't leave."

At that time, Wang Suo was a little frustrated: "That one shot is enough, why shoot two? You scared me out of a heart attack!"

It wasn't just him who was exasperated, everyone had similar expressions.

A shot was fired, and everyone heard the sound vaguely. At that time, they were very anxious, and immediately got in the car and ran here.

But I'm still a little bit hopeful, thinking that maybe a little accident happened, and the two of them should be fine...

As a result, not far away, there was another sound.

Didn't they just enter the village with two people?

The driver almost drove the car into a ditch, and wanted to fly the car.

Some people's eyes began to turn red when they became emotional.

In the end, they came here, and the two of them stood there well, are you angry?

That is to say, the business is important now, otherwise everyone wants to beat someone!

Yan Changqing was the culprit of the second shot, and he fired it without thinking too much.

Now that I think about it, I know how much psychological shadow it has caused to this group of people.

A little guilty, so I changed the subject: "Wang Suo, we just arrived at the entrance of the village, and there are sentries here. It was the original buyers and their relatives and friends who stopped us from leaving..."

Wang Suo immediately understood, nodded, and pointed casually: "Xiao Li, take a few people over to make notes for them one by one, and then take the leaders back to take ideological classes. Go over a few more and find the village cadres. Come out and let me know, the news is forbidden to spread outside."

Yan Changqing said that this decision is very good, so he said: "The four traffickers are all injured, and it is too late to go back to the hospital. I have bandages on them. Let's give them a simple bandage first! That, Brother Xiong, Brother Xiao Wang, You also come to help. By the way, the time is urgent, why don't you make a note for them while I am bandaging?"

Brother Xiao Wang immediately looked at Wang Suo, and saw that he had a stiff face, as if he was thinking about something important, so he trotted into the car to get his things.


In a blink of an eye, all four of them were dragged together.

Yan Changqing looked at it: "This one is bleeding a lot, bandage this one first."

As he spoke, he took out a bandage, a small bottle of medicine powder, and even a needle and thread.

Then he pulled that person, who should be the one with two guns who came out of the house last.

The man watched Yan Changqing approaching, his eyes spit fire, wishing he could stretch out his head and bite him to death.

It should be a ruthless person, because the boss and the other both made moves just now, this guy just started humming a few times, and then he kept holding back, and wanted to make small moves, but unfortunately he didn't have the chance.

But Yan Changqing was so careful, he turned over directly for him, grabbed an arm and pulled out the dart, and under the eyes of Xiong Qishan Xiaowang and the others who hesitated to speak, he took the gauze and wrapped it around it.

While entangled, he asked: "Brother, do you have anything to explain? How many people are you in a gang, and how many small teams are there nearby? How many other girls have been tricked by you?"

Still silent.

Yan Changqing chuckled: "You're still a ruthless person, do you still want to take revenge or something... Okay, this arm is healed, let's change to another one."

Twist that arm around, pull out the dart, I don't know why, the one that was pulled out just now didn't have much blood, but the one that was pulled out followed by bleeding.

Yan Changqing was taken aback: "It's broken, it hurts the main blood vessel, I'm afraid it's too late to send it to the county. I'll bandage it first, brother, bear with it, and press it yourself later, it's up to you whether you can hold it The will to survive, anyway, I heard that people who don't like to talk have a strong will."

After wrapping it up, I went to look at my leg again, but just as I pulled out the dart, I exclaimed again: "It's broken, this one hurt an artery..."


The first person was bandaged, but the effect was not very good, and Yan Changqing could only hope that he had a stronger will to survive.

When he came to the second person, this was the one who said that Qingshan would not change. Yan Changqing bandaged him and asked, "Brother, what do you need to explain..."

He repeated what he said just now.

This time the performance is better: "There are only a few of us, there is really no one else. We are not abducted and trafficked. We are all relatives whose children can't live. Let us help find someone else..."

Yan Changqing nodded: "Oh, that's it, I believe it. Let me take a look at the leg. Oh, it seems to have hurt the main artery. Brother, you can also ask for blessings!"

The man panicked at the time. The man next to him was waiting to bandage his limbs. Now his face was pale and his lips were white. He had obviously lost too much blood and was almost out of breath. He didn't really want that.

"There is really no gang, there are only a few of us, and, there is another one, there is one, in the town..."

Yan Changqing pulled out the dart: "You are lucky, this one is a little bit away from the main artery. Well, the specific address, I can tell it myself, I didn't see that the record is being made here!"

After the bandage was finished, the man said everything about the address, and Yan Changqing asked again: "Is there any more? It's gone? Well then... Hey, you're out of luck, this will hurt your vitals. Don't worry, I will Bandage it up for you, maybe you can hold on for a while..."


Yan Changqing was actually quite nauseated in his heart, feeling that his intestines, stomach and throat were rebelling, not only that, his whole body was rebelling.

I have a golden finger after being reborn, and I haven't had a cold yet, and I can't tell where I feel uncomfortable. Anyway, I feel uncomfortable, extremely uncomfortable.

The blood stains on the ground ranged from bright red to dark, and the mud and blood stained several people, thinking that this was done by their own hands, he was a little... wanting the Virgin Mary watch!
Forget it, let's go!

We are not the kind of people who give up halfway.

Finally, he bandaged the second one. This person said some information just now, and it was all recorded in the transcript.

But he was too emotional, and his condition is not very good now.

Finally it was the third person's turn, and this time it was time to bandage the female trafficker, because she kept crying and screaming, it was too noisy.

Before Yan Changqing could make a move, the woman fell silent, gritted her teeth, and tried to move away.

Yan Changqing hurriedly pulled her back: "Auntie, don't move, be careful to move to the critical point. Hold on tight, I'll show you first. Don't be afraid, I'm a serious doctor in the clinic, and I have saved patients like you before. Those who were injured are all well..."

The woman didn't wait for him to finish, and suddenly yelled heart-piercingly: "I confess, Zhengfu, I confess..."

The voice was loud and hysterical, Yan Changqing was already uncomfortable, and was almost startled by the voice.

(End of this chapter)

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