Chapter 158
After leaving the gate of this farmer's house, Yan Changqing still sighed in his heart, no wonder people are so rampant now, love is so easy!

However, he looked around and found that some villagers had already appeared, and he couldn't help raising his vigilance.

To be honest, he is not afraid of anything. Most people with weapons, as long as they are within his range, can't raise their hands as fast as him.But he can't do it if he still has people with him, so he should leave the village first, and then he can talk about everything.

Seeing that the two traffickers behind were still sending them out, he said to them with a smile on his face: "Auntie, thank you! Is there anyone here? Our village used to be poor, but now we have money in business." , if there is someone, send it to us!"

The female businessman said cheerfully, "Okay, if you want more people, you just need to pay."

Yan Changqing smiled: "Then I'm leaving, auntie, there's no need to send it off."

As a result, as soon as he turned his head, a person suddenly rushed out from the side, blocking the way and shouting: "You can't go, this daughter-in-law promised to give it to me, why did you take it away?"

Yan Changqing cursed secretly, but if he was asked to take a few more steps and stay away from this side so that the two girls could run first, he would kick them over.

But now he still has to keep his personality, he raised his head and said, "Whoever agreed to go find someone, the one I just spent money on is my daughter-in-law. Daughter-in-law, don't talk to him, just go with me."

"No! Auntie and I have agreed, why should we sell it to them? My father has gone to borrow money. When it is black, the money will be enough." The person blocking the way is not very old, at most eighteen or nineteen years old, Stubborn neck is to block the way and not let go.

Yan Changqing was very angry: "We bought it, why don't you let us go?"

"I won't let you go. This is my favorite daughter-in-law." The young man probably felt that he was outnumbered, so he took two steps forward. "Leave the people and you go..."

Yan Changqing glanced at the time, then looked at the people around, and then said to the female businessman: "Auntie, tell me, what's wrong with this? I gave you money..."

The female businessman said to the boy: "Young man, don't worry, we will send you another one in a few days, and I promise it will still be as beautiful as a flower, and it will not be worse than this one. This man has indeed paid for it just now..."

"That's not right, I want this." The young man poked his neck and turned his head after speaking. "Uncle, Second Uncle, Third Uncle, come here! They want to take your nephew and daughter-in-law away, don't you care?"

The few people who were standing not far behind him immediately surrounded him again.

Immediately, another person said: "It's all agreed, my elder brother has gone to find money, how can you keep your words, this matter is not honest, we don't agree."

"That's right, that's right, it's unreasonable, and we don't agree." Others also echoed.

The female trafficker nodded her head: "They gave you a lot of money, and it's not that they don't have any more. They will be delivered to you in a few days. You let them go first, let's talk slowly."

"I can't go. If we collect so much money, isn't our work in vain? Who knows if you will come or not?"

"Yes, let them all wait. The price we agreed on, I will give you the money when it arrives, and you keep the person."

"If they have money, you can find better ones for them."

The crowd gathered more and more, some people were talking nonsense, and some were saying something logical, but it was messy, and when there were more people, they felt that they had gained momentum, and their momentum rose.

Xiong Qishan was a little flustered, mainly because the two girls hadn't been sent out, so he was also a little worried.

Yan Changqing was not that panicked, he looked at the surrounding crowd, and pulled his 'wife' closer to Xiong Qishan: "Brother, don't be afraid, I'm here. Something will happen later, look out for us daughter-in-law."


Seeing that there are more and more people around, the female trafficker is also anxious: "I told you, I will bring people here in a few days. Now they have paid you, and they have been waiting for you for more than a day. You don't have enough money. We will return it to you." You can't do business, can you?"

The leading young man refused to accept it: "Then we agreed to wait until it gets dark today, and we will be short of money. I will definitely be able to make up enough for you. If you let someone take him away, what should I do? I just like this Nier, I don't want anything else."

The female trafficker continued to defend, and the others continued to yell, and the scene became a little lively for a while, and more and more people gathered around.

Yan Changqing and Xiong Qishan were ignored here, mainly because they were also surrounded by the crowd, and the road over there was blocked, so people were not afraid of them leaving.

Yan Changqing still had the intention to comfort others: "Daughter-in-law, don't be afraid, these are all small scenes. My brother and I have seen bigger scenes before."

Xiong Qishan didn't know whether he should continue to maintain the character design, so he smiled at his 'wife': "Daughter-in-law, don't be afraid!"

As a result, the young man saw their small movements, probably because he felt a green light on his head, and shouted viciously: "You two let go of the man, who asked you to hold him?"

Yan Changqing didn't let go of the man, a little aggrieved: "The daughter-in-law I bought with money, why can't I hold hands. Ye's family's money was collected, and mine didn't come from a strong wind. You just ask Auntie Isn't it, the big deal is to let her bring another one for you, and you have to grab something from me, we are all from the same village..."

The young man was furious and wanted to continue to attack him, but he listened to a word from a fellow villager, so he turned his head and said, "Auntie, if you don't win, return the money to them, and our money will arrive soon... ..."

The female trafficker talked with these people for a long time, asking her to refund the money, but she was resolutely unwilling, so she had to turn her head and look at the male trafficker behind.

The male dealer stood up and said, "I've told you all the truth. After waiting for you for a day, the money hasn't come yet. What's wrong with us selling it to others? You want to bully us because we are from other places. We have traveled all over the world, and it's not like we haven't seen blood before. "

After speaking, he shouted towards the small courtyard: "Everyone in the house comes out, something has happened!"

His voice made the crowd quiet for a moment.

Then two people ran out from inside, both carrying short-barreled shotguns, and one guy was still shooting with one hand.

After coming over without making a sound, the man with the two poles handed one of the poles to the male dealer, and then stood behind him, together with another person, looking around.

The male dealer took the shotgun, but his tone became less aggressive: "I told you, I will bring someone here in a few days, and you can wait if you like. We are not people who don't count their words. Besides, we have money to earn money." , who won't come? Let's make room... ah..."


Yan Changqing breathed a sigh of relief after those two people showed up.

In the house just now, he acted so hard, what he was afraid of was that these guys had weapons.

The room is too small, if there is an accident, even if he can hide it, I'm afraid Xiong Qishan won't be able to hide it, and the two girls won't be able to hide it either.

It's all right now, you can go out and do things.

Just as the male dealer was picking up the shotgun and talking, he pushed the girl in his hand to Xiong Qishan's side: "Brother Xiong, take care of me, I'll do it!"

As he spoke, he took out a pack of darts from his schoolbag and got a pack of darts in his hand. Then he stepped forward and a dart flew out.

The male trafficker let out a scream, and dropped the shotgun in his hand to the ground.

While he was screaming, another dart came over, and the two people next to him also stuck a dart in their hands, and dropped their weapons in one fell swoop.

Then it was another dart, which directly landed on the shoulder of the dazed female businessman.

Another slap, on the screaming male dealer, another slap, one of the two followers screamed in pain, and there was an extra hand on the hand that was covering his hand.

Then there was another, another, and another...

The scene suddenly quieted down.

Then people panicked.

Yan Changqing held up the dart and yelled: "Who the hell move, I'll kill him!"

While speaking, he raised his hand again, and gave another one to the leading male trader. It was all tied up heavily, and everyone else had one on each limb, and he had two on one arm.

Then Yan Changqing arrived beside them in two strides.

These four people are now humming, and some are screaming when they can't bear it, especially the woman, who is screaming like a dead parent-it's understandable, after all, the limbs have been pierced with a few iron guys, and they are still stuck. Deep, most people feel terrified when they look at it.

But Yan Changqing was not sympathetic, and quickly kicked the three shotguns that fell on the ground together.

Then he shouted at the crowd: "It's the people from your village standing over there, who else is from outside, quickly identify them, or we will kill you all together!"

Xiong Qishan had already pulled the two girls over and ran over, and then ignored them, bent down and picked up two shotguns, and held them up one by one, "Identify whoever is with them."

Yan Changqing saw that people were in a panic, and grabbed the young man who thought he was so green: "Why are you here, didn't you just look awesome? Tell me, who is with them? Don't say I will kill you ..."

With a bang kick, the woman under his feet groaned, which made the boy tremble with fright: ", we've seen these few when we came here..."

Yan Changqing didn't believe it, he grabbed the woman on the ground who wanted to stay away from him, stepped on it, grabbed a handful of darts, and stabbed them at the shoulder: "Say, is there anyone else in your accomplice?"

Xiong Qishan was not idle either, he swept around with two sticks, pointed at a few people on the ground, and asked the two girls next to him: "You two know how many of them are here?"

These two girls are stupid!

In fact, the surrounding villagers were also dumbfounded. They didn't know what was going on, and the scene suddenly became bloody.

Yan Changqing did hear it, he was spinning the dart in circles, and the woman who was spinning could only scream, with a lot of snot and tears, and didn't even bother to answer him.

Inspired by Xiong Qishan, he quickly raised his head: "Hey, you two, who knows how many of them came this time?"

As a result, the braided girl saw him looking up, and swished to hide behind Xiong Qishan.

Yan Changqing was also helpless, at least there was someone who didn't hide: "Hurry up, is there anyone? Daughter-in-law, tell me?"

That fairer girl didn't react as quickly as the braided girl, her eyes were staring blankly now, when she was called daughter-in-law, her body trembled, but she came back to her senses and said subconsciously: "Just the four of them It's..."

Only these few are fine.

Yan Changqing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

 Thanks to the book friend "08a" for the reward, and thank you to all the book friends who subscribed and supported, thank you for your support!

  Still four changes, continue to ask for monthly tickets, so that we can still draw prizes this month, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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