Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 157 Buying a Daughter-in-law

Chapter 157 Buying a Daughter-in-law

The plan was like this. First, a regular worker named Xiong Qishan would bring Yan Changqing in together, and first check to see if the group of people was still there and whose house they were in.

Why not let Xiao Wang and Xiao Li, who are usually more clever, lead the team, because now there is no need to look too clever.

As the name suggests, Xiong Qishan is not only like his surname in body, but also in appearance, but he is not the kind of vicious person, but the kind who is a little too simple and honest.

Then change him into a ragged dress, sprinkle a little gray on his hair and mess it up, as long as he doesn't show his expression, just looking at the surface, this is a man in the countryside who doesn't have a million-dollar household, and it's impossible to find a wife people.

Yan Changqing was in charge of playing his younger brother, bringing his silly brother to find out if he could get a wife.

The main reason is that the person who is in charge is a half-sized boy, which can reduce people's defensive psychology.

Yan Changqing, who became an actor for the first time, was quite happy. His humble acting skills finally came in handy.

Xiong Qishan doesn't need to act, usually he knows what his image looks like, but let him play such a role, and deliberately pretend to be too much, even though it is difficult for him to be happy for the sake of the task, it just so happens that a mournful face is quite appropriate.

A few cars stopped in a place that was as concealed as possible. Although it was not too concealed, it was only a short time after noon. It was 02:30 in the countryside, and there were not many active people outside for the time being.

However, Yan Changqing and Xiong Qishan's task time is a little tighter, they should hurry up, don't get the news, and someone will find out here.

The two of them started trotting all the way, and when they were about to reach the place, Yan Changqing pulled the loose clothes he had put on on purpose, other people's clothes smelled of sweat, but for such an exciting thing, the small problem can be overcome .

Then he rubbed his curly hair, rubbed it on his face twice, lifted his bulging satchel, raised his chest and headed up, and entered the village.


Seeing someone within two steps, Yan Changqing's heart suddenly felt broken, this person is not like a villager, maybe it is a human trafficker who is on guard.

But at this moment, it was too late to turn around, let alone discuss with Xiong Qishan, so he could only bite the bullet.

Thinking about it in his mind, he has already asked people carelessly: "Auntie, I heard that there are people who sell daughter-in-laws here, so I'll bring my brother here to see, where is there someone who sells daughter-in-laws?"

He doesn't look very smart at first glance, but he is better than the stupid big guy behind.

Just as he thought, he asked the right person right away. The auntie glanced at the images of the two of them and was a little suspicious, not their identities. Out of doubt.

What she doubted was: "If you have money, come and buy a daughter-in-law. A daughter-in-law can cost thousands of dollars!"

You are bragging, the original price is not this.

In other words, a few thousand yuan doesn't seem to be expensive. Is the golden girl so worthless these days?
Think about some people in the future, 18 packs of fast food, [-] per night, [-] dowry gifts, this price is a conscience price!
If he didn't break the law, Yan Changqing wanted to buy a few first, so he could help him take care of his wife when he got home, wouldn't he?

He smiled proudly: "Who says I have no money, my father is out to run a business, and the rich one is very rich. If there is a good-looking one, I would like to buy one for myself!"

He is also about 1.6 meters now, and he usually has too many things to do. Although he still has a baby face, he actually looks older than his actual age.

Hearing what he said, the aunt looked around, and then stared at the 'brothers' carefully: "Where did you two come from?"

A little impatient expression appeared on Yan Changqing's face: "We are from Changliu Village, what's wrong? If I have money, can he sell it to me? Do you know where there is a daughter-in-law for sale? I don't know. Let me ask." Someone else went."

The auntie stared at him again, and there should be nothing wrong, so she asked, "Have you brought any money? How many thousand dollars can a child of your family take with you?"

Yan Changqing looked proud: "My mother can't come out, my father is not at home, I am the head of the house. don't care if I bring it or not, anyway, I want to buy a wife for my brother, and I will also buy one for me, hehe !"

The aunt finally believed it, and nodded: "That's fine, you wait, I'll call someone to come over and show you."

Yan Changqing was probably a little impatient because he almost slipped the tongue just now: "Wait a minute, I can't wait to see my wife without seeing my brother. Don't bully us from other villages, tell me, my brother can beat her." Very soon, he dared to bite any dog ​​in the village when he went crazy."

Xiong Qishan was so galled that he had to smile smirkly, gnashing his teeth and pretending to be very happy, as if hearing his younger brother mention his "brilliant deeds" was a very happy thing.

The aunt was startled, but she couldn't see that this fool was still a ruthless person, even a dog would dare to bite him.

She felt that there should be no problem, so she stood up and glanced around in the distance, and then said: "Okay, you two come with me! It's next to this one. I'll talk about the price after looking at it. I'll tell you , don’t think the price is expensive, they are all big girls with yellow flowers, and there is one who can read and write, not those country girls.”

Yan Changqing was really happy this time: "It's not a good woman, so I won't buy it for my brother!"

Fortunately, I didn't drive in directly. There are guards at the entrance of the village, which is really vigilant.

But such an organized group doesn't look like a small gang!


Turning around and entering a small courtyard, there was an old lady sitting in the courtyard.

The woman brought Yan Changqing in, smiled at the old lady, and went straight into the low main room without saying a word.

Inside are the furnishings of a normal rural poor family, a broken wooden table and a few chairs.

Probably because of the noise, a man came out from Westinghouse, and asked, "Why did you bring him here? Is it from this village?"

The aunt replied: "What village did they come from? They brought money here. Let them see him."

He was winking as he spoke, somewhat implying that these two people were "stupid and rich". The man looked at the two of them carefully and thought for a while: "Then come in and have a look, it's in the room!"

Yan Changqing saw that he was referring to the east room, heard the movement from the west room behind him, thought for a while, and then pulled Xiong Qishan impatiently: "Brother, let me show you my wife."

Xiong Qishan was quite cooperative, showing a smirk: "Hey, look at my wife..."

It's just that the acting skills are not good, and there is no drooling.

But Yan Changqing didn't care about this either, he opened the door curtain that half of the broken mat acted as, went in and saw two girls inside.

A girl with dark skin and big braids has big eyes and thick eyebrows; the other girl with ponytails is fairer, looks good in clothes, and is also a good-looking person. I don’t know how she was tricked.

The two of them seem to be very young, and it is estimated that if they go to school, they will be in high school.

The two people's feet were still tied with ropes, and the girl with the big braids was sitting still, she just lowered her head when she saw someone coming.

The other eye was red and swollen, and now she was wearing thin clothes, and there were still some red marks on her body. When she saw someone coming in, she looked up.

As a result, when they saw these two guys coming in, the light in their eyes suddenly disappeared, and they lowered their heads and did not move.


Yan Changqing looked at it, and said to Xiong Qishan: "Brother, which one do you like? This one is not good. My grandma said that I will find you a child who can give birth and work for the family. I think that one is good..."

Xiong Qishan was in a hurry, he couldn't show it yet, so he could only continue to act as his character: "Hey, wife..."

Yan Changqing glanced at the two people who led them in, and said arrogantly: "I want both, and the one who can't work will be my daughter-in-law. I can do it, so I don't need her to work. How much is it?"

The aunt laughed immediately when she heard the words: "You have a good eye, you know how to keep the good ones for yourself. This is a high school student, at least five thousand, do you want more? Two thousand is fine."

Sure, this is just sitting on the ground and starting the price.

Yan Changqing had already asked, but the woman who reported the letter said the price was not so high.

However, his current character setting cannot be broken, and there are still people in the West Room. He heard some movement inside just now, but he wasn't sure who it was or if he brought anyone with him, so he planned to "buy" and leave first.

So he raised his head and bargained: "It wasn't so high before. My daughter-in-law will give you three thousand, and my sister-in-law will give you one thousand and five. I'll pay you now."

Xiong Qishan wanted to hit this guy, but you are too fast, even the wife and sister-in-law called for it.

The two of them were actually having a good time, the woman smiled and said, "I can't see that you are still impatient, but it's really not good, big brother, at least four thousand and five, and your sister-in-law will give you two hundred less at most, no matter how low it is, it's not enough for us to go back Travel expenses."

Yan Changqing struggled for a moment: "Is there another two hundred lines missing?"

The woman and the man looked at each other and nodded: "Okay, listen to the elder brother, you can do as you say. It is not easy to make a marriage, and the aunt first wishes you brothers a happy wedding!"

Yan Changqing immediately picked up the bag happily, and without letting the two of them see it, he turned around, touched it for a while, took out a wad of money, and started counting.

He was still muttering and counting, and finally separated the money, saying in his mouth: "[-] plus [-] is [-], minus [-] is [-]... That, can you give me another change, can't you?" ? I have no travel expenses to go home..."

The woman couldn't help laughing again: "Don't you still have so many? Besides, I see you are walking here, isn't it far from here? Is it worth the travel expenses?"

The man was a little skeptical when he saw the kid take out a wad of money with a swipe, but now he also smiled, looking at the money in Yan Changqing's hands, he smiled happily.

Yan Changqing pretended to be confused for a while, and handed over the money: "Give it up, the wife is mine now!"

He greeted Xiong Qishan while talking: "Brother, that will be my sister-in-law from now on, and this one belongs to me. Hurry up and untie the rope, why did you tie it up to my wife!"

Mumbling, he untied the rope and found that it was a dead button. The woman next to him who had collected the money gave the money to the man next to him, and took out a pair of small scissors: "Here, use these."

Three times, five times, two times tore off the rope for the two of them, Yan Changqing pulled the girl with red and swollen eyes with a smile on her face, and she was so happy that she couldn't find Bei's happy look.

The girl still struggled for a while, but there was someone staring at her, and she couldn't match Yan Changqing's strength, so she was pulled up directly.

After standing up, the girl struggled a few more times, but she didn't break free, probably resigned to her fate, and lowered her head without saying a word.

The big braid on the other side was very honest, being pulled by Xiong Qishan, he followed him to his side.

Yan Changqing was triumphant: "Daughter-in-law, don't you have anything to bring? Hurry up and go with me, and keep your delicious and spicy food after you arrive at my house. Sister-in-law is also relieved, my brother is just a little stupid, but he is actually quite nice Yes, besides, my family still has money, so let's go!"

"Brother, hurry up and take it home for our grandma to see. Hahaha, now we both have wives."

I was happy, but I didn't take two steps to see the girl he pulled was a little lame. I was not happy at the time, and shouted at the two dealers: "Are you cheating on me, her legs and feet are not good?"

The female trafficker quickly explained: "It's not a big deal, it's just that I knocked when I came here. Ask her if it's right?"

Seeing that the girl didn't object, but she just tried not to let herself pull her with a gloomy face, Yan Changqing felt relieved, and simply changed her hand to hold the girl's waist, and put the other hand directly around the girl's waist: "Then let me hold on." , daughter-in-law, please slow down..."

The female businessman still laughed: "I can't see that this is still a pain, girl, you will enjoy the blessing if you follow!"

Yan Changqing led people out of the room, and turned his head to greet Xiong Qishan: "Brother, hurry up with sister-in-law!"

(End of this chapter)

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