Chapter 156

Are there any rewards now?
Yan Changqing's mood didn't know what to say, it was a bit complicated.

He looked at the woman in front of him and almost didn't want to speak. Are you planning to stop talking about the traffickers if I don't reward you?
But, it's fine if he doesn't know about this kind of thing, once he knows, if he really doesn't know, I'm afraid he won't sleep well at night.

I had no choice but to nod helplessly: "Okay, I will pay the one who provides the information depending on the situation. As long as there is useful information, I will not refuse to pay. Since you are here, you should have inquired about the situation here, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I know." The woman nodded again and again, and then hesitated. "Well, Boss Yan, is a person who sells an adult a human trafficker? A person who sells a daughter-in-law?"

Yan Changqing was a little confused: "It is difficult to marry a wife in any place these days. Who would sell his wife? Please explain it to me slowly. Don't worry, there is such a big factory behind me, and there are so many people working in it. Not bad for your news fee."

"I know, I know, everyone says that Boss Yan has a good reputation and is a righteous person." The woman said repeatedly, paused to organize her thoughts before continuing. "It's not about selling my own wife. Someone in our village came to sell a woman. They said it was a big girl. The head of my family has a relative's child, and I took a fancy to a girl who said she was educated, but the price was too high..."

Holy crap!

If one is literate, then there are uneducated ones, right?
Grandma has a leg, learning about emotions is really useful, and if she is kidnapped, she can sell her for more money.

It wasn't that Yan Changqing complained, but that he didn't know what to say.

This woman came to sell the news, in addition to wanting news fees, there was another reason - her husband's relatives had no money, and she was a little unhappy to ask her family to borrow money.

She didn't want to borrow money and didn't dare to go against her husband's decision, so she came up with a trick to ask for a bonus.If it happens, it won't be possible to earn some news fees.

But she herself felt that it was a bit unfair to sell the news. After all, there is a saying in the countryside now, "It is better to demolish a temple than destroy a marriage."

Many people think that buying a daughter-in-law is also a matter of marriage, which is different from abducting and selling children. This is how women feel. She feels that what she does is very dishonest, and she will definitely be beaten if her husband finds out.

When she came out, she didn't dare to tell her husband that she was afraid of being beaten, and the reason for talking was that she was going back to her mother's house with a small package on her back!

That's why it's like being a thief. When a person arrives at the door, he dare not go in, evasive for fear of seeing people.

It's quite complicated to say, but in short, she is a woman who is afraid of being beaten by her husband. She doesn't want her husband to borrow money to buy a wife. She thought of the rumor that Boss Yan gave money to those who caught traffickers, so she wanted to try it.


It's still the same sentence, if Yan Changqing doesn't know, it's fine, but now that he knows, he can't continue to go back and squat to eat.

He could only ask which village the woman was from, and if he knew where the traffickers were.

After asking a few words, the woman became scared again: "Well, Boss Yan, if I don't want the money anymore, let me go! In case my boss knows about this..."

Yan Changqing reassured her: "It's okay, you just need to tell me the exact location, how to go when you enter the village, and wherever you can find someone."

"Please tell me clearly, and I won't let you lead the way. Then you go back to your mother's house quickly. Whoever asked you said that the road was delayed. I will give you the money, and you secretly hide it. You will take it out when you need it urgently at home. Don't give it now. You know it, otherwise you can’t make up a reason why you have money, and others will know that you have a problem.”

It took a lot of effort to come up with an idea.

But thinking about the current situation in some places, he really had to be more careful, otherwise, if this woman leaked the news, even if she was not beaten to death by her own man, she would not be able to live in the village in the future.

After speaking, he went to the factory, took out a small notebook, asked the woman to talk about the situation in the village in detail, and drew a simple map.

When everything was ready, he didn't plan to call the factory people, but asked the woman: "Which village is your mother's family in? I'll go to the village to find someone from the police station. If I drop by, I'll give you a ride to avoid It seems that you have been delayed on the road for too long."

The woman didn't care about anything else when she heard it, and she was so excited: "That's great, just drop by..."


On the way, Yan Changqing gave the woman 500 yuan, which was a huge sum of money for her.

She was a little afraid to sit in the car when she saw the car, and she was embarrassed when she got up, and she was a little embarrassed to take the money and reluctant to ask for it. Changqing was troubled by her.

But he really has no good way, he can't keep it for her by himself!
Hey, it's not impossible to say so, but it's quite troublesome.

But think about it, once this woman's money is discovered, the consequences are not specified. After all, things in these days are sometimes impossible to say.

Seeing how timid and timid this woman is, and thinking about how she dared to find this place to sell news, with such a complicated personality, she probably gets beaten a lot.

In case the man in the family finds out that she broke the 'marriage' of his relatives and children, it is not impossible to beat her to death in a fit of anger.

He decided to be a good man to the end. Anyway, he was just making a suggestion, and the woman would say nothing if she agreed or not.

"How about this, you have seen my little book, and there are accounts on it. There are also accountants in my factory who specialize in bookkeeping. I will record 500 yuan for you. Don't take the money back. Wait for a while. After the child has passed, you can find a way to find a reason to take the money back?"

He just wanted to feel at ease, no matter how good or bad this woman's personality is, he only looked at what was good for him, and came to him to sell news, so he tried his best not to leave any trouble for her.

Unexpectedly, the woman struggled for a long time, and when she was about to get out of the car, she suddenly handed over the wrinkled and damp money: "Boss Yan, then I believe you, you can't cheat me!"

Yan Changqing was speechless: "I bought the car you are riding now, and it cost tens of thousands of dollars more. How can it cost you a few hundred dollars?"

Only then did the woman feel relieved, and when she saw the place, she quickly got out of the car, carried her small package on her back, and hurried along a small road.

Yan Changqing continued to speed up and drive on the road, but couldn't help feeling that people are so complicated.

This woman doesn't know how to ask for a receipt. After all, it's easy to hide a small note, but she dares to keep the 'huge sum' for herself. It seems that my boss Yan's reputation is already very convincing. Yes!
It's no wonder that illegal fundraising is so popular these days, it's still too easy for people to trust people.

Fortunately, I am a good person.


The good man Yan Changqing drove to the police station. Seeing that the chief hadn't come to work yet, he grabbed someone and hurriedly let him go.

After thinking about it, he ran to the main mansion again. He didn't go to work yet, so he could only continue to catch people and send them to look for them. It took a while to get them all together.

Only then did Yan Changqing explain the situation, and Township Chief Yang and Director Wang had nothing to say. After hearing what he said at the beginning, they already called for other people.

It's too late to report to the county, the soldiers are very fast.

People who do bad things are very vigilant, and if things go wrong, they will run away. As long as people run away these days, it will be difficult to catch them again.

Wang Suo was in a hurry, and got into the car before he finished speaking. He got into Yan Changqing's van and asked him to talk while walking.

As for Township Chief Yang, he was only responsible for providing a car and a few people, and he couldn't help with anything else, so there was probably no hope for him to chase people down.

The van and the two jeeps behind were full of people, and they were rushing towards the destination with smoke and dust billowing all the way.

There is no way to go to so many people, I am afraid that if there are few people, it will be difficult to do things in the village.And the situation this time is unclear. When the woman told Yan Changqing, she only said that she had seen two girls. She didn't know if there were any others, and she didn't know how many traffickers there were.

After Yan Changqing explained the situation clearly, Director Wang took a look at the simple map first, and then passed it on to the people behind, remembering it if you don't ask for it, at least not to be completely confused when the time comes.

Soon the car arrived at a place a little far from the destination. A group of people got out of the car and began to squat on the side of the road to make plans-this season is not suitable for action, and the crops in the farmland are not high. It was discovered.

Wang Suo was very powerful. When he came down, he took out the special tool first, clicked twice to check, and ordered: "Everything has been checked, and when you get to the place, remember it. If the situation is wrong, immediately warn the police, and clearly distinguish between the kidnapped and the suspect. , would rather be killed or wounded than let one go.”

If you want to put it this way...

Enthusiastic crowd Yan Changqing was excited, and raised his hand: "I, I, I, the hidden weapon is unparalleled, and I will definitely put down as many as I have."

Wang Suo laughed immediately: "Okay, count yourself in. As long as you are not afraid of danger, I will let you be the main force."

After thinking for a while, he urged: "If you are sure of the big deal, try to focus on the arrest. Maybe other cases will be involved later."

It means don't turn around and die a lot of people, not even a living person.

To be honest, this style of work is a bit barbaric in the future.

But Yan Changqing felt that this was the right thing to do. Specific issues should be dealt with specifically. What kind of people are they facing now? Is it necessary to talk about human rights with them?
Anyway, these days I'm not afraid of being bullied online, so I'm done.


Wang Suo was mainly helpless, lacking manpower and special tools, which made him miss the days when there were militias in the early years.

However, the militiamen on the Taoshu Township side have long since disappeared, and all the special tools have been confiscated, while the Township Armed Forces Department has none.Because there was a case in Yudong Province in the early years, in which [-] special tools were lost, the incident spread widely, and then rectification began.

Anyway, it is true that the lack of force in towns and villages is not as good as that in most villages where there are more rabbit-killing guys-although the two are not as powerful.

However, the villages and towns do not have enough armed forces and cannot violate the regulations to do things, so they can only do so.On the contrary, it is said that there is a bad guy in a certain place who asked his relationship to go to a certain machinery factory to buy [-] real ones, and the factory actually issued an invoice, which sounds outrageous.

Although Wang Suo said to let Yan Changqing be the main force, he didn't really dare to let him go by himself. He still let him go with the regular workers and asked him to ensure his own safety first.

After the arrangements were made, a group of talents re-boarded the car and started formal operations.

(End of this chapter)

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