Chapter 155

During dinner at night, Chen Youliang couldn't help but mention the stock market to Yan Changqing: "The stock market is going up very fast now, it's going up every day. Let's see if we should sell it. Anyway, we've made money. I'm afraid that if it happens later fell?"

Yan Changqing counted the time: "It's still early, I don't think the increase is enough now. Anyway, we only have such a little capital, and we won't lose money no matter what the situation looks like. Why are you in a hurry."

Chen Youliang struggled for a while: "I think the price rise is pretty good, and it would be a bit of a loss not to sell. Now there are many people buying, and it's easy to sell if you want to sell."

How much has it risen?The rally is pretty good?
There's a reason for that.

Yan Changqing explained to him: "Now the price limit is only 1% per day. There are more people buying than wanting to sell. They can't buy even if they want to buy. It's really not worth selling now. This limit is a bit too strict. Let it go, it will definitely rise sharply, and sell it quickly when the time comes."

If you sell it, you will lose money. If you sell it now, you will not be able to cry if you want to cry at this time next year.

Chen Youliang thought and thought, and began to feel that what Yan Changqing said was also reasonable.

That's the way it is, from different angles, the conclusions are also different.

He feels that it is rising every day now, and he looks a little uneasy. He feels that this kind of rising method is uncertain and nothing will disappear.It happens that there are quite a lot of people buying, as long as you sell the stocks, you can make a fortune immediately, and you will be safe.So I think it's a good sell now.

But from another perspective, everyone is buying and no one is selling. Doesn’t it mean that the price will continue to rise?Why should we sell if no one else sells it?
In short, there is no fixed answer to this question. Anyone who has entered the stock market has struggled with this question countless times. In the end, some people ended up dismal, while others got a good harvest.

It was impossible for Chen Youliang to find the answer, so he finally decided to let it go. Anyway, he has made a lot of money now, so if he sticks to this daily limit of 1%, even if he falls, he won't be able to fall much. Let's talk about it later.

Then he talked about another question: "Recently, I heard that the higher authorities will introduce some restrictions on alcohol. I don't know if it will affect us at that time."

The news about the control of liquor from above began to flow out from a news at the end of last year. At that time, it was said that the liquor industry would be rectified, but it also said that it seemed that the above wanted to restrict new liquor companies, otherwise liquor companies would spring up like mushrooms The emerging, good and bad, have a great impact on the market.

This news is good news for those who have established wine companies, such as Yan Changqing.

But the news said again that the higher authorities are studying and promulgating alcohol management regulations.

As a result, most of the people couldn't be happy all of a sudden. After all, no one knows whether the regulations that will come out in the future will be beneficial to themselves now.

Yan Changqing doesn't think so, because the baijiu industry has not yet reached the most prosperous stage, and the next is the crazy era of baijiu.

He doesn't know the details, but he knows the general trend.Besides, he didn't intend to go upstream, but he was just going to take advantage of the east wind and go downstream, catching some fish that others might catch in his net along the way.

So he was still relatively calm: "It's not a big problem. We were originally a poverty alleviation project. If we built it in such a corner, even if someone came to check it, they might not be able to go to our place. Even if we did, we would go all the way. You can’t bear to trouble us wherever you go.”

When Chen Youliang thought about it, especially when he thought about the barren land over there, he felt that his words were reasonable.

However, the two of them casually talked about it while eating, and they had to wait for the real documents to be issued.


After eating and driving back to the village, Yan Changqing didn't say anything about having the opportunity to go to the Spring Festival Gala.

Otherwise, if someone says it, it won't sound good if it doesn't come out.

Let's wait for the results to come out. If it really works, then I guess my mother will be happy for several days...

Should be able to be happy for several years.

My mother asked how it was going to perform, and then Yan Changqing ran out. It was a holiday, Erwa and Tie Dan waited impatiently, and waited for the holiday time to take a good ride.

The minivan is crowded with people, and they all squeeze in to sit for a ride. I don’t know what kind of wind can be blown under the crushed face, as if I had a stroke. Most likely, I can only wait for the bear above. When the child exhausts the exhaust gas, it blows a puff.

Yan Changqing didn't care, as long as he didn't get bored to death, he started driving around after listening to the noise.

After turning around for a while, he simply let Xiaozhi drive. Anyway, this guy can usually drive the tractor to plow the fields, so it is no problem to let him put it in first gear and go around the wheat threshing field.

Xiaozhi is very experienced: "Don't worry, brother Qijin, if I can't help it, I'll hit the straw stack, I guarantee it will be fine."

This guarantees...

Yan Changqing didn't care, went to overhaul the generator, and the noodle maker and oil press that were already in other people's homes, anyway, it was a matter of convenience.

The minivan drove around the threshing field for half an hour. A group of guys didn’t sit on their own. After they came out, they were all flushed and sweaty, and a little dizzy. It seemed that the people who took the car were more tired than those who drove. I guess they can sleep well when they go to sleep. fragrant.


In the early morning of the next day, a group of brats took their spinning top whips and headed straight to the winery.

There is a concrete floor on the side of the distillery, which is usually used to turn over and dry the cooked grain, mix the distiller's koji, or dry the distiller's grains at the end, but it is not used all the time, and there are quite a lot of empty places, which is comparable to the wheat threshing floor. That's more suitable for spinning tops.

It's boring to play alone, but it's very interesting if there are more than a few people. If there are more than a dozen or 20 children playing spinning top together, those who can play don't need to eat.

As soon as Erwa arrived at the place, she snatched a seat, triumphantly: "Whoever touches me, if it breaks, I won't pay for it, anyone dare?"

Touching the top is two people whipping the top together, and then bumping into it to see who is more stable and whoever is hit can't continue to spin.

Just like pulling the top at the end and competing whose top spins longer, touching the top is usually a very popular game.It's just that seeing Erwa showing off again today, the others showed contempt together.

He was too shameless, and he didn't know how to get a small steel sleeve and put it on his wooden top. Who can hit him now?
Fortunately, all the tops in the village are wooden tops, which won't break even if they are hit, but he still takes them to school and bullies those who don't buy wooden tops and make homemade tops with ink bottles.

This kind of behavior is despised even by a small friend in the village, but he regards the contempt as envy, and is still very proud, seeing that no one dares to come when he looks around, he can't help but feel a little swollen: "Brother Qijin, do you dare to come? "

Boy, you are inflated!

Yan Changqing thought for a while, then nodded with a smile: "Then wait a while, I'll make a spinning top first."

I found a small wooden stick and cut it with a knife. It was almost the same thickness. Anyway, it’s just for temporary use, so it doesn’t matter.

Take a small steel ball and insert it, and then, under Erwa's dull gaze, find a thick and big steel sleeve, and put it directly on the crude spinning top.

Then he looked at Erwa with a smile: "Are you coming?"

Erwa said stiffly: "You are too big, you can't touch it."

"Whoever said I can't beat it, just forget it if I dare not." Yan Changqing laughed, and then took out a length of rope to make a whip. "Whoever wants to come can come, whoever dares to come!"

While talking, he spun the top vigorously, and under the envious eyes of a group of brats, he took a whip and slowly whipped it to spin completely.

Erwa was very depressed, his spinning top couldn't compare to this one, and he didn't want to humiliate himself at all.

After Yan Changqing waited for the top to spin smoothly, he threw the whip: "I'm going to work, whoever wants to play, go and play!"

A group of guys were a little dazed, and after a while they suddenly rushed out screaming, all running towards the whip, trying to get the right to use it first.

Yan Changqing couldn't help but yelled again: "No fights, whoever grabs the whip first will play!"

Anyway, no matter who plays, the second baby can't be arrogant anymore.

Take a small broken steel sleeve and show it off to my repairman, Erbazi, you are looking for the wrong person, haha!


There are still a few people in the winery waiting for the boss. Seeing that he finally stopped playing, hurry up and follow him and wait for his instructions.

The main reason is that every process has something that he needs to point out. Otherwise, everyone is always worried about doing the work. Even if he takes a look at it, he will feel confident and continue to work with confidence.

Of course, if he’s not around, there’s nothing we can do. We can only do it by ourselves, people, that’s all.

Yan Changqing thinks that this can be considered as entertainment and work, and he is quite satisfied with being able to take care of both.

When it was almost lunch time, the smell of food in the kitchen wafted out, and the brats ran back like a swarm of wasps—they went home to eat, and it was not good for them to make a living here if there were too many people.

However, Xiao Zhi and a few older children stayed behind. They took a broom and cleaned the floor before leaving.

This is how the rules are gradually formed. For the bear children, they are not afraid of making rules. They also have rules when playing games. They are afraid that they will not be able to have fun. As long as they can have fun, more rules are completely acceptable.

Yan Changqing threw two small pieces of steamed buns into Feihu Feixiong's dog bowl, and then poured some oily vegetable soup into it to soak the steamed buns.

The two guys couldn't wait a long time ago, there wasn't much food, and when the master left with the bowl, they shared the steamed buns with two ahhh.

Of course, this is not enough for them to eat, so let them eat some first, so as not to rush around and delay their own eating.

After everyone has finished eating, there must be leftovers in the kitchen, which belong to them too. Of course, there are also big black and rhubarb ones, but those two eat less, and they walk around every day. It seems that there is no shortage of food .

While eating, someone from the worker near the door ran over: "Boss, a woman is looking for you."

Yan Changqing stood up holding the bowl: "Who is this, why don't you come in?"

"I don't know them. They don't look like the ones near us. I haven't seen them before." The worker replied.

Yan Changqing didn't take it seriously, and continued to walk out with the bowl in his hand. When he reached the gate, he saw a woman in her forties standing evasively behind a tree outside the gate, looking this way from time to time.

Seeing that she didn't know him yet, Yan Changqing could only introduce himself: "I'm Boss Yan, what's the matter with you?"

The woman looked it over carefully, um, sure, the legendary Boss Yan still has a young baby face.

But he hesitated for a while, and asked one more question: "Are you Boss Yan?"

Yan Changqing laughed: "There are a hundred people sitting in the inner courtyard. You asked Boss Yan and I came out. Do you think I am?"

The woman looked embarrassed, then looked around to make sure there was no one around, and then asked in a low voice like a thief: "Boss Yan, I heard that you rewarded those who caught human traffickers last year, and now there are rewards." No?"

(End of this chapter)

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