Chapter 154 Waiting for Notice
Yan Changqing is quite confident in his performance.

Even if he finished his performance and the people below didn't know how to applaud, he wouldn't be worried at all.

Let the applause fly for a while, and it will come soon.

He purposely paused for a while longer, then slowly got up, hugged the erhu, and with a calm smile on his face, thanked the audience below.

It was as if his actions had awakened everyone, who suddenly woke up, froze for a moment, and then clapped their hands.

All of a sudden, there was a wave of shock.

In the calm scene, when a person's applause sounded, the applause was like a rising tide, rushing straight from a distance, and finally made a bang on the cliff.

There was thunderous applause.

Yan Changqing was very satisfied, smiled again and walked to the backstage.


Zhu Changsheng was dumbfounded: "Sure enough, is there no bottleneck in your level? Every performance is a surprise!"

Yan Changqing was modest for a while: "Where is it! After all, music is about talent, and I just happen to be a little more talented."

Zhu Changsheng continued to praise: "It's not just a little stronger, some people practice for a lifetime, and I don't think they can reach this level."

Yan Changqing nodded: "That's true, sometimes hard work is not worth mentioning in front of talent."

Zhu Changsheng was speechless for a moment: "You talk like that, I can't continue to flatter you!"

Some actors who were waiting for the performance couldn't help laughing when they heard the conversation between the two.

However, some people smiled and laughed, and the smile on their faces changed, gradually becoming uglier than crying.

Then when I looked at Yan Changqing again, the admiration and envy in my eyes just now gradually became sharper, as if flying knives were flying in the air...

Yan Changqing didn't care. Anyway, these performers are the group of people who don't have to worry about eating and drinking. At this stage, they belong to live a good life ahead of time, so it's nothing to stimulate them.

Besides, there are not many opportunities to deal with them in the future, and they are not in the same unit.

What he cares more about is: "Uncle Zhu, how long will it take for this to come to fruition!"

Zhu Changsheng asked clearly: "The results will come out soon. After the performances are over, they will hold a meeting to evaluate which ones can be performed in the province."

"Don't worry, don't worry that if you go to the province, you won't be selected for nothing. As long as you go, there is a high probability that the show will be arranged at this year's provincial TV show."

Yan Changqing is not interested in the provincial TV stations. The programs in this province are not attractive, and there are too few people watching them. They can't compete with the evening shows of other channels at the same time. Only those who can't receive other channels will watch them.

It's useless to participate in this way, and it can't increase your popularity to help you sell wine. It's better to make more wine than to waste that time.

Thinking of this, he made up his mind to set a small goal since he was here.

Either the Spring Festival Gala or the Village Evening.


Soon the program evaluation began, and there were people standing at the door to announce the results outside.

The first evaluation made Yan Changqing dumbfounded, the monkey show was the fastest to be eliminated.

The person who broadcast it also gave an explanation, which should be imitating what the person inside said: "The above-mentioned wildlife protection law was introduced, so we brought such a program to the past, is it appropriate?"

This is the reason Yan Changqing didn't expect.

He didn't even know that the animal protection law had been issued, because no one said that he used to hunt birds every day to eat!
Well, of course, playing mahjong is fine, and now mahjong is definitely not in the scope of protection.

Not long after, the person who spread the word came to announce again: "The pyrography is good, but the performance is not effective, and the smell is very bad."

The engraving program that follows is also the same as Yan Changqing thought, and it is also not easy to perform the effect.

After all, when people perform calligraphy and painting shows, they have to find a lot of people to cheer them up, so that the audience doesn't feel that time is passing too slowly.

Or simply play tricks like painting with both hands together to attract people's attention.

Standing there to perform carving honestly is indeed a bit too boring!


When it was Yan Changqing's turn to evaluate the program, he waited for a long time and still hadn't come out with a result.

Yan Changqing was surprised, I am a second-level skill, second-level, even if you don’t understand art, didn’t you feel happy listening to it at that time?

Is it so dark this year?
Soon the passerby came, and brought the evaluation of the people inside: "This show is good even for those who don't know music. But there are also problems, it's too monotonous. Also, you are an erhu, if you are a Piano or something, that would be the best."

Yan Changqing almost vomited blood, I am a second-level skill, to put it bluntly, it is rare in the world to write it for me, you know?

But then the person who passed it on said: "The judges all felt that this program was indeed a little thin, but no one wanted to give up, so it was passed."

Then why are you talking so much?

"But I want to tell you in advance that when I go to the provincial station, I may arrange an accompaniment team or something for you, so as to enrich your program as much as possible."

So, some people talk like sheep shit, don't finish at once, intermittent, the most hateful!

Under the envious and jealous gazes of many people, Zhu Changsheng felt a little high-spirited.

This talent was the first one he found.

It can't be regarded as a discovery, because he also heard from other people before that there is a child who is good at playing the erhu, and he thought about inviting him if he meets him.

Otherwise, after meeting by chance on the street, he didn't think that way at all, and it's just that he left after hearing it.

After leaving the TV station, he was still a little excited: "Okay, when you go back, if you have time to make wine, you can practice more. I guess I will notify you soon, otherwise you won't be able to make it to the capital. You have to wait for some news recently, By the way, hurry up and install the phone, don't dawdle any longer."

"It's already installed, and I'm ready to advertise, why don't I install the phone!" Yan Changqing said.

It should have been bottled in the first place, and now the winery is filling the wine, and then it needs to be advertised, so we can't just use the phone in the market.

Moreover, telephone technology is developing rapidly now, and it is no longer as difficult as when he was reborn, trying to install a phone.

In fact, there are already paging and mobile phones, especially pagers, which are now very popular in big cities.

But Yan Changqing is not willing to buy it. People who are used to smartphones before, who wants to bring a thing that you have to call back when someone calls you?
Anyway, it won't be long before the big brother is gradually popularized.

It doesn't seem to work, even if the big brother is popular, it is still a problem whether there is a signal at Dayanzhuang.

Or consider landlines first!
And it's not just one, it's two or three.

Install another one for the market, so that it will be convenient for others to come to buy goods. Otherwise, it will be difficult for ordinary people to find a place like Yatouwa.

There are only two installed in the factory, and this is mainly used for advertising in the future.

We also need to find a few people who answer the phone. Rural aunts who speak Mandarin are not suitable, at least they must be able to speak Mandarin.

But these are the factory manager's business, Yan Changqing doesn't need to worry about it.


I drove the car to my gas station in a hurry, filled up the car, and then went to the market, and saw my aunt beating my cousin.

Alas, another waste of negatives.

Yan Changqing sighed inwardly, and silently took out the camera.

After taking the photo, I asked my aunt, "What's wrong with him?"

"You ask him if it's a good thing to beat him!" Auntie was very angry. "He only knows how to play during the holidays. Just now when he asked him to do his homework, he said he couldn't find his schoolbag. Guess where his schoolbag went?"

Without waiting for Yan Changqing to ask, the aunt who was so angry that her head was smoking said: "He put his schoolbag in the car, and now the car has been driving for a long time, and he doesn't know which way to go, where to go. Find him a schoolbag?"

Yan Changqing was actually mentally prepared, because he saw his aunt beating the black preserved egg, and the black preserved egg's father and grandfather didn't show up, so he knew that his problem this time would not be small.

I never thought that there is such a thing for fun, put the schoolbag in the car, haha!

But I still need to persuade, after all, brothers: "Is it our car?"

The aunt nodded: "Well, it should be. But I can't say for certain, there were several cars that drove by during that time."

No one is recruiting. If it is a car from the market, I will definitely bring it back when I find it later, but I am not sure about the car from other places. Even if people want to bring it over, they don’t know when they will come again!

In fact, even local cars are not very good. I don’t know when I will come back when I go out. When I come back, the vacation is over.

Yan Changqing could only suggest: "Buy him another set of books, it's not worth much anyway. Don't call, I think he knows he's wrong, doesn't he?"

Hei Peidan first got a stalk in his neck, and was about to speak, when he saw his mother with sharp eyes beside him, he immediately shrank his neck, and nodded with aggrieved expression: "Well, I know I was wrong!"

It's a bit reluctant, but on the surface the attitude is there, which can make people calm down.

It was only then that Yan Changqing realized that this black leather egg cousin's habit of throwing things had started from now on!
In his memory, there was this guy who threw away his old shoes before school in order to buy a new pair of slippers, and went home barefoot to buy shoes.

There is definitely no need to buy shoes now, there are plenty of them in the market.It's a pity that he didn't escape the beating after all, because he didn't have a car to throw his schoolbag at him before, haha!

Seeing that the aunt stopped beating, the black-skinned grandfather over there ran out of the house, took the sobbing grandson with a loving face, and went to buy books and schoolbags.

Yan Changqing comforted her aunt: "Don't be angry, there's nothing wrong with it. Children are like this, and when they are older, they will know how to learn!"

When he is older and more sensible, he will teach himself management skills, and then organize many people to fight in groups, just to trick old cousins...

Only then did Chen Youliang wander out of the room, smiling: "Finished the beating? Why are you so angry, as long as he knows he made a mistake after beating. Evergreen is here, go think about what to eat."

The aunt turned her head and said to him, "You don't know how to take good care of him yourself, and you don't know how to watch him when he comes out. Didn't you all see when he threw his schoolbag on the car?"

Turning his head again, Yan Erhe, who came out to watch the fun, did not escape: "And you, I don't know how to worry about it all day..."

Only Yan Changqing is the best: "Guy, stop talking, they will know to pay attention next time. By the way, do you want to learn how to drive? I'll teach you how to drive a four-wheeled car..."

"What's the use of me learning this!" Auntie looked at the van. "Forget it, I'm so mad, let's cook."

It's not worth getting angry, Yan Changqing knows his uncle and second uncle quite well.

These two people have different personalities and different hobbies, but there is one thing that is similar, whatever you say, they all listen carefully, but they just listen, and when they finish listening, they finish listening!

 Thanks to the book friend "08a" for the reward, thank you for your support!

  The fourth update is here, ask for a monthly ticket again!Ask for a monthly pass! !
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(End of this chapter)

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