Chapter 153 Traditional Skills

After the Chinese New Year, Yan Changqing has been busy, but he can often hear some familiar names and some classic lines from the mouths of the bear children in the village, all from last year's Spring Festival Gala.

The key point is that this year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have a lot of rules, but it seems to be very open.

For example, some satirical sketches may not pass the trial after being released for many years, or they may have to be talked about.But now it is still performed in the Spring Festival Gala for everyone to watch, and because of this, it has gained everyone's love.

Yan Changqing thought about it for a long time, and it was a rare time that he lay on the bed and did not fall asleep immediately.

The main thing is that people who are going to make a fortune and lie down, do we want to show a little hand?
That's right, this person wanted to do big things from the beginning, just want to make a quick fortune and then retire.

Other people's wine was on the Spring Festival Gala, and it sold a billion yuan a year. That's why he wanted to do big things in the first place.

So the attitude was a bit unreasonable at the beginning. In his opinion, as long as I prepare more fully, it should be no problem to break this record. Even if I can’t break it, it will be worth it. Be a happy charterer.

With this idea, he is not very interested in being famous, so even if he has a lot of skills, he is quite satisfied with a mixed system-such a person without dreams!
So now he is entangled, thinking about it to no avail, and there is no one to discuss this matter, thinking about it is useless.

Forget it, sleep!

When he went to the TV station the next day, Zhu Changsheng told him again: "Don't be too deliberate, let's focus on this matter, it's already a little embarrassing, if you do it with a lot of fanfare, and it doesn't work in the end, then there's no way to explain it. So just understand it in your heart, don’t be too obvious!”

Yeah, I got it!
Yan Changqing nodded, expressing that he understood.

He may not understand other things, but when it comes to this, the repeaters are all low-key!
It is said that many classmates who contacted later in the previous life only found out after chatting together, what happened to them after repeating their studies and taking the college entrance examination.

But no one preached it everywhere before, I'm going to repeat it...

After all, if it succeeds, it’s called recklessness. If the repetition fails, it will be publicized beforehand, and the words will not sound good. For example, there is an uncivilized saying in the village: Shit doesn’t come out, fart...

It is specially used to describe those who lash out their teeth and claws everywhere beforehand, but the end result is that they fail to get things done, or give up halfway.

Although disgusting, it is also quite image.


So with this complicated thoughts, Yan Changqing came to the rehearsal venue.

It's a mess here, the programs that were originally prepared are all messed up, and now the main task is to be selected, and other forms are not important.

And the atmosphere is a bit weird, it's obviously messy, but they speak in a low voice.

Zhu Changsheng and Yan Changqing came to a room together and waited for someone to go in and say something before going in.

Then Zhu Changsheng asked: "Can we report on the martial arts program? The performance of the stick method and hidden weapon is absolutely wonderful. The stick method is a martial arts show performed last year, and the hidden weapon was performed last night. We have a videotape."

"The martial arts shows from the martial arts schools that have been on stage before have all been banned, so don't go on that one." The manager inside looked devastated. "What else? You have a lot of talents..."

Zhu Changsheng smiled wryly: "No singing, dancing, opera shows, no skits, and now martial arts are not good, so we can't go to perform and dig oil wells, right?"

Yan Changqing understood that this was a rush to the doctor, and he always wanted to try again, but the programs that were originally reported must have these, and they were squeezed out by other more exciting programs, so he planned to change a batch.

This is a dead horse treated as a living horse doctor!

Sure enough, the manager showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "If you can really rehearse well, maybe you will be on it! I don't know what program I want, so just say what else is there! If it's ordinary, it's still the same Yes, just wait for the call and go to perform."

Zhu Changsheng looked at Yan Changqing, a little worried, and finally said: "Let's sign up for an erhu performance!"

"No, it's just an erhu performance. There are so many singing and dancing programs, and people can't sing and dance. You just play the erhu. What kind of program is it?"

Zhu Changsheng thought for a while: "Just report this, I guarantee that our little artist's performance will never disappoint."

He still still remembers the scene when he heard the sound of the erhu for the first time on the streets of the small town.

It seemed that from the moment the notes came to his ears, before he saw anyone, he decided that this must be the kid from the oil field that had been passed on for a long time, the kid who played the erhu very well.

Because most people's erhu is not so happy, it seems that when people walk, they want to jump.

Seeing Zhu Changsheng's affirmation, the person in charge stopped trying to persuade him: "That's fine, anyway, you already have program time, so I don't care if it's okay or not."

Although I felt hopeless after registering, I couldn't help but encouraged me: "Come on, try to let us choose a program here, and show your face at the Spring Festival Gala."


When Zhu Changsheng came out, he felt that he was not sure about it. The main thing is that the erhu is considered by most people to be a common thing in the streets and alleys, and it is not as elegant as a piano or the like.

He thinks it would be best if martial arts are available, and then he will consider letting Yan Changqing perform for a while longer. After all, only his performance is the best, and even people who don't understand can see that kind of momentum.

Yan Changqing hasn't made a decision yet, he is thinking whether to fight for it, to show his face, after all, come... No, it's reborn, it's good to see something he hasn't seen before.

However, I also feel that I haven’t gone fishing for a long time to make wine recently, and I have taken the bear children to play. If I become famous again, will there be many other problems in the future, so that I can’t squat in the small river with peace of mind? While fishing?
He is tangled up, people won't give him time to tangled up.

A few people rushed over, and the leader shouted: "Everyone pay attention, because of special reasons, other programs will be released first, and some programs that have just signed up will be performed first. Everyone understand, wait a little longer , not long."

It really hasn't been long, so many kinds of programs are not needed, what else can I want?

Of course, there are still programs, the first one is local characteristics, a monkey show from a county known as Monkey Town.

Either people pretend to be monkeys, or monkeys are animals in the mountains. They were trained from childhood, and after many years, they can occasionally be seen performing on the streets.

Yan Changqing looked a little envious. His performance was really interesting, unlike some street performances where he waved a whip to scare monkeys.

The old man and the monkey in the performance almost have a good understanding, and they don’t even need to say hello. The monkey knows how to cooperate with the old man’s move, and even saves the temptation of food. It’s like playing games with familiar people and guessing riddles. It’s really exciting. .

It's a pity that I'm only busy making wine, and my dog ​​training skills are not good enough. Now Feihu Feixiong doesn't know how to cooperate with me, otherwise how much more fun life would be!
Sure enough, once a person focuses too much on making money, life will become like a meal without seasoning, with a lot of flavor missing.

Then there was a pyrography performance. A master craftsman made a landscape painting on a piece of wood in a short time.

But this is flawed, pyrography is indeed a traditional art handed down from the local area, but you can tell from the name that it uses a fire to heat a soldering iron to burn a picture on a wooden board or other objects, so it is inevitable that there will be some awkwardness on site. It smells good.

There is also a sculptor who does not carve stones or large objects, and the time is too late.

That is, on a thin tube about the thickness of a pen, use a carving knife to quickly carve, and then paint the entire thin tube with paint so that the paint fills up the knife marks.

Wipe it with a rag again, and a lifelike dragon will appear around the thin tube, showing its teeth and claws.

Yan Changqing commented to him in his heart, this performance also has problems, the thin tube is so small, the audience can't see what you are doing.

There will be various performances, and some of Yan Changqing can even apply for World Heritage, which is a proper intangible cultural heritage.

It's a pity that no one pays attention to these things at present. Looking at the expressions of the audience below, you can tell that some programs are probably a bit unrefined in the eyes of today's people.

After all, due to the limitations of the times, many people still think that other people's products are good, while their own products are backward and cannot be put on the table.


So when it was Yan Changqing's turn, he was quite serious.

If you don't take it seriously, you can't, because in the eyes of some people, the erhu is also a backward thing that belongs to them.

And he felt that the monkey show, the first program just now, might become his 'strong enemy'.

After all, music can only be listened to, and that program really harmonizes between man and nature. The elderly grandpa and the monkeys, big and small, seem to be a complete family.

Especially the little monkeys, as long as they jumped up, stared at the big round eyes, and greeted the audience below, many people couldn't help but smile!
Sure enough, pretending to be cute is the most annoying thing!

The next moment, he hugged the erhu and came on stage with a sweet smile that he tried hard to put on.

I feel a little upset, the days have been going so smoothly recently, except when fooling my mother, there are not many opportunities to improve my acting skills at other times.

If the acting skills are a little higher, then...


The few people in the front row actually saw the erhu come on stage, and some people already showed disappointment and started whispering.

Probably discussing which program is more suitable, and commenting on the pros and cons of the programs just now.

But soon, when the cheerful erhu sounded, some people began to show astonished expressions, and then several other people also showed surprised expressions, and gradually stopped their small movements of whispering.

As the sound of the erhu became more and more joyful, some audience members in the audience, probably recalling some particularly beautiful things, began to smile.

Joy is also contagious, and fast.

The originally noisy scene became quiet almost instantly, leaving only cheerful musical notes like a mischievous elf, jumping and dancing cheerfully among the crowd.

It danced on people's shoulders, sang on people's knees, and suddenly flew over the crowd, performing gorgeous flying skills in the air.

The agile figure makes people can't help chasing it and exploring it.

But it is like a fish pond owner who raises fish, never stays for any fish, but makes all the fish feel that it is calling for itself.

Even gradually, all the fish began to feel that they were the only one in the fish pond, the most favored and the happiest.

That mischievous elf seems to be everywhere, leaving a trace in people's hearts, and then fleeing quickly, but that trace lingers for a long time, just like the smile on people's faces.

It's not a hearty laugh, it's the kind of knowing smile that people can't help but think of someone or something.

It has experienced the precipitation of years, and the beauty has also undergone such a long fermentation, like old wine, which makes people feel good but will not lose their composure.

After that scumbag elf had quietly left, many people were still immersed in the traces it left just now, unable to recover for a long time...

(End of this chapter)

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