Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 152 The performance of precious youth memories

Chapter 152 The performance of precious youth memories

It's time for a show.

The old rules and the old time, the day before the festival, the holiday is over after the performance.

Yan Changqing came to Zhu Changsheng's house before noon, Zhu Changsheng's first sentence was not to ask how the show was going, but to say, "Is your wine produced and packaged?"

Yan Changqing immediately understood what he meant: "I don't have the good ones yet, only the ordinary ones, the Good Life series. Wait a few days for the good ones, and I'll send you a few boxes by then."

Zhu Changsheng nodded, and then started talking about the show: "Everything is ready for you, and Xiaobin has also tried it, so it's no problem to cooperate with you. Just try it after dinner. If you need anything else Tell me earlier, I'll arrange someone to prepare it for you."

When it was over, he exhorted: "Perform well, maybe there will be a surprise."

Yan Changqing was curious: "What surprise?"

"We'll talk about it after the performance. Have you brought your erhu? It's okay if you don't. We have it here. Anyway, it's a good thing." Zhu Changsheng said. "I'll talk about the details later, you should prepare the show first."

Yan Changqing nodded: "OK!"


After eating and coming to the rehearsal venue, Zhu Xiaobin was eager to try: "Master, how about I design a few more powerful moves?"

Yan Changqing was happy to see him: "Okay, you can perform as you like, anyway, you can just throw the cardboard in front of the big wooden board for me."

The big wooden board is a board larger than a normal door panel. It was just a broken board that was prepared temporarily, but it was pasted with white paper, so you can't see what it looks like inside.

In addition, prepare a bunch of candles.

There is also a thin-necked vase, which are the props needed this time.

The main thing is to look good, so you are going to perform lethality or something, and everyone can't see anything off stage, but you can see your hands waving wildly, who knows what you are doing.

After practicing for a while, Yan Changqing asked Zhu Xiaobin to design "better" moves.

Although it felt ashamed to be in charge of throwing a sign and posing a lot of poses, Zhu Xiaobin thought it was fun, and Yan Changqing felt that it was not his own posing, so he was very enthusiastic to give him some advice.

The kid couldn't be happier, the disappointment that Yan Changqing didn't intend to continue performing martial arts this time was gone, and he jumped up and down with great energy.

Seeing his happy appearance, Yan Changqing couldn't help being happy too, but he couldn't show it, lest this honest boy notice something.

Continue to design actions for him.

After all, it is a good thing for people to be motivated, so we should encourage them.


Participated in the show many times, and now Yan Changqing is completely calm.

After seeing familiar faces and continuing to sing familiar songs, it was the announcer's turn to report on the new program: "The following will perform traditional Kung Fu, hidden weapons! The performers are Yan Changqing and Zhu Xiaobin."

Soon a large wooden board was placed on the stage, piles of performance props were moved up, and a special table was set up for the 'hidden weapons' that Yan Changqing needed, and then he and Zhu Xiaobin brought a stack of props A cardboard covered with red paper came onto the stage.

To perform traditional kung fu, you have to use traditional etiquette, first go up and clasp your fists.

Those who were very cooperative below gave a round of applause. They are all too familiar with him. Although we don’t see him a few times, every year there must be a show. I know he will not let everyone down.

Yan Changqing placed the ampoules ten meters away to the left. The main stage was small and there was no way to go further.

Ten meters to the right is a large wooden board, and there is also a wooden board in the middle. There is a table in front. When the table is pushed up, candles are inserted, and the staff are lighting them up one by one.

Taking advantage of this moment of effort, Zhu Xiaobin and Yan Changqing stretched out their posture and did a simple set of punches, which can be regarded as a movement of muscles and bones.

Yan Changqing felt a little regretful that he didn't know much about his master-level boxing skills.

On the contrary, that guy Zhu Xiaobin watched his performance too fast, changed his movements temporarily, and gained more applause and laughter-as if this was not something to be envied.

After finishing boxing, the staff who lighted the candles had already run down, and the show officially started.

Zhu Xiaobin came to the big wooden board with a stack of cardboards in his arms, while Yan Changqing stood on the middle table.

The slightly embarrassing soundtrack played unhurriedly. Yan Changqing picked up a bamboo stick with a bit of mud on its end, aimed at it, and then there was a clang sound, and the hard mud block precisely disappeared in that place with the bamboo stick. in the ampoule.

At the same time, Zhu Xiaobin turned around and threw a piece of cardboard out with a whoosh.

Yan Changqing raised his hand, and with a bang, a slightly crude dart, with the red cardboard on it, stuck to the large wooden board covered with white paper.

Then he raised his head again, and with a bang, a small pebble hit the wooden board behind the candle, and one of the burning candles in the front row had lost its flame, leaving only curling green smoke.

It’s slow to say, but it’s actually just three movements of raising one’s hand, and it’s still so fast that both hands show afterimages under the light. The sum is just a blink of an eye. Because it’s too fast, many viewers are actually confused. Did not see clearly.

Only the front row heard the sound of ding dong dong, and those in the back just looked at the cardboard throwers and didn't pay attention to what was going on. This round was over, and they only saw the red cardboard nailed to the white wood board. After all This one stands out.


After a pause, Yan Changqing picked up another bamboo stick and threw it away.

Seeing his movements, Zhu Xiaobin hurriedly put on a pose and threw a piece of cardboard over...

Still the same process, no one saw it clearly, only knew that something was thrown into the small bottle, the dart pierced the cardboard flying in the air, and a candle was extinguished in the front.

Yan Changqing was a little depressed, this show can't be so boring, can it?No applause yet.

Well, he gestured to Zhu Xiaobin, and then his hands became busy in an instant.

The sound of ding dong ding dong kept ringing, over there Zhu Xiaobin was throwing cardboard standing, throwing cardboard upside down, jumping in the air to throw cardboard, throwing cardboard in Spiderman shit pose...

There was applause in an instant, and there were bursts of low laughter.

Yan Changqing didn't smile, he had thought about this scene a long time ago, so he could hold back.

At this time, the audience in the audience, regardless of whether they understood the real performance or not, were a little happy.

The main two performers are too funny, one is too calm, standing there without any expression except for moving his arms. The person who was only in charge of throwing a cardboard was jumping up and down there, constantly posing in what young people think is handsome.

After a comparison,... everyone can only continue to encourage the performance with applause.

Yan Changqing said that it was not intentional to be expressionless, for fear of laughing out loud.

Applause rang out from time to time, Zhu Xiaobin jumped up and down with more vigor.

Yan Changqing almost couldn't bear it anymore. Now that these performances all have video materials, he will have to ask for a copy later, and keep it for him as a precious memory of youth.

In the future, he will definitely thank himself for keeping this precious memory for him.


Amid applause and laughter, the performance came to an abrupt end.

It seems that everyone has not reacted yet, why did the performance suddenly disappear?
When I looked again, I suddenly realized that not only was the one jumping vigorously, but the flask was already filled with small bamboo sticks, and the candles on the other side were all extinguished.

And everyone's eyes didn't pay attention to these, they were all looking at the big wooden board.

Many people were just looking at the gestures of throwing cardboard, and didn't even notice. At this moment, countless red cardboards were nailed to the big white wooden board, forming four crooked characters: Long live the workers!
The scene seemed to stand still for a moment, and then thunderous applause broke out.

Yan Changqing pulled Zhu Xiaobin, whose face was a little red from excitement and strenuous exercise, and thanked everyone with a smile on his face!

The effect seemed to be better than originally thought. He thought that Zhu Xiaobin's performance was not good enough, and he thought that the show was a failure!
I didn't expect that the few big characters I put together with my brains would have such a good effect!
In fact, he originally wanted to say Long live the motherland or the strength of the working class, but considering the problem of strokes, he could only use these words after thinking for a long time.

The strokes of the last character "Sui" are still not enough, that is, the first three characters are easy to recognize, so everyone recognized the last character logically.

In fact, this is the most lazy way of acting.

After all, there will only be a very small group of people who will see how difficult this performance is, how delicate the technique of throwing hidden weapons is, and how much time it will take to achieve this effect.

More people just watch the fun. They see the results and are satisfied, so they will give you good reviews and applause.

Anyway, the result is good on the line.


After stepping off the stage, Yan Changqing was a little surprised when it was time for the final awards. Why did he directly give the first prize this time?

Zhu Changsheng answered his doubts: "Tomorrow, I will go to the TV station to perform, erhu, long sticks, hidden weapons, you should prepare everything. In short, there will be a program for you. When the time comes, you can perform whatever you can, and show your momentum... "

"Wait!" Yan Changqing felt something was wrong. "Uncle Zhu, what the hell are you going to do? Can you stop being a fool?"

Zhu Changsheng actually looked left and right, and then said in a low voice: "The programs that participated in the Spring Festival Gala reported in the province have basically been recorded, and now I am holding back my anger, and I want to fight again before the program is completely finalized." Go for it!"

Yan Changqing's expression was similar to Zhu Changsheng's prediction, a little dumbfounded.

In other words, I really haven’t thought about this, I’ve been thinking about going to the Spring Festival Gala to advertise, who wants to perform?
Are the heads of oil factories so ambitious?

As soon as a group of people make a random decision, let themselves start from the small studio under their feet, then pass through the city level, then pass through the provincial level, and finally go straight to the Spring Festival Gala?
I really never thought about this kind of thing. Thinking about the current popularity of the Spring Festival Gala, anyone who has a TV and can receive CCTV signals should be a must-see, right?

How many people do you need? A TV is watched by a family, or even a village. How many people will watch it in the end?

Anyway, it must be in units of [-] million.

"How is it? Surprised?" Zhu Changsheng's words interrupted Yan Changqing's thoughts. "It is said that there are too many singing and dancing programs, and the programs sent by the province are squeezed out. So this time, we are casting a wide net and trying to find another way. I think you still have a good chance."

"If it works, you may be able to show your face in front of hundreds of millions of people. After that... among other things, you can even sell alcohol and advertise yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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