Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 151 The most expensive wine is for the most willing

Chapter 151 The most expensive wine is for the most willing
"Beep beep..."

The car horn sounded, and a group of chickens who were looking for food on the road immediately clucked and jumped and fled.

A white van staggered past the road, leaving only a khaki smoke behind - the wobble was not a problem with driving skills, it was purely a problem with the road.

The expressions on the faces of the villagers on the side of the road began to become exciting: "Is that Boss Yan? This car is driving, it's really dangerous..."

"He's a little God of Wealth, so what's the point of driving a car for a day, the big boss! Look at this new car, tsk tsk, it's a little small, but it's really impressive..."

"Boss Yan is really rich! I heard that anyone who follows him can get rich, and the people in the villages over at Dayan Village are well-off..."

"Yeah, I've seen the little boys from their villages come here to hunt rabbits. They look like bums, but now they all look like dogs. I heard they drive big trucks when they go out!"

"The big truck is so imposing, it can pull goods and load people, why doesn't Boss Yan drive it?"

"Are you an idiot? That car is too big and inconvenient. If you have money, can you just buy a small car for fun? Don't look at this car as small, you probably need several tractors to change it? Really rich..."


In rural areas, it is said that "Ri Mao", or someone "Ri Mao Daner", means reckless, impulsive, reckless, disregarding the consequences and disregarding others, etc.

Yan Changqing really didn't mean to "sunshine" on purpose. The four-wheeled one is different from the two-wheeled one. It brings up a lot of smoke. On the dirt roads in the countryside, smoke comes out after running casually. Others think that the speed is fast , Rigao.

In fact, on this kind of road, even if his driving skills are skills, how fast can he drive?

Hurry up a little bit, it will really take off if you are not careful!
A new van, it will be convenient to go out in the future, and it will not be a problem to go out to bring some goods.

I'm not willing to buy a good one. Many vans are purely imported these days. Yan Changqing just plans to buy a transportation one, not expensive ones, only the right ones.

As for fuel consumption, the oil price of more than one yuan basically ran through the entire 90s, and there was basically no price increase.

It is not that there is no price increase. At this stage, it is considered high according to income.

Just like the gas station next to the market, the oil field also gives suggested prices.But people, why listen to advice, the increased price is still in short supply, and the limited supply depends on the supply!

After a few years, when people's income level has risen, they will feel that the oil price is quite a bargain, but the price will increase soon.

Driving a car just feels different, no matter the smoke and dust billowing behind it, there is no such thing in the car anyway.

It drove to the village in one breath, and immediately attracted a group of women to watch, pointing and pointing at the excitement.

Li Xiuni is very beautiful, and her son called her filially: "Mom, get in the car first, and I will take you for a ride."

"Okay, okay!" Li Xiuni got into the car happily, and did not forget to greet her mother-in-law and father-in-law. "Mom and Dad, you guys come up too!"

It's not that Yan Changqing doesn't want to greet his grandparents, he's planning to show off his driving skills, but when they all come up, he has to drive safely.

After turning around the threshing field a few times, grandma stopped sitting: "I missed it, I got dizzy."


A group of women couldn't help laughing, and they all joked: "Auntie, you are blessed and you won't enjoy it!"

Yan Changqing was helpless, although his grandma had never been in a car so far, but he knew that grandma suffered from motion sickness.

I've tried to drive as smoothly as possible, but unfortunately it still doesn't work.

Grandpa also got out of the car, Li Xiuni felt a little regretful, so she turned to greet others: "Chunni, all of you come up, there are plenty of seats here! Come up and try!"

People who do business in the village now talk about affordable prices. When buying a car, they only consider whether they can buy goods, and they have not yet started to consider buying a small car.

The main reason is that there is no such atmosphere, unlike many years later, the village is full of parked cars that cannot be moved a few times a month, just to save face.


For the happiness of his mother, Yan Changqing honestly drove around the threshing field for a long time.

Finally, when his mother had had enough of showing off, he got away and drove the car to the winery to stop.

Then head straight to the wine cellar and start blending wine!
Now there are only the original wines in stock, including wine heads, etc. After blending these, the low-end products that are going to go belong to the "Good Days" series of wines, and the tentative price is about 30 yuan per bottle.

Is the price high?Really not high.

This low-grade is the low-grade in the own winery, not the low-grade on the market.

In any case, it is grain wine, and even the low-end wine blended out now can guarantee no headache overnight and no spicy taste in the mouth. Compared with the current good and bad wines on the market, it is considered high-end.

Both the factory director and the manager felt that the price was acceptable. Factory director Wan also said: "This is a price with conscience. At least we are not bad people when we drink alcohol, and a little excessive drinking will not cause trouble."

But the next moment I heard Yan Changqing say: "This is no problem, and then the backgammon series, how about I plan to set a price of [-]?"

Factory Manager Wan and Manager Guo were surprised together: "A bottle of wine is [-]?"

Yan Changqing smiled: "Temporary pricing, this backgammon series is for rich people to drink, you have also tasted it, do you think it is worth it?"

"It's worth it." Guo Deshun said hesitantly. "But this price is really too high, and most of the customers are screened out at once!"

"We're only producing so much now," Yan Changqing said. "At first, I thought I could put in all my energy to make wine, but now I can't do it without my supervision. The production is insufficient. Even if the wine is not sold as inventory, the good life series can make the winery profitable, right?"

"That's true." Wan Shuliang nodded. "Old Guo, I think the boss's idea is very good. Our wine is good! Besides, you can see that our wine is not fake at all, and we are not afraid of letting it go. No one will buy it this year, and we will increase the price next year! Just rely on I think our wine is worth it."

The longer the wine is kept, the better, and the price will definitely increase when the time comes.But it won't be long, Yan Changqing still wants to follow the path of others, so that others have nowhere to go!
And he was not afraid of scaring people to death, so he said with a smile: "The backgammon series sells for more than 100 points, and it is for the rich to drink. The last step by step, or the series called Gaosheng, I plan to set a price of [-] to [-]. What do you think?"

Palace Yuye wine, one hundred and eighty cups!
Yan Changqing, who was muttering this sentence in his heart, wanted to wait for the two people to object before explaining slowly, but the two people pondered for a while, and no one objected.

In particular, Wan Shuliang said with a smile: "This strategy is very good. Don't look at the difference between the two wines, but it's only for our name. We just need to put up a bullish advertisement, and the sales will immediately take off."

The factory director and manager invited here have at least decades of social experience, no matter how messy their own family is.

Since the economy has become more and more active in recent years, more and more people dare to drink high-priced alcohol.

Why don’t they think the price of [-] is expensive, because they look at the name, wait for the advertisement to hit, and drink for the name of the wine, the name and heat brought by the advertisement, how many people will spend their own money? Money to drink!

Without Yan Changqing's explanation, they understood what was going on.

Of course, this is because the three of them know it well, and there is no need to say it directly, otherwise it will be a bit unharmonious.

Guo Deshun also flattered a little: "Sure enough, those who are capable can do anything. The boss's pricing is really far-sighted. The main customers of the Good Life series are people who live a good life. The Backgammon series is worth the money, so that people who love wine Going up to the next level, the most expensive wine is given to the most willing people to drink, it is very good!"

Yan Changqing immediately thought of a brain teaser,
Who is the most willing person, of course, is the person who does not spend his own money.

The most expensive is not necessarily the best, but it can still be the most expensive.

The manager I hired by myself can speak.


Yan Changqing mainly felt that the business of selling wine was more worthy of his conscience.

Non-adulteration is one point, and the other point is that if he does not earn this money, he will earn it for those who are not very conscientious.

In fact, after he had the capital, he could have started to make some quicker money, such as selling turtle essence, which was much easier than brewing wine!
Buy an old turtle, dig a pond in the factory, put it in the factory, then pour brown sugar and water into the bottle, and advertise it vigorously, you can get rid of it one by one, anyway, drinking it can always start a psychological effect, right?

There are also oral liquids and the like, the marketing routines are the same.

If Yan Changqing did this a few years in advance, in this miraculous era when the Spring Festival Gala can create billions in sales, he would definitely be able to create a wave of sales myths.

But why bother!

Although we don't have much conscience, we didn't feed all of them to the flying tigers and flying bears in the factory. We can't do that kind of thing.


After Yan Changqing finished blending the wine, he started wandering around the winery again, thinking about how to adjust it so that he could get out as much as possible.

Otherwise, it is not the life he wants to be stuck here all the time - liking to stay here, and being forced to stay here are not the same thing.

For the time being, he still needs to supervise the low-end wine. After a period of time, he can completely let it go, let the workers just brew it, and finally he can adjust it.

The high-end ones are not very good in the short term. After all, not everyone has the perception skills such as his nose and tongue, as well as the professional counterpart of the second-level brewing technology.

But there is no way for a while, there is a lack of people, people who can do things, and reliable people who can do things.

After walking around, seeing that the winery was very busy up and down, Yan Changqing was quite satisfied, so he went to practice stones in the small woods.


The show needs to be more entertaining and entertaining, and the audience has to see clearly, at least know what happened.

Well, you can consider lighting candles!

The flying hidden weapon is invisible to others, but the lit candle can be seen by the audience when it is extinguished.

Then make a few other tricks to ensure that the audience can see clearly, know that our magical hidden weapon technique is unparalleled in the world, and send a lot of applause.

As for hidden weapons, it's easy, just find some.

The important thing is to make the hidden weapon not so "dark", and it's not about assassination. For performance, people have to see something.

Thinking in his heart and practicing with his hands, he gradually had an idea at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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