Chapter 150
Before May Day, the winery held a small party.

In fact, we invite relatives, friends, and people who are close to us to come and have a taste of our wine.

It's not to show off, it's just that I finally got another second-level skill, let's have fun together.

After half a month of experimentation, Yan Changqing has figured out that there are many opinions about how delicious his wine is.

But there is a saying that is common, that is, drink whatever you want, sleep when you are drunk, and make sure you sleep until dawn, and you will not get up in the middle of the night to find water to drink.

Get up after waking up, let alone feel comfortable, at least it will not affect your work, just do whatever you need to do, and you will never have a headache.

That being the case, don't worry completely, don't be afraid if you don't know how to drink, come on, try our wine.

That's what good wine is like. People who don't know how to drink usually can't accept the spiciness of that kind of wine, but if the spiciness becomes acceptable, then everyone can drink some.

The representative, Li Xiuni, after taking a sip of the wine, paused and said, "You can drink it!"

This is her evaluation, and there are many others, all of which are praises of her son, which are not enough for reference, including what she said about being able to drink.

What's important is her expression. After drinking, she didn't frown for water, or hurriedly pick up vegetables to eat, but spoke first.

And the one who can drink more is his uncle. After Chen Youliang finished drinking, he said: "It feels more peaceful than before. It's not right. It's a little smoother. Mmm, it has a lot of stamina. It's pretty good. Not bad... I'll take another sip ..."

My aunt smiled vigorously at the side: "If you want to drink, just say so, and you are never stopped from drinking. Look at your worthless appearance!"

Black Preserved Dan's cousin jumped up and down: "I drink too, I drink too..."

After drinking two slaps, he obediently held the drink and drank it.

Yan Changqing doesn't drink it himself, but we are children, so we can't drink it, just smelling it and tasting it is enough.

As for the people from the market, like Brother Niu, they yelled at the table alone, and the movement quieted down after a while.



Then Yan Changqing went to receive wages and benefits.

Carrying the wine, I went to Master Liu Siwu first. Every time Master Liu saw him, he was very happy: "Xiaoqing is here again? Come quickly!"

Yan Changqing was a little unhappy, but there was no way, and he didn't know why, Master Liu knew that he didn't like being called Xiaoqing, so he had to be called once every time he came.

Yan Changqing got used to it, so he didn't say much, and showed up with the jug in hand: "One person, have a drink first, and give me some advice."

"Okay, come, come"!" A group of apprentices knew the master very well. Knowing that Yan Changqing came, Master Liu was happy, and they would not reprimand them for some excessive things, and they started to boo.

They all ran to wash their hands, there was no way, they were working, their hands were clean all day, they were definitely not workers.

Those old oil stains are not generally difficult to wash on their hands. When they are not working, they can stretch out their hands to see the oil stains. They must be a bit of a clean freak. It is estimated that they need to wash their hands for half an hour every day.

When they all washed their hands and came over, the wine had already been poured.

There wasn't even a dish, but everyone sat around consciously, waiting for Liu Shixian to bring wine glasses.

Master Liu and the others were all present, and he was not polite. He raised the wine glass first, and smelled it: "It smells very good."

Sucked a little bit and tasted it: "Sweet!"

After taking a sip, he closed his eyes and didn't move for a long time: "It's very smooth, the taste is pure and thick, very good."

The remaining bit was simply poured into his mouth, and the wine glass was put down: "Taste all of them, you will be done after you finish drinking, don't try to save your wages in the future, you won't be able to drink 50 yuan of wine in the future. "

Is there such a thing?

A group of apprentices started serving cups to taste.

Most of them are not as good at drinking as the master chef. Basically, the evaluation is that it is very comfortable, smooth, and feels good after drinking.

Master Liu waved his hand with a smile: "Xiao Ma, go and get the wine you bought last time. Isn't there still half a bottle? You didn't drink it secretly, did you?"

Ma Fangyuan got up quickly, and said as he walked, "I haven't drank yet! How much did you drink last time, how much is left now?"

Soon half a bottle of wine was brought over, and Master Liu waved his hand again: "Wash the glass and pour it."

When a group of apprentices picked up the wine glass again and drank it down, Master Liu was delighted to see their expressions: "Do you feel it? Tell me."

Ma Fangyuan spoke quickly: "I feel like I'm drinking fake wine!"

Another apprentice muttered: "Master, you are cheating. It's like giving us braised pork just now, and then let us eat dried radish. Can you eat it?"

There is another person who speaks honestly: "Changqing's wine is really good, and his skills are getting better and better. With just this glass of wine, how many people will you have to deceive in the future? If you are used to drinking this, who will drink other wine!"

Master Liu was proud: "I'm right. After drinking this, you will either quit drinking or you won't be able to save your wages. You can't drink cheaper wine!"

Yan Changqing was also very proud, but he had to be modest: "Master, I'm overwhelmed. I'll change it to a big pot in the future. I promise to bring enough for you to drink for a few days."

"No." Master Liu laughed. "If you do this, they will get used to drinking in the future, and they won't be able to drink other alcohol at all. It's better to have an addiction once in a while. If you don't believe me, let them say it themselves."

You can say anything, but you must be serious when you say that the wine is good.

While talking, several people drank a few more glasses unknowingly, and then gradually became lazy: "Master, this wine can really relieve fatigue. After taking a few sips, I feel very comfortable on my body, very comfortable!"

Master Liu waved his hand: "Take a break and continue to work. Don't take the opportunity to be lazy when Changqing comes. Come and have another drink, and I will keep the rest to drink slowly, haha!"


Yan Changqing was quite satisfied when he left, so he had to find someone who didn't drink his wine often to taste it!
Afterwards, he went to his current immediate boss and Director Hu's side again, and he sent the ones that should be delivered first.

Then I went to the city again, and Director Zhu couldn't be left behind.

As a result, as soon as he arrived, Director Zhu gave him a task: "What show are you going to perform this May Day? Erhu or martial arts?"

I haven't sold a bottle of this wine yet!
Just put a little bit in the warehouse, just came out to show off, and plan to go home to produce soon!

But it doesn't seem to matter, except for the last martial arts, I have never asked myself to rehearse, and I just went to the field directly.The show that needs to be rehearsed is also what I want to play.

Thinking about it this way, it's not a big deal.

As soon as he thought about it, he came up with an idea: "Perform a hidden weapon!"

Zhu Changsheng: "Huh?"

"Hidden weapon!" Yan Changqing was very proud. "My hidden weapon is very powerful, don't you know?"

"How about that performance? It doesn't look as exciting as erhu and martial arts!" Zhu Changsheng said, then nodded. "Then let's use the hidden weapon! You can think of some tricks yourself, as long as it looks better, we don't ask for it anyway."

"That must be no problem." Yan Changqing thought for a while. "It's time for Xiaobin to cooperate with me!"

Zhu Changsheng was shocked at the time: "You don't know how to perform turning table throwing knives?"

Yan Changqing didn't think of this at first, but when he mentioned it, he immediately thought of it.

It is said that the turntable flying knife has a long history, and he remembers that there will be performances many years later.

The most memorable one is the husband and wife, who participated in the draft, the man threw throwing knives blindfolded, and the woman stood at the turntable.Every time you throw it, you can see the woman's instinctive shaking and dodging, which makes most people have no desire to continue watching.

Scared my wife like that, and even acted like that, I'm really not a human being just to be famous!

Turning in his mind, he already laughed: "How can I perform such a tasteless show, no matter how powerful a master is, I can't guarantee that I won't miss it!"

Unless you are skilled like me, as long as you concentrate, you can play steadily.

But he doesn't know how to perform such a show, and he always feels like he is playing with people, unless he scares people. Next time someone offends him, he can try this way, and it is guaranteed to scare people to death.

"I thought of a show, find someone to be responsible for throwing things, and I will be in charge of hitting flying things with hidden weapons. The thrower can even stand next to me, and there will be no danger at all."

Zhu Changsheng laughed and pretended to wipe off his sweat: "To be honest, I'm just such a precious son. If you really act like that, I have to reject you for Xiaobin."

Yan Changqing was also happy: "No, no, no matter how much I want to perform a good show, I won't be able to play that kind of thing. It's just shooting things in the air and performing for fun."

"We have to find a way to extend the time." Zhu Changsheng reminded. "Don't throw it away, it's gone. It's less than 1 minute, that's a bit too short."

This is okay, dare to say that I am short, or is it too short?
Yan Changqing immediately racked his brains: "Then I'll think about it when I go back, and try to perform for more than 5 minutes. Xiaobin doesn't need his cooperation or delay his class, and he can throw it casually at that time. If it doesn't work, he can still interact. Choose a colleague from the audience to come up..."

"Then there's no problem." Zhu Changsheng nodded. "You've started bottling this wine, right? Do you need help recommending something? We still have some connections in our unit."

"Not for now." Yan Changqing said. "It's fine to advertise directly. The production volume is not good now. Other than me, the brewing is almost interesting. I will definitely tell you when I need it in the future. Now I want you to taste it first."

"Okay, haha."


On the way home, I was thinking, how to perform this show well?

Concealed weapons are all about 'concealment', they are concealed quickly, and most of the performances of hidden weapons either increase the danger, just like the throwing knife turntable.

Or it's just gesticulating for a long time before the performance, what kind of luck, posing for a long time.

Feeling very ashamed, Yan Changqing felt that he couldn't do it.

Then you have to think about it, flying needles through glass?Flying knife piercing iron skin?
Now go back to the brewing bar, maybe smell the wine, you will have a better idea!
 Thanks to the book friends for "using a new nickname", "Sirius%", "08a", "Yi Ge Yi Bo Yun Tian" for their rewards!Thank you for your support!

  A new month begins, I wish you all success in work, study and life, happy every day!

  I hope everyone will be happy and accept my request for a monthly ticket. Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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