Chapter 149 Second Level Wine
When Yan Changqing returned to the winery, he looked at his stick, feeling a little pity.

The wooden stick that has been with me for so long will be useless in the future just because I smashed two iron pipes.

It's a pity, but fortunately, in the past two years, a lot of white wax sticks have been left in the village, and now I can cut another one at any time.

As for the alloy stick, it should be no problem to use it in the future. Now, it is quite effective for scaring people, but it is a bit too heavy for practical use.

The matter should be almost resolved. Fighting with weapons in the countryside is a conflict of interests, but now the other party is ignoring it, and the interests are not that great, so it should not be possible for anyone to take risks.

After all, my last sentence is particularly easy to empathize with.


Later in the afternoon, the winery went out alone, carrying a jug of wine, and pedaling towards Damo Village on a bicycle.

Not long after the man left, a woman pulled a cart to the gate of the winery, looked around timidly, and then tried to look inside, but saw nothing.

After hesitating for a while, the woman pulled the cart, entered the gate and turned a corner, then with a flattering smile, she said to the person in the next hut: "I brought some food, do you still charge it?"

There was a cart of radishes and cabbage on the cart, and a large bamboo basket was tied between the two front handlebars, which was full of shepherd's purse.

Shepherd's purse is not easy to dig nowadays, because there are too many people digging it. It is estimated that several people squatted and walked dozens of acres of shepherd's purse in this big basket.

The work of collecting things is basically done by Yan Changqing's uncle and two aunts. Now the two aunts are cooking, and only the uncle is there. He glanced at it: "There are a lot of things! Is it worth weighing?"

The woman was a little embarrassed: "I'm from Changliu Village, and the head of the family said that we did something wrong in the past, so we don't need money for this dish, and we will pay for it."

Uncle laughed a little: "It's nothing, the factory manager said, the past is nothing to worry about. What to do, I can't accept your food without money. Let's go through the scale!"

The woman hesitated, and thought for a while: "Then why don't you refill the bar for me, I have a bottle in the car."

Uncle nodded: "Then you go to the kitchen and put all the dishes by the door!"

After a while, the woman came back, holding a wine bottle, and kept muttering: "I shouldn't want it, I won't let you have it even if I'm in charge..."

Uncle didn't bother to talk about her petty thoughts, why would he even bring the wine bottle?

He is a kind man: "Just one bottle? You spent a lot of effort on that basket of shepherd's purse, you can fill it up more."

The woman quickly said: "One bottle is enough, one bottle is enough, wild vegetables are not worth anything..."

The uncle smiled, filled the wine bottle, and when he handed it over, he said: "Our factory manager said, if people from our village come, I will tell you that after the New Year, the winery will start a big construction. If you have a mason to build a factory building, come and try it if you want, and do it if you can, and the wages will remain the same."

The woman was suddenly pleasantly surprised: "Zhongzhong! Then I will be in charge of the factory, thank you very much, and thank you too..."

Uncle watched her leave with a smile, feeling a little amused in his heart.

When Yan Changqing told him about this matter, he had no problem with letting go of the past, but he felt that it was too much face for them to ask them to work.

Then Yan Changqing said that those who have been beaten work harder, are more honest and obedient, and are easy to discipline if they are careful.


Time flies and it is New Year's Eve again, followed by March in Yangchun.

The tung tree seedlings in the village have arrived, and the villagers have rumored that because Tongshu County is called Tongshu County, they will plant all the tung trees to make the name worthy of the name!
I don't know what the other villages did, but the villages in Dayanzhuang are very consistent.

It was agreed a long time ago that the people who ran the business would not come back at all. The village chiefs were in charge of the affairs, and hired some people to find a hillside on the other side of Yatouwa in Eetou Bay, and planted a large area.

The neatly planted saplings look better than the sparsely planted wheat fields, and there is no need to destroy the wheat fields. Everyone expressed satisfaction, including those hired to plant trees.

The people hired to plant the trees continue to work in the winery after planting the trees. The money is paid for the work here, and the food is delicious. If the supervisors did not drive away a few lazy people, these people would like to work like this for the rest of their lives.

In a blink of an eye, the winery has built a tall factory building, and then the equipment inside has been put in place one after another, and it has been gradually put into use.

There were not enough people to operate the equipment in the early stage, so Yan Changqing wanted the second uncle to come back and help manage the equipment.

But my uncle took time to discuss it with him, and said that now the second uncle can not only be in charge, but also be responsible for the repair work on the market, especially the vehicles that pass by.

Yan Changqing couldn't help but sigh with emotion, as expected, the second uncle is the second uncle, destined to be a repairman.

Since there was no one he could rely on, he had to bring it himself, so while improving his brewing skills, he brought his uncle and a few others along and let them take over the work slowly.

Then there are other tasks such as labeling, stacking, sealing, packing and testing. Yan Changqing found a retired master from the winery in the city to take charge. This work is cumbersome and important, and it is better to have experience.

It is mainly the final work, checking whether the wine in the box is okay, and then sealing the box—of course, the retired master does not need to do the handling, but is only responsible for the inspection and command.

And the work of collecting things, etc., is now completely handed over to my two aunts. They have taken care of these things before, but now they are completely handed over to them.

Yan Changqing was still complacent after the assignment, we are such a crony person.


However, we still have to recruit people, at least someone who understands management, and a few more educated people to straighten out the big mess of the winery.

It's not a big problem, let the people at the oil field help to pay attention, and it will be done in a few days.

A retired workshop director named Wan Shuliang came here to be promoted to factory manager, and another named Guo Deshun was in charge of the business, that is, selling wine, but he didn’t have to go out, he just stayed in the factory and would advertise later. Now he You can also help the factory manager with some chores.

There is also a female accountant named Tong Xinjuan, who is retired like the above two.

All three of them have one thing in common, the children and grandchildren in the family are filial, and they are afraid that the three of them will have nothing to do after retirement, and they will easily have some psychological gap, or worry that they will stay at home for a long time and not pay attention to their health after a long time.

Therefore, these children and grandchildren would rather give up their future than do business, willing to live a hard life, but also let the retirees regain their residual energy and muster the courage to work hard again, so there are these three people who are willing to come to Yatouwa , this place where birds don't shit.

Yan Changqing was quite satisfied. The three of them seemed to have rich work experience, and they could help lead a few apprentices and train talents for the factory.

It's good, so that he can continue to sprint to the last bit of proficiency in brewing skills with peace of mind.


Green is all over the mountains and the plains are white and full of rivers, and the sound of Zigui is raining like smoke.

A few days after the Ching Ming Festival in April, Yan Changqing had no other thoughts and devoted himself to wine making.

From the selection of ingredients to soaking and cooking, and now preparing to steam the wine, he did it all by himself, and he resolutely refused to allow anyone to intervene.

After igniting the fire, I still stared at it, until there was a ticking sound coming out of the wine barrel below, and then the sound gradually became coherent, and finally converged into a trickle.

The expression on his face has relaxed, and gradually began to smile.

But he still didn't relax, and even stretched his hand to the stove from time to time to feel the temperature, which made the newcomers feel nervous, for fear that the factory manager would do something stupid and hurt himself.

Older workers will not, they are used to it.

Sorghum brewing technology, level two.

There is no progress in proficiency for the time being, but Yan Changqing doesn't pay attention anymore.

From time to time, he lay down on the mouth of the wine barrel to look inside, and then smelled the liquor flowing out. He didn't wave his hand until he felt that the time was right, and someone immediately replaced the wine barrel with an empty one.

This is called breaking the flowers and picking wine.

The wine that came out just now is the head of the wine, and the wine that comes out now is the real good wine.

The wine barrel used to receive the wine has only one small opening. When receiving the wine, put the pipe in and cover the small opening with something, usually a piece of cloth, called the wine receiving cloth, to prevent the wine from volatilizing and losing its flavor. The wine has just been distilled and the temperature is still very high.

With a keen sense of smell and being the closest, he is now only focused on the heat. He has just smelled the latest new wine, which is very good.

The people in the winery are used to it, don't they think that the newcomers are not used to it yet, watching him burn the fire, they wonder if this person grew up by the stove since he was a child, otherwise how could he even burn the fire so well? neat.

In fact, they have already discovered it in the past few days. Sometimes they feel that this young factory manager has a unique charm in everything he does. The scene before your eyes has changed drastically.

Probably this is the real natural genius!
It took a long time to make the wine, but Yan Changqing was patient. This was his first pot of wine after the second level skill, and it was very commemorative.

When I was ready to turn around, I filled the pot and took it out for others to drink.

It is so different, because the wine we brew, the next pot is always better than the last one!
It's a fart at the second level. With such a big winery, maybe this skill will improve faster than all other skills.


When it was time to change the wine barrels again, the people around basically took the opportunity to smell the aroma.

However, Yan Changqing was very generous, he thought about the time to change the barrel, and replaced it with a pot in advance, so that everyone can taste it later.

Although the taste of the wine just out of the pot is not the best, it also depends on what wine it is compared with.

The master chef from the winery was already sighing: "Amazing! This wine tastes so good when it comes out, even better than the master chefs in our factory..."

The master chef in the factory has worked all his life, and he can't guarantee that every step is just right every time he brews wine, but Yan Changqing, who has skills in his body, can, of course, is better than the master chef.

On this point, Yan Changqing has never been modest.

Seeing everyone's expressions after tasting the wine, Yan Changqing was quite satisfied.

From now on, the wine coming out of the winery in the future, although I dare not say that it will be fragrant for ten miles, at least it will be no problem for three or five miles.

Well, it should be!
Very smooth, very peaceful, full of stamina, comfortable...

This is the evaluation given by a group of unprofessional people. I don’t know how good it is, but after drinking it, I can’t help but want to try it again. I feel that it is quite comfortable to drink.

Even those who don't usually drink alcohol said with their mouths that they drank very smoothly, and it felt good in their mouths, better than before.

There is also an exaggeration, to put it bluntly, after drinking it, I feel like I am standing in a field of peach and millet in the autumn harvest. Looking at those heavy tassels of peach and millet, I feel content all over my body!

Yan Changqing suspects that this is flattering!

(End of this chapter)

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