Chapter 148

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and Yan Changqing got the news without accident that the village he had warned had simply blocked the road.

They didn't come to sell or collect things, they just blocked the road, probably trying to force the winery to be soft or something.

This question is really unsolvable.

Because the other side belongs to the township of Tongshan County, even if the winery goes to the police station, it can't be solved at all.

But there is an easier solution.

This morning Yan Changqing had eaten, rode a motorcycle to the market, and brought back a stick.

The whole body of this stick is dark gold, and at first glance one would think it is a copper stick, much like the cooked copper stick in movies and TV dramas.

In fact, it is not, it is just an alloy rod, which was made by the steel factory.

It is made with care. The two-meter-long stick has snake scale-like textures on its body, which can prevent slipping. There are also some shape changes at both ends, which adds to the beauty.

This alloy stick weighing [-] to [-] kilograms, the steel factory also took a lot of painstaking efforts, and it didn't ask for money when it was finally delivered to the market!

The reason is also funny. At first, Yan Changqing proposed to let the steel factory make toys such as hoops and tops, because their factory is well-equipped, and it is not troublesome to make these. Chicken with a bull knife.

The steel factory also thought so at the time. We are a big company in the county after all, so we can do such substandard work?

But most of them are opposed, and a few people think that since they can make money, and there are not many jobs in steel mills, why not develop some side jobs?The whole country is engaged in economic construction, what if we make some toys?
However, there were more people who supported it than opposed it, and finally no agreement was reached.

But what you want to do, as long as you make up your mind, there is a way.

They negotiated a condition. Some of the workshops in the factory now have two days of work and two days off. If this is the case, some of us organizers will work when the workshop is free. Anyway, the workers can earn money during the off-duty time. I am very happy to get some extra money, at most I will pay the rent to the factory, isn't this the head office?

They are all from the same factory, so they won’t make too much trouble. Since they want to do it and say that they will pay the rent, let them try it out. Don’t charge the rent. It’s a small pilot, do it first, and do the rest. I'll talk about that later.

Then it works!
Because there is still a market for this kind of toy.

After all, your steel factory has the conditions, and the workers make them for their own children at will, but it doesn't mean that everyone in the city has the conditions to make them by themselves.

Then the factory didn't say anything more, everyone pretended that there was no dispute at all, and it was logical and tacitly added toy manufacturing to the factory's production and manufacturing catalog.

You can't forget the well digger when you drink water, so Yan Changqing's stick is made much better than he thought.

Just like the large fans used in the winery, the fan factory is reluctant to charge a cost price. They have now produced a small fan for the bed, made of plastic, and the cost has not dropped much for the time being. Sales are not bad.


Yan Changqing took his original wooden stick and this long alloy stick, without telling the people at the winery, he crossed the river towards the east.

When I arrived at the place, I saw two old men sitting there. They were quite leisurely, sitting on the ground to occupy the square!
He just asked a word: "You guys are blocking the road, are you planning to give way?"

The two old men were a little guilty, but one of them said stubbornly: "This is our village, we can block it if we want, what's bothering you?"

Yan Changqing chuckled, and poked the alloy stick towards the ground, and the stick stood there obediently.

Then, holding the wooden stick, he asked again with a cold face: "Are you sure you won't let me?"

"What's wrong!" The old man was still stubborn. "You still want to beat us? I'm so old..."

"Yes!" Yan Changqing swung the stick.

The master stick method, said that the face will never be hit on the neck, and that a red mark will be left to ensure that there will be no bleeding.

The old man yelled loudly, and then covered his face and shouted: "Are you hitting someone? You hit someone, you hit someone, come quickly!"

The other old man reacted quickly, got up immediately, and ran away: "You dare to hit someone, wait for me to call someone..."

"Come on, call more people to come, less enough to fight." Yan Changqing pointed at the one on the ground with a stick, and this one also got up and ran.

Obviously, this old man hasn't learned how to lie on the ground. Of course, the situation is different these years. Let's not talk about the evidence. The key is not the same county, and it is not so convenient to extort money unless they win .

Yan Changqing is still the old rule, one treatment will benefit for life.

There are fewer people beating, and the prestige here is not enough, and there will still be troubles in the future.


The people didn't come very quickly. Obviously, the village wasn't ready for someone to knock on the door directly.

After a while, a group of people came out carrying the guys. The first two were still holding special tools for shooting rabbits, and they were very aggressive and a little scary.

But Yan Changqing wasn't very worried. The second uncle's house had this thing. As for the range, it was far worse than the distance he could throw a stone.

If the lethality is not considered, ordinary people with a little strength can throw stones tens of meters away, and the range of this kind of gun is usually 30 meters when they shoot rabbits. The rabbit ran away.

Seeing the people getting closer, Yan Changqing grabbed two stones and stood on the road waiting.

Seeing that the two sides were within the shooting range, everyone on the other side started to yell and curse, and he knocked out the stone without any hassle.

Then he rushed over like a gust of wind, hitting anyone he saw, and never falling behind.

It's really like a joke, a group of people come out noisy, more to scare people, if they can be fooled, they will eat more and occupy more, if they can't be fooled... they probably don't think that they won't be able to be fooled , I feel that there are so many people in my village, how can I not be fooled.

In fact, there are only a few people who come, which cannot represent a village. More are honest farmers who don't have the guts to make trouble.

Fighting is not entertaining, just holding a stick to the left and right to block up and down, it is easier than squatting by the river to fish.

They were all untrained people, and they panicked when they saw others being beaten. Some mustered up the courage to hold up shovels and hoes, and some simply dodged and retreated behind others.

There was a brave man who was knocked out of the shovel, covered his arms and looked around, and went to pick up the gun as soon as his eyes lit up.

Yan Changqing waited, and as soon as he picked up the gun and pushed it up with a stick, the iron pipe was bent into a bow.

When he picked up the gun, he was dumbfounded. He stared at the "new bow" he had just bought and didn't know what to do. When his wrist hurt and the object fell to the ground, his first reaction was not to hold his wrist and scream for pain, but to startle. Jumped up, dodging the gun far away.

Afraid of fire.

In fact, there have been countless accidents with gunpowder guns in recent years. Gunpowder is sold on the street, purely handmade, and the quality is not good.

Yan Changqing was not like this one, who lost his mind during the fight.

He simply beats people when he sees them, and leaves when he is beaten. A group of people have a place to cover one by one. Basically, they choose one of the three for their hands, feet, faces, and a few are more stubborn. They choose two of the three. Even hit all.

Some people with more stubborn mouths will be more miserable. The moment they hit the face, they started to swell up in no time.

Those who speak more honestly will be happier. Don't look at the pain as severe as the injury. If you go back and rest for ten or eight days, you won't be delayed in your work.

These people were in a state of ignorance the whole time. When they saw someone approaching, as soon as they raised the hoe and stick, there was a bang in their hands, and they were almost unable to hold the weapon due to the pain.

The sun is too bad, how can anyone hit someone on the back of the hand or on the tip of the bone? It really hurts when you hit it with a stick!

In a blink of an eye, the person left, and then heard the voice of bang bang bang again, and some of them covered their faces with a groan when they scolded halfway, and only dared to shout and dare not scold. They were all beaten out, and it looked like they were beaten and cried.

Those who tried to lift their feet were also very miserable. In Bangbang's voice, the unprotected part between the cotton boots and cotton pants was beaten, jumping around, and they couldn't stand upright. The one who was beaten!
They really can't even touch their shadows. They don't know what kind of freak they are facing. They usually practice their skills when they walk and breathe. They are still masters of stick technique. Beating them is no different from bullying kindergarten children.

It was over in a blink of an eye.


Yan Changqing glanced around, looking at those who lowered their heads and dodged, or glared at him: "Should I still fight? I will continue to wait, and you continue to call for people to come. I will follow as many people come."

No one said a word.

Then continue to say: "Don't even think about making dirty tricks, it's useless. You all saw it just now, my skills are here, and I am in a hurry to go to your village in the dark to kill all chickens and dogs. I guarantee that no one will find it. What evidence is there?"

No one has spoken yet.

"Continue if you want to fight. Let me tell you first. I was just playing casually with you just now. If you plan to continue fighting, you go call someone and I will change the stick. I came here with a wooden stick for the villagers. You broke a few legs, do you think you can sue me to pay you?"

This is the key point, remind them.

Reason still needs to be said, and now these people, even those with eyes full of anger, should be able to make sense.

Not far away, the long dark gold stick stood by the side of the road, and the warm winter sun gave it a layer of luster, which looked quite beautiful.

A group of people walked back and forth with their eyes on Changgun and Yan Changqing.

They didn't think that the small factory manager was bragging when he said that he was playing around just now, because he didn't even have any dirt on his body now.

A group of people were holding spears, big sticks, hoes and shovels, but no one could hit him, but he was beaten one by one on his side.

They even began to think, how could this small factory manager be so merciless, and hit him straight away.

Anyway, I even delivered food to you!

Yes, now that they think about it, the two parties had a very pleasant cooperation before.

In the end, the middle-aged man who took the lead snorted, "This matter can't be left alone. You came here and beat so many of us. I'm going to report it!"

Yan Changqing patiently reasoned with him: "Don't worry, just listen to me slowly."

"The first one, the matter of beating someone, just your little skin trauma, no one really cares about it. Besides, I'm not even 12 years old, so I can't even enter the juvenile detention center, you know? You don't know the law? If you don’t understand, go find someone to inquire about it, I’ll beat you as if I’m playing, there’s no need to lie to you again, right?”

"Secondly, it's just a fight now, and it hasn't reached the point of death. So we can still stand here and talk. You block the way and I hit someone, and you bow your head to make way for the road. What should we do in the future? It's over for now, isn't it?"

"Third, if you really want to continue making trouble, as I said just now, you can either continue now, or we can make an appointment."

"But you have to guard the village well. I will come in at any time, whether it is to beat or kill, it depends on my mood. If you are not convinced, you can find someone to come. As long as someone can guard me, you are considered powerful."

"Where are the two of you with the guns just now? I'm here to talk to you today. I didn't plan what to do. I used stones. I want to replace them with darts. The arms of the two of you will be useless."

"If you look at the injury yourself, you will know. If I don't keep my hand, will this happen? My stick weighs forty to fifty catties. Who of you can hold it? I will break your legs now. Do you have any? Can you help me? Will you spend money on wound treatment later on?"

After finishing speaking, I can leave, and I slapped a stick on the other iron pipe on the ground, and this one was also useless.

After taking two steps, he turned back: "Think about it, think about whether to fight or not, go to the winery and tell me, if you want to make peace, it will be treated as never happened in the future, and we are still neighbors. If you want to go to the winery If the factory does some damage or something, then you should think about it first, after you go, you won’t be able to come back.”

"If you don't come back, your mother-in-law will have to sleep with someone else, and your son will have to be beaten by someone else!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Changqing looked at the people with serious faces, and felt that his level of reasoning was quite good.

As I said a long time ago, there is no need to develop any speaking skills, and most people are willing to listen to the truth.

He was quite satisfied to pull out his alloy stick, played a trick like showing off, and walked away with it.

(End of this chapter)

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