Chapter 147
At dawn the next day, Yan Changqing, who was practicing Erhu in the threshing field, heard the sound of gongs and drums in the distance.

He put down his erhu, climbed to the straw stack and looked at the crowd coming in the distance, then put the erhu in the house, and ran to the village chief's house: "Master Xingwang, open the door quickly."

Yan Xingwang was startled when he heard his yelling anxiously, before the door was opened, he hurriedly asked, "What's the matter, why are you in such a panic?"

Yan Changqing waited for him to open the door and smiled: "Yesterday, the man from Damozhuang who was looking for a child came, and I saw that he was chasing a big fat pig, please help me deal with it, remember that the pig must not be taken! I will hide first go."

"Hey, this is a good thing, why run away! Don't run away..." Yan Xingwang yelled twice and stomped his feet. " know how to handle difficult things for me."

In the end, after waiting for a while, there was no movement, and I couldn't help muttering: "Who is coming? This little..."

Then he looked around to make sure that the person had really disappeared, and then continued: "You son of a bitch..."

After finishing speaking, I just heard the faint sound of gongs and drums coming from a distance...


Yan Changqing was most afraid of this kind of trouble, he came here sincerely, but well, he is really not good at dealing with such situations.

I can only go first as a respect, and let grandparents, mothers and fathers have a headache!

Riding a motorcycle, I went to the winery to get some things, and explained a few more words to him, then continued to ride the motorcycle across the river and headed east.

Didn't the people in the winery run to find someone yesterday? They encountered something that made Yan Changqing very unhappy, so he was going to take a look.

The speed of the motorcycle is fast. Although the path is a little narrow, it is quite flat, and we reached a village in no time.

Then I went in directly, met an old man who got up early, and asked, "Master, let me ask, which one was the one that blocked the road yesterday?"

The old man knew him: "Director Yan? Why are you here so early in the morning?"

"Isn't there someone blocking the way in our village? I have to ask." Yan Changqing said angrily.

The old man was a little embarrassed when he heard it: "Director Yan, there is a reason for this..."

Yan Changqing didn't listen to his explanation: "Just tell me, whoever comes forward to stop me, I'll go find him. Otherwise, if you make me unhappy, no one will think about it in the future!"


Whether things are big or small.

The winery now accepts a lot of things, in addition to vegetables, it also accepts things like fungus and mushrooms.

Farther to the east, it gradually approaches the mountains, where these things are produced.

Once someone delivered firewood and tried to ask if they would accept it. Yan Changqing saw that the goods were quite good and the price was much lower than the market price, so he accepted it without saying a word.

He also confessed that he would continue to deliver the goods in the future, and that other people could come if they had goods.

As for the price, it must be much lower than the market price, but it won't make people's hard work in vain.

These people go to the market to sell by themselves, and they have to pay management fees first, and expensive things like fungus are not easy to sell.

They are not like the villages like Dayanzhuang, where there are people behind the scenes - when the stall was first set up on the first day, Yan Changqing had paid for the stall for those who hadn't sold anything.

Don't underestimate this stall fee, it can be difficult for most people.If you can't sell for a few times and lose money for setting up a few times, basically few people can stick to it.

As for the fact that there will be hawkers running to collect the goods, let’s not talk about the price, as long as the hawkers are willing to pay a little higher price, these people will not find the winery.

The winery now has this convenience, collect some good quality things, and give them to the family to taste, so as not to have a few meals all day, which tastes boring-they are still not willing to ask the family to buy them.

But the price of dried mushrooms is not high now. If the season is right, fresh mushrooms are cheaper.

Even if the factory and my family can't eat it, I'm not afraid. It's not everyone in the village who transfers it to Li Xiuni. Someone has money and is willing to spend it.

In short, these trifles are not a big deal.

But when I came out to look for someone yesterday, I happened to bump into someone who wanted to come to the winery to sell things, and someone in a village here stopped him from leaving.

It is said that the roadblocker is quite business-minded, and he wants to buy it from others at a low price and bring it to the winery to sell.

Yan Changqing is definitely not happy. If you stop the seller today, are you planning to monopolize the business of my winery's collection tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow? You will simply monopolize my wine business and have to hand it over to you to sell?

If you drink too much, you want to go to heaven!


The old man was still hesitating, Yan Changqing was already upset, and called you uncle, you are really an uncle: "I came alone, just to make sense, you plan to let all the people from the winery come, right? You Don't say it, I will remember you first, and your family will not go to the winery in the future."

Now the old man didn't dare to talk anymore, and pointed: "That's the one, don't say what I said."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his head and left, for fear of being seen.

Yan Changqing went up and knocked on the door: "Is anyone there?"

The person who opened the door was a middle-aged man with a displeased expression on his face. It’s winter, it’s almost Chinese New Year, and there’s nothing wrong with the countryside. It’s normal to get up late, and it’s normal to be unhappy when someone calls the door.

But when he saw that it was Yan Changqing, he knew him: "Director Yan?"

Yan Changqing said directly: "Yesterday, people from your family went to block the way to collect things from others?"

"This..." The middle-aged man hesitated.

Yan Changqing chuckled: "I act according to the rules, and you guys are not doing this properly. Don't do it in the future, okay?"

The middle-aged man seemed to want to defend himself: "I am... Anyway, it won't delay your winery's collection, right? I don't intend to raise the price?"

Yan Changqing laughed: "You don't plan to raise the price now, will you raise the price in the future? Why should I ask you to pass at my door when I collect things?"

"Then we didn't go to the winery, nor here..." The middle-aged man retorted.

"I don't care what the reason is. If you don't let him walk when he goes to my winery, he won't do it." Yan Changqing didn't tell him any more, and he knew his attitude from the beginning of his defense, that is, he didn't intend to give up easily.

That being the case, the debate will not come to a conclusion, he is not polite anymore: "Remember, next time, I will not be so reasonable!"

Turn around and leave after speaking, this is courtesy first and soldiers later.


In fact, there is a river across the two sides, and neither is a town or a county. These people want to stop here, and Yan Changqing is not going to do anything more in the future.

But it is probably unlikely. He has never been to this village before, so he doesn't know much about it.However, things in the world are actually pretty much the same.

The village here only knows that the director of the winery is a baby, so what if they think he is so good?Anyway, the people who usually look at the winery are not troublemakers.

In other words, if the winery also had a group of people like 'Brother Niu', this trouble would not have happened in the first place.

Yan Changqing is not just looking for trouble, he collects things from the east side of the river, dried vegetables and mountain goods are all incidental, mainly due to the high demand for firewood.

Coal is not available these days, no matter in cities or small towns, there are always people pulling carts to sell firewood.

The area in the east is backed by mountains, and the main supply of firewood for the winery comes from there.

Therefore, Yan Changqing's plan is also simple. Before the bottled wine comes out, the small troubles around are completely resolved.

There is no way, doing business these days is easy and easy, but it is really too difficult to say difficult.

In fact, it seems that the age is similar, but fortunately I have a golden finger, otherwise it would be even more difficult.


If I go back now, I think I will bump into the person who came to thank Damozhuang. Yan Changqing went out of the village, rode a motorcycle, walked to the wooden bridge, turned towards the path by the river, walked along the river for a while, and found a A place sheltered from the wind.

go fishing!
When he came out, he had thought that he would not be able to go back for at least half the morning, and he couldn't handle that thank you scene.

With a flick of the fishhook into the water, he took a lighter and began to strike.

The lighter is an old-fashioned kerosene lighter, which is now a must for high-end people. After all, matches are not as convenient as this, and they are often squished if they are not careful in the pocket.

The lighter is much better, the metal casing is not afraid of being squeezed and it is convenient.

Many years later, there was a brand-name lighter that was admired by young people, and they even specialized in it.

But now everyone regards it as the most practical ignition tool, without so many bells and whistles.

Yan Changqing felt that he could practice.

Cooking requires a fire, wine brewing requires a fire, not only fire, but also fire prevention.

So it is logical that he has an extra skill of playing with fire - at first this skill was called "burning pot", which is too rustic and has limitations. After all, fire prevention in his winery is also a top priority.

The ignited lighter was turned around in the hand, and when it was extinguished, it was lit again, and it was a joy to play.

Not much use for skill boosting, but fun.

Anyway, now he reacts quickly and is not afraid of being burned. He used to like to watch some videos, those beauties playing with lighters.

Sometimes I think about what it was back then. I only watched beautiful women when I watched videos. If I learned more other knowledge at that time, I might be able to use it now.

The fishing did not end until almost noon, and the harvest was not small.

The upgrade of fishing skills not only allows him to accurately grasp the timing of pulling the rod, but also better judge the waters and guess which places are more attractive to fish. Even in winter, he still won't be an 'air force'.


He went back with the fish, and sure enough, his uncle began to tell him about the people from Damo Village.

That family was really kind. They drove two big fat pigs here, but they couldn't find anyone and went to the winery to look for them. Later, they had to slaughter them on the spot and pack them up.

That is to say, there are many people in the winery, and they all know Yan Changqing's usual behavior, so they stopped him.

But in any case, there is still a big fat pig left.It's not that everyone's work is bad, they brought their children here, and if they don't accept them, they will let the children kneel here and wait for Yan Changqing to come back.

Yan Changqing smiled brightly: "Then kill it, just because you don't need to buy it."

Although he can buy several pigs with the money he spends, he is really happy.

After thinking about it, he asked again: "Didn't you give me some wine as a gift when you left?"

The uncle looked helpless: "It's a mess, who cares about it. It's not easy for them to take away a pig."

Yan Changqing laughed, but luckily he hid: "Then put a can and send it over later, it's a good deal!"

Uncle nodded: "Okay, after dinner... before dinner! I heard they said that I still have to go to the village, thank you to the police station and the people from the government, I guess I won't be back soon."

"Sooner or later." Yan Changqing said and walked towards the kitchen. "What's for lunch?"

The world is big, and the food is the biggest.

(End of this chapter)

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