Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 146 How to Quickly Improve Medical Skills

Chapter 146 How to Quickly Improve Medical Skills

In the end, it was Yan Changqing who stopped everyone's brave actions for the sake of harmony.

Seeing the messy scene, Chen Youliang didn't want to show off the limelight. He waved his hand to the people who came over from the market and got into the trucks, and the big truck ran away suddenly.

Just because the child is found doesn't mean the matter is over, there are still many things to follow.

The first thing to do is to write a report, which requires the cooperation of the family members.This is really a trivial matter, the children and their families are all there.

Wang Suo didn't pay attention to these things now, he and the township chief Yang were a little scared after hearing the story of Brother Niu's face.

Then, looking at the three traffickers who were being dragged into the courtyard, they all made a mistake in their thinking, and there was always an idea deep in their hearts, thinking that it would be good to stop everyone from acting bravely just now.

Think about the scene Curly said just now, it's not easy for anyone to go.It was only by meeting such an unscrupulous person that he just happened to bluff these three dealers.

It can't be to bluff, but to be witty and brave to deal with the gangsters, and after some earnest and earnest temptations, the gangsters finally put down their weapons and decide to change their minds and start a new life.

This must be written in the report. My Dataoshu Township is simple and honest, and the people are willing to help others and dare to act bravely. Those bad behaviors in the rumors do not exist at all.

The three traffickers were dragged into the police station. Director Wang also called the township health center in advance and asked them to prepare and send them there immediately-the township health center was even worse, it would be better to send out all the broken jeeps. With the conditions to pick up and drop off patients, there is no way.

Yan Changqing looked at the three traffickers and asked a very realistic question: "Wang Suo, who will pay for the medical expenses?"

Don't talk about Wang Suo about this problem, Township Chief Yang has a big head.

Yes, who pays for the medical expenses?

Looking at the situation of the prisoners, I am afraid that the medical expenses are not a small number.

These days, there are very few such places, which call out to be poor villages, places where the masses go to work, but the tall buildings are colorful.

At least Taoshu Township is not such a place yet.

Moreover, it is quite difficult to ask for money from above...

It also has to be the small boss Yan Zongyan in the village, the director of the factory, who is eager to help others and never lags behind: "Let me come! I am also a doctor, and it is my duty to save the dying. what..."

The improvement of medical skills is slow, and he dare not go to treat people when he encounters a serious illness. He has had enough of this kind of life!

Whoever grabs the wounded with me today, I am in a hurry with whom!

Although the conditions in the hospital are poor and they don't have much money, it's no problem to lend a ward anyway.

Yan Changqing walked out of the ward, refreshed, and said to a young man with a pale face next to him, "Wang Suo, I told you everything. I am a professional. If you can't cure a person, you can't die. Look at this. Are you alive? You came to monitor me, hehe, I didn’t even look at the dean, I just watched it for a while, and then I knew that there was no problem for me to save people, so I left with peace of mind.”

After taking two steps, I felt heavy in my pocket. I stretched out my hand to touch it and then turned around: "By the way, I almost forgot all the tools, Brother Wang, remember to return the electrician's pliers later, and wash them before returning them. ..."

Xiao Wang took the blood-stained needle-nose pliers, the corners of his eyes trembled uncontrollably, and he thought that if I hadn't had the task to watch the criminals, I would have run faster than the dean: "Okay...that , Mr. Yan, is this all right for you?"

"You have to believe in people's will to survive. Besides, I've already bandaged them. They're sure to be fine." Yan Changqing was quite confident.

Xiao Wang had no choice but to nod: "That's fine! Well, what if something happens?"

Yan Changqing walked to the pool on the side of the gate, washed his hands and said, "What can happen, don't worry, it's fine. If you are really worried, then I will boil some water and hang it up, just in time to practice acupuncture skills. But the people in the county are almost here, right? It’s better not to waste water, let me practice a few times..."

Wang Suo next to him couldn't stand listening anymore, turned his head and made arrangements: "You guys just watch here, be careful if something goes wrong with the prisoner, I'll contact the county right away and ask them to notify Baiguo County to find another child The family members of the family came to pick him up. Xiao Li, come here, take the confession, and prepare to write a report later..."

During the treatment just now, I recorded the oral supply by the way. The three prisoners were very cooperative and told the story of the other child.

Although Wang Suo always felt that things went a bit off track after catching the traffickers, which made people want to complain, but now he feels inexplicably that the result is quite's perfect!

Anyway, I feel that the people inside and outside the town are very satisfied and happy, which is great!

Later, Yan Changqing watched the car coming from the county with regret on his face, and dragged the prisoner away.

It's a pity, I can't treat it for a few more days, otherwise, this medical technology will not be soaring.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but suggested to Wang Suo: "Wang Suo, if you catch a prisoner and get injured in the future, remember to notify me, and I will help you for free."

Wang Suo's expression was a bit strange, as if he had been squatting for a long time, as if he hadn't shipped the goods: "Then...thank you, Mr. Yan!"

"You're welcome, I'm just enthusiastic." Yan Changqing laughed. "By the way, Wang Suo, I'll borrow a bicycle. I'll go to the market and promise a reward of 1000 yuan if I catch a trafficker. I have to give it to someone."

The bicycle I rode over was taken back by my teacher, so I can only borrow it now.

It's just that I started to think about whether I should buy a motorcycle or not, at least it would be more convenient to run back and forth while riding a bicycle.

But thinking about it again, how and why I persuaded my uncle not to buy it at the beginning, and now I... Forget it, just bear with it.

After the new year, buy a small bread.


In fact, Yan Changqing didn't really want to deal with Brother Niu and the others.

There are also good reasons. First, he had a miserable experience of being borrowed meal tickets. He didn't know a few people at that time, and he didn't recognize who it was, but he didn't need to guess, it must be these street gangsters.

Second, this group of people is really not a good person. Don't look at how he is doing well all day long. In fact, in his memory, there are not many good results for this group of people.

A few of them got mixed up and disappeared, and the rest of them stayed around for a few more years, but after many years, they cracked down again and all of them got in.

At that time, this group of people were not young, and they went in for a while and then came out, who knew what it was like.

For these reasons, when Yan Changqing usually met them, he basically just said hello to his uncle.

Because he also knew that if the market was full of honest people from the village, the current market situation would definitely not be as good as it is now.

These gangsters can play some beneficial roles in the market, such as making some people who originally wanted to trouble the market or take advantage of it calm down.

For example, the villagers of some villages.

Honest villagers are in the majority, but it is inevitable that some will be jealous when the market business is good, and they may find some reason to make trouble.

With these gangsters around, at least someone won’t come and say that you sometimes use generators to rumble and disturb the sleep of the elderly in the village, and often enter and exit vehicles to affect the safety of the surrounding villagers, etc. A series of nonsense things...


But even though he was unwilling to deal with these people, he really couldn't find fault with what these people were doing now.

After running over, he took out the money without saying a word, followed the example of these people, and swaggered at their hands: "This is so beautifully done, if you don't take it, then let me say nothing. Take it, brothers and sisters, go have a good drink, the money is spent to ensure comfort, if you don’t believe me, try it.”

Brother Niu was very excited at the time. This Xiaoyan Boss usually comes and walks away, but Big Chen takes his opinion very seriously. Usually, they have no chance to get close. This time they really showed their face.

Not only did he show his face in the market, I guess people in the town will give us a thumbs up when they see us in the future.

Thinking about it this way, my face turned red with excitement!

Yan Changqing looked at it with a smile, thought for a while and then said: "Well, when the new year is over and I am preparing to bottle the wine, I will come and taste the wine that the winery is preparing to bottle, and everyone will have a good time. .”

I chatted with them a few more words, ran to say hello to my uncle and second uncle, and even complimented my cousin's grandfather.

The old man is behind the command, which is indispensable. If he hadn't handled things neatly, he might not have been able to catch up with the bus.

A few human traffickers have really arrived at the county station, and if they want to find someone in the future, with the speed of information transmission these days, I'm afraid there will be no hope.

Therefore, Yan Changqing's compliment was rare and sincere.


Then I played with my little cousin until it was almost dark, and then I 'discovered' that it was a bit late, so I had no choice but to ride my uncle's motorcycle back in order to go home as soon as possible.

As for bicycles, let the people in the market ride them to the police station!
Not to mention, the scooter is more comfortable than a bicycle, hehe!

When he arrived in the town, Yan Changqing turned to the greasy aunt's restaurant and handed over 100 yuan without saying a word: "You were late at that time, if you could run over earlier, it would be worth at least [-] yuan, maybe it would be worth [-] yuan. It can be worth one thousand, no, it is three thousand..."

Greasy aunt declined for a while, then accepted the money with a look of heartache, joy, joy and regret.

Yan Changqing felt that if she gave the 100 yuan in the past, this greasy aunt who opened a restaurant at the main street of the town would definitely become a detective in the future. When encountering foreigners who behaved slightly abnormal, she would pay full attention to observe them.

It would be anyone's job. If you think about it, if you find out that this person is wrong, you will report it. If you catch the three of them in the town, you can earn [-].

That's three thousand!

Fortunately, only one hundred.

It’s fine if Yan Changqing doesn’t come, the aunt went to yell, although she didn’t catch anyone, she provided some clues after all, it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t get enough rewards, after all, she’s done a good job, she’ll still be happy of.

But now that she has 100 yuan, not only is she not very happy, but her mood is terribly entangled.

Almost earning three thousand!

Yan Changqing didn't intend to make the aunt entangled, he really wanted to use the 100 yuan to make people more vigilant in the future.

Even if it's just a little bit more vigilance, given the relatively closed traffic conditions now, if outsiders come to the town, these people who are doing business and opening restaurants are easy to spot.

Maybe some tragedies can be avoided.

So he had no choice but to do such a good thing that seemed to be fulfilling his promise, but in fact it was a matter of starving the panda to death for at least a few days...

His schedule was still in a hurry. After returning to the village, he went to the winery first, asked about the situation of everyone's deployment, and then told someone to arrange for the killing of pigs tomorrow to reward everyone.

In the afternoon, most people in the winery also ran for half the afternoon. When the news came, only a small number of those who were nearby came back. Those who ran farther could not get the news. Very hard.

The cost of buying pigs doesn't matter, anyway, I spent a lot of money today, the key is to be happy.

Then, go home honestly and accept your mother's nagging.

Unless one day he can fly, or he is invulnerable, and he can show his mother that he is a god, otherwise, for things like chasing human traffickers, if he rushes to the front, no matter how proud my mother is outside, she can’t help but chatter when she comes back. Tell him he doesn't know how to pay attention to his own safety.

That's the way mothers are, this nagging can't get away, Yan Changqing is very conscious, go back early and listen to it early and be quiet.


Listening to his mother's nagging, Yan Changqing wandered into the sky, thinking that if there were more opportunities like this afternoon, wouldn't his medical skills improve faster?
He remembered that there was a period of time when cows were seriously lost in the countryside, and there were often reports of cattle thieves being killed. Why didn't they hear of anyone nearby losing their cows?

If you have any questions, ask: "Mom, why don't you lose cows now?"

Li Xiuni was nagging vigorously. When he asked this question, she was stunned for a long time, and then she realized: "I've been talking for a long time and you didn't listen, did you? Do you remember what I told you? Next time if you want to take care of something , and take a few more people there, how can I rush up by myself, the people from Damozhuang came in the afternoon and said, you chase it out alone..."

After another half day, Li Xiuni was finally relieved, and said angrily: "The people from Damozhuang said that they will officially come to thank you tomorrow, but they are really not prepared today, so they came here first to take a look, and it happens that you are not at home."

"Thank you so much, it's nothing to do me a favor." Yan Changqing didn't care. "You didn't say don't let them come."

"I said it, but looking at them like that, they must come." After Li Xiuni finished speaking, she remembered what her son had asked just now. "Why do you ask the cow thief?"

"The three traffickers were almost killed today, and I just practiced my medical skills! If I catch a few more cattle thieves and treat them for me, I can at least be a surgeon in the future, and bone setting and healing are no problem. "

"You..." Li Xiuni slapped her across the face. "You can't look forward to it. Can there be good people for human traffickers and cattle thieves? Besides, we have no cattle to steal here, and they won't come!"

It seems to be true, the villages farther away are not clear, anyway, these few villages where business is now done, there are basically no cattle.

There are all kinds of tractors, who wants to raise cattle and use ox plows to pull carts!

Depressed, forget it, go to sleep!
I won't go to the winery anymore, I'm afraid the one from Damo Village will really come tomorrow, and I'll see what's going on then.

 The final exam of primary school students at home, two chapters today!

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(End of this chapter)

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