Chapter 145

Yan Changqing got excited when he received a call from the market: "I found it, I found it, it's good to find it, come here quickly, I'm already here, that's good..."

Township Chief Yang wiped off his sweat and sat down on the chair: "Okay, okay, just find it. Where's the person?"

"The car is coming this way, it will be here soon."

Township Chief Yang stood up again in an instant: "Let's go, let's go out and pick it up."

Not only the two of them, other people who were waiting also ran out in a swarm.

Yan Changqing walked and said, "I heard that three traffickers were arrested and brought two children with them. I don't know the details, but they were all brought back. They picked up Wang Suozheng and came here together."

After running to the door, Township Chief Yang remembered: "By the way, I have to inform everyone, so there's no need to look for it!"

Immediately, someone went to inform, and after a while, the loudspeaker blew twice, and then the voice spread across half of the town: "The trafficker has been caught, the child has been found, the trafficker has been caught..."

It didn't take long for the street to be full of people.

Some were watching the fun, and some from Mo Zhuang came out to find someone, and they were surrounding Yan Changqing and asking questions.

There were also people sent out by the head of Yang to rush back. Just after returning, several people were sent out to notify people at various intersections.

The township police station has the most expensive telephones, and they are not placed in the director’s office. Instead, a special telephone room is set up next to them—there is nothing but this telephone and other communication tools, and they can only rely on people to run around.

Yan Changqing was in a good mood: "The child is fine, it's fine, I brought it back. By the way, I have to find out who lost the child elsewhere, and they said they got them back..."


When the big truck drove over, the automatics on the street gave way to the passage, and the scene was quite spectacular.

The driver of the car grinned to the ear, drove to the gate of the police station in one breath, jumped off and shouted to the rear: "Get down!"

Turning his head again, he nodded and bowed to Yan Changqing: "Mr. Xiao Yan, how are you doing? We've done a good job this time!"

Yan Changqing nodded: "It's not bad, it's amazing, Brother Niu, this time it's really awesome, just wait a minute."

Brother Niu hurriedly wanted to say a word of modesty, but Yan Changqing had already asked the uncle who was carrying the child from the co-pilot: "Where is the other one? This one is not from Mo Zhuang."

The person who jumped down first at the back was raising his hands, and while preparing to pick up the child, he shouted, "This, this, this!"

A middle-aged man had already rushed over, rushing to catch the handed-down child, and started crying loudly while holding the child, scaring the child to cry too.

Then a woman rolled and crawled over, also crying...

The co-pilot was so frightened that the child in Chen Youliang's arms also cried.

Seeing that his uncle was in a hurry, Yan Changqing stepped forward and asked, "Uncle, can you do it, how about I hug it?"

Mr. Mao from the nearby service company came over with a smile: "Mr. Yan and Mr. Chen have put in a lot of effort today, let me hold the child!"

Chen Youliang hurriedly handed it over, but he could coax any older child. This child, who was about the same age as Yan Changqing's cousin, was not familiar with him.


The scene was chaotic, and many people outside were talking and pointing, and they didn't know what to be excited about.

Township Chief Yang had already started to thank Yan Changqing, but Yan Changqing laughed and asked his uncle to talk to Township Chief Yang, while he watched Director Wang command the traffickers to be brought down.

Then Yan Changqing was a little unhappy, and leaned over to the person next to him: "Brother Niu, I offered a reward of 1000 yuan. This trafficker is [-] yuan, and the three of them will get [-] yuan."

Brother Niu was still polite: "Mr. Yan, don't talk about it, we brothers do something for you and brother Liang, how can we ask for money! I don't have a cent..."

Unexpectedly, Yan Changqing's face darkened: "I said I would give the money, and the loudspeaker yelled, it doesn't count if you want me to talk?"

Brother Niu was taken aback, why did he turn his back on him?

I heard Yan Changqing continue to say: "But I spent 3000 yuan, these three traffickers don't even have a hair..."

Brother Niu was taken aback for another moment, then suddenly came to his senses, looked at the people around him, and suddenly raised his arms and shouted: "Hit the traffickers! Damn the traffickers, kill them..."

Then he lowered his head and rushed up, carrying Director Wang aside at once, and kicked the trafficker who came down first.

There were still two traffickers in the car, and the person who was about to send the traffickers down saw the beating started, and didn't know what was going on.However, the fight has started, will these two still be sent down?

Some people hesitated, and some people had already reacted, and pulled down the trafficker who had just been lifted up and tied his hands: "Kill the trafficker, the trafficker should die!"

At this moment, there are more people on the truck than there are people blocking the road at the bridgehead.

Chen Youliang, who was blocking the way at the entrance of the market, came over, and naturally followed a few people.

Now when it comes to hands-on, in the words of those who call themselves "people who often mess around", they are not vague people, so don't worry about our work.

Yan Changqing let out a breath, looked at the turmoil in front of him, and said to Director Wang who was yelling, "Suo Wang, the man has been found, have you reported it to the county?"

"Reported, I called when the car came back. Hey, I said, it's a beating, don't worry about it..."

"You are the director! Hey, little brother Wang, pull people slowly, don't drag them down, these are brave people, don't treat them as class enemies! Hey, shit, don't treat me It's also squeezed away, I can't even see it..."

Those who didn't do anything were pushed aside, and there was nothing they could do. After all, they were all brave people, so we should be more tolerant and magnanimous towards them.

Tolerance is also a virtue!


Director Wang was a little annoyed: "Mr. Yan, you should yell loudly! It will be troublesome to beat someone to death later. Mr. Chen?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Yes, yes, it really can't be like this."

He turned his head and shouted at the crowd: "Be careful, it's wrong to kill people..."

His voice was exceptionally loud, and his voice could be heard in the chaotic crowd.

There was an immediate response from inside: "Don't hit them on the head, it's too cheap to kill them, I broke their legs..."

"Yes, yes, the leg was broken!"

Yan Changqing quickly turned to comfort Director Wang: "Suo Wang, do you know that I have been in the clinic next to our school? Don't worry, as long as the person does not die, I will treat you for free. Really, if you can't trust me, you can't trust Dr. Shen , he was compiled by our township health center! He is assured of me, Mr. Yang, if you don’t believe me, just ask, I’m now..."

"You..." The two people who were called by him were very helpless. Usually we can't find anyone to talk to you. We hide in the small village all day and don't show up. How can you talk like this now?


Yan Changqing said a few words, and then called his uncle to say together: "Uncle, it's luck that they just caught someone, didn't these three people resist?"

Just as Chen Youliang was about to speak, he saw a young man covering his hands, cursing and being squeezed out by the crowd.

So he beckoned: "Curly hair, come here, tell Changqing again, how did you catch him?"

Yan Changqing asked with concern: "Is your hand okay?"

"It's all right." The young man nicknamed curly-haired smiled fearlessly. "It's just that I accidentally slapped that guy on the face just now. It's okay, his nose must hurt more than my hand. Let me tell you..."


It is said that Brother Niu got into the car, and the situation was a bit wrong at that time.

Human traffickers are not unarmed either. When someone yells about children, they become vigilant at that time.

Seeing that it was wrong again, one of the traffickers immediately picked up a child, pointed at the child with a small dagger in his hand: "Don't come over, I will kill anyone who comes over, and pull the bottom one first!"

The other trafficker who was holding a child was a woman. When the young man next to her saw the boss making a move, he immediately hugged the child in the woman's hand, and stood up together in a threatening manner.

Although Brother Niu is not as good as those who go for business, he may be the leader of a group of people, and he has some brains. Looking at this scene, he looked at a few people in the car who were overwhelmed by fear, and waved his hands first: " People who have nothing to do with it, stay away."

Then he handed the empty gun to the person next to him, took another gun from the person next to him, and pointed it at the trafficker in the car.

With a calm expression on his face: "If you want to do something, hurry up, don't annoy him crying. I only listen to Brother Liang, and he told me to arrest the traffickers. I don't care about other people."

The trafficker was a little panicked: "I'm really going to do it, you have to bear with such a small child..."

"I can't bear it very much!" Brother Niu's yin and yang eccentricity was dirty, revealing his gangster's true colors. "It's none of my business if you guys want to kill people. Do you want to do it? I've also been in it before. If you want to do it, hurry up. If you don't do it, go in and walk around. You won't die anyway."

He said with a ruthless face: "But if you want me to lose face at Brother Liang, I'm not sure whether you can go on alive! My face is much more valuable than your fucking lives! The old rules, I count to three..."

That woman couldn't take it anymore!

What happened just now, they saw clearly from the car, they were vigilant from the very beginning when they were stopped by the car, can they not pay attention to what's going on below!

At that time, they began to think of countermeasures, but before they thought of it, they heard this guy say to count to three.

Just now this person said that the scene of counting to three is still vivid in his mind, and he does not know which school taught it, so it is outrageous, saying that counting to three directly counts from three...

The driver and he both knew each other, and they sounded like acquaintances. When he fired the gun, the muzzle moved a little. What about this time?

The woman also tried to make a condition: "Big brother, don't count, we put people down, can you let us go?"

Brother Niu laughed: "Old Biaozi, are you so stupid? I have already met you, and if I let you go, where will I save my face? You don't even think about leaving today, do you want to do it? I'll count it ..."

As he spoke, the muzzle of the gun was still shaking, as if he was considering which one to aim at.

When the gun was turned around, the woman knelt down in the aisle with a puff: "Don't count, we'll let you go..."

But when it comes to a uniformed or normal person, this woman is not so agile.

In terms of ruthlessness, who can compare to these human traffickers? Many murderers commit crimes of passion. These human traffickers only attack children. Who can be more ruthless than them?

But today I met such a person, saying that he was ruthless did not hurt anyone, but no matter how you look at it, it is a bit...

In short, the female trafficker dare not bet at all under the gunshot that this guy just shot with a little bit of prestige.

The remaining two people wanted to struggle again, but Brother Niu took a step forward, pointed his gun at the woman, and then asked the people behind with a smile, "Did you guys kill anyone before? I'm here today!" It's not against the law to kill this one, we are what we are, and we are brave. When we go out to mess around in the future, we also have someone's life in our hands, who dare not give us face..."

The two who were holding the child were dumbfounded, why are you playing hostage?
Keep talking about face, your face is really bigger than human life?

However, Brother Niu also had a joke behind him: "Brother Niu, isn't it the old rule to shoot after counting?"

Brother Niu laughed: "Yes, yes, I forgot to count, three!"

"Forgive me! Ah!"

"We let people go!"

Two voices sounded at the same time, the one screaming for mercy was a woman, saying that the one who let go was the boss with a knife, and he confessed!
As for the younger dealer, seeing that the muzzle was about to come, he quickly put the child on the seat next to him and raised his hand.

Just kidding, I have seen this kind of earthen shotgun before, if I really want this guy to fire, once I am hit, death is definitely not the worst...

(End of this chapter)

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