Chapter 144
Yan Changqing dialed the phone already anxiously, his head was smoking, and when he heard the voice over there, he immediately said: "Second Uncle, Da Mozhuang has lost a child, three or four years old, wearing a black padded jacket, cuffs are Red, you get people to block the road, stop and ask everyone you see."

"Be careful, if anyone wants to turn a corner on the road, he will follow up and ask, leave two doorkeepers, and leave the rest, hurry up..."

After hanging up the phone, he let out a sigh of relief and walked out, watching the people directed by the king turn around.

Soon several people rushed out on bicycles, even the broken jeep, and when there was no one in Wangsuo, Yang Changqing asked, "Who went to the intersection in the west market?"

"Where is anyone else, I'll go!" Wang Suo waved his hand. "You've called, and you'll just wait here. I'll go there by bike first. If there's anything to do, let's call. Give me a definite message later, and I'll report it to the county."

"What are you sure about? It must be really lost. You should report now! The people in their village searched all over the village before they ran to the school!" Yan Changqing said, feeling that the arrangements were not good enough, and turned to go to the school. go inside. "No, it's not enough to just block our intersection. I'll let them chase on both sides."

Enter the house and dial the phone again, this time the old man answered, Yan Changqing was very polite: "Grandpa, are they all looking for someone now? Let me tell you, you arrange someone to chase you into the county At that intersection, if you see a car, stop it. If you go to the north, go to the Qingwang Temple, stop the car..."

The old man was still very agile, and immediately agreed: "That's okay, you have to bring the guy, right? I'll talk about it right away."

Yan Changqing didn't care that he was almost like Road Hog by doing this, so he put down the phone and switched to Wang's office to report to the county.

When he came out, he saw Township Chief Yang running over, and the two sides talked again. After Township Chief Yang waved, a group of people started running out, looking for the town, and some people drove to the north to support The group without the jeep went.


Director Wang came out after making the phone call without any delay, and rode his bicycle straight to the market. Yan Changqing felt that there was nothing he could do to help, so he simply waited at the police station with Yang Xiangchang.

Before he could stand still, a man was sweating profusely and ran over on his bicycle: "Leader, I want to report to the police, my baby is lost..."

Hearing that manpower had been mobilized to look for it, the man sat down on the ground and cried loudly.

Township Chief Yang wanted to comfort him, but it didn't work, forget it!
At this time, words of comfort are useless.

The man cried a few times, got up again, pushed the bicycle and walked outside.

Yan Changqing didn't stop him either, no matter it's useful or not at this time, let people do their best, otherwise if there is an emergency, then don't even think about passing this hurdle in this life.

As soon as this person left, a few people from Mozhuang came later, but there was no way to recruit them. Yan Changqing yelled to leave someone who knew the child, and everyone else should go out and look for it!

Time flies very slowly now.

Township Chief Yang and Yan Changqing couldn't stay, and the Mozhuang man who knew the child stood at the gate of the police station, looking around, anxious, wishing that someone would come and yell in the next second, that someone would find him up.

As a result, the manager of the labor service company in the town came first, a woman named Mao Xiaojing.

She came out to have a look when she heard the movement, and when she heard that the child was missing, she hurried away and said to ask the female workers—it was lunch time, and the female workers had all gone home for dinner.

After a while, a teacher from Shenmiao Primary School came. He found a tractor and pulled a lot of people to help find someone.

Seeing Yan Changqing, he handed over the bag he was holding in his arms: "Changqing, you forgot your bag on the tree next to the playground. I think there are a lot of strange things in it, so I'll bring it here for you."

There are not many things, but there is a lot of money.

Now there is no online payment, and everything is done in cash. Yan Changqing is afraid that he will not be able to withdraw the money in time, so he usually stuffs a wad of money in his bag.

He took the bag and said thank you, then suddenly came up with an idea: "Major Yang, offer a reward, and I will offer a reward. I will give you 1000 yuan if you catch the trafficker, and [-] yuan if you can find the trafficker. You find someone to call and let the town Everyone wonders if they have seen..."

I originally wanted to act quietly, but I was afraid that the traffickers would jump over the wall in a hurry—don’t be afraid to shout on the road. The traffickers know what happens when other people’s children are lost. can go.

I'm afraid that the people in the town will be alarmed, because this town has a special terrain, surrounded by rivers, and there are not many ways out. If the traffickers feel that they can't escape, they will jump over the wall in a hurry.

But so much time has passed, the town is usually quite peaceful, and it is lunch time again, with so many people coming and going, the movement is already too loud.

That being the case, don't think about it quietly.

The per capita income is 200 yuan, which is a big city. In a small broken town, the salary of the head of the township does not know how much. Anyway, even the watch of the township head Yang is a mechanical watch of the old Shanghai brand, and the plastic case on it is yellow.

Except for those who do business with a little more money, the income of most people is average, and there are only a few people in the town who have commercial grain accounts, and most of them are still farming.

The rewards of 1000 yuan and 500 yuan are enough to tempt these people.

Village head Yang hesitated for a moment, then ran to make arrangements.

Soon the loudspeaker on the telephone pole on the street began to shout: "Reward for traffickers, a child in Mozhuang is lost, three or four years old... If you can lead someone to catch him, you will be rewarded with 500 yuan. Find the child and catch him directly." Yes, I will give you 1000 yuan. Traffickers, you should surrender quickly, and you will be lenient if you confess..."

The small town, which had been a bit messy just now because people had been arranged to shout around to find someone, became more lively in an instant.


In fact, the faces of Township Chief Yang and Yan Changqing were a little dark at this moment.

If the child had been taken away by the traffickers, he would probably have run out by now.

If you don't run out, the current situation, if you can't find it quickly, the consequences will make people dare not think about it.

While in a hurry, a greasy woman ran over: "I thought of something. We had a meal a while ago. I don't look like a good person. I haven't seen it in our town. He still eats food." Take a few 'oil spinners' and head towards Xihetou."

Youxuan is similar to scallion pancake.

Xihetou refers to the old wharf. In the early years, this small town also had a glorious history. It used to be the river transportation center of the surrounding area.

Later, the wharf was abandoned. During the period of large-scale construction, water conservancy was repaired there, aqueducts were built, and there was a machine room, but it was abandoned early again, and now there are still some machinery and equipment that cannot be moved.

The reason why Yan Changqing knew this was because he had been inside.

When playing truant back then, the abandoned pier over there was the place where the least people went. It was suitable for truant students to hide away and not be afraid of meeting acquaintances.

He ran over there as fast as he could, with the utmost speed, and disappeared in an instant.

A very familiar road, down the street and a small road, ran all the way to the pier by the river, walked along the river for a while, and saw the machine room.

After rushing in and taking a look, he immediately panicked.

No one came here. The machine room was built in a big pit dug behind the river embankment. The iron doors and windows of the machine room were all torn down, and all the parts on the machines inside were removed. Only the main body couldn't be moved at all, and it was difficult to transport it out even using machinery, so it was kept here.

Yan Changqing remembered that when he came to see it, there was feces in it, it was so dirty and disgusting.

It's almost the same now, most of the place is dirty, but there is one corner, which is obviously a little clean, and some paper that should be used to wrap oil cakes is thrown around there.

Those papers are easy to identify. They are stained with oil and used to wipe them. They will not be used by anyone, at least they should not appear in this place where there are dirty feces in other places. No normal person would think of bringing things there. eat here.

He immediately turned back onto the embankment, several people had already run over, and not far away, Township Chief Yang also ran over panting.

Yan Changqing went up to meet him: "Someone has stayed in the machine room, and there is a paper wrapped in oil swirls on the floor. Normal people don't come here to eat. They must be human traffickers. The mayor arranges people to look west!"


When the town was busy, the other arrangements were not idle either.

There is only one road from Taoshu Township to the county seat, and there is a river crossing.

Not far after crossing the river, there is a crossroad, go straight to the county seat, turn right to the city, and turn left to a small road leading to some places on the outskirts of the city.

Now on the bridge, there is an extra large truck parked on the side - originally this bridge could only pass two cars side by side, but now it can only pass one car.

There was a group of people standing under the car, blocking the road. The identity of the leader was obvious at a glance. He was known as a street gangster in science, and a bum in his common name.

The remaining few temperaments are not so obvious, but it can be seen that they are a little different from good people.

The guy in the lead was also holding a shotgun, and was yelling at a passenger car in front of him: "Open the door, open the door, you don't know me anymore. I didn't rob you. I told you to find someone. If you don't open the door again Don't go to the street..."

The driver cursed in his heart, bastard, I didn’t open the door for you because I knew you. Just now you were overtaking and scolded me, but I didn’t scold you back. Why are you so out of your mind and bring so many people to block me!

This world is getting worse and worse. It is only a few miles away from the county seat, and there are people blocking the bridge and no one is there to care.

But there is still a smile on the face: "Brother Niu, we are old acquaintances, it's not that we don't open the door, there are guests in the car. You have something to say clearly, I was wrong just now, I didn't make way for you in time, let me tell you Sorry, this is work, I have to go back in time..."

Because buses usually stop and go, when the driver was overtaken by a big truck on the road just now, he just got on someone and was turning in the middle of the road, but he was scolded by the people on the truck.

He is an old driver and has been driving this road for several years. He knows that the gangsters on the street sometimes become confused and do not recognize people.

Although they are all working in the market on the west side of the town now, the driver also knows that the gangsters who are willing to do it are actually going to run business, and the rest...

Anyway, he didn't dare to take it lightly.

The car is owned by the government, so this person should not dare to smash it.

If he went down, what if he got beaten?

Just in case, that guy still has a guy in his hand!
Brother Niu yelled before he finished speaking: "Fucking old man really looking for someone, will you open the door? Say one, two, three, if you don't open the door, I will open it..."

While speaking, he pointed the thing in his hand to the window, and really started to shout: "Three!"


The driver was frightened and stupid at the time. He reacted and saw that the gun muzzle suddenly turned to the other side, and it was still a smoking gun muzzle, and immediately shouted subconsciously: "I'll drive!"

With a bang, the door opened.

Before waiting for Brother Niu to greet him, several people crowded into the car.

There were not many people on this bus at noon, so I went up and took a look to see what was going on inside.

A guy was very pleasantly surprised: "Brother Niu, here is a child... Hey, there is another... Don't move, don't move, whoever moves will kill him..."

Another voice came: "Fuck, what should I do if there are two, Brother Niu..."

 Thanks to the book friend "08a" for the reward, and the fourth update will be sent, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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