Chapter 163 Knife Preparation
When going back to eat at noon, Yan Changqing realized that when the feelings came, there was a carload of people, and now only the team leader and their people who participated in the election were left.

Since everyone was fishing, he decided to continue fishing, and went to another commercial building near the park for a stroll in the afternoon.

Now is the time when the competition among the large shopping malls in several provincial capitals is the fiercest. In order to attract customers, all shopping malls have begun to learn the model of Asia. At least some of the salespersons at the entrance of this shopping mall look quite pleasing to the eye.

Yan Changqing didn't just go shopping and didn't buy, he walked around and saw a leather bag he liked.

Many bags in this era are printed with the city name of Beijing or Shanghai. With this name, the bag looks very tall and has the characteristics of the times.

He still uses the canvas bag now, but the compartment inside the canvas bag is just a piece of cloth, which is uncomfortable to use.

I was too lazy to change it at first, but now I saw it, I bought one.

It is good to have more compartments. The canvas bag now contains banknotes, medical bandages, hemostatic medicine, darts, steel balls, even screwdrivers and small wrenches, accounting pens and notebooks... There are too many messy things.

That is to say, his hands are fast, otherwise he would have to scratch for a while if he reached in to touch what he wanted.

It's good to change the bag, and put them in different compartments by category.

Strolling around, I bought another stack of blank paper, some pencils, and a pencil sharpener.

Walking out of the shopping mall and walking to the park, I found that there is a very lively place next to it. I went to find out that it was actually divided into several places for performing arts.

The most lively ones are acrobatics, such as overhead benches, steel waistbands, iron guns and throats.

They are all his former peers, and Yan Changqing is not stingy, especially when he sees two skinny and rib-like children, when they desperately wrapped thin steel bars around their bodies, they folded the banknotes with the largest face value in their hands. A small ball was thrown into the plate next to them.

There were already a lot of change on it, and he folded the banknotes so small that it was not conspicuous to throw them in.

Do a good deed every day for peace of mind.

Strolling into the park, I sharpened my pencil, put the paper on it, and prepared to practice my drawing skills.

Then I thought about it, took the pencil sharpener, and meditated for a moment.

Then he called out the little jade plate, and looked at the knife technique that just came out on it, the proficiency was more than 60.00%, almost approaching 70.00%, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

Knives are the most used in daily life, kitchen knife, sickle, guillotine, pencil knife - when there are cattle, guillotine is really often used.

But when Yan Changqing was cutting vegetables, he suddenly wanted to do an experiment, so he never had the skill of knife skills. Now, seeing the proficiency of knife skills, he feels that he is really... a waste of time.

At that time, in order to explore the function of Xiaoyupan's skills, I deliberately reserved a commonly used spare skill. I wanted to wait and see how much skill proficiency could be stored if I didn't use Xiaoyupan.

But just now he almost finished sharpening the pencil at the speed of bringing out afterimages, and felt that it was really unnecessary.

Because with the improvement of his physical fitness, he has mastered more and more skills, and his proficiency in skills has improved. It is logical to improve many skills that can be interlinked.

Based on his current level-[-] skill in fist, foot, stick and concealed weapons, it is impossible for him to lose if he takes any knife and fights against an ordinary sword master who has practiced for many years.

Just like if he is practicing swordsmanship now, as long as he has mastered a few sets of basic routines, proficient in force and some basic skills, he should be able to improve his swordsmanship to 80.00% to 90.00% in no time. It is not a problem if the degree exceeds [-]%.

Of course, if you want to break through, you still need to spend a period of time practicing hard to fully master the basic skills, so that it is like the current stick method, with a stick in his hand, and he can make moves from any angle at any time, and use the stick as a mosquito at night Shooting is fine, and knocking on flying mosquitoes two meters away is a basic operation.

Holding the pencil sharpener and letting it rotate a few times between his fingers, Yan Changqing felt that his technique was at least equivalent to that of an old thief who had practiced for three to five years—because I heard that the thief who cut the bag would practice this.

After turning around for a while, I took the pen and paper and started to practice drawing.


"Oh, don't, be careful someone is coming."

"It's okay, someone is here..."

"Damn it, you don't think it's too hot..."

"Do not……"

Yan Changqing was speechless for a while, looking at the two people who were only a few trees away from him not far away, did he feel so invisible?
These two people are also weird, they came from the opposite side, probably wanting to find a hidden place in a place with many trees, but they ran all the way to their side from the other side.

He was still in a hurry, so he didn't even open his eyes to see if there was anyone around.

I wanted to get up and change places, but then I thought, why?

There must be a first come, first served!
Forget it, let's practice erhu!
The erhu played a tune, and the familiar rhythm of Bajie carrying his daughter-in-law sounded.


Back at the hotel in the afternoon, the team leader was still curious: "Changqing, where did you go to practice? I walked around a lot and didn't see you."

"I'm easy to disturb people, and I hide in places with many trees, and I practice in hiding." Yan Changqing explained with a smile.

The team leader didn't expect that this young-looking guy was full of lies, let alone that he spent most of the day shopping in the mall.

Still comforting him: "Don't be nervous, you have been on stage before, you can just perform normally when you get there. Let's go there early tomorrow, and the two of us will find out if there is any inside information."

Yan Changqing nodded: "Uncle Guo, you have worked hard these two days."

Team leader Guo is called Guo Changhai. He is a very nice person and has been with them all the time. However, stilt training is dangerous after all, and he feels more at ease with Yan Changqing, so he has been staying with the stilt team.

The two team leaders worked very hard, and the other one was busy looking for news, and kept running without seeing anyone, which was also very hard.

After dinner, the person who inquired about the news came back, and the expression on his face was not very good.

Guo Changhai hastily stepped forward and asked, "What's the matter, Old Song? Is there something wrong?"

"It was originally said..." Before he had time to sit down, Song Mengcheng hesitated to speak, and glanced at Yan Changqing and others beside him.

Yan Changqing smiled: "Uncle Song, sit down and have a rest first, let's talk slowly about what's going on, it's already this time, don't you need to hide it from us?"

A reluctant smile appeared on Song Mengcheng's face: "It's really not very good, and I don't know what's going on. Didn't I say that Changqing's erhu skills are very high. A performance team, come to perform together. But I asked for a day, but didn't find out anything..."

This is not a time when no news is good news. At this critical moment, if there is no news about their program at all, it means that they are not taken seriously, or it may be that other programs have been booked, and other programs are now continuing to campaign, but because The original promise was just a formality.

But there is nothing to do now, and the two team leaders tried to find other people who came together to discuss it, but they turned around and found nothing.

In the end, I had no choice but to comfort Yan Changqing: "We can trust your level, you can perform normally when the time comes, don't panic, get a good night's sleep..."

Obviously they were the ones who panicked, okay!

As long as Yan Changqing wants to sleep, it is impossible to sleep well.

When he woke up to see that the time was still early, he was about to take a pen to write and draw for a while, when there was a knock on the door.

Seeing him open the door, the team leader, Lao Guo, said, "You guys wait a while after dinner, and we'll go out to find out the news."

Yan Changqing was really moved by the professionalism of the two: "Uncle Guo, it's still not dawn, where can you find someone to ask for news?"

"Look for candidates from other regions to participate in the election." Lao Guo looked determined. "We can't find anyone who is more capable of handling things. Maybe someone in other places can find out and exchange news!"

It's not easy for Yan Changqing to hit him, so I can only say that you have worked hard!
What exchange of news, if they can get news when they go out now, it will definitely not be good news-it will prove that someone has already got a ticket to the capital, and the rest of them have no competition and start to fight against the same enemy who went through the back door. will exchange messages.

If you can't find out, there may still be a glimmer of hope.

But things have come to this, there is no other way, let's continue to practice painting!


After dinner in the morning, Lao Guo ran back in time and said that he had no news. Don't worry, everyone, it's just a normal campaign.

Yan Changqing has already changed into a set of white practice clothes, holding an erhu, and his clothes are fluttering when he walks. He thinks it feels good and looks like a fairy, and he will definitely succeed this time.

Then advertise the winery by yourself, and pay yourself an advertising endorsement fee first.

It doesn't seem to work. I am not suitable for wine advertisements now, so I will take the opportunity of going to the Spring Festival Gala stage to get acquainted, and see if I can take the opportunity to find a celebrity to advertise for myself.

Anyway, I have "foresight", so I can directly find an artist with both virtue and skill to advertise.This is very important, otherwise, if an advertising spokesperson is hired here, it will be troublesome if someone goes in and steps on the sewing machine over there.

Thinking in his heart that he had reached the place, he consciously followed people in, and found a small corner, waiting to put on makeup.

This is necessary, and he is used to it. After all, even if his lips are red and his teeth are white and his face is like a crown of jade, he still has to touch up his makeup, otherwise the stage effect will not be good.

As a result, after a while, Lao Song who came to inquire about the news first.

Lao Song's complexion is paler than Yan Changqing's at the moment, with a dejected look, and when he sees a few people, he still cheers up: "Everyone will do their best."

Is this bad news?
Sure enough, Lao Song saw everyone's dignified expressions, so he said it outright: "Now that the program has been set, the few programs that were originally suppressed have been adjusted, and two programs have been re-selected to try again."

"But we don't need to be depressed, even if we can't go to the Spring Festival Gala, we should perform well and perform at our provincial TV show, it's the same!"

Can that be the same?

Yan Changqing's fighting spirit was instantly high. Since this is the case, don't blame us for preparing to amplify our moves!
Even if you can't be selected, we will let you know what a skill is!
(End of this chapter)

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