Chapter 164
"Changqing, are you okay?" Lao Guo couldn't help asking when he saw Yan Changqing who had finished putting on makeup.

Yan Changqing came back to his senses: "It's okay!"

"No..." Lao Guo hesitated for a moment. "You, don't take this too seriously. Let's do our best. Sometimes things are like this. You are still young, and there will be many opportunities in the future..."

Yan Changqing quickly smiled, and looked at the middle-aged uncle in front of him with a fat body and a little sparse head, and comforted himself with concern, he was a little embarrassed: "It's okay, Uncle Guo, I was thinking about the score just now, thinking about it. I'm a little absorbed. My situation is clear to you, acting is just a hobby..."

Lao Guo was still a little worried. This person was assigned to be the team leader, not because he had great ability, but because he was more responsible, honest, and careful, so he was suitable for this kind of job of accompanying people to the exam.

Seeing that Yan Changqing kept saying that it was all right, he didn't want to say much, and smiled: "That's good, we will have more opportunities in the future! You continue to prepare, just tell me if there is anything, I will wait here."

Yan Changqing nodded and continued to recall.

Instead of recalling the song score, I began to recall ancient poems.

As for cultivating the state of mind, ancient poems are quite good. If you just blindly recall your past part-time job experience, then it is a bit too low-key.

I heard that acting skills can be divided into expressive, experiential and methodological styles. I don’t know how much I can bring out my current mediocre acting skills.

But the problem is not big, nothing is enough, skills come together.


Sitting in the auditorium, Chen Tingzhu watched the actors come on stage one by one, and then went down one by one, feeling inexplicably sad for these hardworking actors.

Some programs are really more than hard work, especially dangerous acrobatics. It is impossible to be selected to perform here without ten years of hard work.

Most of them started exercising since they could walk, persisted for several years, and finally got a chance to perform.

It's a pity that none of them knew that no matter how hard they worked, they could at most get a chance to perform here, and it was impossible to go to the Spring Festival Gala.

Unable to bear it, he recalled a program he had chosen from when he went to Xiyang City.

It was the boy who played the erhu, a simple erhu, who played the sound of nature.It is not an exaggeration to say that when he was sleeping these few days, he felt that the cheerful erhu music could still be heard in his ears.

When I wake up in the morning and think about it, I was in a good mood until I went to work. Because of the selection of the program recently, those who went outside worked hard, but when they came back, they were told that the program was selected, and everything was in vain. So the mood of going to work recently is like going to a grave, and it is no longer a song that can save it.

He felt that he was definitely not the only one who felt this way. The colleagues who went with him at that time must have felt this way too.

Otherwise, it would not have been unanimously agreed to let the boy come here to participate in the election when everyone thought that the erhu, which was only played by a solo player, was unlikely to be selected.

It's a pity.

When he was thinking wildly, he suddenly heard the announcer announce the erhu solo.

It's a pity that it's a pity, but it feels good to listen to it again.

Chen Tingzhu cheered up in an instant. Sometimes good music can really heal people. He planned to use today's young man's performance to heal the emotions that have made him extremely bad recently because of those disturbances in the world.


However, when the boy came up with the erhu, Chen Tingzhu was suddenly worried.

Is this kid a little stage fright, or because he attaches too much importance to this campaign, he is a little too tight, looking at that handsome face, there is no expression!

Don't screw up your performance!
I still hope to listen to one of your songs and live in a good mood for a few days!
But it seemed that the young man was quite calm, he thanked him first after he came to the stage, and then sat there very calmly, calm and relaxed, there shouldn't be any problems.

Chen Tingzhu felt stable. He changed his sitting position to make himself more comfortable. He was also calm and ready to listen to the erhu music he thought was the best.

This is a song that will make you feel good in the next few days, so listen carefully.


The next moment, the hoarse and sobbing erhu suddenly sounded, like a gust of wind, blowing over without a sound.

It's not the spring breeze with the fragrance of flowers and birdsong from the wilderness, it's not the warm wind with the fragrance of grass and the chirping of cicadas in summer, and it's not the cool wind in autumn that smells like a good harvest even though it's bleak...

It's a bit like the gloomy sky, it's not very violent, but it makes people feel the bone-chilling wind from winter.

It is not the wind with natural flavor blowing from the wilderness, nor is it the wind that is bustling in the city, but it seems to have experienced countless wars from somewhere, and now the ancient battlefield that is already covered with bones, even the bones The desolate land that has been blown away by the wind blows over, making people feel at a loss involuntarily...

The wind blew over the dark brown land, the old trees that had died long ago, and the dark old crows circling in the sky...

The wind blew over a piece of white bone occasionally exposed on the ground, as if it carried the owner of the bone's resignation, nostalgia, and nostalgia for his hometown, and then blew it into the distance.

Surrounding the tree three times, the old crow with no branches to lean on shivered in the wind and occasionally uttered a shrill cry.

Just like that, the wind took away the shrillness, passed the slowly flowing river, and the river water continued to blow into the distance because of the white bones at the bottom of the river.

Is it to send the longing of the bones back to a small dilapidated and desolate village at the foot of a certain hill?
Or in a small town somewhere, at the pillow of a little woman who looks forward to mourning in the mirror during the day and weeps in her dreams at night, telling her that the person she misses will never come back again?


Chen Tingzhu suddenly couldn't stand it any longer.

His mind was a little sluggish at this moment, and he didn't even have time to think about why this young man chose such a song, and he was already immersed in deep memories.

He thought of the small village he used to dream about in those years, where he had his childhood, but now that he is middle-aged, he can no longer think about it. He only knows that he lives every day for the so-called The happiness of love, intrigue and half-life wasted.

The babbling sound of the erhu still echoed in his ears like the wind everywhere.

He seemed to think of a lot.

He thought that he was once such a young man, full of hope for the future.One day, he once planted a small jujube tree in the yard under the gaze of two pairs of loving eyes.

At that time, he was very happy to say that when the jujube tree grew up, he would let everyone eat the dates he had grown.

Now the jujube tree has grown up!
It's just that those two pairs of loving eyes changed from clear to cloudy as the jujube tree grew day by day. The only thing that remained unchanged was the concern and love contained in it.

Later, the jujube tree grew bigger and taller, and gradually grew into a tall and straight tree.

Every spring, it grows countless green leaves, then a tree of small flowers, and then a tree full of green dates.

When the wind blows, the dates are red.

But he wanted to see those two pairs of kind eyes again, but he could only dream back at midnight.

Now it is the harvest season again. At this time in the past, he liked to watch people with happy smiles, grinding their sickles in the small courtyard and under the jujube trees.

There is a familiar figure who habitually, after sharpening the sickle, gently touches the blade with his thumb, blows on it, and then shows a happy smile.

The other figure handed over the straw hat with a smile in the corner of his eyes, and then went to prepare a large pot of herbal tea and towels.

But now, all I can think of is the endless golden wheat fields, two small soil bags clinging to each other, just as they accompanied each other back then, pulling a cart and carrying a sickle to the wheat field outside the small village.


Chen Tingzhu rubbed his eyes, feeling very sore.

In middle age, he already felt that he was used to seeing everything, but when the images in his memory flashed by, it was as if his heart had been hit hard by a bullet.

Unknowingly, he felt like a stone was embedded in his chest, and he was so depressed that he wanted to cry out.

He suddenly heard the sound of the erhu, and there seemed to be a low sobbing sound.

But he didn't want to look up to see who was sobbing at all, he was just immersed in his own memories, and he didn't want to wake up at all.

The high and low erhu sound seems to be telling something, but if you listen carefully, it seems that what you hear is not an erhu at all, but a certain note sounding from a certain corner of history.

Some people think of the bones by the Wuding River in the cold night; some people sigh in the autumn wind: they sigh by themselves when they return.

Some people are telling their children and grandchildren: Don’t forget to tell Nai Weng about family sacrifices; someone is standing in the courtyard, looking at the loquat tree and telling: there is a loquat tree in the it is as beautiful as a roof.

Someone was looking around at the entrance of the village, but he could no longer see the familiar figure, so he could only groan softly: Ten years of life and death are boundless, don't think about it, never forget it...

There was the sound of a pipa, and someone sang softly: You buried the mud in the spring to sell your bones, and I sent the snow to the world...

Chen Tingzhu forgot about his small village and the wasted half of his life.

He forgot where he was, he just felt dazed, his face seemed a little wet, he wiped it, and felt a coolness in the palm of his hand.

He knew that he thought of that small mountain village just now, so he cried.

But now, he no longer shed tears, but he always felt that deep in the bones of his body, silently, a trace of coolness gradually spread, making him unable to sit still.

This trace of coolness, as if carrying the weight of history, finally kneaded the countless joys and sorrows into dust, and then kneaded into the bones, into the flesh and blood, and kneaded into the depths of the blood...


After a long time, Chen Tingzhu felt as if he had suddenly come to life.

He seemed to be a drowning person, breathing the long-lost fresh air again, feeling the beating heart and flowing blood in his body.

Looking at the stage, it was empty, and even the announcer ran off to nowhere, as if he had forgotten that there was still a show that needed him to announce.

What about that boy?
Chen Tingzhu wanted to look left and right, but before he could move, his ears seemed to be able to hear sounds suddenly.

There was a low sobbing sound.

He turned his head and saw a colleague who was usually high-spirited, who was looking at a photo in his wallet at this moment, with tears streaming down his face.

Looking elsewhere, someone was grabbing a pendant of unknown origin hanging around his neck, rubbing his red eyes.

There are also people who are turning the watch in their hands, with a gloomy face; some people's eyes are blank, as if the soul has already left the body...

Chen Tingzhu looked at all this, and for some reason, he wanted to ask for a leave of absence to go back to the small mountain village in his memory.

Although there is no longer a figure waiting at the entrance of the village, his jujube tree should still be flourishing, right?

He wants to take his wife and son back. The rebellious son always feels that he can do anything. Maybe he should go and see how those children lived in the small mountain village back then...

Maybe I can talk to him about myself and the jujube tree back then.

Let him go and see, by the way, what he wants to see, the two grave mounds nestled against each other.

Go clean up the surrounding weeds, add a handful of soil to it, and tell the people inside that you are living a good life now, and the child is actually not that naive...


Thinking of the child, he thought of the boy playing the erhu again.

Then his mind seemed to wake up all of a sudden.

By the way, who am I?where am iWhat am I doing?

I'm Chen Tingzhu, I'm at work, this is the studio hall.

What are you doing?
Today is the day of program selection, the whole province has selected programs, and they are going to participate in the Spring Festival Gala.

Spring Festival Gala?

By the way, I'm here to choose a program to participate in the Spring Festival Gala.

However, the program has been set in advance, and those who come to participate in the election can at most get a chance to perform at the provincial party.

It's also a pity...

No, what am I sorry about?

The boy who played the erhu.

Is this a show that can be sent to the Spring Festival Gala?

When Chen Tingzhu looked around again, he was completely awake.

What is the Spring Festival Gala for, to celebrate the family reunion, to celebrate the new year, to be happy, to celebrate...

What does that young man playing the erhu want to do?
Let thousands of families miss and cry together?
His head was spinning around like a spinning top, and he didn't look calm at all.

Originally, I wanted to happily listen to a good song, but now, the song... this kind of song can be regarded as the best in the world, right?
But your direction is not right?

Look at these people around, the old head of the station with gray hair, who is usually calm no matter what happens, his eyes are red now, he has a heart attack, just in case There is a good or bad...

And look at the few female colleagues who usually make a lot of fuss when they put on a little makeup. Now they are holding handkerchiefs, and they don’t know what sad things they are thinking about. …

What about the young people over there?

Young people, just out of university and assigned to work in Taiwan, this is a good opportunity for you to show your skills and ambitions, why are you sad?

What's the matter, did your leader wear small shoes for you or what?

Chen Tingzhu looked and looked, his thoughts were full of thoughts, but in the end, he rubbed his sore eyes, and sat down obediently again.

It's not his turn to speak yet, just wait!
But as soon as he sat down, the white-haired figure flashed across the corner of his eyes.

Something seems wrong?

In the next second, he stood up abruptly and rushed out.

Old director, you must not be in trouble!
孽 孽!
(End of this chapter)

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