Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 165 It Should Be No Big Thing

Chapter 165 It Should Be No Big Thing
Yan Changqing was somewhat dissatisfied with his performance.

The main reason is that it is too complicated. Originally, he only wanted one theme, but he was afraid that the effect would not be good.

After all, with different life experiences, different levels of education, and various ideological differences, sometimes the perception of the same music must be different.

So he chose a few more topics.

In the end, he felt that the theme of the expression was not clear enough.

But in the end, as soon as the song was over, he deliberately sat on the chair for a while, but still no one responded, and finally he could only stand up and face the silent hall, and made a curtain call that no one noticed.

Moreover, he deliberately procrastinated when he stepped off the stage, but he didn't wait for applause.

It seems that the effect is not bad?
After getting off the stage and arriving at the resting area just now, I saw the eyes of the team leader, Lao Song and Lao Guo, with red eyes, and even the boys on stilts who came to the stage earlier than him all looked sad.

Yan Changqing stepped forward to say hello, and the two team leaders seemed to wake up from a dream, and the performance of the others was similar.

Lao Guo came back to his senses, rubbed his face, then pondered for a moment, and then said with some complaints: "Changqing, you, don't you like to play cheerful songs, today's one, I It's heartbreaking to hear."

Lao Song also looked helpless: "Depending on your level, I think you still have a chance to compete. Now it's good, you look around... Sigh... Forget it, let's go, anyway, our task It’s also done.”

The people around, one by one, are all very sad!

I probably thought of dedicating myself to the arts for so many years. After all the hard work, I have paid so much for a performance, waiting for an opportunity, and the future is still uncertain...

Thinking about doing this, whether it is worth it or not, I can't help but make people sad!

Yan Changqing didn't make any excuses as soon as he said he would leave, and he followed and prepared to leave obediently.

The results of this evaluation won't come out so soon, and we have to go back and wait for the notification. After all, even if the program is scheduled in advance, there must be some superficial work that should be done.

Lao Guo and Lao Song were a little bit embarrassed. When they left home, so many people came, and they were the two most concerned about the program campaign. Everyone else went to play for two days, but they didn't relax for a moment. In the end... How about going to play together for two days!

Just as they were about to go out, they vaguely heard some shouts from behind, as if something had happened, and they felt quite confused.

But it has nothing to do with them, anyway, their program is hopeless.

Thinking of this, the two of them couldn't help looking at the person who was reciting the erhu, tell me, can't you play well?Why on an occasion that should be joyful, when playing such a sad tune, the listeners feel aggrieved, sad, sad, sad...

The same cannot be said for displaying skills!
Although this song fully demonstrates your skill level, your attitude will definitely make others unhappy. If they are unhappy, you still want to be on the show?

So young and vigorous, alas!

Yan Changqing's hearing is much better than others, he can hear some shouts, it seems that someone is calling the director or something.

But now he is in a good mood.

Usually in the show performances of the unit, the number of prizes is also determined by default, but that is different. Speaking of the benefits during the New Year and holidays, there is no shortage of myself. Every performance also arranges a prize. When paying wages, there are more or less rewards.

No matter how much, at least the attitude is very comfortable, isn't it?
It's not like here, you have already booked a show before you come to the election, the key is to come all the way to perform for you, there is not even the slightest benefit, it is just talking about giving you a chance, or a chance to go to the provincial station?

Pull it down!

We don't want this opportunity!

How about love!

Back at the hotel, those who had been missing for more than a day miraculously returned.

There is nothing to say, just deal with it casually, eat a meal, get in the car, and go home.

The special car was fast, and entered Xiyang City before it was dark. Yan Changqing didn't plan to go to the TV station, so he got off the car halfway and went straight to the machinery factory.

Originally planning to drive home directly, it was inappropriate to come here without confessing, so I came to Zhu Changsheng's house again.

As soon as he knocked on the door, Zhu Changsheng seemed to be taken aback when he saw him, and then he asked: "Changqing, what's the matter with the performance? I heard a call from the other side of the station and said, your show, the provincial station The old director of the station was sent to the hospital?"

"Ah?" Yan Changqing was dumbfounded at the time.


At this moment, Lao Song and Lao Guo dragged their tired bodies and were preparing to report the various ups and downs of the trip.

Although they were tired, they actually didn't worry too much. They really couldn't blame them if things didn't work out. The so-called planning is up to people, and it's probably like this.

So what if you are well prepared?

It's all set up, but you are just asked to go through the motions, so what can you do?
Could it be that you can still beat up the director of the station?
Just walking, the two of us always feel that something is wrong, why is there something wrong with the way our colleagues look at us?
What's more wrong, are you off work now?Why are there still so many people left?

The two wanted to find someone to ask, but they saw a familiar colleague who gave them a self-seeking look.

At that time, the two were a little puzzled, and also a little angry: We have worked hard for two days, and if there is no credit, it is force majeure. After all, it is a bit of hard work, right?Where did it go wrong?
With such thoughts in mind, the two of them straightened up at the same time, and knocked on the door of their boss's office.

As the voice calling them to come in came out, the two pushed the door open and went in.


"Both of you, sit down first! Let's talk about what's going on first."

"What's going on?" Lao Song was a little strange. "The program was set before we went, and I reported it. So..."

"Then you sent the old head of the station to the hospital?" The boss suddenly stood up and became angry. He raised his hand and wanted to pat the table, but he didn't know what to think, so he didn't pat, and lowered his voice.

"What's going on? There's news from the province that the show we sent caused the old director to have a heart attack..."

"Heart attack?" Lao Guo was startled. "Have you been rescued?"

"There is no news so far, it should be that the problem is not too big." The boss sat down again. "Hey, I always thought that you two are the most reliable in handling things. I didn't expect... What's going on specifically, and the details over there are not very detailed. How could there be such a problem in our two programs?"

Lao Song and Lao Guo looked at each other, and slowly revealed expressions that seemed to understand.

Then Lao Song considered his words carefully and said carefully: "Well, the stilt performance is no problem, and the response after the performance is not bad. Isn't the other show sent from the oil field? That young man named Yan Changqing, he probably It's because I heard that the show has been scheduled in advance, and I don't have a chance to go to the Spring Festival Gala, so..."

"So what happened to him?" The boss sat up straight.

Lao Guo went on to say: "It's nothing wrong, just changed the song. It turned out that he has been performing a more festive song. This time he probably was not willing to play a song... a little less festive..."

The boss saw him hesitating, knew he was a man, and patted the table lightly: "Old Guo, you don't have to cover for him, he is not from our unit, even if there is a problem with the performance, it is not my turn to take care of it, you Just say it."

"It's just a sad song." Lao Guo answered quickly. "Many people who listened to it were in tears. Even the two of us were heartbroken for a long time, and we still haven't recovered when he stepped down."

The boss was shocked at the time: "That's it?"

Lao Song had no choice but to continue to add: "It's not just people crying, usually some programs on our station can also make people cry and sad, but this one is different, because everyone who listens has a feeling of empathy, just remembering A lot of unhappy things, or think of something worth remembering? Lao Guo, you are also like this, right?"

Lao Guo nodded: "Yes, yes, yes."

Lao Song continued: "Anyway, it's the kind that's particularly infectious and special. I can't describe that feeling if you're not there, Boss. Anyway, until he stepped down, until we left, I didn't even hear a single applause."

"By the way, when we were about to walk out, we didn't hear applause, but we heard some chaos inside. Was it just then..." Lao Guo said, looking at the other two.

The three of them are generally clear. Although the boss still thinks that the descriptions of the two are a bit exaggerated, but now some people are hospitalized. Whether it is a coincidence or not, this is too... tricky!


Yan Changqing was still puzzled: "Isn't it? I just played a little bit and showed them a little trick."

Zhu Changsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You'd better come in first! Wait, I'll have a meal here later, and I'll call and ask later to see what's going on."

Yan Changqing was actually not so relaxed. After entering the room, he sat down and frowned: "When we left, I did hear some movement. It can't really be a problem, right? I just think they pre-determined the program in advance, with intentions I'm a little upset, but I don't want to send people away."

Zhu Changsheng didn't know what to say, the matter is not clear now, there has been no detailed news from there, and he can't do anything about it, and he guessed the same as the boss of the TV station: "No bad results have been reported so far, There should be no major problem, just wait and see!"

After a pause, I remembered something again: "Well, you have been away for two days, and your market called and said that someone is looking for you. Please call back and see if there is anything urgent?"

As soon as Yan Changqing heard this, he hurriedly called back, and it was the second uncle who answered the phone: "The police station is looking for you! Give them a call."

Now Yan Changqing knew what was going on, and it shouldn't be an emergency.

It was Xiao Wang who answered the phone: "The two girls you saved have come to their senses now. I want to thank you. If I can't find you, let me call and ask. The family of Jian Hongfei is also here, and I want to see you." You thank you..."

(End of this chapter)

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