Chapter 166
Yan Changqing felt that everything was not a big deal, but he was a little sorry for the old man who had a heart attack.

I hope the old man is okay!
As for what Xiao Wang said about being thankful to the rescued girl's family, he started talking nonsense again: "It's still a few days before I go back, so please let them leave quickly!"

What he was most afraid of was that he should be thankful and so on. He felt that even if he was reborn a hundred times, he might not be able to adapt to that kind of scene, and he always felt very embarrassed.

So last time he ran away when people came to drive the pigs, this time he would lie and say he couldn't go back.

I'm still not used to that kind of touching scene, I always feel that I just know it in my heart, and I don't know how to express it.

Hurry up and fool people away.

Zhu Changsheng laughed beside him: "What good thing did this do again?"

The matter of the case is still kept secret, and the matter is not completely over, Yan Changqing can't say more: "It's just a little help, I guess you will see it after reading the news in a short time, I have contributed a little bit."

I also paid an information fee of 500 yuan, and I don't know if such a big case will be handled, and it will be refunded in the end.

Zhu Changsheng probably understood a little bit, so he didn't ask any more questions.


After dinner, Zhu Changsheng called again to ask about it, and this time there was finally news.

It is said that people did not leave, which is an old problem in the first place, and I usually pay attention to it, so it is not a big problem.It should have been out of danger for a long time. Maybe the family members had concerns or something, and no news came out until the night was completely stabilized.

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Changsheng heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Yan Changqing who was also heaving a sigh of relief: "Okay, I'm fine now."

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Do you want to go over and take a look? I don't want to flatter people, but I just think it's a coincidence, so go and take a look."

"Let's say goodbye first." Zhu Changsheng thought for a while. "His family is definitely not happy to see you, no matter it's a coincidence or not. You can just pretend it's okay and go back first. Anyway, the performance is probably gone. Make your wine well. I'll help you pay attention and see what happens next. !"

Yan Changqing nodded: "That's fine, it's okay, I'll go back now, otherwise my mother will be worried if I've been out for a long time."

For this reason, Zhu Changsheng couldn't stop him: "Is it okay to drive at night? How about I find someone to accompany you."

"Don't worry, I'm an old driver!"


When we drove to the market, it was already around ten o'clock.

But the market is a bit busy right now, with cars rumbling to and fro at night, busy loading goods, in order to leave early tomorrow morning.

Most people still don't choose to drive late at night, because there are too many variables, it is better to be safer during the day.

Yan Changqing walked around and saw a new telephone installed in an empty office: "Second Uncle, is the winery telephone at home ready?"

Yan Erhe nodded: "It's all good, we've already fought. How are you going out this time?"

"It's not good." Yan Changqing was filled with indignation. "Shadow, it's all shady, they've already set up a show before we go, and let us go there is just going through the motions."

Not to mention that I almost sent the old director away, and I'm still in the hospital now!

Yan Erhe was also very angry. He had never been exposed to these things, and felt that this matter was black, but he comforted his nephew: "I can't forget it. Anyway, your erhu sounds good, and we all know it."

Yan Changqing said in his heart that your consolation is not as good as consolation, but the second uncle has such a temperament, he lives very comfortably now, fiddling with vehicles every day is his biggest hobby, taking care of the business in the market, taking the children to accompany his wife, treating himself I am quite satisfied with my little days.

He doesn't worry about money, anyway, there are people who worry about it, and he is indispensable.

Yan Changqing, who is a nephew, will not talk about it. Chen Youliang is not a stingy person. He even discussed with Yan Changqing to share some shares with the second uncle. In the end, the second uncle said that he can't do big things, as long as he is enough to live on the line.

This requirement is also easy to meet. Just give him some savings every month. This person doesn’t spend any money and saves everything. I don’t know the exact amount until now. Anyway, the family of three can’t spend all the interest.

So now Yan Erhe is completely flattened, which makes Yan Changqing envious.

After a stroll around it was nothing serious, Yan Changqing didn't stay any longer, said hello to his uncle, got in the car and left.


I wanted to go quietly when I got home, but when I got to the village entrance, my grandfather came out with his clothes on when he heard the car.

Yan Changqing told his mother not to tell people that he was going to run for office in the province.


Anyway, Grandpa's first sentence was: "Qijin, can you go to that Spring Festival Gala?"

Yan Changqing was speechless, and continued to angrily expose the shady scene: "The program has been pre-determined, and we are going to make up the numbers. No matter how high the level is, there is no way."

Grandpa then comforted him like the second uncle, Yan Changqing fooled him a few words, let him go back to sleep quickly!
I got in the car and went to the winery, so as not to ask my mother again. After the questioning, I would definitely go around talking about shady things, and I was so angry that I couldn't sleep.

This time, Yan Changqing had no more lies to tell. In order to cover up his impromptu performance that caused people to be admitted to the hospital, he could only continue to fool people with this plausible reason.


I don’t even bother to continue to play with wine when I go back to the winery. This day is too tiring, let’s rest first!

I got up the next day, exercised my muscles and bones for a while, and got into the wine cellar to mix wine.

As a result, before it was time to eat, Li Xiuni came running over: "Qi Jin, tell me, is there some shady scene that keeps you from going?"

Yan Changqing could only say it again, and finally satisfied Li Xiuni's desire to gossip, and then let her eat here without eating, and ran away in a hurry.

Seeing her figure coming and going like the wind, Yan Changqing was very pleased, and hoped that her mother would always maintain such vitality and youth forever.

Then I called Zhu Changsheng after dinner and asked him to remember the new phone number of the winery, so that he can finally call directly if there is something to do in the future. By the way, if there is any new news from the province, it will be fine if there is no .

Then he continued to mix wine until his uncle called him and told him that Yang Zhili was here.

He waited for Yang Zhili to look at the place where he lived, directly drove into the car, and moved all of Yang Zhili's belongings here.

Then I took Feihu Feixiong and let Yang Zhili know him. I don’t have much hobbies when I’m old. I usually take a dog for a walk and it’s considered a companion.

It was for him to live here for the elderly. According to his memory, before he went to junior high school, there seemed to be no five-guarantee households in the village.

Changing the old man's place now is not asking for much. I hope he will live more comfortably in the last few years. Of course, as long as he is willing, it would be nice to live a few more years.

After all, we all pay attention to each other, the kindness of a meal should not be forgotten!
There is no need to give him too much care, for fear that he will feel uncomfortable, before the workers have a collective meal, let him get used to coming to the cafeteria to eat.

Let me tell the accountant again, wait until the end of the month, give the old hair 50 yuan salary, and that's it.


After dinner, Yan Changqing called the police station again. Xiong Qishan was on duty at noon.

When Yan Changqing heard his voice, he thought of how he acted like a fool at the beginning, and his mood suddenly became better. After asking, he knew that Jian Hongfei, whose family conditions were not bad, had been taken away by his family. Let go of my heart.

Then I couldn't help joking: "Brother, where is my sister-in-law? Doesn't she want to find a job here?"

Xiong Qishan became anxious immediately: "Boss Yan, even though you are the boss, I am also anxious with you if you mention this matter again! Now there is not enough manpower, and no one arranges to send her home. For the time being, she is studying at the labor service company!" "

Yan Changqing laughed straight: "Okay, let's not mention it. In fact, this girl has a big heart and is a nice person, but she is not educated. But she is not too old, and she can still learn. I think she is quite Not bad, you..."

The phone is hung up!

Yan Changqing smiled, hung up the phone, and went to work.


In the second half of the day, the winery became lively again, and the brats gathered for the weekend when they knew that Yan Changqing was back.

Even if Yan Changqing didn't have time to play, they had fun playing here by themselves.

Of course, what was even more gratifying was that Erwa held her finger: "Brother Qijin, we are going to be on vacation soon!"

Yan Changqing didn't care about this, but he was a little worried about Erwa: "Can you keep up with your studies now? Have you handed in your homework on time?"

Erwa looked up: "I wrote very fast, and finished it before school was over."

I don't know where this guy's confidence comes from!

Yan Changqing complained in his heart, and waved his hand: "Go and play, I have to be busy for a while."

As soon as Erwa left, Tie Dan came to complain: "Brother Qijin, Erwa is copying my homework every day now."

Yan Changqing: "Erba, Erba, get the hell out of here!"

Probably because she can always see the shadow of her former self in Erwa, Yan Changqing always hopes that Erwa can change more.

Even if you want to continue doing nothing, at least give yourself a chance to see a more exciting world, for example, go to university.

But he had no choice but to say a few words, and he didn't expect Erwa to listen to much.

The brat promised verbally very well, and when Yan Changqing finished speaking, he immediately became cheeky again: "Brother Qijin, I want to play with Feihu Feixiong, and they will run away when they see me, can you call me over?"

You don't even think about why they run away when they see you?

Yan Changqing didn't give him a chance to make trouble: "We'll talk about it when you finish your homework."

Erwa looked frustrated: "It must be Tiedan who sued me, he is just a guy who doesn't show loyalty."

Yan Changqing defended Tiedan: "He told me that he was showing loyalty to me. Besides, if you don't do your homework, can you pass the exam? When we all go to junior high school, will you play in the village by yourself?"

This reason is more motivating to Erwa. I don't know what he thought of. He was stunned for a while, and then ran away with a groan: "Brother Qijin, I will do my homework in the future."

This guarantees that Yan Changqing is very familiar and will forget it within 3 minutes.

After thinking and thinking, he shouted again: "Erba Erba, come here!"

Erwa ran over again with a whoosh, and on her rather round face, her two dark eyes were full of doubts: "Brother Qijin, why are you calling me again?"

"Wear a mask, come and help me write the label!" Yan Changqing said helplessly, at least it would allow him to write a few more words. "Write more, I only posted one above, it's not enough, you write ten more times, and post them all..."

Seeing that this guy was a bit reluctant, he could only continue to increase the size: "Then I will teach you a trick."

"What trick?" Erwa was instantly motivated.

"You'll know when you finish writing. You have to copy the labels on every wine jar." Yan Changqing didn't say that he hadn't figured it out yet, anyway, it was time for dinner before he finished writing.

Alas, I have been fooling around all over the past few days, from old men to children, from men to women, if I order a fooling skill, I guess it will be upgraded very quickly.

Tired of heart!

 Thanks to book friends "08a" and "You Jing" for their rewards,

  Thank you for your support, and the fourth update will be sent!

(End of this chapter)

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