Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 167 Reward for Playing Mud

Chapter 167 Reward for Playing Mud
The early morning at the turn of spring and summer is very comfortable, with the cool wind blowing by, it always makes people feel refreshed.

The wisps of white clouds in the sky are like spun gauze, softly spread on the blue sky, and the tireless voice of the cuckoo keeps coming, empty and far away.

The originally green wheat is turning yellow day by day, swaying in the morning breeze, forming a blue-yellow wave.

On the poplar trees by the small river in the distance, small fan-like leaves rattled in the wind, and early birds frolicked among the leaves for food, their crisp and melodious calls.

Yan Changqing was sitting on a high soil slope, painting these scenes meticulously.

The skills have not been improved yet, the painting skills focus on a realistic, all rely on superhuman control, seriously, try to show the scenery you see on the paper.

Occasionally, there will be a cartoon style of painting, and an eclectic one will be highlighted.

This kind of effect is good just looking at any corner of the drawing paper, but the overall look, it just feels messy, like an untidy room, which looks a bit messy and crowded.

But now the skills are not enough, so I can't pursue too much, just to practice the skills, first learn the basics, and then slowly pay attention to the layout.At present, what I pay attention to is not to waste paper, and to draw as much as I can.

It's time for breakfast when the painting is full, and during the meal, he arranges for someone to go to the wine storehouse to carry the wine he mixed last night.

After dinner, Erwa and a few friends came with small schoolbags.

Yan Changqing began to write together with them. When others did their homework, if he didn't write, he practiced calligraphy.

With learning skills, he has already completed the elementary school courses by himself-yes, he really learned it all over again, anyway, no one knows that he was reborn, and doing so will only make people think that he is eager to learn, instead of laughing at him.

After all, if he studied seriously in his previous life, he wouldn't be unpromising all his life.

This also caused him to be not very confident in learning. He didn't feel that once he was reborn, he could completely handle even elementary school-level courses. Only by learning it again could he be sure that he was fine.

Learning is a good thing. After all, it is good to go to school more. Even human traffickers understand the truth. People who have studied and educated are more valuable.


While writing earnestly, Erwa, who seemed to have nails growing on her ass beside her, leaned her little head over and said, "Brother Qijin, your handwriting is so beautiful."

Do I need your praise?
Yan Changqing gave him a brain crash: "If you are serious, you can write well."

Erwa is a person who will never be hit. She smiled and went to see others, and finally she was very proud: "Brother Qijin, I write better than Xiaohe."

Yan Changqing didn’t need to read it to believe it. Yan Xiaohe was one of the brats who hadn’t gone to school yet. Seeing that they were all writing, he took a pen and paper and scribbled along. ...fits.

Just at this time, someone came to call Yan Changqing and asked him to help look at the new wine.

Seeing the words written in his notebook, he gave a thumbs up and praised: "The boss's handwriting is really good."

Yan Changqing doesn't care about this person, a bunch of illiterates.

His handwriting is not good yet, he can only be called neat.

Like Huahua, what he can do now is to be serious, and write slowly according to the copybook or the regular script printed on the book, and he can always write more or less.

But this is not called calligraphy. The lack of level is one aspect, and the other is that there is no own thing, no art, just trying to be similar.

But it is enough for most illiterates, anyway, they can't tell good from bad, they think it looks pretty.

But Yan Changqing has skills, he can think of several improvements when he writes a word, how to make the word more beautiful, more attractive, how to break through the craftsmanship and reach the point of real calligraphy...

It's a pity that the brain knows it, but the hands can't do it for the time being. It needs a little adjustment. After writing it many times, I can satisfy myself a little, not the skill.

A little satisfaction means that with the improvement of his skills, his vision is getting higher and higher. Just now, he thought it would be good to achieve three. When he can achieve three, his vision has reached four, and he can feel three at a glance. Insufficient, there are a few areas for improvement...

You will never be satisfied with your skills. As long as you practice, you will be able to find some better directions for improvement every time you practice seriously.

Fortunately, he is a person with no ambitions. If he is someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder, or someone who is too self-motivated, one skill is enough for him to practice until he dies—maybe he won't die, and he can practice until he becomes a legendary fairy.

The same is true for brewing, even if they are all at the second level, it is still: not at all!

Anyway, I always feel that I can do better, and the direction is very clear. As long as I do this and make a little improvement, I will be better.

From the workers' point of view, the boss is simply too powerful, he can control the fire, and add water after the scheduled time, the error will not be more than 2 minutes.

The result is that in contrast, the workers are generally not very confident, and they always want to call him to say something, even if they just glance at him and don't say a word.

They don't know who they are using as a reference, or this is not necessarily a human realm.


This seemingly busy, but actually very stable day is very comfortable.

Because there are all kinds of backhands, even if there are more and more wines in the warehouse for a while, I don’t worry about the sales problem. After the life is not too stressful, even if I have not been idle, I don’t feel rushed.

At this time, it is time to soak in the river.

Yan Changqing, who has no problem with winter swimming, can actually go anytime, but the bear children are a little bit worse. They usually start to jump into the river secretly when they are still wearing sweaters when the riverside is just green.

The former Yan Changqing was also one of these bear children, and he would definitely not stop them. Anyway, these children are kept in a free range like this, but they are all solid, just like those little ones by the small river that are not pruned and managed. Trees grow wantonly and wildly.

This was Yan Changqing's happiest time, the story about how the reborn relied on his golden finger skills to bully a group of brats.

When playing the game of catching people in the water, one person starts chasing everyone, and if anyone is caught, the person who is caught can continue to catch.

But Yan Changqing was not afraid of being caught, which caused others to give up catching him, making the game boring, and he was still in high spirits.

Tired of playing, a group of brats climbed to the river, digging a pile of yellow mud and playing with "tile houses".

Beat the mud to be solid and square, with a hole in the middle, and only a thin layer at the bottom, like a bowl, and then throw it upside down on a flat ground to see whose "tile house" The thin layer of mud at the bottom burst out the biggest hole.

In this way, other friends have to deduct a piece of their "tile house" to fill in the hole.

There is obviously loess all over the ground, the winner will be happy for a long time with this piece of mud, and the loser will go to the riverside to continue digging unwillingly.

The biggest disadvantage of this game is that the clay dots will fly around, and everyone will become like a clay figurine in the end.

And there is only one winner.

After a while, Yan Changqing's "tile house" became extremely huge, and a group of bear children continued to dig the mud with mournful faces-this shameless guy even ordered a "playing with mud" skill for himself in order to win.

Playing with mud is not only about modeling, but also includes other aspects.

The "tile house" that was made can be taken into the kiln to be fired into pottery, and he was very proud of being used by him to bully a group of children, holding a big lump of yellow mud happily.

Perfectly verified a sentence: as long as I have enough sand sculptures, then I have enough happiness!


So Director Wang sat in the new car in the office, and together with Xiong Qishan, they first found Dayanzhuang, then found the winery, and finally found the river. What they saw was a scene that made people feel that their eyes were polluted.

After all, the two of them had also experienced strong winds and waves, but they looked at the man who was holding a big lump of mud, pacing triumphantly on the river bank, and looked at the group of brats digging the mud below, and then they were sure for half a minute. , I found the right person.

It's him, Boss Yan.

It was Boss Yan who went to buy a daughter-in-law a few days ago and took away two traffickers for treatment, one of the owners of the Taoshu Township market and winery.

The two of them are a little confused now, looking at the sky and the surrounding farmland, they don't know whether they should say hello or not.

It was Yan Changqing who was complacent, glanced unintentionally, and saw the two people not far away—so proud that he was so close that he didn't notice.

Then he laughed loudly, and threw the mud lump on the ground with a bang: "You guys play, I won't play anymore! Whoever grabs the mud here will own it."

A group of mud kids rushed up immediately.

How can it be fun to grab it by digging it yourself!

Yan Changqing greeted the two over there: "Wait a minute, I'll just go down and rush for a while."

I jumped into the river to wash off the mud on my body, especially on my head and face—because I bent down and fell hard, there are usually more mud spots on my face and head.

After washing, I came up and jumped up and down a few times, and then got dressed.


When he walked over again, he turned into an upright Boss Yan: "Wang Suo, Brother Xiong, why did you come here?"

The two of them didn't know whether they hadn't reacted from the shock just now, or because his "transformation" was too fast, and they were stunned for a moment, and Wang Suocai said: "The case is almost done, and the main suspects have been arrested and brought to justice." , the remaining small fish and shrimps are still hunting. We came here to give you a reward."

"There are rewards?" Yan Changqing laughed. "Is there 500 yuan or not? I spent [-] yuan to buy the clue."

"Yes, the higher-ups are very generous this time. After hearing about your case, they directly approved 5000 yuan. It may not be too much for you, but it is indeed very generous." Wang said, feeling embarrassed of.

It’s really not that much. The last time he spent [-] was just on the surface. He also took the initiative to mobilize a lot of people, driving to block the road, and the winery’s hunting around. Even the prison couldn’t mobilize so many people for a while. , let alone a car.

This time, he took the initiative to spend money to buy clues, and rushed to the front line, including quickly recording the confession and so on. Everyone knows who has the most credit.

Moreover, the Taoshu Township Institute also received a lot of benefits. In addition to the credit for everyone, the most intuitive thing is that when Wang Suo came, the new van he was riding in was the family of Jian Hongfei rescued by Boss Yan. of.

However, it is impossible for the above to reward more. Now the average salary in Shanghai is only two to three hundred, so five thousand at a time, can it be considered a small amount?
Yan Changqing felt quite satisfied, mainly because of his attitude: "Will you be rewarded before the case is completed?"

Wang explained: "The rest is mainly to rescue the trafficked women and children in various places. It is much more difficult than arresting criminals. Some trafficked places are too remote and there are too many places to coordinate. It is not a day or two. It's done. Since you are planning to reward, give it as soon as possible, and don't let the heart of doing good deeds be chilled."

Yan Changqing nodded, this is the sin of the god-damned human traffickers, it is difficult for the trafficked people to escape by themselves, and they can only wait for someone to rescue them.

Wang Suo said again: "There is still a certificate, and the higher-ups want to ask, should you take it directly, or wait for the final award ceremony."

Yan Changqing definitely chooses to take it now: "The award ceremony is all yours, so I won't go. Besides, if someone is not caught, I don't want to worry about my family every day."

Wang Suo laughed: "It happened that I brought it here, I guess you won't like to participate in any ceremony."


The three of them talked while walking, and when they got to the winery, a group of brats had come back faster than them, and they were not afraid of getting tired at all, and now they started "cockfighting" again!

Usually this winter is played, who plays with bare legs in summer, how painful it is to knock and touch!
But the brats are not afraid, some of the teardrops are about to fall out, and they hold their legs firmly and fight again.

Wang Suo said: "We all have files for rewards. When you need them later, you can check them at any time. In addition, you will not forget the award ceremony. It may be a year or two, or a few years later, when you are sure that there is no future trouble at all." , People like you who have done meritorious service will definitely make up a ceremony for you."

"This is a word passed down from our superiors. We don't know how long it will take until the superiors say it, but it must be true. No one will forget this matter."

Yan Changqing now understands that rewards are not the most important thing now, it is because someone speaks.

The two people in front of them were just running errands to pass on the message, otherwise they would make a phone call and let them pass by when they got the reward, so why did they spend so much effort to find the river.

Xiong Qishan went on to say: "With this case, there will be a wave of crackdowns. It is estimated that there will be a public trial meeting in the fall, and there will definitely be a few typical people who will be directly killed...

Yan Changqing was excited at the time: "Can everyone watch it live? Anyone can watch it too?"

"It's happened before, but I haven't come at that time, Wang Suo must know it well." Xiong Qishan couldn't say anything.

Wang Suo smiled: "You can watch the public trial. When killing people, you must not let them get too close, especially children. No, why are you so interested in this?"

Yan Changqing laughed straight: "Curious! I haven't seen it, not even a public trial."

In his previous life, he knew that there was a public trial, but it was in the town. He didn't catch up to watch it. He heard that he took people to a river in the west of the town and executed a few of them. At that time, he was very envious of those classmates who were bragging with him. .

It is only now that I know that those students who are emotional are bragging, and they are not allowed to watch it live.

Think about it too, is that something that children can watch?

Yan Changqing also understood now, why everyone was extremely calm when the two traffickers died at the beginning, and the relationship was not unusual at all.

(End of this chapter)

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