Chapter 168

Yan Changqing didn't care too much about his reward, as long as his attitude was in place, of course it didn't matter if it was gone.

But it doesn't matter to me, if it can make my mother happy, it's still possible.

So the 5000 yuan and the certificate, he changed hands and sent it home, and asked his mother to take care of it.

Li Xiuni couldn't be happier, but it's not convenient to talk about it for the time being, so she can only drag Yan Haihai to talk about it at home.

As for the matter of the decisive decision after the fall, Yan Changqing was still quite curious.

But it's still early, and you have to wait until autumn if you want to see the excitement.

He thought it was a fine tradition, but he didn't know why it didn't continue.


Two days before Children's Day.

It is also the last two days of CCTV's selection of programs.

In the program campaign team of Yudong Province, a group of people were looking at the brought actors with sad faces.

The situation is very bad. Now the shows are basically booked. Although they have won the opportunity to perform again tomorrow, judging from the reactions of all parties, it seems that the future is not so good.

After all, they are all programs that have been cancelled, and the rehearsal was a bit hasty. There are a few major changes, and there are obviously some small problems in the cooperation of the actors.

If this small problem is placed on a local station, most viewers don't care, after all, everyone's expectations are not that high, as long as it is lively and jubilant, it will be fine to watch the festival.

But if they want to go to the Spring Festival Gala and let more people watch it, the more they watch it, the more hopeless they feel.

Chen Tingzhu in the crowd touched a roll of tape in his bag, feeling a little uneasy.

He wanted to do something out of the ordinary, but he was a little too daring, but if he didn't do it, he would always feel a little uncomfortable.

As a result, the next day, when he got up to wash his hands, he was shocked when he saw himself in the mirror.

After leaving the house, a colleague looked at him in surprise and said, "Old Chen, what's the matter with you? It's up to man to make things happen, and you can't lose your body just for work!"

Chen Tingzhu forced a smile, he's not a young man anymore, he thought back then that he worked hard for three days and three nights to prepare for the show, but now it's fine, he didn't sleep well all night, and people noticed it.

But thinking about it just now, he can scare himself, and he also knows that even if he dresses up for a long time, his image is still not very good.

Fortunately, everyone was thinking about running for the election. Except for a few familiar colleagues, no one else cared about his image.


In a blink of an eye, in the studio hall, actors from Yudong Province began to perform.

In less than 3 minutes, the hearts of everyone who led the team sank, broken!

Originally, it was due to the lack of tacit cooperation in the changes, but it turned out that the actors were still a little nervous when they got here, and many of their movements were deformed.

There is no need to wait for other people to select this show, they themselves can't wait to leave with their heads covered, so as not to continue to embarrass themselves here.

Many people have bowed their heads in shame, and some people have already started to complain that with so many people, so many troupes, dance troupes, art groups and units, there are not a few suitable programs to choose, it is really a rare talent...

Listening to these voices, Chen Tingzhu's hands were sweating. In his mind, it was no longer two villains fighting, but millions of troops fighting.

Some people told him to go quickly, some people told him to go and die, some people said that he should put the overall situation first, and some people said that a man should do something...

Indistinctly, he seemed to hear someone chanting in a low voice: there was Bole in the world, and then there was a Chollima, and there were always Chollima, but Bole was not always there...

The voice was very small at first, but it seemed to have a kind of magic power. Every sentence and every word drove more people to start to chant in a low voice: Therefore, although there are famous horses, they are only humiliated by slaves. Pian died between the stables...

Those other roaring voices gradually gave up their shouts and joined these voices.

In a blink of an eye, it seemed that in his chest, there were countless people chanting in low voices, and these voices merged into a voice like thunder: Woohoo!Is it really innocent?
With so many people, is there really no show?

Chen Tingzhu stood up abruptly, let's die!

In a person's life, there must be such impulsive moments once or twice, otherwise, what is the difference between being alive and walking dead?

He touched the video tape in his bag, and then, under the surprised eyes of colleagues around him, walked to a seat in the front row, bent down to laugh with him, and said in a low voice: "Director Yang, 3 minutes, I only delay you for 3 minutes , you take a look at this tape, as long as you watch it for 3 minutes, if it doesn’t work, you call the security to beat me out..."

Director Yang was a little surprised, and glanced at him: "Leave it alone!"

Chen Tingzhu panicked suddenly, and his face became even paler in an instant. He understood the meaning of this sentence very well, if he really let it go, then let it go.

However, it was already his limit to do this. He swayed, and then stood up, only to feel that his eyes were all black.

At this moment, Director Yang looked up at the stage again, and then at the tape on the table: "What program?"

Chen Tingzhu was overjoyed immediately: "Erhu, the best in the world, almost sent our old director away..."

After he finished speaking, his complexion brightened again, he was too excited to speak indiscriminately, and actually said something he shouldn't have said.

Director Yang became interested when he heard the words. He glanced at the stage again and stood up dully: "Oh, take it, come and have a look."


In the dimly lit editing room, with the sound of the erhu, the quiet small room suddenly seemed to have countless elves jumping, jumping, and singing.

Yang Daoban's complexion also slowed down, and then he smiled: "It's not bad, but... Hey, you're not too old, right? Little genius! It's good... But this, it's not as serious as you said, right? ?”

"Also." Chen Tingzhu felt courageous when he heard the familiar erhu sound. "This was a campaign program in the city. At that time, the equipment was not very good, and the sound quality was not as good as the live one. The other one was better. It was filmed on a provincial station, but... Director Yang, his song is not very good. ..."

"Let's go!" Director Yang waved his hand.

Chen Tingzhu immediately stepped forward and asked the editor to quickly play a section.

The next moment, when a musical note wafted out, the small room suddenly became depressed. The three people in the room seemed to feel their hearts were being pulled, and they could not help but immerse themselves in the sound of the erhu.

Even after listening to it again, Chen Tingzhu still couldn't stand it anymore. He just played the beginning, and when he saw the change in Director Yang's face, he quickly stepped forward and patted the editor to make him pause.

Director Yang was stunned for a moment before he said, "What's wrong?"

Chen Tingzhu explained embarrassingly: "The ones behind are more depressing and worrying. Our old director had a heart attack after listening to it, and he was sent to the hospital for rescue for a long time. I'm afraid..."

Director Yang thought for a while: "It's over."

The editor immediately followed instructions.

Chen Tingzhu could only continue to listen with him, and then kept telling himself that this was a child's unhappy prank.

And I began to recall the cheerful song I heard for the first time, thinking about those happy days, and even thinking about some out-of-the-ordinary things in my mind.

Childhood naughtiness, joy in the countryside, pranks with classmates at school, joy of getting good grades in studies, beauty of first meeting a girl who fell in love with her for the first time...

I thought of the eyes that looked at me lovingly when I was naughty, and when I was happy, those eyes also became happy...

That year, I finished taking graduation photos with my classmates. At that time, everyone was ambitious. We made an appointment to meet again after ten or twenty years. I was looking forward to the future with the girl I fell in love with first, and imagining what a beautiful future I would have...

It's just that at the beginning, he never realized that those ordinary days would become yellowed and never-fading photos in his later life, deep in his memory, it seemed to be forever.

I can never go back to my childhood, and I can no longer see the loving eyes. When they graduated in high spirits, they didn't know that the moment they got up after taking photos, it meant that many people would be separated from each other and never want to see each other...

Those many beautiful pictures, together with the figure of first love, are dust-sealed in the corner of the memory, occasionally wiped lightly, the dust raised, fascinated by the eyes...


Chen Tingzhu's first thought when he recovered was: Damn, he's been tricked again!

He wiped away his tears, hating that erhu boy so much.I felt that my brain was really pumped, or I was confused by that kid's erhu—yes, I'm sure that kid's erhu has special functions, maybe it's qigong, that's right, it must be.

Otherwise, how could I do such a thing of breaking the boat and betting on my own future, and I have to accept the torture of the magic sound pouring into my ears again.

It's really a bet on the future.

Middle-aged people are at the most aggrieved stage of life. For life, for work, for the sake of wives and children, I dare not do this or that. When encountering bad things, tell yourself to bear it. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...

I didn't expect to be stupid this time, not only cheating myself, but also cheating others!
He didn't even dare to disturb Director Yang who was silent, let alone look at Director Yang's expression.

In case he sees something he shouldn't see, he won't have a chance to stand up here, and he can only pack up and leave when he goes back.

I don't know how long it took before I heard Director Yang's words: "Xiao He, rewind the tape and listen to the opening song."

Chen Tingzhu instantly understood, this is to 'cure' the emotions that were destroyed by the magic sound just now!
After Xiao He wiped his face, he obeyed the command and worked for a while.

The cheerful erhu sounded, and the atmosphere in the cabin returned to normal and gradually became more relaxed.

Director Yang made a motion of lowering his head to wipe, raised his head and smiled: "No wonder you are so desperate to do such a thing, don't go back later, and be my assistant here! Please contact this child and let him He came here to try."

After a pause, he continued: "Although the show is finalized, it's not impossible to add someone to it. Such a good art should be appreciated by everyone."

Chen Tingzhu came from hell to heaven in an instant, bowed his head and nodded hurriedly: "Okay, okay, Director Yang, I'll contact..."


Yan Changqing had a particularly fulfilling day.

After being busy from morning to afternoon, I finally got the wine mixed and asked the workers to fill it.

And he also breathed a sigh of relief, ran to the small river, soaked in the river water, let the water wash away the smell of alcohol on his body.



A group of brats rushed over with their schoolbags on their backs, and they heard several voices shouting from a long distance away.

"Brother Qijin, we're on vacation!"

"Aww, it's a holiday!"

When a group of brats rushed over, their schoolbags were thrown all over the sky, and then they moved neatly. A dozen brats tore down their shirts, took off their shoes while rubbing their feet, and then skipped and took off their pants, throwing them away. , rushed to the river.

The sand on the beach by the river bank was flying, and the river near the beach became muddy for a moment.

Countless water splashes were splashed, with a charming halo under the setting sun, and then fell into the water one after another.

The naked guys were thumping vigorously in the river, laughing and shouting, so excited that they couldn't control themselves.

Yan Changqing lying in the shallow water helplessly wiped off the sand splashed on his face, then stood up and took a few steps, before plunged into the water.

Seeing this, the bear children immediately yelled and dodged everywhere.

After a while, Erwa yelled, "Help, help, brother Qijin has turned into a water ghost and came to catch me..."

The others immediately hid away from him, watched him being pulled into the water with glee, and howled and booed.

When Erwa emerged from the water, she quickly used the dog planing technique and rushed towards the shallow water area.

After running to the beach in one breath, I dared to look back, and then said depressedly: "Brother Qijin, you almost choked my nose!"

Yan Changqing exposed his head in the water: "That's not choking yet!"

Choking water is very uncomfortable, especially in the nose, so it is also called choking nose.

But the bear children have long been used to it. It is common for them to yell and yell and choke their noses when they play, and now they have already experienced it one by one.

Erwa yelled, and started to run into the water without fear of death: "Go touch the crab, touch the crab, go to the winery to roast and eat!"

This proposal immediately got everyone's response, so everyone began to rush to the river bank.


Playing until the sun was setting, a group of brats climbed ashore, looking for clothes, schoolbags, and some even wearing one shoe and hopping around looking for the other...

After being in a hurry for a while, they finally packed up. The leaders each held a few crabs in their hands, and set off towards the winery with arrogance and arrogance.

There is never a shortage of places to grill crabs in the winery. When the crabs are browned, the claws and claws on the smaller crabs will become crunchy. Only some older crabs have claws that are still firm and need to be bitten. Open it and eat only the crab meat inside.

The wife of the uncle's friend in the kitchen, the couple are both working in the winery. This woman is very diligent and has a wink. She even made some dipping sauce for the children to eat.

In fact, it is not necessary at all. A bunch of guys think it is troublesome, and they think the dipping sauce is heavy.

Yan Changqing is also not used to dipping sauces, he sometimes has trouble eating, and the taste is getting more and more tricky.

Because the improvement of the five senses exceeds that of ordinary people, he usually feels that the taste of the food is not good if there is a little more seasoning in the meal, or if there is a stale vegetable leaf.

For the dipping sauce with a strong taste, he can even eat it without eating it. Now the main focus is a pure natural flavor.


When I was eating happily, I heard my uncle shouting: "Qijin, call!"

Yan Changqing walked over with a crab in his hand, chewing a crab leg in his mouth, and asked vaguely, "Whose is it?"

"He's from the city, Director Zhu's phone number." The uncle replied and handed over the phone.

As soon as he answered the phone, he heard Zhu Changsheng's pleasantly surprised voice: "Changqing, good news, great news! The capital has notified you to play there..."

"Ah?" Yan Changqing's mouth was full of shards of crab legs that almost fell out. "Their old directors are like that, how dare you let me go on the show?"

(End of this chapter)

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