Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 169 Going to Beijing to Learn Painting

Chapter 169 Going to Beijing to Learn Painting

Zhu Changsheng did not know the specific situation.

He only knew that the city station was crazy with joy, and when he called, he asked if he wanted to send a car to pick up Yan Changqing now.

When Chen Tingzhu called, he didn't elaborate at all. In the eyes of some people, what he did this time was a very unsafe move.

So he was afraid that if he said it in detail, Xiyang Market would blame him, because his actions were equivalent to putting everyone on the fire.

Now he's managed to get things done, and he even hired a little assistant to do it.

But the people on the market side have nowhere to run, and they will have to be more cold-eyed in the future.

But I don't know the situation yet, everyone on the Shitai side is very happy, and even told Zhu Changsheng, what is it, people have big stomachs and so on.

In short, everyone is happy in the market at present, and the future... is a bit hard to say.

These Yan Changqing and Zhu Changsheng are not clear yet, and it doesn't matter if they are clear.

Interlacing is like a mountain. Do you know that the separation of different systems is not a mountain.Since everyone is not in the same system, even if you don't like me, you can only look at me from across the mountain.

Yan Changqing was still very happy, and asked Zhu Changsheng: "Then do you want to go to the Provincial Taiwan to visit..."

"The caller told me to go directly. I'll contact the city station right now to see how many people they will go to. I'll add the two of us here to book train tickets together. By the way, can you come over tomorrow?" Zhu Changsheng also asked. I was a little overjoyed, and forgot to ask Yan Changqing if he could leave immediately.

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "It's not a big problem, I'll make arrangements later."


In fact, there are still some problems.

The best wines in the winery must be made by him himself, and the key steps cannot be done by others.

If he leaves now, in the next few days, the several fermentation tanks that he has been managing by himself will have to be taken over by others.

That meant that the wine that came out wasn't up to his standard - that's for sure.

But after all, with his previous treatment, it must be better than other wines. In the future, after blending, it can barely be bottled as a high-end wine.

Of course it takes a little more effort.

There are also many other trivial things. After all, after leaving, I will definitely not come back for at least a week.

The speed of the current train is a bit impressive. He has to go to the city first tomorrow, and then take the train. He will not be able to reach the capital until the day after tomorrow at the earliest.

Xiyang City doesn’t have an airport yet, so if you want to fly, you need to go to the provincial capital.

But it will take more than half a day to reach the provincial capital, and the flight time is still uncertain, so it is better to take the train directly, although it is slower, at least there is no need to toss.

So while Yan Changqing was making arrangements, he still missed the good days when there were high speeds.

If there is a high speed, even if you drive his small bread, you don't have to wait until dawn to reach the capital.

The main reason is that there is no Moutai supply for flying now, and a letter of introduction is needed. He also feels that it is necessary to be cautious when dealing with flying things these days, so he has never considered flying.


Needless to say, the journey is exhausting.

It was early in the morning when we arrived in the capital, but Chen Tingzhu was already waiting.

In addition to Yan Changqing and Zhu Changsheng, several people came from the city platform. Except for the team leaders Lao Guo and Lao Song last time, Yan Changqing didn't need to say hello, they were all here for sightseeing anyway.

Even after getting off the train, the two team leaders and Yan Zhu followed Chen Tingzhu into his borrowed car and went to the hotel to settle down.

After a short break, the few of them went to CCTV again.

Yan Changqing was actually quite looking forward to it. He felt that he would be able to meet a few "nail households" in the Spring Festival Gala this time. Many nail households said that they deserved their virtues and skills.

It turned out that it wasn't the rehearsal time, so it's impossible for everyone to wait here!
Then I saw Director Yang whom Chen Tingzhu was talking about.

At this time, the importance of age was reflected. Director Yang, who was serious in Chen Tingzhu's mouth, was quite kind when he met Yan Changqing.

Seeing that Yan Changqing was not stage-frightened, he also jokingly said to the people around him: "Everyone, be careful, our little artist has extraordinary skills."

It's almost like talking about the fact that he almost sent people away with his erhu.

Then I took out a few sheet music and asked him to try to play it.

When Yan Changqing took out his erhu, Director Yang waved his hand: "Wait, who is that, go find a better erhu."

Yan Changqing looked down at his erhu, which came from the streets of Taoshu Township and had inherited craftsmanship for many years. It cost him a full 30 yuan to buy the erhu. Without its chance...

Then he happily accepted the erhu handed over by others, tried the sound, and silently apologized for his erhu.

After all, it is CCTV, and this tool is professional. Listen to the sound quality, touch the feel, and look at the appearance. At first glance, it is a good thing that cannot be bought for 30 yuan.


No matter what score, it is as simple as drinking water and eating to Yan Changqing.

Just get started, you don't even need to prepare a relationship, you just need to show your skills - he is in a good mood now, just let it be.

After all, it is not appropriate to send people to the hospital everywhere.

Director Yang was quite satisfied, and nodded after listening to it: "Okay, I have passed it for the time being. What kind of program is specifically arranged, you guys are waiting here for a few days, and you are also walking around the capital. Let's discuss it later. , I will let you know as soon as it is confirmed."

Yan Changqing was both happy and regretful: unfortunately, when he returned the erhu he used to someone else, no one came to say, this is the erhu for you, take it back and practice more...


A group of people couldn't hold back the joy in their hearts. When going out, Lao Guo, an honest man, almost tripped over his left foot and his right foot. Fortunately, Lao Song next to him was still stable and stopped him in time.

Zhu Changsheng was also very happy: "I forgot to remind you just now, and hung up our work permit. Oh, I forgot too..."

It's a pity that they didn't let them all know that they came from the oil field, and that they were glorious oil field workers who donated oil.

But don't worry, anyway, there is a program now, no matter what the program is, when it is confirmed, you can call home to announce the good news!
This shows that we can not only donate oil, but also do a good job in spiritual and cultural construction, which is something worthy of publicity.

The more I thought about it, the happier I was until I heard Yan Changqing's voice: "Uncle Zhu, Uncle Zhu, where are you going to play?"

I wish Changsheng a lot of fun, and I can't wait: "I'll make a phone call first and say that your side has already booked to be on stage. No matter what program is arranged, as long as you can show your face, it proves that our oil field and cultural construction are not as good as Their old-fashioned oil fields are bad."

"By the way, let them think about what rewards they will give you in advance. This is a matter of showing our face in the oil field. It is unreasonable not to give some rewards. By the way, coming here will delay the production of your winery. Ask the logistics if you can From your..."

Lao Guo and Lao Song, who were on the market next to them, looked at each other with hot eyes, and a word came out of their hearts in unison: Big dog!

There is no way, the market is not rich these days, don't look at their hard work running back and forth, the little subsidy for business trips is not enough to go to a restaurant for a good meal.

It's not like other oil fields, where benefits are paid at every turn, benefits at every turn, benefits at every turn, and at every turn...


But don't be angry yet, the two of them have a mission, and they are here to accompany the exam.

No, it should be called to accompany the prince to study now. There is a rare opportunity to show his face on the market platform, so he has to accompany him.

After thinking for a while, Lao Song said in a low voice: "Old Guo, you can ask them where they want to go later. You can stay in the hotel and wait. I'll go to the Beijing Office to see if I can move to the Beijing Office. go."

The Beijing Office he mentioned belongs to the province, and there is no such thing in Xiyang City.

I wasn't sure before, so I didn't dare to go, and the level of the unit is not low, so anyone who wants to live can go there.

Now he is more courageous and dares to try.

But Lao Guo stopped him: "Don't go, let's leave after confirming the show, what's the fuss. We still have tasks, you go out with the two of them to play, I'll wait for the news at the hotel."


There is basically no need to think about where to go for the first stop in the capital city.

After Zhu Changsheng finished the phone call, apart from the news that Lao Guo stayed behind at the hotel, the other three also brought their cameras and set off to the Forbidden City together.

When they arrived at the place, Yan Changqing looked at Lao Song and Director Zhu with some amusement, fighting over the ticket money and rushing to pay.

Laughing to death, neither of them will spend a penny on themselves, and they will be reimbursed later.

So Yan Changqing bought a ticket for three yuan himself, and then explained to the two of them: "I want to keep it as a souvenir. When I come here for the first time, when I go back, I will frame this ticket and keep it as a collection." Taste."

After entering, they didn't see anything clearly, so the three of them started taking pictures of each other.

Unlike Yan Changqing's memory, the Forbidden City in his memory has been overhauled several times. Now the Forbidden City is not as good as it is. He thinks it is better and has a sense of history.

Thinking about the many broken floor tiles under the feet, maybe a few eunuchs and maids have been beaten to death...

Then he quickly dismissed the idea of ​​going astray, and said to the two of them: "Uncle Zhu, Uncle Song, you guys look around first, I'll go look for calligraphy and painting..."

It's not just calligraphy and painting, there are many things he wants to see.

Like calligraphy and painting skills, you can definitely learn a lot by looking at the works of those famous masters.

There are also some cultural relics, ceramic jade and so on, and he also has mud playing skills!

In the past, he only knew how to watch the excitement, not to mention that when he came, there were already too many people, and he had to queue up if he wanted to see something.

Another point is that at that time, I didn't really pay attention to observing and appreciating those things with a strong historical atmosphere.

It's purely for fun, everyone is going on a trip, so let's go too.

What kind of scenery, what places of interest, what is the hottest place to go.

What to watch, watch the fun.

I have completely lost my mind, and I have never thought about learning something during the journey.

Most of them travel just for tourism, and I don't know whether they are here to enjoy the scenic spots or historical sites, or to take pictures and compare them.

This time, we must walk slowly and watch slowly.

 Thanks to the book friend "08a" for the reward, thank you for your support!

  Today’s [-] words will be delivered, and the number of words in the chapter is a little less, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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