Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 170 Can control who the audience likes to watch

Chapter 170 Can control who the audience likes to watch

Yan Changqing quickly took two steps back, rubbed his forehead, and looked at the glass in front of him worriedly.

Just now, in order to look at the Guanyin statue behind the glass, he accidentally looked more and more deeply, his head stretched too far, and hit the glass.

Seeing that the glass was fine, he was relieved. It seemed that he was not that powerful and didn't smash the glass directly.

Immediately, I felt a little embarrassed, and quickly looked around. The whole corridor was very quiet, except for him, there was another father and daughter not far away. Seeing myself looking over, the father even smiled at me.

Yan Changqing smiled back, ignored the little girl's low laughter, and continued to look at Guanyin.

Well, I am not Liang Shanbo, so I will not dare to look at Guanyin.

Not only dare to watch, but also very enjoyable to watch.

Imagine how a big rough hand can make a piece of mud into such a shape, so that Guanyin not only looks kind, but even the dress looks like it will be blown by the wind.

It feels amazing, but don't be envious for too long, I can do it with me—it's been two lifetimes, and I didn't feel guilty when I said this for the first time.

After all, with a golden finger, speaking is tough.

After carefully watching and pondering, he did not forget to bow to Guanyin before leaving.

The main thing is to thank those craftsmen, these seniors who played with mud, but they made mud into history.

Ignoring the chuckle that came from my ear, I continued to walk down, but I couldn't walk anymore...

This is also pretty...


"Evergreen Evergreen, it's time to eat!"

Time passed quickly, Yan Changqing vaguely heard someone calling him, and when he came back to his senses, he saw Zhu Changsheng and Lao Song looking at him.

Seeing him turn his head, Zhu Changsheng laughed: "We are all ready to go out. If we can't wait for you at the door, we will come and take a look. You are too focused on this, so I called you a few times."

Yan Changqing felt that it was a waste of time to go out to eat. Anyway, this ticket can be read forever, so he simply said: "Uncle Zhu, let's go eat first, and I will take a look here. When there is news, you can just call me."

Zhu Changsheng and Lao Song looked at each other, and felt that it was not uncommon for art professionals to have such concentration, even for small artists: "Then go out and eat something by yourself when you are hungry, and don't starve yourself."

Yan Changqing nodded: "Don't worry! I can still starve myself."

After the two left, he continued to concentrate on his studies.

With Goldfinger, this is a place where countless famous teachers give advice to him, and there are not many people who come to visit now, occasionally some people come over, and they try to keep quiet as much as possible.

Whether it is the environment or the atmosphere, it is especially suitable for learning.

And you are not afraid of being disturbed, even if you practice with a pen and paper against the paintings on the wall, no one will bother you.

not right either...

"Student, this place is closing."


Yan Changqing raised his head, looked at the middle-aged uncle who was smiling and looking at him beside him, then looked at his watch, and quickly apologized: "Sorry, I was too engrossed in watching."

"Go and eat, you've been watching it all day." The middle-aged uncle smiled. "I want to see you again tomorrow, you are always welcome here."

"Oh, yes, yes." Yan Changqing also smiled, put away his things and walked outside.

The setting sun outside was just right, and it seemed to cast a faint light on the entire quaint and vicissitudes of life palace. On the open space between the main halls, a group of guards lined up neatly and carrying guns were striding forward, which made people feel inadvertently. Feelings of space-time confusion.

It is not until the moment of walking out of the gate that the familiar square and the crowd of off-duty people will instantly pull people into reality.


The next morning, Yan Changqing was preparing to continue to study.

Lao Guo ran over: "Hurry up, Director Yang has some ideas, let you try them."

This person set off early in the morning and went there to inquire about the news, and he really put his heart into it.

But when he got to the place, Yan Changqing was a little dazed looking at the group of children in front of him.

Chen Tingzhu trotted over: "It's just Director Yang's temporary thoughts. He thinks playing the erhu alone is a bit monotonous. He wants to see how it will work if you do the dubbing."

I can't show my face if I don't dub, then I...

As soon as Yan Changqing thought about it, Chen Tingzhu pointed to the chairs on the stage and introduced to him: "The accompanists all perform on the stage, and they also belong to the performers. This is a joint opera show, and all the children have to sing one by one. Get on stage, you don't have to move until the end of the show."

That's okay!

Lianxing opera includes several types of opera, including Huangmei Opera, Peking Opera and Yue Opera.

They are all sung by children, which is one of the reasons why Yan Changqing came to share the stage.

Before the children were on stage, Yan Changqing, who was sitting at the front, started the prelude with a few musicians. He was not unfamiliar with the backstage of the oilfield performances and worked with people there.

With the waving of his arms, the erhu sounds instantly filled the stage with notes.

Amidst the sound of gongs and drums, a young actor came on stage and sang a scene from Hua Mulan's drama. Those who can be selected here are considered to be the best among their peers. The young actor can speak clearly and sing clearly. own skills.

If he were an adult, he wouldn't necessarily think so. Children still get preferential treatment, especially when they wear costumes for drama performances. The children they set off are very cute. They don't even need to open their mouths, and they leave a little impression on people.

After you sing, I will appear on the stage, and after a while, five or six young actors will finish their performances.

From the very beginning, Director Yang's brows were a little wrinkled, and when the performance ended, he kept silent, frowning and thinking.

After a while, he waved his hand: "Again, Yan Changqing, when no one is singing, you can play to your heart's content and show your skill level, and when they are singing, you can give it a try."

So again.

Director Yang continued to frown.

Then he turned his head and called a few people two rows behind him over: "How do you feel?"

"Very good," said the simple-looking man in the lead. "The performances are quite good, and the erhu is also very good."

"Yes, yes, the erhu sounds very nice."

"The kid sings very well..."

Director Yang thought for a while: "Substitute, wait a minute, it's not for the performance, it's for another drama show."

There are quite a lot of drama programs, and this year's Spring Festival Gala also has an international drama program-English singing Peking Opera.

That's right, the program is called English Peking Opera Selections.

Think about when a theater actor goes on stage first hello, then Gu Demao Ning, and then asks in a playful tone, hello?You pull five meters?
In fact, this program is... very interesting. Although some people may think it is weird, but now we are trying boldly. We should be calm about everything that happens on the road of innovation. It is better than not changing everything all the time.


This attempt lasted for a long time, and I went back and forth many times. After lunch, I came back and continued.

Even Yan Changqing moved from south to north and east to west several times, including the accompanists behind him who had to run back and forth.

After tossing and tossing for more than two hours, Director Yang and the two directors who came over after noon nodded.

Yan Changqing heaved a sigh of relief, returned his erhu, and prepared to leave.

Director Yang came over and confessed: "Can you remember the programs you played today? Go back and practice hard. Wait until the big rehearsal to see the effect. Don't think that you will suffer if you can't stand in the middle of the stage. Last year's Spring Festival Gala sketch Have you read it?"

Before Yan Changqing could answer, he smiled and said, "You can still control who the audience likes to watch!"

Yan Changqing was overjoyed at the time. To be honest, some things are really hard to forget, as if engraved in memory.

Hearing the phrase 'you can control who the audience likes to watch', a wretched image with a bare head popped up in Yan Changqing's mind, but this wretchedness is still the kind that people like.

There are still a few lines that can come out next: Your image, what kind of petty thief, unscrupulous trader...

Yan Changqing also knew that Director Yang's words were meant to comfort people, which was tantamount to merging his show with the original show, and it just depends on whose performance is better.

The soundtrack must naturally have some disadvantages compared to the lead singer, but who made him come later than others because of the bumpy road?
In the originally scheduled program, there is already an orchestra playing, and it is also a similar type of piano. It is already very good that he can add the plug now.

Besides, whoever is inferior and who is superior is divided into people, isn't it?

In short, the result was worse than his expected solo performance, but it was not a big problem. Back then, someone stood on the stage and spun around, and they were more popular than many actors who appeared on the show!

Zhu Changsheng was very excited: "I can finally go back and show off. Now, who will say that our unit only knows how to dig wells, hmph!"

He was nearly 40 years old, and he was still an iron-blooded man who had retired from the army. This willful and domineering snort almost made Yan Changqing vomit three liters of blood on the spot.

Lao Song and Lao Guo were not so excited. Now that they knew how Yan Changqing got here, they thought it was recommended by someone magnanimous, but they didn't expect it to be a little Xiami who made his own decision.

Let’s not talk about the original erhu song that sent people to the hospital, let’s just say that the program that they originally sent went home the same way, and a person who jumped in the queue turned out to go straight to Qingyun. How many pairs of shoes!
Neither of them knew how to report this matter to the boss, nor did they know how to send people to the hospital for the crucial erhu song. Many people knew about it before they knew it.

I didn't even dare to think about the expression on my boss's face when he found out about this.

Yan Changqing was very steady: "Uncle Zhu, are you busy when you go back? Why don't you stay here for two days, and you'll have fun. I'll go to the museum for another two days. It really opened my eyes. Learn more."

Zhu Changsheng agreed straight away: "It's okay, our department is not busy anyway. Besides, it is my greatest credit that I can accompany you well now. You just go, I will wait."


After solving the basic problems of food and clothing, people will inevitably look for some spiritual pursuits.

Yan Changqing felt that he couldn't come and go in a hurry just to make wine, since he came to the capital, it would be good to stay for two more days to study.

A ticket of three yuan, with the help of Golden Finger, is equivalent to inviting countless teachers to display the works for you to watch and demonstrate live. Have you seen anything cheaper than this?
So Yan Changqing went in this time with a stack of blank paper and a small wooden board, and started practicing with those calligraphy and paintings after entering.

The role of the golden finger is to improve his vision to four when he has learned three, so as to find the shortcomings and gradually improve.But here, his vision follows the works. The works here must be in the [-]s or [-]s, at least!
You don't need to understand everything. If you can follow along to the fifth or sixth level, you can advance your skill proficiency a lot.

It is much faster than thinking about writing and drawing by yourself, which is equivalent to taking a shortcut-of course, this is also a certain foundation for him. If a layman comes, he may not be able to learn much.

For two days in a row, when he walked out of the gate of the Forbidden City every evening, he had a happy smile on his face.

Then go home by car at night and return to Xiyang City.

What he has learned has to be digested slowly. Anyway, he will have to come back soon. After a few visits, he can become an ordinary little calligrapher and painter, and he can also work part-time as a mason, apprentice sculptor, etc.

There is so much to learn, take your time.


After running all the way, I arrived in Xiyang City, which happened to be in the afternoon, and then I got in the car and ran home.

The bun is still very good, but the road is not good now, but there are few cars, so I went all the way to the market, filled up the gas, and was about to continue running, when my second uncle saw and caught me.

When Yan Erhe met, he blamed his nephew: "You didn't call back after going out for a few days, and your mother called to ask you."

"I'm going to tell you the good news in person!" Yan Changqing defended himself. "If there is no accident, I will be on the show after this year's Spring Festival Gala. You can see me at home, live broadcast, haha!"

"Really? It's done?" Yan Erhe's eyes started to turn red. "Why don't you hurry up and tell your grandfather that this is the ancestral grave of our old Yan's family? Hurry up, wait, you put some yellow paper on the market, and there are firecrackers too... don't care who's goods , first install..."

Aunt Yan Yuhuan was even more excited, she burst into tears, and smiled while wiping her tears: "Oh, our Qijin is really promising, and we can go to the Spring Festival Gala!"

In other words, we are living such a good life now, was my performance before not considered promising?

Yan Shuixing popped up over there: "Spring Festival Gala? Qijin, how many big dramas can't be played here? The wheat is almost finished, and taking advantage of the crowd, there are just a few lively dramas to let other villages know. This is our Dayanzhuang's feng shui is good, a capable person who has produced seven catties..."

The market has been quite lively recently. During the wheat harvest season, people from all over the world have to come back.

These people go home to harvest wheat during the day, and then go to the market to continue to allocate goods after a busy period, which is also very hard.

Fortunately, in this season, almost all the country is busy, and everyone can understand the delay in delivery.

Yan Shui started a big show, and several supporters came in an instant, but soon there was a new genre: the film school.

"What kind of show are you going to play? Go straight to the movies. Get in touch and ask someone to go to our place to show the movie for three days... No, let's put it on for a week, bring more movies, and enjoy watching it."

Yan Changqing hit the person who spoke: "Uncle Si, if you want to show movies for a week, can the children in the village still go to school with peace of mind? Is it going to start school soon? I think it will be fine until the school starts. There are three days or four days? "

(End of this chapter)

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