Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 171 The first person in Dayan Village Spring Festival Gala

Chapter 171 Dayan Village Spring Festival Gala No.1

The whole market was very lively, and the loaders quit, and gathered around to see the Niubi characters who will be on the Spring Festival Gala.

Yan Changqing was very helpless: "Don't be around, it's not like I haven't seen it before. I used to play the erhu in the village. This is why people took a fancy to my craft and asked me to be an accompanist. It's not as good as you think. sharp."

"Seven catties is modesty, no wonder people choose you."

"Where's the cannon? Put it away first, whose fault it is, someone to keep the account, and turn back to mine."

"No need, no need, just put it away, these things are left over from Qingming Festival. It's been two months, and I'm just looking for time to dispose of them! Hurry up, take whatever you want..."

"Stay away, don't take it over there, who the hell, get over here. Who taught you to go to the gas station and set off cannons?"

"Go to the middle of the road, don't go to the side of the road, the wheat on the other side has not been pulled back, so what's the point of ordering..."

Yan Changqing looked at the messy crowd and didn't know what to say for a long time.

Everyone is so excited, let them go!

Someone even shouted: "There are still banners here, find some people to take them to the town, tear down the words, change them, and celebrate Qijin on the Spring Festival Gala..."

Yan Changqing couldn't help but say: "Farewell, farewell, this show is still tentative, if I can't be seen on TV at that time, it would be a shame!"

Chen Youliang has already opened his mouth: "Xiao Niu, hurry up, go to the restaurant to order food, open another can of wine that has not been touched, we must celebrate tonight. Get moving, hurry up..."

I can't go away at all!


The food in several restaurants near the market will be in short supply tonight.

The yelling and yelling in the whole market came one after another, and drinking and drinking turned into a fight for wine.

Yan Changqing is very clear that the local drinking rules are extremely speechless, if you don't drink a few drinks, it's not considered drinking, and when you get to the wine table, you will drink hard one by one.

It was only when these people were too old to drink, young people started to take charge of the family, the punishment for drunk driving became stricter, and there were several cases of drinking to death, and the same table persuaded the drinker to pay for compensation, the rules gradually improved.

But no one can do anything about it now. During Chinese New Year, I often see drunk people in the snow ditch on the side of the road. No matter how close relatives are, they don’t seem to show sincerity if they don’t get drunk at the wine table.

Fortunately, Yan Changqing didn't need to drink, he used drinks instead.

Anyway, he has the ability to drink water, so he drank half a box of drinks by himself without a bulging stomach.

Seeing that half of the body of the person who used the wine pot to drink wine was stretched into the wine tank, Yan Changqing felt ashamed for a while: These people are really desperate!

In fact, Yan Changqing also knows that it is not only the drinking rules in his hometown that are bad, but the drinking rules in the whole country are not very good.

That's why there were those fake alcohol cases that shocked the whole country, hundreds of people were poisoned at every turn, dozens of people died, and an unknown number of people became blind.

It's a pity that reality can't be changed by one person. Is it recommended to drink now instead of persuading?Ghosts won't listen.


Yan Changqing saw that the time was almost up, so he hurriedly urged the banquet to leave.

At this time, a large group was already lying on the ground, and he checked them one by one to make sure that there was no major problem. He asked those who were still awake to drag them all to the warehouse, and just found a bed to lay them down.

It smells like alcohol, I hope the mosquitoes won't like it!
Except for the second uncle and the large group of people who need to watch the scene drink less, there are a few more sober ones left.

Yan Changqing understood that these were all doing well in business. Although their silly and bold appearance in the village hadn't changed, they had changed on the inside. At least they knew how to drink and not get drunk.

My aunt was telling the people who came from the restaurant to clean up the mess, Yan Changqing explained to her, and told my second uncle to remember to take care of the market before he dared to drive home.

This time he took a car full of drunks and set off. He opened the windows and walked home slowly.

Stop for a while and ask if anyone has a drink, so that no one can't help but spit in the car.

Strolling past Xiaoliwan, the car just turned a corner, and saw black bumps everywhere on the path, and when you look closely, there are still shapes, which look like lumps of poop.

Yan Changqing's face was green at the time, if he drove over here, the car would still be smelly after returning!
But thinking about it again, it seems wrong, the number is a bit too much.

Looking at those weird shapes again, he was sure that these should not be poop, but pranks.

Just when he was hesitating, a few small heads popped up by the ditch not far away, with flashlights on.

The one in the lead climbed up the road, held up a flashlight to take a picture, and then greeted back: "Wrong, wrong, this is brother Qijin's car, come out!"

A bunch of little bastards appeared in an instant. Some of them had mud on their feet and legs. They obviously wanted to hide by the ditch, but fell into it.

Yan Changqing went down and asked wonderingly: "Second baby, is this your bad idea? Is it disgusting to do these things?"

"We didn't cheat you." Erwa said plausibly. "I didn't even know you came back today, brother Qijin, didn't you go to the capital?"

Yan Changqing didn't want to waste time, and there were a lot of drunks in the car, and he vomited the trouble later, and hurriedly said: "Why don't you go back to sleep, what time is it? No one cares, right?"

"It's still grinding, what are you doing so early when you're asleep." Erwa argued. "Brother Qijin, have you been to Tiananmen?"

"It's gone." Yan Changqing said, waving his hand. "Everyone is obedient, go back and get ready to sleep. Kick everything on the road aside, what are you doing with so much mud!"

Erwa smiled: "I want to wait for my dads to come back, and cheat them! Haha, let's see how they go...go...Dad..."

Seeing that the car door opened and the figure coming down wandered to the headlights, Erwa was dumbfounded.

The brat behind him ran away in an instant: "Erba, you are going to be beaten!"

No one is honest.

But fortunately, I still remember what Yan Changqing said just now, some older brats also know how to kick those uniquely shaped mud blocks into the ditch by the side of the road while running, lest the wheels will be covered with mud later mud.

Yan Changqing saw that Erwa also ran back, and pulled Erwa's father who wanted to catch up: "Uncle Shui Xing, get in the car, don't shake around, I'll take you home and go to sleep."


In fact, we don’t care about it when we get to the threshing field, and someone will pick up a group of drunks and go home.

At this moment, a few tractors were running in circles in the threshing field, and the sound was very loud, but just now a drunk said about Yan Changqing's attendance at the Spring Festival Gala, so another group of people came to ask all kinds of questions at the top of their voices.

Yan Changqing could only answer a few words at the top of his voice, then jumped into the car and went straight to the winery.

Fortunately, his mother was not there, otherwise he would not be able to leave.

Now there is only one last place to hide. It is conceivable that he will not be safe in the next few days.


Sure enough, Li Xiuni ran over early the next morning, and after inquiring in detail, she ran away in a hurry.

Yan Changqing looked at her back and always felt that this scene seemed similar.

But forget it, don't want to.

The winery has piled up a lot of things, today's morning exercise is canceled, work!

He opened the wine tank, took a little wine with the wine remover, tasted it with his tongue, and then rinsed his mouth.

Then use an alcohol meter to measure the alcohol content, and when the data comes out, you will be satisfied in an instant.

Silently said to myself in my heart: Niubi!

Now the degree he tasted is almost the same as what he measured. I believe it will not be long before he can completely abandon the alcohol meter with the blessing of various skills, and can determine the degree of wine blending completely by tasting. .

But it was destined not to do much work today, and after a while, an old man wandered over.

Yan Changqing quickly put down the work in hand, and told a few workers to do other things first after finishing what he just said.

Then he walked to the gate and took off his mask: "Master, why are you here?"

Grandpa smiled: "Aren't you promising? I want to tell the ancestors..."

"I forgot when I got busy." Yan Changqing said quickly. "Everything in the car is ready, let's go."

When he went out, he saw that old man Yan Xingwang was there, and Wu Lala followed a group of people behind him.


The days of Dayan Village in the early years were precarious, there were famines and floods, and many rules were lost.

It's really just an ordinary small village on this land, but it's still a little remote, the land is not enough, and the small village was once very poor.

The old people can't tell the history of the village. It is not easy to survive the difficult life in the early years. Who will remember the glory of the ancestors.

So there is no genealogy of ancestral halls or anything.

Even the ancestral graves are only a few generations old, and they are still scattered around the village.

So now grandpa feels that the future generations have the honor of their ancestors, and they need to tell the ancestors, which is actually the same as ordinary grave visits.

There is no ceremony, first put the tribute, and then start to print the yellow paper into paper money - that is, put a banknote on it, press it a few times, and pass the whole yellow paper once.

Then light the paper money given to the ancestors, and light the firecrackers to let them know that the children and grandchildren have sent money.

It's just that the sound of crackling firecrackers was very long today, and the helpers next to me were constantly taking out the firecrackers and lighting them up.

Anyway, the wheat in the field has been harvested.

Yan Tiesheng carried a big wine jug, very imposing, and poured it in a big circle around the graves, muttering something in his mouth: "This is all wine made by Changqing. Everyone agrees, so you taste..."

Yan Changqing followed his grandfather, father, and three generations of grandparents and grandchildren, knelt down to kowtow to several graves, called them elders, and said what needed to be said.

That's it!

Yan Tiesheng quickly put away all the tributes, and handed over a big peach: "Changqing, here you are!"

Yan Changqing was not too polite. Everyone said that eating the tribute would bring good luck. It’s not like they didn’t eat it in the early years, and the tribute can’t really be wasted. Now there is such a rule that after the grave, the fruit tribute will be given The children eat and take everything else home.

It’s pretty good. It’s said that the ancestors just need to smell the smell. In this way, everyone has made money, and the tribute has been “eaten” twice.

Others who were close to each other also came over to say a few words and kowtow to show.

This was something that did not exist before, but now Yan Changqing has become the most promising person in the village invisibly. Everyone relies on him to make a fortune.


After leaving the cemetery, everyone became active.

Yan Shuixing came up to show his merits, and he looked no different from the second baby: "I made a phone call. The people who showed the movie arrived at the market. We have a cart to pick it up. It's all arranged. You don't have to worry about it. There are two shows a day. Until the kids start school."

Now everyone doesn't take this small amount of money into their hearts, and Yan Changqing didn't say anything about paying for it himself, just expressing his gratitude.

Yan Tiesheng was still quite excited, the smile on his face didn't break, his eyes were a little wet, he probably felt that his grandson was really promising, and he was not ashamed to see his ancestors, he walked with a bit of aura with his chest up and his head up.

Yan Haihai had a constant smile on his face, listening to the compliments from the people around him, he obviously enjoyed it very much.

As for Li Xiuni, men usually go to the grave, not women.

But Yan Changqing could imagine that my mother must be in the wheat threshing field, happily talking about how her son has behaved differently since he was a child... Although his own wheat is harvested first every time, there are the most people there, and there are not enough other places for her Show off.

In fact, Yan Changqing was also quite happy.

Like those upstarts like Yan Shuixing, and a few of them with gold chains, the real upstarts can feel that they are three feet away from them.Looking at these changes, and thinking about the past, it is really a world of difference.

As for hanging the gold chain, they didn't deliberately pretend to be upstarts. This group of people still follow the rules when doing business.

But this kind of gold chain is popular these days. A large group of people go out to do errands.

All they need now is a small car to prove their worth.

But now is the period of business expansion. People buy cars to show off before they have money. They save part of the money just in case, and use the rest to do business.

It's a bit ridiculous to say that before these people's ideas have changed, they feel that they go out with people and goods, dozens of people in a few cars, which is more impressive than driving a car.


After everyone dispersed, Yan Changqing continued to work in the winery.

Time flies quickly when I get busy, and the day seems to pass by inadvertently.

At night, as soon as he came out, he saw the brats waiting outside, as well as Yan Shuixing and others.

Seeing him coming out, Yan Shuixing rushed up excitedly: "Qijin, I'm ready, I'll wait for you, just say a few words and we can show the movie!"

Yan Changqing was a little dumbfounded at the time: "Uncle Shui Xing, where did you learn this? You want me to say a few words for a movie?"

"Isn't it because of you that the movie was shown? This is the first time that our village has shown its face like this. If you don't say a few words, the big guys will have no fun watching movies!"

It was really hard for Yan Changqing to connect this person who made a lot of theories with the accounting wizard who not long ago had a "four-figure salary a month, and eight-figure salary in two months".

There were a few people from Goose Head Bay over there. Cao Erhu was pushed by his wife, and he also stepped forward and said, "Yes, brother Yan, everyone is waiting for you! Go!"

There was old man Zeng Shuangxi next to him: "Changqing, go! Everyone is waiting for you. You are the No.1 in Dayan Village Spring Festival Gala and the glory of our surrounding villages. If you don't say a few words, everyone will feel at ease. !"

 Thanks to the book friend "08a" for the reward, thank you for your support!

  Something is delayed, and there will be two updates today!Thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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