Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 172 Movie 2 Baby's Talent

Chapter 172

When Yan Changqing arrived at the edge of the wheat threshing field, the place was already full of people, and even the people standing in the nearby farmland were full of people.

He really had nothing to say, Yan Shuixing ran up excitedly, held a small horn and gave two hi-feeds, and then shouted: "Everyone be quiet, we are going to show a movie today, mainly congratulations..."

After rambling for four or five minutes, he finally got to the point and let Yan Changqing speak.

Yan Changqing took the small speaker and thought for a while: "I won't say polite words. Everyone's life now has changed a lot from before, which shows that everyone is working hard."

"I hope everyone will continue to maintain, and continue to maintain our current situation of unity and cooperation, not to cause disputes because of small interests, and not to ruin family relationships because of interests."

"Unity, unity, or unity. When you go out and want to do things, you rely on unity. When you walk out of our Taoshu Township, no one knows the basics better than us."

"If there is a dispute, think about it, the children in the village grow up together and go to school together, and they will continue to help each other when they go out. If you have a dispute for a little benefit now, what about us in the future?"

"Also, congratulations to myself too! Haha, that's right, the erhu you used to listen to all day can't be heard everywhere, it can be on the Spring Festival Gala. I won't talk about the rest, wait until I do it When I come back from the Spring Festival Gala, I will tell you about it. Watch a movie!"

Everyone burst into laughter, and the children began to yell: "Watch a movie, watch a movie..."


When the music started, the scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone was staring at the words "Beijing Film Studio" on the screen.

Looking at the picture with Yan Changqing's eyes, it was appalling.

Dots of snowflakes are shining on it, and white and black dots are shining randomly.

Then came the classic scene, an old man appeared, drew circles with his feet on the ground, and then started kicking, kicking the stake...

After the last leap, he kicked a piece of rock, and the movie name "Invincible Mandarin Duck Legs" flashed out.

Yan Shuixing was triumphant: "Qi Jin, how about it, the children in our village like to practice kung fu with you, and all I asked them to find were martial arts movies..."

Yan Changqing hurriedly said that he did a good job and deserves encouragement, after all, this rough guy has good intentions.

Although he thinks there are countless holes in this drama.

The villain's Black Sand Palm must be restrained with mandarin duck legs, where is this going?

The most important thing is to arrange for the heroine to be almost killed, and finally walk away miserably.

But everyone watched it very happily, although Yan Changqing seems to have heard someone say that he watched it on TV...


Insisting on watching one, Yan Changqing originally thought that the second one would be better, but he didn't expect the second one to be "Eagle Claw Iron Shirt". This film is older than him, and it is still playing now.

Yan Changqing completely gave up his fantasy.

In fact, many martial arts movies have been released in Xiangjiang during this period, but they are not popular here.It will take a few years until pirated video tapes are prevalent before various video halls start to play them.

Most of the movies showing are still old movies now, and except for martial arts, they don't like to watch anything else. Anyway, these big bastards and brats don't like to watch it, which is also embarrassing for the projectionists.

The actors in old movies still have real kung fu, but limited to the shooting technology at that time, and the fixed routine of fighting, it is really not exciting.


The next day the winery was bustling.

Just like in the past, every time I watched a martial arts movie on TV, these brats would come to try their tricks, although most of the time they were gesticulating.

Yan Changqing looked at Erwa and Tie Dan under the watchful eyes of a group of people, one of them drew circles with his feet so that his shoes would be worn out, and the other was sweating because he was posing in a pose, and couldn't help but take the camera Record this precious scene.

If there were no more than two blows, a group of people would divide into two groups and start arguing.

Erwa likes to play the villain, he insists that his black sand palm is stronger, and he also cited various examples, saying that if the mandarin duck legs are so powerful, why the actor almost killed his wife...

Yan Changqing looked at it for a while, then went to work.

Let them continue to fight, there will be no results anyway.

Sure enough, when it was time for lunch, the group of people had been divided into several small groups, and began to study various moves, and then went up to the actual combat to see who was more powerful.

Erwa cheered up when she saw Yan Changqing: "Brother Qijin, do you think the Black Sand Palm is very powerful?"

Yan Changqing supported him: "It's amazing, it's amazing."

Tie Dan refused to accept it: "In the movie, the mandarin ducks clearly won."

Erwa was very proud: "Anyway, the black sand palm is the most powerful, brother Qijin said."

"I didn't say that." Yan Changqing retorted. "I only said it was great, not the most powerful."

Erwa was stunned: "Brother Qijin, what do you say is the most powerful?"

Yan Changqing thought for a while, grabbed a ball from the drying lees, and threw it at it: "This is the most powerful, and you won't let anyone get close. I knocked him down before your arm touched me. "

"You don't count, can hidden weapons count?" Erwa objected.

Yan Changqing picked up the shovel next to him and pointed it at him: "Come on, Heishazhang, let me see how powerful you are."

Erwa was depressed and wanted to take off: "You are cheating."

Yan Changqing put the shovel away, and said confidently: "What do I tell you, we don't fight if we can. If we really want to fight, if we can copy the guy, we must copy the guy, and if we can't copy the guy, we must find a way to find a weapon." , tables, chairs and benches can be used.”

"It's really not possible. Picking up a stone on the ground is better than empty-handed, right? The movie is just to watch the excitement, so who told you to learn it. You have become a fool, go to dinner! I will be free in the afternoon, and I will teach you how to learn it." draw."

The last sentence made Erwa instantly happy: "Let's eat!"

He ran away screaming.

In fact, this guy has no patience for anything, but he still maintains a strong curiosity all the time. As long as there is something new, he wants to try it, but he can't learn it for a few days, and he gives up completely when his patience runs out...

Yan Changqing carefully recalled that this guy was just like himself at the beginning. He had entered the factory, left the construction site, ran business, and drove a black car... he didn't do anything for a long time.

Even when playing games, I often want to try new games, and my interests are quite extensive.

The only thing that keeps him interested and persevering is watching videos.

And it has always followed the principle of "same sex repels, opposite sex attracts" taught in junior high school physics.

He also said many times: No matter how beautiful the face is, as long as it looks good.

In this regard, Yan Changqing, who was his best buddy at the time, also deeply agreed.

That is to say, the vision was not enough at that time. If it is changed to the present, Yan Changqing thinks at most that it is reasonable, but not much.

Natural ones look better!


In the afternoon, Yan Changqing squatted by the stove, as if he could not feel the temperature of the stove, while practicing calligraphy, he looked up from time to time to see the fire in the stove.

This is not considered inattention, you can write a line of words, and then take a look, as long as you control it well.

For others, when the weather is cold, it is a very happy thing to burn the stove with wine, but in summer, that's okay.

No matter how the cowhide fan blows, it doesn't work, so I can only stay away.

But with skills, Yan Changqing is not afraid.

Not long after, Erwa and Tie Dan ran over happily.

Yan Changqing asked the two of them to move the tables and chairs and put them away from the stove.

Now that his painting and calligraphy skills have passed the passing mark, he will definitely have no problem being an elementary school art teacher.

Moreover, while teaching, I can improve several skills. The so-called gift of roses has a lingering fragrance, which is what I mean-in layman's terms, these brats are his tools. There are improvements.

The two gadget people are very interested now, unexpectedly Yan Changqing pointed: "Look at this jar first, if you see it clearly, I will teach you two to draw a jar first."

Object teaching, guidance from famous teachers, two gadgets are blessed!
The pencils are not regular paintbrushes, but ordinary HB pencils, not even 2B, only two cats and two dogs.

Yan Changqing was talking and drawing, and after the demonstration, he asked the two of them to move the floor and find a cooler place to draw by themselves, so as not to overcook the two little friends.

I thought I could be quiet for a while, but Erwa soon ran over: "Brother Qijin, the painting is finished!"

Yan Changqing took it over and took a look. It was crooked, and it could indeed be seen that it was a jar, but what happened to the arms, legs and head that grew around you?
Erwa said happily, "This is an 'iron can'."

Yan Changqing understood, he drew an iron egg, and handed it to him casually: "This one doesn't look like it, I need to practice a few more times, and the drawing will be more like it."

Get rid of this bastard and continue practicing calligraphy.

After a while, this guy came again: "Brother Qijin, I practiced five more times."

Sure enough, there were five pot figures on a piece of paper, and Yan Changqing was too lazy to look at it: "Continue to practice, and go soak in the river when someone comes to play!"

"Okay!" Erwa took the paper and ran away.

After a while, Tie Dan also came, and this one was even more ruthless. Regardless of whether the jar looks like it or not, the villain inside can tell it is Erwa at a glance—because the word "Erwa" is written crookedly on the stomach of the villain in the painting.

Tired, give up!

Yan Changqing feebly returned the paper and repeated what he had said to Erwa.


After a while, a few friends came and chattered for a while, and a group of people immediately got up and ran away.

Tie Dan also confessed: "Brother Qijin, let's go to the grove over there to dig and climb forks first. After you finish your work, call us and go to the river together."

Very polite.

But isn't the direction you're going in the wrong direction? Is there a small forest over there?

Oh, I remembered, it was a newly planted tung forest.

That place used to be the most barren farmland, and the cost of planting the seeds depends on luck. Can there be a climbing fork now?

Anyway, even if there is nothing in the wasteland, these guys can still play happily, so don't worry about it.

But looking at it again, Yan Changqing was surprised: "Second baby, why don't you go?"

"I'll draw another iron egg, and this time I promise to draw a portrait." Erwa was full of confidence.

Yan Changqing couldn't help but walked over to take a look, and was surprised at the time, it really looked alike.

It's not a realistic image, although it's very abstract, but if you think about Tie Dan's appearance carefully, you can find some similarities in Erwa's painting.

It's like that kind of cartoon-style drawing, which looks weird, but it can make people know who it is.

Do you have this talent, Erba?

However, you at least put some clothes on Tie Dan?It's so naked, but what's the matter with drawing the calf so special?
By the way, this guy has developed some weird talents, right?
 Make up a chapter, so that I will still be more updated...~~

(End of this chapter)

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