Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 174 Bamboo Planting Advertisement

Chapter 174 Bamboo Planting Advertisement
Yan Changqing felt as if he had forgotten something in the past two days.

It's not about the engineering team. The old man Yan Xingwang is not very reliable in his work, but after being the village head for many years, he can still run errands after all.

There is no problem with the winery. Yan Changqing is going to change his mind and start thinking that the winery will only take the high-end route and only brew the best wine.

In the future, if the output cannot keep up with the advertisement, I will also buy other people's wine.

Humans, that's how it is, when one's thinking changes, the world suddenly widens.

It is absolutely no problem to buy some puree wine, mix it with the wine from your own winery, and sell it as a good day series.

High-end wineries still have to come from their own winery, so no matter what they plan to do, the winery has to continue to expand and recruit people.

Everything is quite normal. The wheat harvest in the village has basically been completed, and the rest is to watch the weather and turn it over.

The bear children are going to school seriously after school starts, and everything at home is in order. My mother still publicizes her son's "glorious deeds" every day. My father looks at his chicken farm every day and doesn't know what to think about. Grandpa and grandma There's nothing wrong with the threshing floor...

What's wrong?
Until he saw Erwa and Tie Dan chasing and running into the gate of the winery.

It's the weekend again?

Erwa ran like a rabbit, tightly clutching a piece of crumpled paper in her arms: "Brother Qijin, Tie Dan wants to tear my drawing."

Tie Dan was furious: "He painted me."

Yan Changqing didn't know how to judge, should he encourage Erwa, who has worked so hard recently, and persisted for so many days longer than he thought, or should he condemn him for drawing something that shouldn't be drawn?
He decided to take a look before saying, "Erba, what did you draw, show me."

"Don't look at it." Tie Dan's face flushed immediately. "he……"

"After I saw it, no one would say anything." Yan Changqing assured him that what exactly was painted could make a kid like Tie Dan so angry. "Just let me see it, if it's not suitable, I'll confiscate it for him."

Tie Dan thought for a while, then nodded: "That can only be seen by you."

Yan Changqing promised again, and then reached out to Erwa: "Take it here, or I won't teach you in the future!"

Erwa took out the painting with some reluctance, wrinkled her face, and stretched out her hands to flatten it out, then said with an aggrieved expression, "Here!"

Yan Changqing took a look and quickly suppressed his laughter, holding back, not to hurt the self-esteem of classmate Tiedan.

What I saw on the paper was a little boy, who looked somewhat similar to Tie Dan, sitting with his legs crossed on the grass by the river. The grass and the river were slightly abstract, and it was obvious that Erwa had put all his energy into it. Draw people.

The point is that the little boy's naked body is still grinning.

Why are you so happy?
Because he is playing with Mavericks with both hands below.

Xiao Niu Niu's paintings are quite charming.

Even if Yan Changqing guessed that Er Wa might not be very serious in his paintings, he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

But then he put a stern face on his face: "You are not allowed to draw in the future, did you hear me? I confiscated this one, and I have to destroy it, put it inside and burn it!"

Erwa was not happy: "I started painting when I went to school at noon, and I finished painting after school."

There are two classes on Saturday afternoon, so he painted for about two hours.

But he couldn't encourage him, Yan Changqing asked back: "It's reasonable for you to draw in class, right? If you are not willing to destroy it, then I will draw you a picture too, so that everyone will know it is you at a glance."

Erwa was anxious at the time: "That won't work..."

"I can't draw you, why did you draw iron eggs?" Yan Changqing frightened him with a dark face, lest this guy commit another crime in the future. "Next time I draw like this again, I'll draw you too. If I want to draw people in the future, I can draw clothes. Do you hear me?"

Erwa couldn't say anything in her heart, and was very depressed: "What's the point of that..."

Hey, you still make sense, right?
Yan Changqing used his brain: "Why don't you draw flying tigers and flying bears, or a baby who can't walk. Anyway, you are not allowed to draw this, it will burn!"

In fact, it's a pity. This guy was instructed for a few days during the holidays, and then he didn't want to listen to the lectures in class, so he drew indiscriminately in class. He didn't expect that in just a few days, he would be able to draw a half-sixth image.

Yan Changqing felt that if he went on like this, sooner or later he would become a body artist, so he had to add quotation marks.

He must be guided, lest he go around telling people that he learned painting from himself...


Seeing Erwa's sullen look, Yan Changqing thought for a while, and prepared to do something else to divert his attention: "Erwa, do you want to go out and play tomorrow?"

"Where are you going?" Erwa was listless, apparently shocked by the burnt painting.

"Let's look for bamboo, buy a few small bamboos, buy more bamboo roots, and plant them when we come back. Let's see who has beautiful roses and get some back, and plant them around here. After a while, it will grow a lot and the scenery will be good. point."

"Is bamboo the kind that can be used for fishing?" Erwa asked.

Yan Changqing was depressed at the time. He actually wanted to grow big bamboo: "That's fine. I can also buy some thin bamboo poles for fishing. I'll talk about the thick ones later. When they grow a lot, they can also be used as bamboo rafts."

Bamboo is not grown here in Dayan Village, but it is grown in the surrounding areas.

There are thick and thin.

Considering that the winery is getting bigger and bigger, but now there is no greening except houses and people, Yan Changqing decided to carry out the greening work by himself, to get some things.

Planting things is a job that needs to be prepared in advance. Now it takes two years to wait for the scenery to grow, so do it when you think about it, otherwise it will be too late when you want to see it.

Erwa and Tie Dan may not be very interested in growing things, but they must run back and forth to buy bamboo, and at least they can go to the bamboo forest to play, so the two who were depressed before became happy.

It happened that other friends also came to play one after another, and Yan Changqing happened to go down the river together after a busy day.


The next day Yan Changqing got into the car, took Erwa Tiedan and a few guys who finished their homework, and went straight to the nearest place with bamboo.

There are two lucky cats in front of the car, and two watchdogs in the back.

The children were very happy to be able to run and play with bears in the car. A few guys yelled, and their shouts and dogs barked along the way.

When passing by a village, an old man selling popsicles was hawking on the side of the road, and suddenly a group of people in the car couldn't help it.

Yan Changqing simply stopped the car, bought a popsicle for one of them, saw a few children from the village on the side of the road watching helplessly, and raised his hand again: "Come here, do you guys eat popsicles? "

Several children were timid, and only one brave one said: "We have no money."

Yan Changqing was happy: "Come here and I'll buy it for you, come quickly, each person will take one."

Before anyone moved, Erwa jumped up: "Hurry up, hurry up, we have to drive to the bamboo forest!"

After urging for a while, the daring snot-nosed kid asked, "You really bought it for us? You're not selling children, are you?"

Adults scare children these days by saying "If you cry again, you will buy a child", "If you don't obey, I will buy you a child", etc. These little guys are quite vigilant.

Xiao Zhi was older, and said to them: "We are from Dayan Village, not from outside selling children, we are children. Come quickly..."

The little fellows glanced at the old men and women who were looking at the wall not far away, seeing that they didn't respond, they came over tentatively.

Yan Changqing asked Erwa and the others to distribute the popsicles to them, paid the old man, and drove on.


Most of the villages here are very poor, and they don’t have enough courage and capital to go out to do business, so they need someone to take care of them.Therefore, the few villages in Dayanzhuang can only radiate the nearby villages, and it will not work if they are farther away.

The minivan went all the way, going around and passing through the village from time to time. The guys eating popsicles were yelling behind them, and the two dogs watched them eat and barked anxiously. It was very lively.

When I saw a small river in the distance, I walked along the river for a short distance, and the car couldn't drive it.

At this time, the bamboo forest has already been seen. The green bamboos are swaying in the wind, and the birds in the forest can be heard from a distance.

Yan Changqing honked the horn a few times before everyone got out of the car.

Walking along the road for a while, an old man had come out of the hut by the bamboo forest in front, and was looking at them in surprise by the side of the road.

Yan Changqing stepped forward and explained his purpose: "Master, we want to buy a few bamboos. If we want to take the roots back and grow them alive, how much will it cost?"

The old man waved his hands again and again: "What money do you want? It's worthless. Come inside. There is a ditch there. Dig from that ditch to save effort."

Yan Changqing thought for a moment: "That won't work. You've been watching here all day. If you don't give us money, how can we get it?"

The old man pushed back a few more times, and seeing that he insisted on giving the money, he said that it would be [-] cents and forget it.

Yan Changqing was about to give fifty cents, but after another thought, he gave one yuan directly.

So the old man stopped telling them to dig, picked up the shovel directly, and dug out a lot of bamboo roots with soil along a dirt ditch, and there were quite a few with small bamboos.

Then the old man picked and pointed out: "Just bury these in the soil after going back. They are all alive. Water frequently, not too much at a time. Just let the ground be wet..."


So it was kind of funny when I went back.

Except for the front of the minivan, bamboos protrude from the windows all around, and there is a big green tail at the back, which looks like a big green bamboo monster running on the road.

This time I didn't dare to drive too fast, and drove back to the winery slowly.

When I went there, my friends were not so crowded. When I came back, because of the bamboo, everyone was sweating profusely, and no one felt tired. After getting out of the car, I ran around looking for tools, and then came to dig the soil to plant the bamboo. go up.

Finally, pour some water and let's live together.

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "Going down the river! After washing, come back to eat. I ate at the winery today. After working this morning, the winery wants to treat guests."

The little friends immediately felt that they were very good in comparison. Although they usually ate at the winery, they ate at the winery, but it was not the same as today.

Usually in the village, someone's family has something to do. If the adults go to help, the main family will take care of the food.

I didn't expect them to be treated like this now, and they were all so happy that they didn't even bother to hide their missing teeth.

So the one with more teeth started to call the one with fewer teeth "Wooden Tooth Tiger", pushing and running towards the river.

The river water in summer is almost warm at noon, and one by one they jumped into it, feeling refreshed all over...


In the afternoon, Yan Changqing called on everyone to brainstorm and discuss where some people grow beautiful roses, and then continue driving.

It's just a matter of cutting a few flower branches, and you can get it with a door-to-door call. It's very simple.

When I passed by some small shops in some villages, I bought some bottled wine.

When the children who didn't finish their homework in the morning finished their homework and came to play, they heard their "adventure" experience for most of the day, and there was a green light in their envious eyes.

Yan Changqing ignored them, went to get a pot of wine, and then poured water into it.

Then prepare the alcohol meter, taste it, feel it, rinse your mouth, and measure it with the alcohol meter.

He wants to master the ability to manually measure alcohol and distinguish wine as soon as possible.

After exercising for a while, take out the bottled wine, measure and taste one by one, add water, or mix it with wine from the winery, and record various feelings.

There is no need to ask about these wines. The cheap wines sold in the canteen are all blended with alcohol. He didn't buy them for people to drink, but purely to exercise his ability to distinguish.

It is necessary to be able to accurately distinguish whether it is puree wine or blended with alcohol.

Otherwise, if you plan to purchase puree wine from other places in the future, being cheated is a trivial matter, but ruining the reputation of the winery is a major matter.


Time flies by.

In a blink of an eye, it's time for the bear kids to go on summer vacation.

Yan Changqing felt that he was fully prepared, and the new factory area over there had already had new workers. Under the leadership of the original old workers, work had already started.

So on the second day after the holiday, Yan Changqing drove straight to the city.

He is going to ask the market station to help him with an advertisement.

In fact, if you want to make a better advertisement, you should go to a bigger place, or simply go to Xiangjiang. Now the film technology in Xiangjiang is much better than that in the mainland.

But that's too much effort, I'd better make an ad and put it on TV to see the effect, after all everything is still being tried.

Zhu Changsheng and his son were also very interested in this matter, and followed him to the stage to see how to shoot commercials.


Old Guo Laosong of the TV station heard about the advertisement, and felt a little bit troubled for a while: "Well, there is nothing unusual about the advertisements in the station. They are all shot at people and shout out the words of the advertisement. If you want to design it better, You have to go to a professional."

Yan Changqing had a good idea: "Don't worry, just give me a photographer, you don't need to worry about anything else, I will tell you how to edit after shooting, and then just play it directly."

Advertisement in the market is just a matter of chance. In order to let them cooperate with me to shoot the advertisement well, I borrow their equipment to edit it.

Yan Changqing's plan is to place advertisements in the southern regions.

There is no way, if you go north these days, the wine industry is too complicated, and it will not move for a while.

There are seven or eight famous brand wine companies in this province, such as Songhe Baofeng and Zhang Gong. Let alone, the key point is the local area of ​​Xiyang City. There are also two famous brand wine companies and several small brand wineries.

Further north, Kong Fu and Qin Chi, the future bid kings of CCTV, are sitting there waiting to be the bid kings!

Not to mention continuing to go, there is also the sales giant of Fenjiu, but Wuliangye and Moutai are all overwhelmed and shouted for no...

In fact, there are many famous wines in the south, but compared with those around him, Yan Changqing still plans to jump out first.

(End of this chapter)

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