Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 175 Shouting Until You Can't Forget

Chapter 175 Shouting Until You Can't Forget
When the city station heard about Yan Changqing's plan, the boss waved his hand directly: "Let him go."

I don't want to meet a certain person, because he was on the show, and on the surface, the city station got honors, but in fact, he slapped the head of the family in the face, and now he's getting big!
Yan Changqing didn't care, he heard that Lao Guo could shoot: "Then trouble Uncle Guo, carry the equipment and let's go."

Old Guo was taken aback: "Let me go? Can it work?"

"Okay!" Yan Changqing said with certainty.

Lao Guo pondered for a moment: "Then I'll go and have a look. If it doesn't work, you can come back and change someone. By the way, you must not find a makeup artist when you shoot commercials, otherwise the results will not be good."

Almost forgot.

Next to him, Zhu Changsheng said: "You don't need the one in the stage, just look for someone from our department. You can go to your Yanhong aunt, and you can give her a small gift later, so that she doesn't make a waste of time."

Yan Changqing was right when he thought about it.

Zhu Changsheng was joking when he said 'Auntie Yanhong', referring to a makeup artist named Wang Yanhong.

It was the makeup aunt who told Yan Changqing not to wear a red and green bellyband when he performed in the oil field for the first time, and now he has been transferred with Director Zhu.

Yan Changqing and this aunt have always had a good relationship because they were the first to deal with each other, and they also avoided being famous in the society.

Yan Changqing once joked during a backstage make-up that he was not allowed to wear a bellyband for the first performance, and he was calling his aunt in his heart at that time.

That's why Zhu Changsheng made such a joke.

In fact, Yan Changqing is still lucky when he thinks about it now. If he goes to the Spring Festival Gala, if he goes to the newspaper or something later, maybe someone will pull out the photo of his first performance on stage...

Thankfully I changed clothes at the time.


After picking up Wang Yanhong, they were about to set off, and Yan Changqing was about to get into the car, when he turned his head: "Uncle Zhu, Xiaobin, are you shooting commercials?"

The two were shocked at the time: "We can also shoot commercials? Don't make trouble!"

Yan Changqing chuckled: "After filming, it will be on TV, why don't you?"

The two hesitated for a long time: "Forget it, it's fine for you to mess around casually, but we dare not mess with you."

Yan Changqing laughed: "Then don't regret it, why don't Xiaobin come with me, and then you can take a picture?"

Zhu Xiaobin hesitated for a moment, then looked at his father.

Zhu Changsheng laughed: "Go ahead, just don't make him look too ugly."


He got into the car and took Lao Guo straight to the market in Taoshu Township. Seeing that there were still a lot of people, Yan Changqing climbed into a truck and shouted: "I'm shooting an advertisement. I think I'm good-looking. Who wants to shoot it?" Come out, take a picture and get a bottle of wine."

The people in the whole market are stupid. I never heard that people like them can be hired to shoot commercials.

Seeing that no one said anything, Yan Changqing jumped down and pulled his little cousin over: "Changpo, don't you want to shoot commercials, I'll buy you candy."

The little guy stared at his big round eyes: "How many do you buy?"

You know how to count?

Yan Changqing extended a slap: "Buy ten."

"What is shooting an advertisement?" The little guy started to ask what he wanted to do after he got the benefit, typically willing to die for candy.

Black Preserved Egg pouted beside him: "Only ten..."

Yan Changqing looked at his little cousin, although he was a little tanned, but compared to his cousin with black preserved eggs, this cousin was still more attractive.

Actually, both guys are pretty cute.

Children, as long as there is no shortage of food and clothing, and the house is well looked after and not exposed to the sun too much, it will not be ugly.

Yan Changqing glanced at Wang Yanhong, who was watching the fun, and asked in a low voice, "If these two put on some makeup, can they turn white?"

"This is easy." Wang Yanhong immediately assured her.

Yan Changqing glanced at the black preserved egg: "Pengju, I'll give you one yuan, do you want to do it?"



Including Zhu Xiaobin, there are three people.

Yan Changqing immediately asked Wang Yanhong to make up for them, and Lao Guo also started to prepare.

When he was ready, Yan Changqing pulled his cousin over to the camera and confessed: "Shout loudly at this guy in a while, good day! If you want Mandarin, I'll teach you, and shout after me."

Under the temptation of sugar, the little cousin quickly learned.

The scene has been laid out, and a large piece of white cloth was pulled not far in front of the camera as a background board.

The little cousin hurried forward and shouted loudly at the camera: Good day!

Then twisted and stretched out his hand: "Brother, give me candy."

The second aunt next to him picked him up in a swish: "What kind of candy do you eat? It will damage your teeth. Don't eat it..."

"Wow..." The little guy was crying at that moment.

Yan Changqing quickly persuaded: "At least give me two!"

At this moment, other people can understand the kung fu. The advertisement of love is just one sentence, so simple!

Anyway, Black Preserved Dan and Zhu Xiaobin understood.

The two also ran over, and suddenly moved their faces closer from the side, shouting a good day.

Then Yan Changqing looked at his aunt and aunt: "Auntie, second uncle, do you want to shoot commercials? See how simple it is, just one sentence. Uncle and second uncle, hurry up and persuade my aunt and aunt, just one sentence can be on TV, They're not happy about it!"

This time I went to the gas station to shoot, the background is the gas station, the current gas station is considered a relatively grand building, the effect should be good.

A large group of people watched the excitement and supported Yan Changqing to let her aunt and second aunt shoot commercials.

In the end, the two had no choice but to change their clothes, put on a little makeup, and stood there shouting.

Then I found a few good-looking ones, but there was no way, the people in the market were exposed to wind and sun, and there were few men who were good-looking.

But a few with big gold chains are okay, but if you want to pick off the gold chain, you have to be local and not too quack.

Even Brother Niu and those ruffians picked out two of them and yelled.

After all the shouts were finished, they stood in two rows at the gas station and shouted together.

Then line up all the big cars in the current market, use it as a background board, and shout out collectively.

That's it!

Yan Changqing complacently said, "I'm treating guests today, please say hello to Uncle and Uncle, and I'll be leaving!"

Before leaving, he picked out a few men's and women's bags from the market, and stuffed them to Lao Guo and Wang Yanhong: "You can't come empty-handed, there is nothing else here, that's all."

Without waiting for the two of them to refuse, they drove straight to Dayan Village.

Then start to greet people, first children, then adults.

It's such a strange thing to shoot an advertisement, the people in the village are basically dispatched.

Yan Changqing picks the ones that look pleasing to the eye, as long as the children are cute, not particularly dark, but if someone is willing to shoot, he agrees, anyway, look back at the editing effect.

For adults, Yan Changqing thinks that mothers, fathers, grandparents and grandparents are all right, and pick out a few from other big girls and daughter-in-laws, and find a few old men who look pleasing to the eye.

There is basically no problem with a one-sentence thing, especially when children yell, and adults gradually get used to it, and yelling is quite natural.

The most important thing is that it is very happy, and the shouting is also very happy.

Finally, it’s collective, the children shouted collectively, the adults shouted collectively, and the old men shouted collectively...

In the end, Yan Changqing went into battle by himself, and shouted with a righteous face: "Long time and love, a cup of good life. Good life wine, make your good life more prosperous!"

Just face the wine bottle and let Lao Guo play a little bit.

On the way back, Lao Guo couldn't help laughing: "This advertisement didn't feel very reliable at first, but now, I have nothing in my ears, and I can hear people shouting good days."

Wang Yanhong patted the new bag in her hand: "I really don't want to praise you, but what a brain you have, I've never seen such an advertisement, just one sentence, it's hard for people to forget."

Yan Changqing secretly laughed, what we are focusing on is a brainwashing advertisement.


A week later.

Shizhi City, Yuxi Province.

In a fairly good neighborhood in the city center, the sound of a TV advertisement suddenly came from a window.

good day...

The magic voice yelled like an ear-piercing, until finally he called out the good life wine, which instantly made people remember the brand.

And the backgammon wine industry below.

But the little girl watching TV was a little dazed, then she suddenly jumped up and pointed to the TV: "Dad, Dad, come and see, come and see, it's him, it's him, it's him..."

A middle-aged man and a woman came out in a hurry: "What's the matter, Xiaofei? Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

This little girl is the Jian Hongfei who was rescued by Yan Changqing. When she was in Taoshu Township, she was still very strong. After she came back, she tormented her family enough. She couldn't sleep well when there was a little movement at night, and she was sick all day long. Sick.

Jian Hongfei was very excited: "That's him, the ad just now, good life wine. I asked about it when I was there, his name is Yan Changqing, he is a child prodigy, and he owns a winery. He advertised just now, Or he called it himself..."

Jian's mother thought what was the matter, and she was relieved after hearing the words: "Okay, we know, it's okay. Let your dad buy some good life wine later, and we will support him..."

"No, how about just buying a few bottles?" Jian Hongfei shouted. "Dad, you asked my second uncle to help him sell wine. You said you would take me there during the summer vacation, but if you don't take me there now, I want my second uncle to help him sell wine..."

While talking, he stomped his feet.

"Okay, okay!" Father Jian looked helpless. "Then I'll call and ask, see how much money your second uncle can have now, and take some of it...or just get an agent, ask if we have an agent here, if not, let your second uncle..."

Jian Hongfei stomped her feet: "Then you call now, if my second uncle goes to his place, I will go too!"

"Okay, okay!" Dad Jian glanced at his wife, nodded in agreement, picked up the phone next to the TV, and dialed the number.

After saying a few words, he came to comfort his daughter again: "Okay, don't worry, your second uncle has called to ask, and there will be news soon."

"En!" Jian Hongfei finally calmed down, staring at the phone.

Jane's father and mother looked at each other again, with helplessness on their faces.

After a while, the phone rang, and Dad Jian went to answer the phone. After a few words, his face was a little dumbfounded.

Immediately hung up the phone: "Someone took the agent from our province. It's a trouser... who runs a garment factory. Isn't that impossible? How did you find this agent? Isn't it just nonsense? Your second uncle said to go to Jiangcheng first Ask about the situation, and wait until the question is clear, don't worry, he will drive tomorrow, not to the winery..."


Yan Changqing's finding Feng Yigui as an agent was really no nonsense.

Although Feng Yigui never talked about the situation at home, but after a long time of contact, he knew that his family was not that simple.

A guy with a curse halo in his mouth, who offends people everywhere and still feels wronged. He refuses to work in a large state-owned factory; if he offends the shopping mall, he just delays the payment, and he doesn't pay him directly. The products of the small garment factory were removed from the shelves.

Even the delayed payment is actually a rule of the mall, and people really have to wait for the account to be reconciled at the end of the month before settlement.

In the past few years, the shopping mall was very good, and the suppliers were all begging to put their goods on the counter. As a result, Feng Yigui didn't realize it at all, and felt that he couldn't stand the grievance when the payment was late, and he was so angry that he wanted to find someone to sue.

I just made some money and felt that the money was useless, so I bought myself a car worth 10,000+.

This is a pie, and no one in the family dare to do it.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Yan Changqing made a phone call before launching the advertisement. At that time, Feng Yigui said that he could even negotiate the advertising fee, and he got a low price.

Just like when he helped buy trucks for the market, he didn't say a few nice words when he went there, and he still got the lowest price.

To be honest, with his resources, Yan Changqing is jealous, why open a clothing factory, but if he manages his own mouth, selling cars is better than opening a clothing factory.

As for letting Lao Feng act as an agent, will there be a problem that the wine cannot be sold?
Yan Changqing is not worried, this guy is now driving a car to become a big boss, and all the work is left to others, he will definitely not sit in front of the phone to answer the phone himself.

It's not that he talks about business in person, he only borrows his contacts, there is no problem at all.


But Yan Changqing didn't expect that Lao Feng was so interesting, because everyone was considered a "friend in need", and Lao Feng attached great importance to the matter of selling wine. He heard that someone came to discuss business, so he went out in person.

Jian Xinghe saw Lao Feng, and just after the introduction, he heard Lao Feng say: "Boss Jian, you have had a good time drinking wine, you know that the wine is really good, so you came here? Let me tell you, as long as you Acting for this wine, even if you lose all other business, relying on this wine can make you make a comeback..."

Jian Xinghe was stunned, why did I lose all my other businesses?
Business is the same no matter what age, who doesn't want to be auspicious or something?Did you say that?
To be honest, if it wasn't for his niece making trouble, and his elder brother exhorting him, he would have stood up and left with just these words.

Forget it, bear with it, just treat it for your niece!
Jian Xinghe said: "Boss Feng was joking, I really didn't drink, there is a reason why I came this time..."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Yigui got up immediately, took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet next to him, and poured a glass for Jian Xinghe: "Then you have to taste it first. After drinking this wine, you will know that before The wine is all in vain..."

Those who can be bosses, and the bosses who drive around these days, there are not many simple ones. If people say that they drank the wine before, doesn't it mean that they have little knowledge?
Jian Xinghe didn't know what to say.

I' patient...for the sake of big brother!

Anyway, there is a follower, and he is not afraid that the person opposite will harm him. Jian Xinghe picked up the wine glass and sipped it...


Another product...

Then drink it up.

Then he pursed his lips and paused for a while, feeling refreshed all over his body, and suddenly his mood improved a lot: "Is this a good day? How much does it cost?"

As a result, Feng Yigui said in the next second: "This is not."

Jian Xinghe almost wanted to beckon his followers to come in and beat someone up. I'm here to talk about a good life. What do you mean by letting me drink other wine?
Old Feng didn't even pay attention to his face, and was turning around to take out another bottle of wine: "This is a higher grade than Good Day, and it was given to me. But Good Day is not much worse, wait, I'll pour it for you again. One cup, three series from this winery..."

Seeing this busy man, Jian Xinghe felt very strange.

Anyway, he is also a boss. He comes in person to pour wine and everything, and his attitude is quite sincere, but how can he not make people like him when he speaks?

Wait a minute, this time...for the sake of the wine...

After all, such a good wine is really rare!

 The third update has more than 1 words, which is the same as the previous four updates. I want to reduce the number of chapters and increase the number of subscriptions. I will make a recommendation soon~~Thank you for your support!


(End of this chapter)

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