Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 188 Advanced Unit Bonus Room Breathing

Chapter 188 Advanced Unit Bonus Room Breathing
When Yan Changqing's train arrived at Xiyang Railway Station, it was already the afternoon of the third day of junior high school.

The weather was unlucky, and before the fast approach to the station, there was a lot of light snowfall. Scattered small snowflakes were blown by the wind and floated in the air, like children playing who forgot their time and refused to go home.

However, the hearts of Yan Changqing and his party had already settled down firmly before the train entered the station.

During this trip, everyone saw a lot of things that they had never seen before. Presumably, when they think back in the future, they will forget all the hard work during the trip, and in the end only good memories remain.

When he was about to get off the train, Yan Changqing faintly heard someone exclaiming. He stepped out of the train quickly, looked up, and saw small red flags waving in the wind, and a big banner: Warmly welcome Yan Changqing from the Department of Literature and Art of the Oilfield, returning triumphantly from the Spring Festival Gala performance!

It's outrageous!
Regardless of the fact that it was the third day of the Lunar New Year, the people in the oil field organized a manpower and ran to the train station to pick them up.

If you look closely, it's not just the Propaganda Department, there are quite a few familiar figures, even the masters and brothers in the logistics maintenance have come, it's really...

Zhu Changsheng smiled and said behind him: "This is a surprise for you, the boss won't tell you."

The boss of the oil field in front of the crowd had already brought a few people over, prepared a red ribbon, and said from a long distance: "Welcome, welcome, Changqing has shown us Yudong Oilfield too much this time, you have worked hard, and Lao Zhu is too, come quickly!"

He took the red ribbon and put it on Yan Changqing's body, and then applause rang out from behind, and there was a neat shout: "Welcome, welcome, warmly welcome!"

Accompanied by the sound of snapping pictures.

The boss of the oil field, amidst the sound of taking pictures, turned around and handed over a big red envelope with "[-] yuan" written on it: "Changqing, this is a reward for you, take it first!"

Then he said jokingly in a low voice: "We in the oil field are not only concerned with formality, but also with practicality. We only pay a bonus of 1000 yuan, because we are afraid that other units will be jealous."

"Actually, your name has been added to the list of this year's housing allocation plan. The house will not be too big, but it won't let you come here without a place to live."

dude, I direct dude!

Yan Changqing was shocked, our unit is really generous!
I also received a reward of 5000 yuan for arresting traffickers last time, which is not a small amount.But the 5000 yuan, after deducting the rewards he gave to others, the rest is the real reward amount.

But this time it's real, and the room is allocated directly. This is called a reward, and it doesn't contain water at all.

How about saying that our unit is good, but we care too much for our comrades!
The surrounding applause became more enthusiastic.


People from the oil field came to pick them up willingly, and they were very happy, because when the program was broadcast, the subtitles next to it always showed the words of the host: Yan Changqing, Department of Literature and Art, Yudong Oilfield.

Now is not the time when the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys. There are so many oil fields in the country, and everyone is digging wells, making achievements without telling them. Who knows what you have done?
The entire oilfield system does not have many programs in the Spring Festival Gala. Some of them are due to outstanding contributions made by the group or individuals. Showing their faces on the Spring Festival Gala, accepting live interviews and saying a few words, this can only be regarded as an honorary award.

But Yudong Oilfield showed its face this time and directly won a show.

It is said that after the performance of the show, someone from above called the boss of the oilfield and gave a verbal commendation to Yudong Oilfield.

So the boss is happy, what a red envelope of 1000 yuan, petty, let's go directly to the room allocation list, if anyone refuses to accept it, he will also show his face at the Spring Festival Gala, and he will also be allocated a room when he comes back.

Not many people were dissatisfied, because the whole group benefited from this kind of exposure.

The simplest thing is that you take your work permit and go to other places, and people will look at it before: Oh, it’s from Yudong Oilfield.

But from now on, maybe it will become: ah, from Yudong Oilfield, you have a very good erhu, who has been to the Spring Festival Gala, right?
The difference is there!

Originally, everyone was used to only talking about the Propaganda Department, and the activity center was called the Culture and Sports Center, and the word "Art Department" was basically not mentioned.

But it doesn't matter, I know from what the boss said just now, everyone will call it two more words in the future.

From now on, we will all talk about the Department of Literature and Art Propaganda, so it’s just literature and art!


After returning to the machinery factory, a small welcome party was held, and the heroes who had "hard work and great achievements" and made the oil field more famous were praised again and again.

Yan Changqing must be very happy, our unit is really nice, and this can really increase the collective sense of honor!
Of course, everyone pays more attention to the benefits of invisibility. For example, Yan Changqing's popularity has increased, and the winery market will save a lot of trouble in the future.

The boss of the oil field is imagining whether he can get a priority when he goes to Beijing to report to work next time, so as not to have to queue up every time and so on.


After the farewell party, I can finally go home.

Passing by the market and returning to the village, it was another celebration.

If Yan Changqing hadn't considered the fatigue of the journey, he might have to tell his own experience to satisfy his mother's curiosity.

For Yan Changqing, the next Chinese New Year is not unfriendly, but too friendly, too friendly.

Because that night, the city station actually broadcast Yan Changqing's return as news!

For fear that others would not know him.

So anyone who sees him has to mention the Spring Festival Gala. Once or twice is fine, three or four times is fine... But what if there are dozens of villages around you, and there are so many people who know you?
Yan Changqing can only use "wine escape", and the Tibetan winery will not go out, and continue to make wine.

The wine storehouse now has nothing but puree wine and a small amount of high-end wine of the Gaosheng series, and production must be stepped up.

In the end, there were still people who formed a team, such as Li Mingfa, they were considered good, because they had a good relationship after all.

But some Yan Changqing was not very familiar with at all, for example, they came to the village where the winery had delivered things, and they also came—it was like visiting a zoo.

There is no way, Yan Changqing can only strengthen the guards at the gate, and in the future, when idlers come, people who are not particularly familiar should not be allowed in.

He just said that he was researching wine-making technology and wanted to make a major breakthrough, so he didn't have time to meet people.

He would rather wear a thick mask and hide in the wine cellar than see those overly enthusiastic people.

After a few days of busy work, probably because people found out that he deliberately avoided everyone, or because the popularity has gone down, the number of people who came to 'visit' finally decreased.


The wine still needs to be brewed, and the workers who were on vacation have been called back one after another, and the production continues day and night.

Feng Yigui was in a hurry to urge the goods. He called and complimented Yan Changqing on the performance of the Spring Festival Gala, and then began to urge the goods: "Take advantage of this opportunity to sell quickly. When the heat subsides, I'm afraid the sales will drop."

"Nowadays, many people buy the wine back for collection because of the advertising actors we hired. After the heat has passed, there are fewer collections, and the rest are the real drinking customers. Because of the price problem, the sales volume must not be so hot."

This is the result of Feng Yigui's investigation. If others come to buy wine, if the service attitude is good, it's okay to ask one more question, and most people don't mind answering what they bought for.

To put it bluntly, there are limited channels for chasing stars these days. Some people simply regard the wine advertised by the goddess as the goddess's peripherals and buy them for collection.

Fortunately, Yan Changqing was conscientious, and he dared to promise these people that if you buy his wine, even if the star goes to the sewing machine, the value of the wine will not change, and the wine will become more fragrant with time, and the value may increase a lot in a few years.


Another busy day passed, Yan Changqing slept soundly, and got up early again before dawn!
Good sleep is like this. You never need to sleep until dawn. You don’t have a mobile phone to play while lying down. You are not afraid of the cold when you lift the quilt.

Carrying the drawing board to the small river, throw the drawing board aside first, stand still by the river, take a stance, take a deep breath, raise your hands...

Yan Changqing raised his hands, but stopped in mid-air, motionless and stunned.

something wrong?

He took another deep breath, sucked, sucked, sucked, sucked...

He took this breath for at least 20 seconds, and then let out a long breath.

Then, with a little excitement on his face, he found a piece of dry grass, sat down on the spot, and summoned the little jade pan.

There are too many skills above, he can only look up hard, and then up.

Then I found out that among the basic skills that were progressing so slowly that he gradually didn't bother to look at them, a second-level skill quietly appeared.


Before he had time to feel the changes in the advanced level two skills, Yan Changqing couldn't help but count the time.

Three and a half years.

Three and a half years more than two and a half years.

It has been three and a half years since he was reborn, and he has finally advanced a basic skill.

Looking at other basic skills, the proficiency of sleeping, eating, and walking has also exceeded 90.00%, and the length is about the same.

Why do I breathe faster?


After thinking for a long time, he vaguely found the reason, turned around with the drawing board in hand, and returned to the winery.

Then he went straight to the wine storehouse, opened a tank of wine, pointed his head at the mouth of the tank, and took a deep breath.

This kind of sealed puree wine doesn't need to be sealed for too long, it will smell very fragrant after opening.

But like him, if he just plunged his head into the vat and took a deep breath, people who are generally not able to drink, this sip is almost enough - some can even call someone to come and carry it on the bed.

But Yan Changqing felt fine, so he put on the mask and took another breath.

I roughly understand that the upgrading of skills has something to do with staying in the wine cellar all day.

I artificially added difficulty to the skill of breathing, often going in and out of wine cellars, wearing masks and other behaviors, so that the skills had to be passively improved, in order to better adapt to the environment here.

And there is no need to explore the function of the second-order breathing skill, it just allows you to better adapt to various situations.

For example, in dirty air, you can breathe better oxygen.

It should be like this, you can find another place with a strong smell later, or when you are waiting to go to the toilet... Forget it, try again when you have a chance, anyway, the skills are definitely beneficial and harmless. Going to the toilet to study breathing methods always feels inappropriate.

It would be even weirder if someone saw it!


Then Yan Changqing began to think about other basic skills, such as eating. Could it be possible to increase the proficiency growth rate of this skill by eating something special?

It should be for sure.

After all, if you don't change all day long, your proficiency will definitely increase slowly.

But now the five senses are too sensitive, if you eat something weird, will you embarrass yourself too much?

If you don't go to a few more restaurants and eat delicious food all over the world, you should also be able to improve the proficiency of this skill.

Not all skills have the only way to increase the difficulty.

Very good, then it's settled, and we should eat richer meals in the future.

Then there is sleeping. Speaking of sleeping, it seems that it can only increase the difficulty. Try another place with worse conditions?Next time we also pull a rope and lie down to sleep?
As far as walking skills are concerned, this is easy, but it is more difficult to climb up and down more in the future.

There is also a Lazar, hey, for this, it is difficult to increase... Forget it, the skill is less than 90.00%, continue to skip it, let it be.


It took three years and six months to advance a skill, Yan Changqing thought for a while, and then went out again.

Then he ran to the river and got down the river, and then, he was choked——he had another whim, and wanted to experience whether he could breathe in the water after the breathing was advanced.

It turned out that he thought too much.

So he could only try to hold his breath. He knew before that he could dive in the water for a long time, but he hadn't seriously tested it.

It just so happens that breathing is advanced this time, so let’s try it out.

It is really quiet in the water. The river is quite quiet in winter. Under the water, it seems that time has stagnated. Yan Changqing can only count the seconds for himself.

I am impatient while reading, forget it, think of something else!
The improvement of basic skills is slow, but the effect is indeed obvious. After taking a breath for so long, he feels that his body is becoming more and more 'mutated', and he doesn't know if he will be able to have a baby in the future...

Even if it can't give birth, at least keep that function!
Otherwise, what's the fun in life.

But it should be able to have children, and the changes in skills are all for the better. Maybe that aspect will be stronger in the future. Maybe in the future, you can consider finding someone to try it out earlier...

It's been a long time since I persuaded my parents to have a second child, and the two of them haven't moved, so I need to work harder.

If you find someone earlier, you can avoid them from urging you...

Thinking wildly, holding back, I feel that it has been a long time, and it should be almost time for dinner.

He was afraid to wait for someone to come and call for food, and saw that there were only clothes and no one on the river bank, so he had to get out of the water first.

After landing, check the time first.

Usually he gets up around four or five o'clock in the morning before dawn, and tosses back and forth twice, which takes about an hour?
It is past seven o'clock now, which means that he has been lurking in the water for more than an hour and a half.

Although he didn't measure how long he could dive in the end, he didn't think it was important. Anyway, an hour and a half was quite a long time. Let's talk about it next time!

When he went back to eat, he ate all the chili and peppercorns in the dish. He used to pick them out and not eat them, because the five senses were too sensitive, and he was more sensitive to these pungent tastes - even if they were not sensitive, few people would eat this.

Now, in order to improve his eating skills as soon as possible, he plans to change his bad habit of 'picky eaters' in the past, and eat more from now on.

If you want to sleep, from tonight, try hanging a rope...

Such a happy decision.

(End of this chapter)

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