Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 187 Let's take a group photo

Chapter 187 Let's take a group photo

On the night of New Year's Eve, there was almost no one in the village of Dayan Village, and people all ran to the threshing field to wait to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

Yan Xingwang had to arrange a few people to patrol the village in turn—now that there are many wealthy households in the village, and color TVs are not uncommon, it would be troublesome if someone's house was stolen.

The market side is much better. A group of people are in the yard, and there are a few high platforms, standing with guys carrying weapons, which can prevent thieves without delaying watching the show.

Not only did the director of the winery not go home, but several other outsiders didn't come back. The family was too upset, and they were planning to celebrate the New Year here.

Of course, Uncle Yan Changqing's family didn't leave. Now even the grandparents came, and there were a few people from the aunt's family. It was more lively than at home!

In addition to these people from the winery, there is also a group of strong laborers organized by the old man Zeng Shuangxi - the old man is afraid that too many winery workers will leave, and the rest of the people will not be able to see, so let these people who came back from the village come over and help watch.

There is no barrier between everyone, even if Yan Changqing is not at home, everyone gets together because of him, there is nothing to see.

I had dinner early in the evening, and then the TV became lively, waiting for the program was too anxious, and now the TV is on, no one is watching, and they are just chatting!

Erwa and a group of brats ran around in the threshing field, and after a while, Yan Xingwang got some broken manuscript fibers and other things to block the wind, and the wind leaked everywhere.

Yan Xingwang was so angry that he wanted to scold people, but today is the Chinese New Year, he can't scold, he has to bear it.

After thinking for a long time, he came up with an idea.

Many people in the village stayed in the market to play, and some came back.

Yan Xingwang looked around and shouted at the top of his voice, "Celebration, I heard my family Qingyun said that now the good schools outside have to give the children some simulated problems in big cities, exercise sets and so on. You run around all day and don't know how to do something?"

"Our school is not good, don't worry about it any more, when will our village produce a college student? What's the use of you earning so much money, you're just a bunch of blind eyes..."

Yan Qinggong was puzzled. He didn't know why the old man mentioned this, but what he said seemed to make sense, so he immediately replied: "No one usually tells us this! Let's pay attention later."

A group of cheerful children next to him were dumbfounded at the time. Even Qing Yun and his granddaughter looked at the grandfather as if they didn't know each other: "I haven't seen someone buy exercise sets for the students before the Spring Festival Gala. Can't we wait two days?"


In the lively atmosphere, the time has finally come.

Listening to the opening music of the Spring Festival Gala played on the TV, and hearing the voice of the host, everyone concentrated, their eyes widened, waiting to watch Yan Changqing's show.

As a result, one is not, and the other is not.

Although it looked very cheerful, but there were always people waiting impatiently, and the scene began to become lively again.

Li Xiuni was the most anxious. She looked at the lady's watch on her wrist from time to time, and pretended to be calm. When she raised her hand, she raised her hand high: "Qi Jin said, his show doesn't start until ten o'clock, it's still early!"

But as soon as she finished speaking, people suddenly became lively: "Queen of Sweet Songs, the big star who advertised for our winery has come out!"

Everyone immediately became focused again.


Compared to the village, the market is full of rough old men. Seeing Queen Tiange come out, someone yelled, "Mr. Yan is too uninteresting. Asking such a big star to advertise for the winery doesn't mean that we should all go and see it. Look at her..."

The next thing is to talk about their own things, it's too lively, and even the songs they sing, it is estimated that few people remember the title of the song.

While everyone was waiting, I finally heard the program host announce the curtain. The next program is: Erhu solo by Yan Changqing from the Department of Literature and Art of Yudong Oilfield, Longing.

Everyone held their breath immediately, and when Yan Changqing appeared on the stage carrying the erhu, bursts of cheers burst out immediately.


Erwa and a group of children heard Yan Changqing's name, and immediately shouted: "Brother Qijin is coming out, brother Qijin is on TV!"

Livelier than they are excited to be on TV by themselves.

Li Xiuni yelled the loudest: "Da Hai Da Da, look at our son coming out!"

Yan Haihai's ears buzzed when he was shouted, and he had to answer: "I saw it!"

Li Xiuni became even happier: "See how handsome my son is! No, it's called unrestrained, look at his unhurried appearance, just follow me..."

In the whole threshing field, she was the one who yelled the loudest, and Yan Haihai's head grew dizzy.

But there is also a group of old women who praise Li Xiuni together.

Fortunately, Yan Changqing started playing soon, and everyone stopped talking, and Erwa and the others were quieted down.


Yoyo's sad erhu sound came out from the TV slowly.

It spread to the threshing floor, it spread to the winery market, and it spread to everywhere there was a TV.

In a community in Jiangcheng, Feng Yigui hurriedly suppressed everyone in the family: "Shut up, listen to Mr. Xiaoyan's erhu, this voice is very comfortable to listen to!"

Although the song is a little sad at the beginning, it is because the song is full of memories.

Little things in life, joy, pain, happiness, boredom...

In the end, it's just a memory.

No one can stop the torrent of time, and those memories are finally frozen into old photos.

However, the time has changed, and when I occasionally turn it over, at the beginning, there are always some memories that make people cry, and there are always some memories that make people smile knowingly.

But in the end, all the memories seem to be gradually changing, slowly, changed little by little by time.

I don't know when, those memories that once made people cry and smile are just pure memories. When many people recall again, they will just sigh with emotion, but at that time they were at a loss.

But the immersion of time seems to last forever, and after a long time, when the photos of those memories gradually turn yellow, all the memories become a kind of beautiful nostalgia again.

We have experienced it before, no matter what we thought or did at the beginning, but now, isn't it a good memory?

Not to be reconciled, to pass indifferently, to pass with a smile at the end...

It's just that no matter how faded and yellowed the photos are, they always stay there firmly, in a fixed place in my heart.

Gradually, some became blurred, while others became clearer.

With them, we continue to move forward with time, or stride wildly, or walk slowly.

And those memories become a glimpse when we occasionally stop and look back.

The past cannot be changed, the future is always in front of us.

We know that no matter where we go, no matter where we are, no matter how tired we are walking.

There is always a place in this world where there is always a light, no matter how dark the night is, it always illuminates the way at the door.

That is the light that belongs to home, and the light of thousands of families is the driving force for countless people to move forward.

Seeing the lights, or just thinking about the lights, can wash away fatigue...


The sound of the erhu stopped.

The two hosts flicked their ears skillfully, and smiled at the turning camera.

The hostess laughed: "After listening to Yan Changqing's erhu, it is really a baptism of music, which makes people feel the sublimation of the soul!"

"Yes!" The male host continued. "Many people in Beijing should have already guessed it! He was practicing Erhu in a hotel some time ago, and the passers-by downstairs were too focused on listening, blocking the traffic."

The hostess smiled and said: "Yes! At first when I saw the newspaper, I thought it was an exaggeration. It wasn't until I actually heard Yan Changqing's performance that I realized that I was ignorant!"

The two of them talked non-stop, but the person who came to his senses first would understand after listening, that these two were just delaying time!

A good song, a good tune, a good skit, as long as it can move people, after the performance, the audience will often be immersed in the program for a while.

So the show can't be too urgent, otherwise everyone will still be thinking about the show just now, and it would be too unfair to the actors who are currently on the show.

Anyone who has heard it knows the appeal of this erhu tune.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, when passers-by heard the sound, in order to continue listening, they stood willingly on the street blowing the cold wind, and even refused to leave for a long time after listening to it. One can imagine its charm.

There is also the oolong incident that happened in the first rehearsal.

So this time, the two hosts can only delay for a while to give everyone a reaction time.


In fact, this is true. After listening to the erhu, most people don't pay much attention to what the host is saying.

The allusion that reverberates around the beam is not just an exaggeration.

The sounds of nature also really exist.

Maybe everyone has a song or a piece of music in their memory. When they recall it, they still remember the shock of hearing it for the first time.

And the melodious and melodious song just now brought people into the memories, pulled them out of the memories, led them to look to the future, but made them turn around and look at the lights that have been with them all the time...

All kinds of emotions rise and fall with the sound of the music. When the music is over, it is inevitable that you will still be immersed in it.

Just like Feng Yigui, he always choked to death, looking at his wife now, he didn't know what to think, and suddenly said: "Fucking child, after the Chinese New Year, buy you a small Alto! Driving to work, you will also be less exposed to the wind and sun."

Seeing that his wife wanted to talk, he laughed: "Others can say whatever they want. Your man is earning money now, so I can't let you continue to endure hardships with me. I'll save that little motorcycle for my son when he grows up..."

Of course, more families, at most, have a sudden feeling, and consider sewing an extra pair of insoles and buying a pair of gloves for the family members. Families like Lao Feng are still a minority, and they are a bit too ungrounded.

And there are some families whose TV signal is not very good, so they don't feel so much.

But at least it will sound good, anyway, all the sounds are piercing, this erhu sounds a little less piercing!

It's much better than those remote places where the whole village doesn't have a TV.


At this time, Yan Changqing was already waiting and went to the celebration banquet later.

He was quite satisfied with his performance. After many adjustments, he finally interpreted this piece of music almost perfectly.

It just doesn’t make people burst into tears when they hear the memories, or feel confused when looking forward to the future...

Adding a bit of uplifting appeal to a slightly sad song works just as well, but it doesn't spoil the joy of everyone.

Thanks to my big house, I have the opportunity to sit in it and adjust slowly. This also fully demonstrates that art needs logistical support.

When the house is refurbished next year, if there is a chance to continue attending the Spring Festival Gala, then the house can already be donated, so that some actors who can't find a suitable rehearsal venue can come here to rehearse.

By the way, we also need to prepare a big kitchen. We will invite a chef at that time, so that everyone will not have to find a place to eat. If the food spoils their stomachs and delays the performance, it will be a big problem.

He became happy when he thought of being able to do good deeds, help others, and give charcoal in a timely manner.

The six-acre land is much larger than the studio hall, and many people can be invited to rehearse. If anyone wants to bring their family members, then we welcome it too!


Then I started to imagine again, I don’t know if Miss Yutujing will be on the Spring Festival Gala again, will the effect of that advertisement be better,

In order not to disturb his performance, when he called back, others only told him that everything was fine, for fear of disturbing his state.

So until now, he still doesn't know that in Jiangcheng, when friends go out after eating and drinking, they all jokingly say: "Queen Tiange told you to drink and not drive, you are really disobedient!"

Or when sending relatives away, the words to persuade them to stay have become: "I told you not to drink and drive, so don't leave! Stay a few more days..."

More: "Slow down on the road, people say not to drink and drive, be careful on the road!"

The words "Don't drink and drive, and don't drink while driving" are getting deeper and deeper into people's lives as time goes by.

Although I don't know what will happen in the future, but at least for now, that extra reminder that I said jokingly may change some things.

These are exactly what Yan Changqing thought about at the beginning. Now, what he thinks more about is that he must leave more phone numbers and take more group photos later.

During the celebration banquet, everyone was happy, and he could take a photo with whoever he wanted, and no one would refuse.

Uncle Chen Youliang mixed up a lot of photos when he was in the stock exchange center, and he still showed off non-stop when he came back.

This time, it's my turn!
However, he is not as "visionary" as he is, so he probably doesn't pay attention to the key points.

But no problem, some things are like wine, when they are fermented, they taste better!
When we go back this time, there will be a wall of photos in our small office!


Amid thunderous applause, familiar music sounded.

Finally, the perfect party is over!

When the director began to invite everyone to the celebration banquet, Yan Changqing jumped up immediately, with a bright and innocent smile on his face: "Uncle Feng Zhao, Sister Xiaoyu, and Sister Peng, let's take a few more group photos later, otherwise, the next time we meet, I don't know when it will be..."

 Thanks to the book friend "08a" for the reward, thank you for your support!

  Today's three changes are over!

  Falling into ambush, everyone should pay attention to heatstroke prevention, and be careful of the air conditioner!

(End of this chapter)

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