Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 186 Preparing for the Storm

Chapter 186 Preparing for the Storm
As the Spring Festival is getting closer day by day, whether it is in the city or in the countryside, the atmosphere of the New Year is getting stronger and stronger.

Sellers of Spring Festival couplets in the streets and alleys, stalls selling all kinds of dried vegetables for the New Year, shopping malls, large and small, are also hung with red decorations that symbolize festivities. Walking on the streets, it seems that everyone begins to become beaming.

In the largest shopping mall in Jiangcheng, the crowds turned the cold winter into summer, the noise of children, the voices of adults, the shouts of shop assistants, the sound of programs on TV...

Suddenly, a deep voice came from the TV: live a good life and drink backgammon wine!
Just nine words, said three times in a row.

Then, the picture changed from the wine bottles flying out to an urban beauty. She held a wine bottle in her right hand, and gently supported the bottle with her left hand, revealing the three characters of backgammon on the bottle, and said in a sweet and moving voice: "Backgammon reminds you, don't drink and drive, and don't drink when driving!"

"Queen of Sweet Songs!"

"It's Miss Yutujing!"

"It's the queen of sweet songs who said..."

"Look, look, it's the queen of sweet songs coming out!"

"What, no?"

"The one who came out just now was behind the ad. She came out and said that drinking is not driving, and driving is not drinking..."

"That's right, it's her."


The shopping mall seemed to suddenly become more lively.

Even those tired and helpless men suddenly regained their spirits: "Queen of Sweet Songs? Where is it?"

In the tape recorder that sells electrical appliances, the song of the Queen of Sweet Songs is playing. Now, except for her, no one has such a big popularity.

In an instant, countless people were paying attention to the TV. Although the advertisement has passed, what if it will be broadcast later!
After waiting for a while, the ruthless TV was still playing other programs regardless of everyone's feelings.

But people have already started asking: "What did the Queen of Sweet Songs say?"

"Tell me not to drink while driving!"

"There are a few people who can afford a car these days, but the queen of sweet songs is really gentle, and she also reminds everyone to drive safely."

"Yes, yes, the uncle of my neighbor's aunt's sister-in-law was involved in a car accident while driving. What a capable person, the family has a mansion and drives a car, but he still drives after drinking too much..."

"No, no, what the Queen of Sweet Songs said is that Backgammon wine reminds you, don't drink and drive and don't drink. She is advertising for wine..."

"Advertising alcohol and reminding everyone not to drive after drinking, she really is the queen of sweet songs, she is really gentle..."

"By the way, quickly go to the counter and ask if there is any such wine for sale. Hurry up and buy a few bottles and store it away, otherwise you won't be able to buy it when there are more people buying it!"

"Yes yes yes, let's go together!"


These days, no one will say what I want to chase stars, but they all do it silently.

Specially prepare a notebook to copy the lyrics of the singer, and paste a small photo of the celebrity, not only girls do this, but also many boys do it.

There must be a poster of one's favorite singer and movie star on the bedside, and it's not just on the bedside. In short, the most popular thing at present is to post pictures of stars in the room, pasting one after another.

For those who can’t afford big poster photos or small stickers, they can cut out photos from magazines and newspapers.

As long as you see photos of your favorite celebrities on newspapers and magazines, and shout "cut it", a small hole will appear in the newspapers and magazines in an instant, and the cut photos will be cherished by someone and pasted on their small notebooks or on the bedside.

Those who have money can buy tapes and posters. They have to follow the stars in terms of hairstyle and clothing.

And something crazy, write a letter.

Don't care where you got the address, whether the address is right or not, just write it.

I wrote letter after letter to my favorite star—I didn’t know what I wrote, but it was normal for celebrities to receive letters in those days.

Ms. Yutujing can receive a lot of letters. According to her, the letters from fans have been packed into several sacks.

And at various events, dancing to the song of the girl from Tianzhu that begins with "Kill Me" is also one of the classic memories of many people.


So when Ms. Yutujing gently told everyone that when drinking and not driving, there are many who don’t drink at all, and are thinking about buying a bottle of the same wine as the goddess—at least she has touched the same wine, hasn’t she?
Wan Shuliang was a little confused. He added a prefix to the advertisement according to the boss's instructions, and then put it on the local station and Jiangcheng TV station. At that time, he thought that the effect of this advertisement should be good.

Forget about the local ones, the local advertisements are for the TV station to help process the advertisements.

But unexpectedly, it was almost New Year's Eve, and Feng Yigui was still calling to urge the goods.

Feng Yigui was very excited: "The sales volume is too hot, and now there are not enough goods everywhere, so hurry up and send over as many as possible, help the world!"

Wan Shuliang was happy, but also wondered: "The price of this wine is so high, how can it be sold so fast?"

"Buy it for collection!" Feng Yigui yelled. "Nowadays, many people on the street meet and greet each other and ask, have you bought it? If you don't buy a bottle of wine recommended by the Queen of Sweet Songs, you won't be able to keep up with the trend. Hurry up and deliver the goods! If you don't come, my phone will explode!"

"Hurry up, remember to tell the delivery drivers, don't drink and drive, don't drink when driving!"

Wan Shuliang couldn't think of that scene, but he also knew that the winery's mid-range wine this time might be even more popular than the last time it was advertised.

I didn't expect that the wine with a high price would sell faster than the wine with a low price. It's a pity. There are not so many of them now, and the boss is not here yet...


It wasn't just Feng Yigui who wanted to say don't drink while driving when he was on the phone, Jian Xinghe also said the same.

In fact, it is rare for a driver to completely avoid minor accidents. Sometimes, even if you obey the rules, there is no way for others to drive and get close to you, isn't it?
Jian Xinghe has been driving for a few years. It is common for business people to drink alcohol. He once hit a tree with his car.It's not a big deal, but after waking up from the wine, it's unavoidable to have lingering fears.

So after hearing this slogan, when talking to the people around you, you will talk about this sentence of drinking and not driving.

When there are too many people talking about it, it becomes an inexplicably popular saying, just like the words that are often fired up in the Internet age. These days, there can also be buzzwords.


In fact, the ad was only played twice, and the two sentences of drinking, driving, and drinking have become the mantra of many people.

This catchphrase is popular because of its novelty, and because people like Jian Xinghe have already experienced the consequences of drinking and driving.

Although there are very few cars now, and most of them can only watch other people drive, they have cars after all, and those who own cars are also the objects of imitation and envy around them.

For example, Jian Xinghe felt that this sentence made sense. After he said it, when others relayed it, he naturally added some aura of "rich people" saying that...

In addition, many people who admire the queen of sweet songs often say this sentence several times regardless of whether they are riding a bicycle.

At first it seemed to be just a breeze, but in just two days before the Chinese New Year, the breeze turned into a strong wind, and finally formed a tornado. In Jiangcheng and Yuxi Province, there was a trend of "drinking and not driving" from time to time.

Along with this trend, the name of Backgammon wine also resounded in the land of Yuxi Province, and gradually spread to the surroundings.


The outside trend will not have such a big impact when it comes to Taoshu Township.

But everyone knows that this is Yan Changqing's winery advertisement, so it's only logical to treat this sentence as a mantra.

But to be honest, the shouting is like this, but not many people obey it-this is similar to what Yan Changqing thinks, because everyone has not yet formed this kind of awareness, and the repeated slogans are not so useful.

Yan Erhe, who returned to the market, paid more attention to the calendar and passbook these days. Even the time spent strolling in the market courtyard and basking in the sun has been greatly reduced, from the original half of the day to a small half of the day.

The daughter-in-law couldn't help but ask him: "I went to Shanghai, and I don't even know my last name when I come back? I'm planning to go to Shanghai again!"

"Yes!" Yan Erhe said mysteriously. "Qijin asked Brother Youliang to buy a subscription certificate. I heard that he could make a lot of money in the future, so I bought some too. I want to buy a house in Shanghai, and I will take you and Changpo there to play and live there later."

His daughter-in-law, He Yuhong, has always been a very non-existent person. Hearing what he said, she didn't want to buy a house so far away that she could use it several times. She felt that her husband still wanted to take her to play, and she was very happy.

What came out was duplicity: "There are big cities there, and we are not from there when we bought a house. What's so interesting..."

Yan Erhe laughed: "Anyway, I'm optimistic about it, let's buy a house by the river... the river, and live there for a few days when I have free time, call it that, vacation."

"Then what kind of certificate do you buy, can you really make money?" He Yuhong just thought of a new word she had just heard.

Yan Erhe was very sure: "What Qijin said is definitely true, hehe. He won't cheat us."

"I didn't want to buy it at first, but when I was about to come back, Brother Youliang said that it was useless to bring back the money left by the two of us, so I bought a subscription certificate. I didn't bring much money, so I bought a hundred of them. I don't know how much I can earn..."

"Stupid!" He Yuhong glared at him. "Then you can't give our brother and sister-in-law some good things during the New Year, and you will know that you are taking advantage of others all day long."

Yan Erhe stiffened his neck and said, "I'm not happy if I don't occupy him! It's not that you don't know him, he's not happy if we treat him as an outsider. Now he is very busy, and he will probably be even busier in the future. Let's go home a few more times to see his parents. If he has nothing to do, the elder brother and sister-in-law just take care of him. The family can take advantage of it..."

"Ah, you still know how to worry!" He Yuhong muttered. "Okay, okay, you're all right, I'm going to cook, is there anything you want to eat?"

Yan Changpo just opened the door and came in and heard the last sentence, and immediately shouted at the top of his voice: "Mom, I want to eat stewed pork, pig's ears, and pig's tail..."

He Yuhong glanced at him: "You are still young, when you grow up, you will have something to eat, I will ask your dad about it! Your dad has worked hard to earn money, and he has been tired all day..."

Yan Erhe, who had been basking in the sun for a long time, laughed, and pulled his son over: "Okay, eat braised pork, let your mom cook the rice, and dad will take you to buy it. Xiaohong, I'll bring you something if you want to eat."

"I can do anything, you go!" He Yuhong muttered, still a little dissatisfied. "I bought so much meat at home, and I still eat stewed meat..."

Her cooking skills have grown at a very limited rate in the past few years, and she still doesn't know how to cook braised pork!


Chen Youliang was much busier than Yan Erhe. He was instructing people to arrange several cars side by side, and then let people set up a platform on the cars.

The person above shouted: "Uncle Liang, it's so high, we can't see clearly even if we put our color TV on it!"

Chen Youliang thought for a while: "Let's go lower. By the way, Dakui, our warehouse... Forget it, cow, cow, come here, see if there are any color TVs in the warehouse, bring a few over here, put them side by side, and put the antennas on the shelves!"

A group of people were directed around, and finally waited until a row of TVs had been adjusted and received CCTV, Chen Youliang nodded in satisfaction: "That's all right, no one is allowed to leave tomorrow night, only leave after watching Changqing's program. By the way, cover the TVs first, so as not to freeze at night..."

What else can others do, they can only agree!


There was not so much movement in Dayan Village, only Yan Xingwang started to lead a group of construction team members in the early [-]th morning to lay wooden piles around the threshing field, and then pulled things around to block the wind.

Anyone who comes to ask him will answer with a smile: "Qijin has a program tonight, I will bring the color TV over in a while, and everyone will watch it together. It will be lively when there are many people."

Li Xiuni was a little displeased, she lowered her head and muttered to her husband: "This old man just likes to show his eyes, you should call quickly and ask the market to send us a color TV, and set it up later."

Yan Haihai was very helpless, he usually said to buy a color TV, but you can still watch it in black and white, but now...

There's no other way, let's call, anyway, color TVs are not expensive now, and he is also a big breeder, so he can afford it without the money his son gave him.

Yan Xingwang didn't know how to curry favor with Yan Changqing. He somehow offended the Empress Dowager of Yan Changqing's family, and he happily confessed to the workers: "After this job is finished, you should go home early to celebrate the New Year. Just come to the sixth day after the New Year."

This is a proper capitalist, and it is not suitable to build a house in winter. He also left some workers here to study and study blueprints. He has learned ten percent of Yan Changqing's practice of letting people learn from the wheat field when he brought people into business.

But these people did not complain, they can come to earn money, they are enviable objects in their own village, and they can stay until the New Year's Eve, although they don't have work and don't get paid, but after all, they are in charge of food, besides, it seems that they are valued!
In rural areas, the New Year is not counted until the fifteenth day. Yan Xingwang asked them to come on the sixth day, and they have no objection.

Tongshu County has a population of one million, and Taoshu Township has a population of 7 to [-]. The winery and market seem to employ a lot of people, but when compared with this data, it is nothing.

There are a lot of people who want to work, and if there is work to do, the money will be paid back quickly, so what else do you think about!

(End of this chapter)

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