Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 185 I just want to be big enough

Chapter 185 I just want to be big enough

Although I have some money in my pocket now, and I will definitely have more money in the future.

But buying a house is still a serious matter for Yan Changqing, after all, it can be considered... a dream come true.

However, facing the rushing agent, Yan Changqing was quite calm: "Mr. Xing, for the house I want, other requirements can be lowered. The only requirement is that the place should be big enough."

Xing Zihong is a somewhat chubby young man, nodding his head and smiling, he is the kind who is very polite and not flattering. After all, he was introduced by someone on the TV station, so he is probably well-known in the industry.

Before he came, he would have to go through an intermediary to inquire about the basic information of the client. There was not much information, but he knew that this young man, who was much younger than himself, was the erhu master who had been appearing in the newspapers these days and causing traffic jams in the capital.

In the capital, he is well-informed, and he has heard of child prodigies and so on. It makes ordinary people doubt whether their human body structure is the same as everyone else.

Well, child prodigy, when he wears open crotch pants to play urine mud, he knows how to do calculus.What's the point of buying a big house now, just calm down.

So Xing Zihong had already prepared: "I understand, I understand. A famous erhu master like Mr. Yan must choose a place big enough to practice by himself. I have already selected several houses when I came here. If Mr. Yan is free, he can go to see it anytime."

Yan Changqing felt that he had nothing to do at the moment, and there was not much time before the year, so it would be better to finish it early. After all, the courtyard house is a limited thing in the end, and it was unreasonable to raise the price.

He nodded: "Well, if it's convenient for Mr. Xing, let's go and have a look now?"

"Okay, okay." Xing Zihong smiled brighter when he heard that. "Mr. Yan doesn't have to be so polite, just call me Fat Hong. In fact, everyone calls me that. I have a position here. Let me introduce you to the general situation first, and then decide where to go first?"



Fat Hong is still quite professional. He took out a piece of paper from his bag, and it was hand-painted. His drawing skills are average, but he has drawn a general outline of the structure of the house, not to mention the geographical location. There are many major buildings in the capital, and the approximate location is clear at a glance.

"This set is an ordinary yard, the structure of the house is well maintained, and the price is 52 yuan. It's not a small alley..." Fat Hong said while watching Yan Changqing's expression, and then pointed directly to the next set.

Hearing 60 yuan, Zhu Changsheng was still calm, and Lao Guo and Lao Song stood next to each other with wonderful faces. Compared with the oil field, their wages and benefits are far worse at this stage.

But it's not them buying a house, and it's not their turn to say anything, so keep listening.

"The courtyard of the second entrance, basically the way out is more spacious than ordinary small courtyards. Of course, there is a gap between the spaciousness in the past and what we are talking about now. Now there are cars! The location is also very good. It is in the northeast corner of the Forbidden City. The price is about 90 yuan..." Observed carefully, then paused, and pointed directly to other places.

"This one is in Nanluoguxiang. The building is not well maintained. The only advantage is that the area is large enough. There is also the one next to it. The two sets are about the same size, both of which are about six acres of land."

"Because of the location and area, the price of the latter set is higher. It costs 420 million yuan, which is 30 yuan higher than the set in Luoguxiang." Fat Hong continued to look at Yan Changqing's face, feeling happy, and then introduced it.

"The line I drew is the central axis of the imperial city. The houses on the central axis are generally higher. Everyone thinks the meaning is good, and the higher price is reasonable, so the price is driven up."

"However, even if you don't consider these things, the way out of this house is indeed more convenient than the previous one. If you take a walk, you will arrive at Shichahai in three to two minutes. It is also convenient to go out for a walk in the morning and evening."

"This is currently the largest and most expensive house in my possession. If Mr. Yan is still not satisfied, then I will go to find out more, but if I want a bigger one, the location may be a little bit off..."

Yan Changqing had already thought clearly: "Then let's go and have a look at this set first!"

At this moment, Zhu Changsheng was numb, so he just listened and didn't speak.

As for Lao Guo and Lao Song, the two of them don't even want to hear it anymore - they both know very well in their hearts that if nothing happens, the two of them will basically have to watch others buy this kind of house in this life, so let's accept our fate!

"Okay, the property right of this set is now in the neighborhood committee, and you can get the key directly when you get there." Fat Hong said as a gesture of invitation. "Here, please, I have a car for transportation. It's not very good, just for convenience..."


On the way, Yan Changqing continued to listen to Fat Hong's introduction: "Originally, these houses should be well repaired, but now the various departments have nowhere to find money, so they plan to sell some of them, so as not to keep the houses empty and more difficult to maintain after a long time."

"It's a good opportunity to buy a house now, because after the new year, there may be some new changes. Now they can help to directly issue various property rights certificates, which can save a lot of trouble."

"The only troublesome thing is that when you buy this kind of house, you need to report it when you repair it. Don't worry, if you are going to buy it, just find a suitable plan and report it. Now is the best time for them to talk..."


The house is better than what Yan Changqing thought, probably because his imagination is too rich. He thinks that if this kind of old house is broken, it should be more or less ruined.

Without the dust of history, can it be called an antique house?
But in fact these houses are more or less maintained.

But in Zhu Changsheng's eyes, this maintenance is the same as no maintenance, and he reminded Yan Changqing in a low voice: "I can't live in it now after buying it? It's empty and there is no furniture."

Yan Changqing is already very satisfied. With such a big house and all the antique furniture in it, he can't afford it now: "Buy it first, and tidy it up slowly, so as to save you the trouble of going to a hotel when you come back later."

When Yan Erhe heard this, it must have been particularly to his liking, because he felt that the house was still his own—so in his previous life, under the pressure of being "cramped" by the crowd, he bought two poor-looking houses, and then waited for the demolition to see others busy buying houses.

It can only be said that human nature is really difficult to change. In this life, Yan Erhe has many nephews who take him off, but he still wants to buy a house after wandering around.


After reading it roughly, Yan Changqing had a clue in his mind: "In addition to the house payment, how much other expenses do I need to pay, including the commission to Brother Fat Hong, please give me a rough estimate first."

Fat Hong was immediately overjoyed: "It has been calculated, and including various taxes and fees, the total price will never exceed 500 million. Wait a moment, everyone. I will go to the neighborhood committee first and press down on the price. This kind of big house is not easy to sell, and the price can still be lowered."


The Backgammon winery shipped frantically some time ago, and the money was enough to buy this house, and of course there was nothing left after the purchase.

However, Yan Changqing is not worried either, as mid-range wine ads will immediately usher in a boom, and a large sum of money will come into the account at that time, so don't worry.

Besides, I bought this empty mansion, squatting inside, as long as I play the erhu a little bit, it won't disturb anyone, it's good.

Both Zhu Changsheng and Lao Guo and Lao Song expressed their incomprehension, but the money was not theirs, and they knew that the person who bought the house made money a little fast. In just a few years, he went from playing erhu on the street to performing in the street, and now he has a winery and a comprehensive market in partnership with others.

In fact, there is also a small construction team. Yan Xingwang is now leading a group of hungry people. Taking advantage of the cold weather and being unable to construct, they are studying Yan Changqing's blueprints and preparing to continue building houses in the spring!

The purpose of finding an intermediary is for convenience, and no one wants this house at present. Fat Hong came back after running around and said that the neighborhood committee said that if he paid for it a year ago, the price would directly drop by [-].

If it is a year later, then we can talk about it after a year.

Because they have to look at some decisions from above, maybe they won’t sell it suddenly, or there may be some new plans after the Chinese New Year, if they continue to spend money, the price can be lowered.

In the end, Fat Hong gave the quotation very openly and said that he asked Yan Changqing to think about it again and give a reply within two days.

The meaning is to ask Yan Changqing to find someone to find out if the price he offered is reasonable.

Yan Changqing has been running for a few days, and those who have inquired about it are more agile than him, and said directly: "Then pay the money! I can trust Brother Fat Hong."

Although the house is more than three miles away from the back gate of the Forbidden City, and it takes three or two minutes to go to Houhai, it is still OK and not very expensive.

Anyway, you can't lose!
With this kind of mind in mind, Yan Changqing's sharpness made Fat Hong a little uncomfortable, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "That's good, good!"


No matter how fast the procedure is, the people in the neighborhood committee knew that the buyer of the house was an artist who was about to go to the Spring Festival Gala, so they were very enthusiastic. They said they would try their best to urge Yan Changqing to get the various property certificates of the house before going to the Spring Festival Gala.

The situation of private processing is different from that of them. If you really want to hurry up, it will definitely be much faster.

Anyway, he got the key, Yan Changqing bid farewell to Fat Hong, and started strolling in the yard with Zhu Changsheng and the others.

Zhu Changsheng was still feeling emotional: "You can be regarded as a person who has a house in the capital. Congratulations. Shall we light a bonfire and buy two chickens to roast?"

Yan Changqing knew that he still felt that he had lost money, and he felt that he was messing around, so he joked along with his words: "Okay, it's appropriate to buy roast duck, let's go camping."

In the big house with six acres of land, there is basically nothing in the yards. Sitting in the middle, it is really similar to camping.

If you want to clean up and wait for the spring, it can only be used as a place to practice erhu at present, and if you want to practice some erhu tunes related to "life's eight bitternesses", this place is especially suitable.

I just don’t know, if I get too absorbed in playing the erhu, and the effect of the skill is accidentally fully displayed, will the pedestrians outside the wall consider going another way in the future...


Soon came the third rehearsal, followed by preparations for the broadcast and recording, and then preparations for the Spring Festival Gala.

The purpose of recording is to prevent accidents during the live broadcast. In case of an emergency, the recorded content will be released first.

So this time Yan Changqing was ready and showed some real skills - because the first rehearsal made the prairie style of the show behind the show suddenly become a long time, so Yan Changqing had to "tighten" the next two rehearsals.

Seeing his solemn expression, Chen Tingzhu was a little worried, and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter, are you still nervous?"

"No, you have to play well. If something goes wrong during the live broadcast, this time you have to let all the audience see it. You have to be careful." Yan Changqing said in a low voice.

Chen Tingzhu nodded after hearing this: "Well, you really have to be cautious. Fortunately, I was prepared."

Then with a wave of his hand, a small follower came running over: "Assistant Chen, do you want to send things to everyone?"

"Send it!" Chen Tingzhu said. "I talked to Director Yang, and he thought my idea was a good idea. I distributed it to everyone as a spare, and if there is a need, use it, and if you don't have it, it's not a waste."

The little follower ran away.

Yan Changqing was a little puzzled, and soon after, he saw several staff members quietly approaching some actors, whispered a few words, and handed them something unknown.

Soon a staff member came over, holding something with his head down, not paying attention to anyone, anyway, he knew that there was someone here, so he whispered: "This is what we prepared..."

When he looked up and saw Yan Changqing, he smiled embarrassedly: "It's classmate Yan, so you don't have to post it."

Yan Changqing said angrily: "Why don't you send it to me, treat it differently!"

In fact, I already knew what these people were posting, earplugs.

When it comes to the recording of the party performance, you actually prepare earplugs for people first, so you are so uneasy?

It's outrageous!
The staff member chuckled: "I'm afraid it will affect the performance later, so please understand, understand."

The first time there was a problem with performing a series of programs. Although the next two times were fine, no one dared to take it lightly.

What if?
You must know that at the party, even if the host is in a daze and announces the show for a while, it is considered a minor accident on the show, can you be careless!

Since everyone is well prepared, Yan Changqing is relieved.

When it's time for him to play the show, he doesn't need to continue to 'receive' it anymore, he just needs to play it to the fullest.

Pretty smooth.

When he stood up to thank him, the host immediately put it in his ear, stood up with a smile on his face, and began to broadcast the next program.

Masters who have worked hard to record, you must grasp the timing and don’t move the camera too quickly. It is not appropriate to shoot the host and the actors behind, and the scene of collectively digging their ears.

For the following performances, the actors were quite calm, and seemed to be quite satisfied with the move of giving out earplugs.

After all, wouldn't it be a little timid if they secretly prepared it themselves if the stage didn't send it out?What an impact on the image!

Uncle Feng, who talked about cross talk, started to give his thumbs up again: "Don't worry, I will definitely listen to your performance carefully when the TV station rebroadcasts it. Let's forget it now, haha..."

The signature laughter made Yan Changqing quite speechless.

Do you dare to be more outrageous?hehe!

(End of this chapter)

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