Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 184 The advertisement that will be brought up in 3 years

Chapter 184 The advertisement that will be brought up in 30 years
The second rehearsal begins.Yan Changqing felt that everyone performed well, obviously everyone's condition has improved a lot.

The orchestra that failed the show last time because of its own influence, performed quite well this time.

When the show entered the second half, Yan Changqing went to look for Sister Xiaoyu again: "Sister Xiaoyu, I'll have someone prepare the wine and rewards, have you thought it through? If possible, you can shoot commercials after the rehearsal is over, and I guarantee that you won't be delayed even for dinner."

"I haven't figured it out yet!" Sister Xiaoyu said angrily. "I was confused by you last time. I thought I should reject you directly. I didn't expect you to run away without asking anything!"

Yan Changqing laughed happily: "If you have any questions, please ask, and I promise to explain it to you clearly."

Sister Xiaoyu laughed, hesitated for a moment before saying, "Actually, I want to reject you, but I haven't thought about how to say it."

"Don't!" Yan Changqing thought for a while and said. "Just take one shot and play it after it's done. If someone objects, or if you think it's inappropriate, why don't you play it?"

"Then you are not at a loss?" Sister Xiaoyu said. "Besides, on such a big matter, can you make the decision?"

"Yes!" Yan Changqing said, looking around, and deliberately lowered his voice. "You can follow me to have a look. In fact, my erhu level is still a little bit worse than my wine making level."

"You? Wine making?" Sister Xiaoyu was immediately distracted.

Yan Changqing continued to look smug on purpose: "I know you don't believe it, but there's nothing I can do about it. In fact, I've been a genius since I was a child. Brewing wine is only part of my ability. I'm also a martial arts genius, very good!"

"Really? How powerful is it?"

"Probably just looking at the rivers and lakes, not as powerful as an opponent."

"No bragging?"

"Really not. How about it? Do you want to think about it and try out what it feels like to shoot commercials. It's really simple. I have shot commercials myself. After they were broadcast in Yuxi Province, the effect was very good."

"Then why don't you continue to shoot commercials yourself, and find someone else to do it?"

"Because you are more popular! Besides, you always use the same advertisement, and the audience doesn't like it."



After chatting for a while, the atmosphere of the two became more familiar.

Last time, Yan Changqing suddenly proposed to shoot an advertisement, which caught the sweet song queen by surprise. Now that the conversation is more familiar, she should not be so resistant.

Still the same sentence, most of the stars these days, the bottom line is too high.

Yan Changqing continued: "You know what? I'm going to shoot a different commercial."

"How is it different?" Although he knew that this guy wanted to shoot his own commercial, but human curiosity, the queen of sweet songs is no exception.

"I designed an advertisement, called drink do not drive, drive do not drink." Yan Changqing said proudly. "Don't you think people are prone to getting drunk when they drink alcohol now, and if they drive drunk, it is easy to be dangerous?"

"Huh? That's it, I really haven't thought about it."

"So this can be regarded as a reminder. Although I sell alcohol, I still hope that everyone will put safety first." Yan Changqing said with a bit of complacency in his heart.

That's right, we will be the ancestors who proposed "Don't drink and drive, and don't drink while driving". If this sentence will be used as a slogan to control drunk driving in the future, then no one will forget the person who first proposed this sentence.

I will write this sentence on the packaging of the wine bottle in the future.

Just like smoking on cigarettes is bad for your health.

Anyway, even if the drunk driving starts to be detained, it still can't stop some people from drinking, let alone now, when there is no one to control it.

As I said earlier, the essence of human beings is not to listen to persuasion.

Sister Xiaoyu was a little surprised: "Then if you remind me like this, will anyone listen?"

Yan Changqing's face was serious: "I don't think I've heard much, but it would be great if someone could listen to it! This should be considered half a public service advertisement!"

In fact, there are still quite a few car accidents these years. Obviously, it is strange that there are no accidents in a state of complete laissez-faire.

So Yan Changqing's words are quite serious, because people who drive drunk will die when they die, and they often implicate innocent people.

Sister Xiaoyu immediately fell into deep thought.

After the rehearsal was over, Sister Xiaoyu tentatively said, "How about I go and try?"

"That's great!" Yan Changqing suddenly became happy. "Let's go later. The people from our winery have brought the wine. You can taste it later. It must be good wine."

"I sing, but I don't know how to drink..."


The wine must be fine. The mid-range wine is basically brewed by Yan Changqing himself, at least most of it.

He felt that with the improvement of skills, it is not necessary to brew all the wines by himself, even if it is blended, it has already surpassed the wines on the market, so he doesn't have to work so hard on himself.

Of course, it doesn’t work if the taste is not right. Some people just like to drink Moutai’s sauce, and they don’t even want to taste the wine when they see it.

When meeting with sister Xiaoyu and a staff member of the TV station, Yan Changqing felt that it was the right thing to invite this person to advertise.

Wan Shuliang is an old man in his sixties, and he was surprised when he saw the sweet song queen: "You are the one, that one, the one who sings about your beauty, that one..."

Let's see how excited you are!
Yan Changqing was contemptuous in his heart, and when he looked at other people, even the honest uncle's eyes widened: "Queen of sweet songs?"

The manager Guo Deshun shouted: "A girl from Tianzhu?"

No way, who let these people have heard her song.And in Journey to the West, Jade Rabbit Jing's exotic appearance made her a goddess in many people's minds!
Not to mention the others, they are all like fools, looking at people as if their hands and feet are disobedient, and they don't know what to do!

It was Yan Changqing who reminded: "Let me introduce to you..."

"No need to introduce, no need to introduce, we all know each other..." almost in unison, two old men, do you also follow stars?
What a shame!
Yan Changqing was very helpless: "Well, there is no need to introduce them. These are people from our winery. Anyway, they don't need my introduction. Sister Xiaoyu, you don't need to know them."

Sister Xiaoyu smiled happily.


Not long after, sister Xiaoyu, who had been looking at the wine for a long time, turned her head and asked the staff who accompanied her, "It still tastes...good, right?"

Originally, Yan Changqing wanted Chen Tingzhu to come out. After all, Queen Tiange was also a well-known female star, so it was impossible for her to come out casually with her.

But as an assistant, Chen Tingzhu couldn't leave at all, so he had to find this staff member to accompany him.

In fact, he didn't even need to say his answer, just look at his expression.

So Yan Changqing hit the iron while the iron was hot: "Sister Xiaoyu, how about it, try it? It's really easy to shoot commercials."


Shooting commercials is of course easy.

Because there is only one advertisement.

Backgammon reminds you, don't drink and drive, and don't drink while driving!

All that is needed is for the Queen of Sweet Songs to hold the wine and say this sentence, nothing else matters.

In fact, when this advertisement is put forward now, it is still a bit too advanced.

Originally there was another sentence, although strong wine is good, don't be greedy.This sentence can be regarded as a relatively classic advertising slogan. No matter what the original intention of advertising is, it at least reflects some humanistic care, and it was quite a sensation at the time.

But Yan Changqing felt that his ad would be stable just by looking at the embarrassing performance of the staff of his winery just now.

With the appeal of the queen of sweet songs in this era, coupled with her voice that is almost a household name, after saying this sentence, the effect will definitely not be bad.

Those old, middle-aged and young people who regard the Queen of Sweet Songs as a goddess, when they hear such a gentle reminder from the goddess, they should go to the street and buy two bottles of wine advertised by the goddess to taste what it tastes like.


After the advertisement was shot, Yan Changqing simply paid the young lady a bag of remuneration, and sent it directly to the bank for deposit.

And quite confident: "Sister Xiaoyu, I will never cheat you. I dare say that in another 30 years, this advertisement will still be mentioned frequently. At that time, people will still remember the content of this advertisement."

Elder sister Xiaoyu laughed: "Anyway, I've already been tricked by you into taking an advertisement, so I just believe you!"

Laughing flowers trembled!

After sending the goddess away, Yan Changqing confessed to the group of people who were still reluctant to part and looked in the direction she was walking: "Uncle Wan, I'm afraid I have to work hard for you. After returning, put the advertisement on Jiangcheng TV as soon as possible and ask Uncle Feng for help. This advertisement will be broadcast during the Spring Festival, and the BBK brand will also be launched."

Factory Manager Wan is still excited: "Don't worry, don't worry, it's definitely fine. This is the ad for the Queen of Sweet Songs. As long as her ad comes out, it will definitely be a hit. Let's go to Jiangcheng and ship all the backgammon wine in the warehouse by the way?"

"Okay!" Yan Changqing thought it was okay, but thought about it. "Keep a few boxes. After I go back, maybe the favors will come in handy."

"No problem, no problem." Wan Changqing agreed repeatedly.

It seems that the Queen of Sweet Songs is so charming, a group of people went straight to the station without saying much.


Yan Changqing went to Houhai again, and asked someone to find an intermediary to inquire about the house.

At this time, there is no formal listing agency, and the current agency can only be regarded as a middleman, and commissions can also be negotiated.

Just like the person who asked Hong Kong Star to buy eight suites, they were all early intermediaries.

These middlemen are also good and bad, some rely on reputation, and some rely on deceit. In any case, their existence still contributes to the prosperity of the housing transaction market.

Of course, after waiting for a few years, when the news that someone bought eight houses worth hundreds of millions now comes out, it is inevitable that some people will think, if they met such an intermediary who can 'fool', how wonderful it would be!

It's a pity that there is no such if...

Not right, Yan Changqing felt that he was the 'if'.

From the perspective of a reborn person, as long as one buys a house in the capital these days, one can basically buy it with one's eyes closed.

Even if someone asks for a higher price and spends more money, as long as you hold the house in your hands, you will not lose money in the future.

At least 90.00% can't lose money!

 Thanks to the book friend "08a" for the reward, thank you for your support!

  Today, all the [-] words will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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