Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 183 Ask Miss Jade Rabbit Jing to shoot an advertisement

Chapter 183 Ask Miss Jade Rabbit Jing to shoot an advertisement
Yan Changqing was very happy when he heard his name being called, and ran up holding the erhu.

Waited for two hours, performed for a few minutes, done!

I came down happily, and greeted the actors next to me who had finished their performances, feeling relaxed.

In other programs, there are people who make records to check for omissions and fill in vacancies. His program not only saves trouble for himself, but also saves trouble for the recorders.

The next program is singing and dancing.

The lively music and jubilant dancing are full of festive atmosphere.

The next program is a national musical instrument performance.

The sound of music full of ethnic customs sounded, bringing people as if they had come to the grassland in an instant.

The sky is blue with white clouds, the green grass stretches as far as the eye can see, the horses are galloping, the wind is screaming, and the people are cheering and singing, as if they are talking about the long years, how confused they were back then...

"Stop, stop, stop!" Several directors below stood up at the same time, shouting louder and louder. "What's the matter, how can you put your own show on someone else's show?"

There were a few ignorant children below, who couldn't help laughing, but they were quickly stopped by the teacher who led the team, and they were pulled aside to reprimand them.

The members of the ethnic minority orchestra who performed were a little aggrieved, and their eyes could not help but glance at Yan Changqing, who had nothing to do after the performance.

Yan Changqing looked around, with an innocent look on his face: You performed wrongly, so what does it matter to me?

The director couldn't help it either, the rehearsal of the show still had to be timed, and usually it would not be stopped if there was a problem, but this time I really couldn't help it, the style of painting changed so fast, people didn't react at all, and instinctively stood up.

Immediately, several people sat down again and looked at the time: "Your show is waiting for the next time, hurry up and continue to the next show."


It wasn't until the show restarted that Yan Changqing noticed that the shoulders of the person next to him moved twice.

He couldn't help but whispered: "Uncle Feng, what are you laughing at?"

Uncle Feng is a crosstalk actor. He just performed the show, and now he is just like Yan Changqing, who is an idler. Hearing this, he laughed and said, "I didn't laugh at them, I laughed at you! I couldn't help seeing your innocent appearance, haha!"

Yan Changqing turned his head to see that no one was paying attention, and said in a low voice: "I was right, they are not professional enough, they can be influenced by other people's programs, why not let me go up and perform two programs."

"I can't see that you are not old and your heart is not young!" Uncle Feng said cheerfully.

Yan Changqing frowned: "I can't help it, I want to become famous as soon as possible, and advertise for my winery."

"Does your family have a winery?" Uncle Feng asked strangely.

"That's right, the best wine in the world is at my house." Yan Changqing said proudly. "How about it, Uncle Feng, why don't you come and advertise for me?"

"That's not good, that's not good. My image is not good. After I took an advertisement, will people still buy your wine?" Uncle Feng said directly.

Yan Changqing smiled: "Then if you want to shoot commercials in the future, remember to contact me first! What do you think of the annual advertising fee of 20?"

"Your family is quite rich!" Uncle Feng said with a smile. "But advertising is really not good, haha..."

Yan Changqing is also happy, this Uncle Feng and another Uncle Niu, this year's cross talk is quite special.

The content of the cross talk is that director Feng held a party, and the cows are always selling donkeys, so they sponsored the party.

Then Mr. Niu demanded that every program of the party must have a donkey, but Director Feng tried his best to win over the donkey-selling rich sponsor and ensure the artistry of the party.

In the final analysis, this program is actually a satire on some programs that contain too many advertisements.

But when you think about the advertisements these days, there are really not many. Compared with those crazy advertisements in the future, it is simply a pure land.

However, at this stage, advertising still causes dissatisfaction among many people, who feel that it tarnishes art.

This is also a collision of thoughts in development, so there is this ironic cross talk.

What's even more ironic is that this year's Spring Festival Gala broadcast a cross talk that satirizes advertisements, and the following year CCTV officially started bidding, and officially began to have the title of "Biao Wang".

Then, the once-a-year, huge bidding for the king of bids began.


Now that the advertisements for the Spring Festival Gala have started to be put up for competition, the cross talk between Feng and Niu is a bit out of date, so after this cross talk won the most audience favorite award after the year, it was gradually downplayed.

In the various promotions in the future, many people even forgot that in this Spring Festival Gala, the two actors also contributed to a cross talk show that won the most popular audience award.

But this show is not the most unlucky, the most unlucky is another famous singer, the one who sang 360 five blessings.

This year he sang a song about going to the Olympics, but he failed to bid for the Olympics, and the audiovisual materials of this song were also deleted.

It can only be said that the changes of the times always catch people off guard, and no one can do anything about it.

But they are not bad, because there is a very good actor who was banned behind him, and he had to be silent for many years.

Yan Changqing thought about these things in his heart, and chatted with others without saying anything: "Uncle Feng, I think your cross talk is very good, but, people have to eat, right? I think it is understandable for many artists to shoot some commercials. After all, they can create better without worries at home, right?"

"I can't take pictures even if you say so!" Uncle Feng smiled, maintaining his familiar smile across the country. "You have to find someone with a better image!"

Yan Changqing couldn't help it, and he didn't expect that now is the time when advertising and art are in opposition, and those who want to invite are unwilling to make advertisements, and those who want to shoot, he is not willing to invite...

I also want to invite the one who sings the good life, but the only advertisement in his life is filmed for his hometown for free, so how can he invite him?
After thinking for a while, he strolled over to a sketch actor with an old hat image: "Uncle Zhao, do you want to shoot a commercial? The wine seller, I'll bring you a few bottles later, you can taste it first, and then think about whether to shoot this commercial or not?"

"Haha, you not only play the erhu, but you also play commercials?" Uncle Zhao laughed. "That's not okay. I can't shoot even if you give me a drink. We are engaged in art, so what's the point of shooting an advertisement?"

Yan Changqing is very helpless, you are always going to shoot an advertisement and close your family, and you are not happy now!
That is, why do I want to find a star who shoots a commercial and ruins a family?

But after scanning around again, and thinking for a while, I probably understood the reason.

I found the wrong person!

Most of these people who came to participate, like themselves, are organized.

Here comes the problem, these days people are not encouraged to shoot commercials, so even if some people want to earn some extra money by shooting commercials, it is not convenient for them to do so.

We must find someone who dares to think and do, who is more up-to-date with the times, and who is not afraid of affecting the "future" by making commercials. He must have a somewhat rebellious spirit.

You can't limit your vision. The main force of drinking now is not your generation. You can't just focus on the future, but pay attention to the present.

Yan Changqing's eyes continued to circle in the crowd, and he had a new target in an instant.

Miss Yutujing, it's you!
The real queen of sweet songs, it is said that the album sold 800 million copies, and it is said that she sold it in one day, and she will soon set an unprecedented record, selling tens of millions of boxes, and winning this year's Golden Record Award.

Moreover, in the past few years, Singapore also specially held an audio negotiation meeting-the "Sweet Song Queen Phenomenon" symposium.

In short, since she started to release tapes, in the streets and alleys, basically everyone with a tape recorder will play her songs. In this era, there are definitely not a few of her fans.

Although she will soon fail in transformation, but that is a matter of the future, and it is ok to grasp it now.


Yan Changqing thought it over and slipped over: "Sister Xiaoyu, have you ever filmed a commercial?"

"Ah?" The Sweet Song Queen was a little dumbfounded, completely unaware of the little actor's intentions. "I only make records, I have never made commercials."

"Our family has a winery, can I ask you to shoot an advertisement?" Yan Changqing stopped beating around the bush. "It's easier than singing. You only need to take a few shots and say a few words."

"I really haven't shot this before!" Sweet Song Queen laughed. "I don't think shooting commercials is easier than singing. When I used to shoot TV dramas, I found it very hard."

"That's different, that's the artistic standard. When shooting commercials, you just have to say something, there is no other requirement at all." Yan Changqing continued to persuade. "Everyone calls you the queen of sweet songs. You sing the same style of songs every day. You can also try to change the style!"

He remembered that this guy wanted to change his style later on, but the transformation failed and he didn't want to continue singing sweet songs.

The queen of sweet songs wanted to refuse, but she felt that the sentence of trying to change the style seemed to be quite good.

Originally, she later switched to singing and filming again, although the effect was not very obvious.

"It's just an advertisement for liquor. You don't need to do anything, just a word." Seeing her hesitate, Yan Changqing became excited. "You sell so many records, and you only pay tens of thousands of dollars for one recording. Those people are too dark. Our family plans to pay 20 yuan to find someone to advertise. If you think it's too little, we can add more."

When he said this, Yan Changqing also really felt that those who sold records sold millions of records, and those who sang only got tens of thousands of dollars. Unlike him, they only sold 20 yuan, which is equivalent to a house in the capital now.

"That..." Sweet Song Queen was still hesitating.

Yan Changqing also understood that she was supported by the song and dance troupe when she first recorded the album, and singing was her main business, and the people who asked her to sing must have been approved by the troupe, otherwise she would not be able to ask for leave to record.

"Now you don't need to ask for leave. You only need one shot. You just need to hold a drink and say a line, and the filming will be done in 5 minutes at most." Yan Changqing felt that it was worth the effort to hire someone who sold 800 million records this year, at least it was cheaper than the competition.

"Then let me think about it!" Sweet Song Queen said hesitantly.

"Of course, if you figure it out, just let me know. It won't delay your business, and it doesn't take much time to shoot commercials. I'll ask someone to send some wine from the winery later, and you'll know after a taste. It's really good." Yan Changqing couldn't help it, after all, celebrities don't like to shoot commercials now.


The Sweet Song Queen wanted to say something, but the rehearsal was over.

The next step is to comment and correct the time. Most of the programs have problems of one kind or another, and many of them are due to nervousness.

But the orchestra that played the strings was not good, and was pulled out and severely criticized.

There are also details about the details of each program, the positioning is wrong, and the lighting is not well coordinated. In short, a review is carried out one by one.

This is nothing to do with Yan Changqing.

After a busy day, the meal is just enough, so I have to eat a good meal to comfort myself.


After taking some time, Yan Changqing called the winery and asked the factory manager to bring someone to bring over a few cases of mid-to-high-end wine, and by the way, bring all the sales money from the period before.

As soon as he changed his mind, he felt that the sky and the earth were broad. He thought it would be a good idea to invite the queen of sweet songs who is now on fire.

My brainwashing ad initially allowed people to remember their names, but this routine cannot be used all the time, and the sequelae of this kind of ad are also obvious. If someone is disgusted, it is really disgusting.

So if you want to launch the winery's so-called mid-end wine, the most suitable thing is to invite a star.

For those who consider drinking, such a sweet song queen who everyone likes is perfect.

Well, it can be regarded as self-consolation. After all, other actors who can continue to be popular are not willing to shoot now.

Only the queen of sweet songs is not satisfied with the status quo and wants to go out of the wider world, so it is possible to try new things.


After the rehearsal, there will be a few days for the next rehearsal.

This time is leisure time for Yan Changqing, he happened to go to Houhai a few more times to inquire about the approximate housing price.

Today’s housing prices are not high, and courtyard houses don’t seem to be very popular. It is said that a year ago, an action star from Hong Kong and Taiwan came to Beijing to shoot a movie, and was encouraged to spend 450 million to buy eight sets of courtyard houses.

In fact, Yan Changqing is very clear that if buying a house now, buying a courtyard house is really not the most profitable.

Because it cannot be demolished after buying this, the price will only rise with the market at that time.But if you buy those ordinary bungalows, you can wait for the demolition, and you can earn more at a lower cost.

However, Yan Changqing was thinking of buying a place to live in. The idea was to live comfortably, practice Erhu without disturbing anyone and nobody would bother him, so he really needed a bigger courtyard house.

After inquiring for a few days, he had a clue in his mind.

Even if you buy a big courtyard, if you don’t consider other things and just plan to buy a big courtyard to live in, the price is really not high.

The problem is not big.


The boss was not there, and the winery had to deposit money in the bank every day, so Yan Changqing had to wait for two days for the bank to withdraw money.

Then the factory manager, the manager, Uncle Yan Changqing and a few reliable relatives rushed to the capital.

When such a group of people came over, Yan Changqing was about to start the second rehearsal. He didn't even have the time to greet him, so he could only ask people to follow him to deposit the money in the bank, and then let them wait in the hotel. Other things would be discussed after he finished the rehearsal.

 There's one more chapter, wait a minute, just check it out

(End of this chapter)

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