Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 182 The Idle Man Yan 2 River

Chapter 182 The Idle Man Yan Erhe

The rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala will begin soon.

Yan Changqing discovered a problem. It turned out that the opera joint singing he participated in was a very high-level program, and he could go up and perform without waiting for the rehearsal.

But now this show has become an intermediate show again, and I have to wait for two hours before it's my turn.

As a result, I watched others nervously check their costumes, and then check with their companions for any omissions. Those actors who performed songs kept practicing in a low voice, and those who performed dances kept moving their bodies...

Others were also a little worried that they would sweat and ruin their makeup if they were too nervous, worried that they would make a mistake later, and worried that their companions would have problems...Only he, as if nothing had happened, sat on a small bench in the corner, like a crowd eating melons.

Because there is really no need to prepare anything, others are worried that the state will not be stable, he is a little expert in cheating, he can just put on makeup after changing clothes and wait in peace.

It doesn't matter if you don't have a companion or an accompanist, anyway, no one can suppress your own erhu sound, so don't worry about anything.

The only pity is that he wanted to find someone to take a photo with, but now no one has that thought.

Many of the people who come to the show now are very familiar faces.

There is a magical singer who sang six songs in a row during the Spring Festival Gala a few years ago, there is a recognized queen of sweet songs, there is a singer who has become a queen of music, there are many names that will become household names in the next few decades, and there is a singer who will often appear on the [-]pm show...

Yan Changqing began to think wildly, if the last one is invited to speak for his winery, it is best to sign a 30-year contract, isn't it...

Hey, there are also the Little Tigers and Girls teams from Hong Kong and Taiwan, which are not bad, they are all young versions, so energetic!

There is also the young Liu Tianwang, who is also good. I don’t know if the advertising endorsement fee is high now. Is there any discount for signing for 30 years?
But it seems that no one came over, it was just a recorded program, I have a little regret.

There are too many people, I don't know who to choose, it's so tangled!


Shanghai City.

After Chen Youliang and Yan Erhe arrived, they found a hotel and settled down. When they went to inquire about the subscription certificate, they went out for a walk and inquired about it. They found that many people thought it was a scam, a scam, and a ticket of 30 yuan would not be refunded if they didn’t win. It’s a scam!

The two of them didn't believe it, and continued to walk around and watch.

Anyway, it's just a sightseeing trip, there are still two days before the sale of the subscription certificate, so don't worry.

Because the issue of subscription certificates was considered before, it was because of the unfavorable crowding of crowds who rushed to buy new shares when the new shares were issued not long ago. Therefore, hundreds of sales points have been set up for the issuance of subscription certificates this time.

Then the problem came, most of the places were empty, and a few sales outlets didn't seem very popular, but people were quietly booking.

That's right, it's a pre-order, and it's not yet the release time, so pay the money in advance for how much you plan to buy, and when it's on sale, come directly to get the certificate.

On the one hand, it was rumored that no one wanted it, and on the other hand, it was quietly booked, although among the people who made the reservation, there were still many ticket dealers—early ticket scalpers, who bought tickets in advance and sold them when the price increased.

So who do they listen to?

I didn't say anything, of course I listened to my nephew.


The two went out and changed places, found a relatively remote sales point, discussed it, and planned to go in to find out news.

Yan Erhe went there, wandered up and asked a manager inside: "This subscription certificate, we are from other places, can we buy it?"

The manager who was questioned glanced at him, smiled and said: "Only sell local accounts, buy with your ID card."

Yan Erhe asked again: "Then if the local people buy it and don't want it anymore, can they transfer it to us?"

The manager glanced at him again, and said indifferently, "Then it's up to you, we just need to sell it, and we don't care whoever takes it away."

Yan Erhe continued to ask: "Then I'll find someone. He bought it with his ID card, and he regretted it after paying the money. You still don't want to give him a refund. He wants to transfer it to me. Can you just write my name on the order form?"

The manager laughed. He glanced at this foreigner who was about the same age as himself, and felt a little amusing. He waved his hand: "Actually, here in Shanghai, there are quite a lot of places to play. If you... If you really want to buy it, go and call a local. As long as he is willing to register his ID card, you can order as much as you want!"

There is a reason why the manager doesn't care. The main reason is that Yan Erhe has a kind of temperament - in the countryside, it is called unreliable, and the local dialect is "disobeying God", which is generally called idleness and idle temperament. Especially now that he has no worries about food and clothing, this temperament is more obvious in him.

To be more specific, it is the kind of rush to harvest wheat, when others have already cut half a ridge of land, he is still holding a sickle to watch the clouds on the ridge; when he was late for school, everyone else was running, and he was focused on admiring the butterflies on the side of the road...

There were gang fights on the street, people smashing their heads with knives, chopping sticks, and blood. Some people watched happily, some people were anxious to make a phone call, and some people hid far away in fright.

In short, basically except when the car is being repaired, at other times you can see where he is going, and you will know that this is a person who has nothing to do.

It's normal for people like this to ask for some news, and they don't care.


Hearing what the manager said, Yan Erhe nodded: "Then I'm going to find someone!"

The manager felt very happy, smiled and waved: "Go, go!"

It's nothing more than a foreigner who has nothing to do, just happens to see the sale of subscription certificates, and wants to buy a few to gamble for luck, what a big deal!
Turning around, Yan Erhe went out. He found an old man and gave the old man 100 yuan as a favor, and invited him to be his helper.

The old man also thinks it doesn't matter. There are so many idlers these days, and 100 yuan is a big profit. He not only has his ID card, but also his household registration book.

The manager was even happier, and directly found out the small notebook and started writing: "Bring the ID card first, and register it."

After registration, he smiled at Yan Erhe and said, "Write your name? How many are you going to buy?"

Chen Youliang, who was silent next to him, carried a big bag and put it on the counter. Yan Erhe still looked indifferent: "If you buy it for 30 yuan, write our names."

The manager's jaw was about to drop: "30? That's [-]?"

Then he turned his mind: "Come here, this way please. Xiaoyu, pour me a few cups of tea."

Then he explained to the two of them: "It doesn't matter who's name is written, when the time comes to get the subscription certificate, it's a blank board, and whoever holds it after winning the lottery can register when it arrives..."

The old man was startled holding the 100 yuan, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses: "Can I quit this thing? You are too..."


Especially Yan Erhe and Chen Youliang didn't understand it, and even Yan Changqing didn't know it, they all had to spare this, because these days they still hold paper stocks and have to go to the counter to trade.

So now the stock market already has a "big household room", that is to say, people with a lot of stock funds can be in a small room, waiting next to someone, you just need to say if you want to buy or sell, and others will run errands for you.

If the people in the big family room are willing to buy a large number of subscription certificates, these managers will help with the operation-a former rich list figure who has since lost contact bought tens of thousands of them in this way, without so much trouble.

And before the bank's new regulations come down, the subscription certificate is still a whiteboard, and there is no need to write your name on it. Whoever gets it, no matter who registered it in the first place.

It doesn’t even matter if you have a name on the purchase and sale of subscription certificates in the later period. At that time, whoever gets the money belongs to whom—at that time, the law did not blame the public, and everyone did it. Many things were not clearly stipulated before, and the market was quite chaotic.

So the old man's status as a helper is not so important now.

In short, the two of them got the purchase order soon, the money was handed in, and they just waited for the time to come to get the certificate.

Moreover, the manager also gave a business card, saying that the "big family room" under his name welcomes the two of you at any time.

Entering the "big family room", it is easy to trade, but you have to pay money every month. Not only that, but you also need to pay some more commissions when trading.


Yan Erhe and Chen Youliang, who bought the subscription certificate, continued to stroll around. Chen Youliang was looking at the market and the products.

As for Yan Erhe, that is to see.

Turning Yan Erhe around, he said, "Brother Youliang, let's buy a house here! What kind of stocks are you engaged in? You come here several times a year, and you spend a day's money in a hotel. I feel sorry for him. Let's just buy one, so we don't spend money to stay in a hotel?"

Chen Youliang was quite speechless: "What is the money for a day's stay? How much do you want to buy a set?"

"I bought it for myself." Yan Erhe plausibly said. "It's fine to buy a cheap one. As long as it doesn't leak and you can live alone, we can live in land. It's definitely better than living in expensive land. I always feel uncomfortable living there."

"I didn't see where you were uncomfortable." Chen Youliang was also very helpless with this brother-in-law.

There are so many things in the market, Chen Youliang wanted his family to do more, but he didn't dare, because no one knows, if you tell me something right now, he will get under the car and fix it later, forgetting about your business.

The key point is that it doesn't work. Maybe you have talked for a long time, and he has already counted the ants under his feet and walked [-] steps.

Yan Erhe muttered: "Anyway, I don't feel comfortable living in someone else's place. It doesn't cost much to buy a set. I just heard that someone said that his neighbor's house sold for 10,000+ yuan..."

Chen Youliang became more and more speechless: "10,000+ yuan is not a lot of money in your eyes now?"

Yan Erhe also reasoned: "Anyway, it's all given by you."

"That's fine, go and buy it quickly!" Chen Youliang knew this person's temperament, and he wouldn't talk about small things. When he wanted to talk, he had thought it over, and it was useless to persuade him, since he didn't have much money anyway!

Yan Erhe looked up and looked around: "This is not good, we are used to living by the river, I still want to buy the one by the river, and I can go down the river when it is hot..."

"That's Jiang. Besides, in this big city, I can be with you..." Chen Youliang didn't want to talk anymore. "Then let's go, buy it if you like it."

"Let me see first, I didn't bring any money!" Yan Erhe thought it over. "Don't you still have to come after the new year? I'll bring money here later, and we'll buy a house directly when we come. Anyway, I don't want to live in a hotel."

(End of this chapter)

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