Chapter 181 Change the program
Yan Changqing got up early the next day as usual.

Then spread out the drawing paper, which is actually a blank piece of paper, and start writing and drawing on it.

Practicing skills is all about accumulating over time, just like when he was on the train to give Lao Guo his pulse, and observe how the pulse will change from being full of energy to becoming listless. Old trains stop and go, and people are almost in this state after sitting on it for a day and a night.

Now practice writing and painting for a while, you can gain some insights and some questions.Then go to the Forbidden City and ask the teachers for advice. It's very beautiful to think about it.

It wasn't until someone knocked on the door that Yan Changqing checked the time that he realized it was time for breakfast.

Time flies so fast, two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

He was taken aback when he opened the door, why did he call everyone to eat together?
Zhu Changsheng said beside him: "Changqing, there are people waiting downstairs who want to interview you. Do you think it's okay?"

When Yan Changqing saw their expressions, he immediately understood that each of them was eager for someone to interview them, and wished they could run down right now, and talk hard into their microphones and reporters.

It's just because I thought about myself that I waited like this, and asked myself if I could.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with it, so let’s all come to interview, interview a few more times, the best interviewers are better at digging into the details, and find that my erhu is not the best, and the best skill is brewing...


Seeing his agreement, Lao Guo's nervous face instantly showed a smile, and he swished out of the corridor to stand against the wall, for fear of affecting Yan Changqing's walking.

After all, this is the capital city, and everyone grew up listening to I love Tiananmen Square, the capital city, and their affection for this place is not comparable to other cities.

Last night, Yan Changqing did not reveal his name in the newspaper, and they were all so excited that they didn't sleep well in the middle of the night. They didn't expect someone to come to interview today, and they were really excited.

But Yan Changqing knew that it was not a big newspaper when he saw the reporter's style.

But talk is better than nothing, if one more reporter interviews, if someone "discovers" him in the future when he is still a child prodigy brewer, he will spend less on advertising and earn more money on wine.

Zhu Changsheng was even more excited than Yan Changqing, he hurriedly took out his work card from his pocket, and wanted to remind Yan Changqing, but found that Yan Changqing had already brought it with him—the work card is really carried with him these days, which is much more useful than an ID card.

Then throughout the interview, Yan Changqing only answered a few questions, and left the rest to Lao Guo and the others to watch them brag about themselves.

Zhu Changsheng once again recounted affectionately the scene when the two met for the first time: it was the first snow in [-], earlier than before...

Old Guo Lao Song was jealous with jealousy. From the time I met him, I don’t know how many times this guy has talked about it triumphantly, and every time it still makes people so jealous.

If I meet first...

Just thinking about it, his face darkened.

Even if they met Yan Changqing, who performed on the street first, they would not have the ability at all. They could just make decisions and let others perform on stage, let alone make arrangements to win them over.

Zhu Changsheng is proud of this, he really doesn't mean anything else when he mentions this, it's about repaying favors, the friendship between the two parties has passed that stage long ago.

Besides, after the calculation, he has already made a lot of money, and it is proof that he can't wait to show his work permit to the reporter's face.

He wanted to use a magnifying glass to zoom in on the big characters in Yudong Oilfield so that the reporter could read them a few more times.

He just felt that he was too wise back then!
Especially the establishment, that is, the oil field is relatively independent. Although there are many housekeepers on it, they are relatively independent, so the establishment can be easily taken down.

Don't even think about changing to a unit like a TV station.

Until the reporter left, he still had more to say. Although Lao Guo and Song were very happy, a small market station also showed their face, but seeing Lao Zhu's face, he said sullenly at that time: "It's time to eat!"

How many people haven't had breakfast yet!


After dinner, Yan Changqing continued to go to the Forbidden City according to the original plan.

Improving skills is a very cool thing, not because he wants to be a literary youth or something, he has been working all his life, and he doesn't have that attribute.

I just thought it was interesting.

Immersing in it will make people forget the passage of time.

During the Chinese New Year, there seem to be more people here, and some parents bring their children to visit.

But this had no effect on Yan Changqing. Since everyone walked in, affected by the atmosphere, they involuntarily quieted down. Even the children rarely made any big noises.

At an unknown time, Yan Changqing suddenly heard someone calling him.

He raised his head and saw Zhu Changsheng and Lao Guo: "What's wrong?"

Lao Guo said anxiously: "Assistant Chen came to see you and said that Director Yang asked you to go quickly."

He was pushed away before he finished speaking, and Chen Tingzhu came out from behind and said anxiously: "Someone went to the stage to ask the master of the erhu player who was in the newspaper. When I saw the address, didn't he mean you? Now they want to meet you, let's talk while walking."


Yan Changqing was very depressed, he was practicing vigorously, but was interrupted.

Followed towards the outside, listening to Chen Tingzhu continue to say: "...Mr. Xu joined the army very early. He went to the Yalu River with the art troupe when he was a teenager. He is a national first-class performer. He has been giving lectures in various music colleges for the past few years. He is also a part-time professor in Xiangjiang,"

"He is a person who enjoys a special allowance from the State Council. He is currently writing a book about the erhu exam with him. I heard about you..."

Yan Changqing's depression disappeared.

There is no way, there is always someone doing something that leaves you speechless.

Not to mention a long list of titles, people who go to the Yalu River in their teens are worthy of admiration.

Not to mention what the Yalu River is like, just talk about age, they are all in their 60s now!
People who are still busy writing books now, who do their best to promote the erhu culture, are really speechless.

At present, in terms of music, the most well-known one is the piano grading test, even in the future.

But erhu, so far there is no such thing as a grade test.

Once this is done well, it will not only benefit the spread of Erhu Wenhua, but also give countless folk Erhu lovers a chance to make their mark, which is really a great thing with immeasurable merit.


To Yan Changqing's surprise, this person was actually a woman.

He thought he dared to cross the Yalu River when he was a teenager... Well, anyway, it was a bit of a surprise.

The old lady still looks a little strict, probably because she is used to being a teacher.

But similar to Yan Changqing, she was surprised to see Yan Changqing, and looked around: "You didn't tell me, this is still a child!"

Then he smiled at Yan Changqing again: "I'm sorry to bother you, I was just curious for a while, I thought you guys should be rehearsing, so I stopped by to take a look, I didn't expect to trouble you to run!"

Yan Changqing was very polite: "Mr. Xu, my name is Yan Changqing. I am from the Yudong Oilfield Propaganda Department. I started learning Erhu at the age of six. Please give me some advice."

I don't know how to be polite to others, so let's just use the erhu to talk!

After all, Mr. Xu is also from the military, and he is more agile than him, so he sat down there: "That's okay, I'll listen to it first."

As a result, the sound of the erhu sounded, and she sat up straight.

It's still the longing song, anyway, this is the one that was published in the newspaper, so let's continue with this one!

When the skill reaches the second level, it doesn't matter the difficulty of the song or the skill. Even if it is a nursery rhyme, it can still make people laugh and cry.

Probably this is the beginning of touching the edge of the "Tao". On the erhu, you can already do whatever you want.


In just a few minutes, the song is over.

Mr. Xu waited for a while, then stood up directly, clapped his hands and said, "A new generation is better than the old ones, which is much better than me, haha! Originally, I came here with the mentality of communication. Now, I won't make a fool of myself!"

"Seeing that you can reach this level at your age, I can continue to compile my book and continue to promote our erhu culture with more confidence. Next, I want to promote the implementation of erhu ratings. This job requires the efforts of our vast number of erhu workers!"

Then I asked for Yan Changqing's contact information, and also left him a contact information, and said: "It's not about relying on the old to encourage you, so I wish you in advance to go further on the road of art!"

Yan Changqing expressed his gratitude, and then watched her and several people leave.

Then Director Yang popped up: "Changqing, we have considered your program comprehensively, and we think it is necessary to adjust it..."

Considered it three seconds ago, right?


Just after playing briefly, Yan Changqing felt that his treatment here seemed to have suddenly improved a lot.

Anyway, I feel that many people's attitudes have become more friendly, probably because there are still people who are the old Xu's students just now!
A series of changes ensued.

Yan Changqing's original accompaniment for children's opera singing is gone.

Because this year's Spring Festival Gala, there happened to be a small program, and the main actors of the crew were eager to participate.

So by the way, I added a program to the back, the erhu solo of the theme song of the TV series.

It just so happened that Yan Changqing was featured in the newspaper because of his performance, and everyone thought it was appropriate to ask him to perform it again on stage. It not only satisfied the demands and curiosity of the public, but also increased the publicity effect of the Spring Festival Gala.

It's quite a feat.

Yan Changqing was also quite satisfied, which meant that he didn't have to accompany a group of children to train and rehearse.

Because after the actors from all over the country are in place, there will be several consecutive rehearsals before the official performance of the Spring Festival Gala.

And there must be various training and adjustments in various details in the middle, especially the programs that need to cooperate with the performance.

But if it's a person, it's much more comfortable!

So Yan Changqing, who walked out of the TV station, felt the winter wind in the capital, so refreshing!

In the next few days, Yan Changqing still visited the Forbidden City every day.

This kind of life is quite leisurely. He called back every now and then to ask how much stock the winery still had, and he could only ask. After all, it was at this point, even if the stock was gone, he couldn't go back.

Besides, he doesn't want to go back!
Every morning, like the old man in the park, he wanders to the Forbidden City, buys a newspaper on the way, and cares about world affairs while walking.

Watching other people have to get up early in the morning, shrinking their heads from the cold, and shivering against the cold wind, but I am not afraid of the cold wind blowing my neck, let alone the comfort.

Human happiness is sometimes as simple as that.

Especially after a heavy snowfall, people who are walking and looking at those people who are accidentally on all fours...

Of course, as a person with medical skills, Yan Changqing still abides by the ethics of doctors, and generally doesn't laugh.

Most of the time, he would go up and help out.

I only smile when I see that people are okay—helping others is the foundation of happiness, and helping others is a happy thing, so I smile.


After the snow, the capital becomes more "Beijing flavor".

Those old eaves, which looked gray and not very good, were half covered by snow, and they looked extraordinarily attractive.

White flowers seemed to grow on the branches of the old locust tree by the roadside, and there were naughty children running along the snow, and then pushed and kicked the tree, watching the white flowers fall one after another...

And then this naughty bear kid will hold up the camera, trying to capture the scene of the snow ball falling in the air.

When they got to the entrance of the Forbidden City, the people at the ticket office knew this little tourist who came to report every day, and they joked: "Are you taking advantage of the heavy snow to experience the 'Lenggong Palace'?"

Yan Changqing smiled: "You should provide high-altitude shooting services. If you can take pictures of the Forbidden City from the sky at this time, it must be beautiful!"

"Hey, this is a good idea. Then I will report back to the leader. If your opinion is adopted, the next time you come, catch up with me on duty, and I will give you a free ticket."

This promise is a bit too fake, but forget it, it's only a few dollars anyway.

Yan Changqing smiled: "Why don't you provide me with a ladder as a thank you now, and let me go in and take some photos."

The conductor was speechless immediately: "You really dare to think, and you are not afraid that before the ladder is set up, the guns of the guards inside will set us up first!"


A few days passed in such a leisurely way.

On this day, Yan Changqing bought a newspaper as usual and read it while walking.

Looking at it, I saw the news I wanted.

Then I went to make a phone call to the market: "Uncle, have you read the news? The stock market in Shanghai is going to change the way of issuing stocks."

"I've seen it, can I not watch it!" Chen Youliang said. "What's the matter? I read that they want to buy a subscription certificate, and only people from Shanghai can buy it?"

"Then go and have a look!" Yan Changqing said. "I don't think it should be so strict. Maybe some local people don't want it, so you can just take some from them! Anyway, it's almost Chinese New Year, and there shouldn't be much goods in the market, and there's not much to do except reconciliation. Take your second uncle and you guys to have fun!"

Chen Youliang thought for a while: "Do you think there is money to be made?"

Yan Changqing replied: "I think there is. Why don't you only buy it for Shanghai people? Isn't this a welfare for them? Let's go and see, and buy some if we have the chance. By the way, don't take it with anyone except my second uncle. This kind of thing is not suitable for outsiders to play if you lose money or make money."

Chen Youliang probably understood: "That's fine, just go and have a look. How much do you think we should buy?"

"It's almost enough to buy a 30 yuan one. Hurry up and buy the unregistered one."

 Thanks to "08a", "V Signal Login" and "Book Friends 20161210201137759" for the rewards, thank you for your support!

  Ps: At that time, more than 200 million copies of stock subscription certificates were sold. A certain person who was once on the rich list personally bought [-] copies~~
(End of this chapter)

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