Chapter 180 A Song Moves the Capital
Yan Changqing felt that he was going to become a friend of middle-aged and old people.

Because most of the people around were elderly people, and there were also some middle-aged people who looked a little laid-back.

Noisily wanting to enter the hotel, to find the erhu master.

When the front desk staff saw so many people, it was definitely not good for people to just come in and knock on the door to ask questions. They stood in front of them and stopped people. They politely expressed that they hoped that everyone would not disturb the guests of the hotel.

But there are so many people at this moment, it is reasonable, and it is quite lively for a while.

The two traffic policemen originally thought that everything would be fine if the road was cleared. Seeing this, they became part-time mediators and came up to persuade everyone not to gather.

Yan Changqing was thinking that if he stood up, would these people disperse, or would he continue to let him play?
In the end it didn't work out.

Because there are too many people, it is difficult to talk. Who knows if the person who spoke first shouted for another song, he still expressed it very understandingly, just wanted to ask if there was a performance, and then dispersed.

Obviously, this group of listeners are idlers and have more time. No matter how much the traffic police persuade them, everyone is in high spirits now, and they are not happy to leave like this.

In the end, the two traffic policemen were helpless, and one of them stood up and shouted: "Everyone, please be safe and calm. Let's communicate with the hotel and see if we can go up and ask for information. How about waiting?"

People are waiting here, nothing more than feeling unwilling.

If someone is willing to ask, they feel very satisfied.

Seeing this, Yan Changqing swaggered in and followed a traffic policeman upstairs.

After going up, I saw that there were several people standing at my door, except for Lao Guo and the others, there were also hotel service staff who looked dressed.

The traffic police went up to ask the staff, but Lao Guo came over and said to Yan Changqing: "This is the manager of the hotel, he came to ask if he could give some information so that those people below can disperse quickly."

Yan Changqing felt indifferent, turned to the traffic police and said, "We are here to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, and we will perform at the Spring Festival Gala."

This sentence is enough, the traffic policeman smiled and expressed his gratitude, and then hurried downstairs to give an explanation to the people who are addicted to eating melons.


The few people in the hotel also expressed their thanks, and then apologized for disturbing the guests.

These are the people who went to the Spring Festival Gala, and their attitude is very good.

After they all left, Zhu Changsheng said with a smile: "Changqing's level is really getting better and better. I was taken aback just now. Why did the erhu stop and it was so lively down here, I thought something happened!"

Yan Changqing was looking down from the window, and said with a smile: "I don't know that so many people in the capital like to listen to the erhu. This is on the street. I'm still on the third floor, so I don't want to disturb anyone!"

He actually felt that these people downstairs were really too enthusiastic about life. He just listened to the erhu on the side of the road for a while, and wanted to know who was playing the erhu, and they were reluctant to leave.

If it was changed to the period when he used to work, even if he heard the music he liked, most of the time he just stopped for a while, listened to it and continued to walk hurriedly...

People who are willing to go over to inquire about music information are full of love for life.

If you inquire about music information and buy it immediately, listen to it frantically, and buy related music after listening to it...then most likely you are still a student.

Generally, migrant workers don’t have this kind of enthusiasm.


As a result, people were more enthusiastic than Yan Changqing thought. After a while, the traffic police came up again and brought everyone's opinions: "Everyone thinks that you haven't finished playing the last song just now. Was something interrupted? Can you continue playing?"

This requirement is quite easy to meet, and it is easy to do.

Yan Changqing nodded, entered the room amidst the thanks of the traffic police, came to the window sill, and picked up the erhu again.

What did you play just now?

It's nothing, he pulled it casually, and he himself forgot.

After thinking about it for a long time, I thought of the most popular one now, which is also the theme song of "Desire" that my mother often hums and forced me to play several times.

Speaking of his commercial slogan "Long Time Love, Cup Cup Good Day", the words Long Time come from this song.

Because the four hottest words now are "long years".

In the streets and alleys, in the fields, adults and children will hum a few words: the long years, I want to say that I was so confused...

It is said that the audience rating of this drama has reached 96.3%, and some people even say it is higher.

There is even data showing that after the broadcast of this TV series, the crime rate in society has decreased, because everyone is following the series and has no time to go out and do things.

Regardless of the ratings of 90.00%, it is true that the popularity is terrifying. It is unimaginable for later TV series to think that people all over the country listen to the same song and watch the same picture at a certain time.

Yan Changqing thought it over, got ready, recalled the episodes that his mother forced to watch, and then thought about the longing in this song, his hands immediately moved.

Just as the sound of the erhu sounded, there was a faint sound from downstairs, and then it became quiet.

As the years passed, the more I said I was so confused...

The long road of life, searching up and down, longing in the heart, living sincerely...

Ordinary life, with you and me.

Different faces, different experiences, but the only thing in common is everyone's yearning for a better life.

Sometimes in life, we can’t tell whether our choice is right or wrong. We want to ask, but no one can answer. Gratitude and resentment, right and wrong, in the end, it’s just a piece of the past, like an ordinary song.

In the end, it is still the lights of thousands of families that accompany the world.


It is really a touching song. Whether it is writing the lyrics or composing the music, they have carefully considered every sentence and every score.

There is no gorgeous rhetoric, just like ordinary words, gently telling a story of the past in people's ears.

There are shadows and lives of all people in this story.

So much so that at the end of the song, Yan Changqing played it again, again and again...

Everyone has desires and memories, and in the end, we continue to move towards future life with desires and memories.

After playing it three times in one breath, Yan Changqing felt very satisfied.

He looked up and looked downstairs, it seemed that there were more people.

But this time there was no traffic jam. Everyone stood quietly by the side of the road and listened. Some people seemed to laugh when they listened, then cried again, and then laughed again...

Isn't life like this, there are crying and laughing.

The music ended for a while, and the people didn't make any noise this time, and didn't shout another song, and gradually dispersed.


In the afternoon, Yan Changqing stopped practicing erhu. He put on his bag and prepared to take a stroll around the Forbidden City.

Walking on the small street full of Chinese pagoda trees, there are not many pedestrians on the road. The capital city is a bit cold at this time, which is something I will not experience in the future.

The pagoda tree is not tall, and the branches that have lost all their leaves are in a mess, watching quietly by the roadside.

Most of the courtyard houses on the side of the road have closed doors, and some of the doors have not been well repaired, and the traces of the years are still left on them.

As we walked, there were more and more pedestrians, and we saw Houhai.

The ice on the water looks quite thick, but there are people with red armbands on the side of the road watching eagerly. When they see someone trying to go up and try skating, they will go over and stop it immediately.

The winter sun is not very warm here, but it can bring psychological comfort to people.

There are also some elderly people who are exercising by the water with great interest, posing in poses, as if they are swallowing the aura of heaven and earth.

But Yan Changqing really wanted to go forward and tell him that your breathing rhythm is not right, it is useless.

After several years of rebirth, although the breathing method is still far from being upgraded, Yan Changqing can feel that his body is changing every moment, so if he is right, then theirs is different from his own, so it must be wrong.

It is said that the surrounding area is a distribution center for rock and roll.

However, Yan Changqing was not very interested. He was a lifelong worker. He was told by others since he was a child, and he himself has always believed that only by suffering can he enjoy happiness, so he has never indulged himself in bars or other places.

Fortunately, these words did not disappoint him in the end. He insisted on suffering for most of his life, and finally persisted until he was reborn, and he began to enjoy happiness!
Sure enough, no one lied to me.


Ancient buildings, palaces, buildings full of history...

After going around here again and again, Yan Changqing decided to take everyone to enjoy the blessing together.

In the evening, I found someone in a very busy restaurant and had a big meal together.

When eating, he felt that this area is quite suitable for living, the scenery at the entrance is good, there are places where you can walk around, and there are many restaurants, so you don't have to travel too far for a meal.

So he muttered: "This house is not expensive now, is it?"

Zhu Changsheng was stunned for a moment: "Who would buy this kind of old house? If you want to buy it, you can buy a high-rise building in the urban area. It's a lot of effort to live in. You can see the scenery of half of the city by opening the window."

Yan Changqing was happy: "Now I can see half of the tall buildings in the city. In a few years, there will be more tall buildings, and I can only see the shadows of the tall buildings next to me."

Zhu Changsheng thought for a while: "That's right, then you have to pick a good place, and there will be no tall buildings nearby. But it definitely won't work here. The house is too old and dilapidated. I just heard people say that it is still a cultural relic and cannot be rebuilt casually."

Yan Changqing nodded, didn't say any more, just thought about it, there's no rush.

The main thing is that I don’t come to live often, I just plan to buy a place to stay, otherwise it would be inconvenient to stay in a hotel every time, so as not to block the road with an erhu, and the impact will be bad.


I don't know if the impact is good or not, but it is not small.

Because the Beijing Evening News and several tabloids published this incident that day.

A erhu instrument master who came to participate in the Spring Festival Gala performance practiced in the window on the third floor of the hotel where he lived, but was heard by passers-by, who couldn't help but stood on the side of the street and listened.

Unexpectedly, there were too many passers-by listening to it, and some people came to listen with their friends and companions. In the end, the street was blocked for a long time, and the traffic police were even called to evacuate the traffic.

And after the traffic resumed, everyone still refused to disperse, so the master had to play "Desire" three times in a row at the window, and the people gradually dispersed.

Even the reporters expressed regret that they were so engrossed in listening to it at the time, and they dispersed with everyone after the end. They even forgot their own work, and did not expect to go upstairs to interview the erhu master.

The news these days is not particular, and the photos of the address are directly published.

(End of this chapter)

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