Chapter 179
Yan Changqing has always believed that if the market is doing well, it will still be no worse than the winery.

Now everyone has been running a lot, and they feel more and more that they are not capable enough, so they have engaged in "partnership and batching", which is cross-shareholding.

Originally, it was divided into product categories, but now it is directly divided into regions, a group of fleets is divided into one region, all the goods in the market are distributed uniformly, and the same is true for the goods brought back. The market side is responsible for splitting transactions to ensure basic fairness.

Basic fairness is enough. People who run too much and have insufficient vision have gradually become eliminated and can only follow others.

Those who can continue to lead the team have a broad vision, or a big heart. In short, they don't care about those temporary benefits, and only think about how to make the plate bigger. If the plate is a little bigger, what you get is much better than that little profit.

This is also the way that everyone has gradually explored over the past few years, through wind and rain, and sharing joys and sorrows.

Whether it is suitable or not, no one knows for the time being. Anyway, it will be changed in the future if it is a big deal. The important thing is that everyone has helped each other until now, and some small interests will not cause troubles so that they will never communicate with each other.

Yan Changqing said that the children in the family grew up together, and now you are splitting, and the next generation will grow up and continue to split?
Think about who would stand up without hesitation when encountering danger on the road. Could it be possible to find an outsider?

At the time when something happened, who would think that you plucked my food in the village, and I would pick up a few extra pieces of fat from yours?

After going out and running for so long, everyone at least understands one of the simplest truths, unity makes us strong, and division makes us weak.

In short, it’s okay for a group of big bosses to talk nonsense, and it’s okay to say that they are bored, but if they can’t do it, they have a fight on the wine table, continue to discuss when they are sober, and slowly get over it.

As Yan Changqing said, if you go out and have a look, you basically have no way out, you can only move forward, not backward.

if not?
Go back to the village and live the days of eating sweet potatoes all year round?Live the days when you can't afford to pay the public grain?
Who would?

Chen Youliang thought about it for a long time, but he still hasn't made up his mind.

He is actually pretty good now. A young man from a small town has now become the largest, if not the largest, market with a radius of hundreds of miles, at least it is considered a small well-known market.

Although the speed of earning money has slowed down now, it depends on who you are comparing with. Anyway, if you have a meeting in the city now, an invitation letter from the Taoshu Township market must be indispensable.

But the vision thing, look at what era, let alone him, Asia, which is now in full swing, has suddenly closed down!

Who can see the future?
Yan Changqing felt that his uncle should be in a period of confusion and needs to be encouraged and supported, so he suggested to him: "I have to go to the capital after a while, but I expect that there may be some troubles, so I will call you when the time comes! It's not a big deal, and you don't need to make any preparations."

Chen Youliang was thinking about the division of shares, when he heard this, he nodded subconsciously, expressing that he remembered.

He is becoming more and more calm now, not at all like a young man who was almost 30 years old. After all, there are big bosses in the market, and he can't handle some things if he doesn't behave calmly.

Hearing that Yan Changqing said it was not a big deal, he didn't care.

It's really not a big deal, and it doesn't cost much to buy a 'Certificate of Wealth'. Can something worth 30 yuan be called a piece of money?


Not long after the winter solstice is New Year's Day.

Yan Changqing was very busy, because even children knew that Chinese New Year was the peak season for liquor consumption, especially bottled wine. Even people living in poverty in the countryside had to prepare a few bottles of wine, even the cheapest, to save face.

Not to mention in the city, the wine that is usually a little more expensive for home use as a gift for favors has become a popular product for everyone to buy at this time.

The two auspicious names, Good Day and Backgammon, are simply too suitable for the Chinese New Year, and they have a good and festive meaning.

But Yan Changqing was going to the capital, so he had to prepare the goods before leaving, so as not to be caught off guard.

As a result, Yan Changqing felt that he was soaked in wine from head to toe every day recently, and he almost reached the effect of ten miles of fragrance when walking.

But being busy is rewarding, and he can get great comfort by glancing at the skill progress bar.


Pack your bags, take a few sets of clothes, and put on your own big backpack. Under the watchful eyes of the whole village, the whole family set off together.

Even the grandparents got into the car, and the car-sick grandma didn't care about herself and dared not take the car, so she insisted on going.

The old man Yan Xingwang's legs and feet were running more and more agile now, and he brought people to prepare firecrackers, and paved them along the side of the road from the wheat threshing field to the intersection of Shangda Road.

As soon as the van started, he lit firecrackers at the back, and the crackling firecrackers continued all the way, sending Yan Changqing off to the capital.

When we arrived at the market, this side was outrageous. Even the gongs and drums team was ready to go. Someone was guarding the side of the road. When they saw a car, they waved their hands, and the rumbling drums sounded.

Amidst the sound of firecrackers, gongs and drums, I picked up the second uncle's family again. This time it took a long time to go, but I didn't expect that my grandma didn't feel dizzy all the way to the city.

It seems that a good mood can cure most minor problems.

But I have to look at my second uncle's skills when I go back. Fortunately, I am not in a hurry to go back, so I can walk slowly.


Running all the way, checking in, sleeping.

Early the next day, I went to CCTV to report, and told my acquaintance Chen Tingzhu where I lived, and if there was anything, I could report it in time.

The rehearsal was actually still early, but Yan Changqing was afraid that the train travel would be blocked in winter, so he advanced his departure time.

Then they set off with Zhu Changsheng, Guo Laosong and the three of them. After searching for a long time, they found an erhu shop in an alley.

This was asked by Chen Tingzhu, who said that the master master of the erhu here was retired from the old musical instrument factory in Jingcheng, and he was good at the erhu.

Yan Changqing's 30 yuan erhu was actually not bad at all, and the wood was also mahogany.

However, mahogany is also divided into good and bad. It is definitely worth buying for 30 yuan, but it is a bit difficult to bring it to the capital, so this time I simply came here empty-handed and bought a good one here.

When Yan Changqing walked out of the alley with the erhu, he felt a little regretful. It turns out that there are not many eccentric masters in the legend, and most of them can be sold casually as long as the money is in place.

He thought he would encounter various tests, and finally he shocked everyone by relying on his second-level skills. In the end, the master handed out the [-] erhu that he had treasured for many years as a gift, and he didn't want a penny!
Unexpectedly, it was still a deal.


Just arrived on the first day, Yan Changqing was tired from seeing everyone else, and he just bought a new erhu, so he didn't plan to go out, and planned to get acquainted with his new partner at the hotel.

When a few people arranged the room, they were afraid that he would not be able to rest well, so they wanted him to live in a room close to the inside.

But Yan Changqing felt that it was more comfortable to have the window facing the street, and besides, he was not afraid of not being able to sleep well.Now it is just right, the window is close to the street, which is suitable for practicing Erhu while looking at the sky outside.

In fact, looking out of the window at the capital of this era, I really have a feeling.

The road is very spacious, so you don't have to worry about traffic jams everywhere, and you can still enjoy riding bicycles.

The buildings still retain the imprints of various eras, including ancient courtyard houses, modern small bungalows and tile-roofed houses, and high-rise buildings that have risen from the ground.

Walking on the street, it seems that the last step is still in the alleys hundreds of years ago, and the next step is to come to the modern city. The illusion of a century-old era always makes people feel in a trance.

This is the charm of this city.

It’s really not necessary to look at those high-walled courtyards, just look at the courtyards in small alleys, full of human fireworks, full of authentic Beijing accent old men and old ladies, people who are running around for their lives...

It's true.

Anyway, Yan Changqing thinks it's good, so in the erhu song in his hand, there is this kind of beauty that he missed and met again.

After all, it won't be long before the high-rise buildings will flood the alleys, and the pedestrians walking on the street will be replaced by office workers walking in a hurry.

It is said that the park on the Houhai side has been repaired quite well now, but I went to the Forbidden City a few times, only focusing on improving my skills, so I didn't go to see it.

Maybe it has something to do with mentality. When you slow down, you can always find a lot of beauty.

Therefore, the sound of the erhu also became more melodious according to his mood, with a kind of carelessness, but he did not forget to browse the scenery on the roadside.

It's not the wage earner who is so focused on making money that he even looks at the scenery in a hurry.

And I won't feel uncomfortable because of occasional strange gazes from people on the street.


After a few pieces, Yan Changqing felt that the erhu he just bought had become his old friend.

He looked at the sky and the houses in the distance. Although he was only on the third floor, he somehow felt like sitting alone on a tall building to listen to the wind and rain, and to see all the changes in the world, so the sound of the erhu became more and more ethereal.

My mind is gradually empty, I don’t think about anything, and my hands are no longer obsessed with a certain piece of music, just like a tourist riding a horse on the grassland. He doesn’t deliberately look for a certain place. He just needs to let go of the stiff rope and let the horse take him. Walk freely on the grassland.

There is the leisure of picking chrysanthemums and seeing Nanshan leisurely under the eastern fence, and the freedom and ease of walking to the water poor and sitting and watching the clouds rise.

I close the South Tower to read Taoism books, and I live in Xianju with a quiet curtain.

This is not a street, it is clearly anywhere he wants to be.

Jingting Mountain, which you can never get tired of looking at, is the Taishan Mountain with the beauty of good fortune, and it can also be the giant Aoyong of the three mountains, and the vast ocean where the rocs fly thousands of miles away...


It wasn't until Yan Changqing was startled by the sound of the car horn that he came back to his senses that he realized that he was a little too fascinated.

Changing to a new erhu, it’s like someone who likes to drive has just bought a new car, or someone who likes beautiful women has just bought a new top card. The feeling is different, so it’s normal to focus.

But anyway, in the capital, there are also people who don't talk about public morals, honking the horn hard and honking non-stop, right?

Looking outside, since when are there so many people on the street?

Even if the street is full of people, there are also many people standing on the street, and there are a few old men and women sitting in small chairs further away. Do you think this big road is your backyard?

A little further away, there were a few cars parked on the road with their doors open.

Are the traffic rules in my big capital just so ignorant?Can the road be used as a parking lot?

The horn of the car in the distance rang again, and the group of people standing below seemed to have regained their senses.

And then someone applauded, one, two...

Suddenly there was thunderous applause on the street, and some people cheered enthusiastically, thinking that this was a grand theater, as if they were watching a play, and the cheers were mixed with shouts for another one...

Yan Changqing understood a little bit, he put away the erhu, then opened the door, and walked out as if nothing had happened.

Go downstairs, go out, stand on the side of the road...

"sounds so good……"

"Yes! I've never heard such a comfortable erhu..."

"Let's just say, how could it be that I'm the only one who feels good..."

"The lingering sound lingers on for three days! Now I can still hear the sound in my ears!"

"Yes! I was walking on that street, and when I heard Yin'er, I felt a wave of spiritual energy rushing in from Tianling Gai, and I felt very comfortable! Follow Yin'er and we're here..."

"This is a fairy song! Where did the master come from? I don't know if he came to perform in a theater. If you can't hear it in the future, you will be at a loss..."

"Yeah, yeah, why don't we go up and ask?"

"Let's go, let's go, don't gather together, everyone has finished listening, it's time to disperse, don't block the road!"

"Everyone stand aside, get out of the way, let people's cars pass first, make way for a while..."

Yan Changqing turned his head, and there were two staff not far away, busy evacuating the traffic!

There are a lot of people in the capital. At that time, there were not many people on the street, but now it is congested. It is hard work for the two traffic police comrades.

Not only that, there was a person over there who was very interested in taking pictures. After the shooting, he randomly interviewed: "Master, you just heard someone playing the erhu here, right? Doesn't it sound good?"

The uncle is still very hot-tempered, and he just said a series of words: "It doesn't sound good that I can run here. I didn't see that my legs and feet are not good. It's easy for me to walk two steps! You have the time to interview me, go ask who plays this erhu, and go to the theater to perform a performance, so everyone can listen to it, okay?"

There was a sneer on the face of the questioner: "I haven't squeezed in yet? Anyway, the sound is coming from upstairs, so he can't run away, can he?"


In a blink of an eye, the road gave way, and the driver looked at the people on both sides full of doubts, and drove slowly without forgetting to ask: "Dude, what happened here just now?"

"Listening to Xianle! Haha, when you drive the car, you will hear the car roaring. You are at a loss!"

"Is it as good as you say?"

"It doesn't sound like there are so many people blocking the road to listen. Anyway, I made money today. Standing on the street is worth more than spending twenty cents to go to the theater..."


Yan Changqing listened to the discussion, looked at the people who had lined up for a long time on both sides of the road, and then looked up at the window position on the third floor where he was just now, and felt that the second-level skills were really good.

It can attract people from such a distance, and I don't know what it will become when it reaches the third level.

But still the same sentence, no skill is as easy as making wine, and quantity trumps everything.

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw the crowd gradually gathering around me, and many people were still yelling that they were going to see the master who played the erhu, and asked if they were going to perform, and then they were going to hold a show...

(End of this chapter)

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