Chapter 178 Handling the Conversation
It was almost noon when the police station arrived in a new van.

Yan Changqing directly displayed the stolen wine: "The market price of these four bottles is about 200 yuan, and the price of this bottle is about 100 yuan, which is not too high, and the total is 900 yuan. Just look at it, and take it away after dinner later!"

The people who came were all acquaintances, the big Xiong Qishan and Xiao Wang, it was time for dinner, and they had to have a meal before leaving.

Xiao Wang just smiled: "Boss Yan is quite humane!"

These days, the crime of theft is basically about 1000 yuan for one year. Yan Changqing only needs to say a little more, and the sentence is certain.

However, the 900 yuan he said happened to be close, and it was in a situation where it could be awarded or not, so there was some room for it.

Of course, there will be a public trial meeting next. Regardless of whether there is a sentence or not, it is inevitable to show up on the public trial truck.

As for the specific sentence or not, it depends on the situation. When you turn back, you will ask clearly whether it is a temporary obsession with money or a habitual offender-but it is probably more likely that you are obsessed with money, because after you are arrested, you will be informed. Paralyzed, unable to cry, just shut up in a small dark room in a daze!
Yan Changqing needless to say these things, Xiao Wang also understands, that's why he is quite humane.

A few people are not very polite. Boss Yan’s treats are more unique, that is, everyone goes to the cafeteria to eat together, and at most two side dishes are added. The wine is scooped from the tank. No one persuades you to drink if you want. .

Yan Changqing was still in the mood to joke while eating: "Brother Xiong, a girl of eighteen is a flower!"

Xiao Wang instantly turned his head to face the open space, bursting out laughing.

It was about the daughter-in-law Mei Lele that Xiong Qishan 'bought'. That girl did not leave in the end. She worked as a temporary worker in a labor service company. After learning how to use a sewing machine, it is said that she often used her work to make insoles and the like. Give Xiong Qishan some small things.

After the salary was paid, it was even more serious. Every now and then, I bought some snacks and sent them over. Seeing that they were not rejected, they started to intensify their efforts. They asked Xiong Qishan when he was on duty, and made meals for him and sent them over.

From Xiong Qishan's refusal at the beginning, to half push and half reluctance, and now he can eat other people's food with peace of mind... The two of them didn't say anything clearly, but others can see that now that they eat other people's food, sooner or later they have to sleep in other people's bed.

Although the girl is not yet of marriageable age, it is not so strict now, anyway, the age is an adult - she was seventeen when she was rescued, and eighteen now.

How do you know her age?
It was when she delivered food one day, she told Xiong Qishan that she had just celebrated her birthday two days ago, and now it is!
These words are very intriguing, anyway, I understand everything.

Originally, the girl said it quietly, but unexpectedly, the police station's house was old and dilapidated. Not only was it not soundproof, but it was amplified. Even Yan Changqing, who was far away in the winery, knew about it.

Xiong Qishan just laughed.

He used to have to refute when people mentioned him, but now he is used to it. Anyway, his face is dark, and others can't tell whether he is blushing or not.

Although the girl Mei Lele is a little silly, her appearance is still good, but her skin is a little darker.

But now that he's working, he doesn't have to be exhausted from the wind and sun like before, and he has changed from a female student. Anyway, many people in the police station still envy Xiong Qishan.


A few people were joking and eating. The two had tasks and didn't drink. After eating, they wiped their mouths and left with them.

Only two hours later, Xiao Wang called and said a few names.

Then Yan Changqing called over to Director Wan and gave him a few names: "Let's fire them all!"

Director Wan was a little surprised: "This is?"

"Don't report what you know." Yan Changqing said. "The people at the police station asked. These people knew that he was leaving with alcohol in his pocket. Isn't this kind of person who knows the truth and doesn't report it just eating inside and outside?"

"Today they saw someone taking things and they didn't say a word. Maybe if we didn't find out, they would start taking things tomorrow. The winery can't tolerate such people, let them go! Remember to inform the whole factory, so that the newcomers can be safe. point."

Director Wan nodded: "Okay!"

Before leaving, I couldn't help but sigh: "Some people are just not satisfied, and they want more when they have a good job. Greed kills people!"

Yan Changqing hehe: "This kind of person is not greedy, but stupid, and they are not worthy of sympathy. They can still sell a few bottles of cheap wine, but they can sell high-priced ones. The monthly wages of ordinary cotton factory workers are not enough to buy a bottle. Can they find someone to buy it?"

Factory Manager Wan didn't say any more, went out to get rid of people, and notified the whole factory by the way.


On the day of the winter solstice, many people came to the winery.

My aunt's family, my second uncle's family, and the original villagers who happened to be in the market found merchants. In short, those who were close all went home.

Now everyone still attaches great importance to the winter solstice. Although Yan Changqing thinks it is just making dumplings, he thinks there should be a saying here, but he is young and a primary school student, so he doesn't know.

Yan Changqing greeted everyone, and when it was time to eat, he came to his father with dumplings.

Yan Haihai glanced at him: "I plan to expand the chicken farm next year, enough to raise [-] chickens. I pruned and planted a lot of goji berries that you planted there this year, but the results are not many, I think Find a knowledgeable person and ask."

"That's fine!" Yan Changqing nodded. "Three thousand chickens is not a lot. I'm afraid it's not easy to find someone who knows what the wolfberry said. I'll get it from the agricultural school and see if anyone understands it."

Yan Haihai thought for a while: "Then I'll go back and find out, but I don't know how much it costs to hire a master. Now the chicken farm doesn't make a lot of money, it's only 8000 yuan a month, and there's not much left after cost. .”

Seven or eight thousand is very good these days, which is equivalent to the average salary of several years.

However, Yan Changqing has been quite busy recently, so he didn't understand what he said, and was still asking, "Has the price of eggs increased recently?"

"Slightly increased." Yan Haihai said. "It is estimated that it will increase, so I plan to raise [-] chickens next year."

This time, Yan Changqing heard his father emphasize [-] chickens again, and he understood a little bit: "That's amazing, [-] chickens, I need to hire a few more people to help, my mother won't have time to run in the future played."

Yan Haihai received a satisfactory signal, nodded, and asked casually, "Your winery is very popular now! You often ship wine outside recently? How much can you earn a month now?"

"It's okay!" Yan Changqing nodded. "It's not doing well this month. It's only sold three million yuan so far, and the profit is only half... just a little more."

I won't talk about how much, alas, after all, for the sake of family affection, I should say less to maintain my father's self-confidence.

The scene was a little awkward for a while, Yan Haihai nodded: "Well, not bad."

As he spoke, he finished picking the last two dumplings in the bowl, stood up and went to fill the dumplings.

Yan Changqing waited for a while, but no one came over. Could it be that there are not enough dumplings?
Do the people in the kitchen feel that the wages are hot?Do we have to fire a few as a deterrent?
Think about the nepotism who is in charge of the kitchen, and my own aunt, then forget it!

In a blink of an eye, Chen Youliang came over: "Changqing, the momentum of the winery is a bit fierce!"

"This is just the beginning!" Yan Changqing was quite calm. "Good wine is the key. What I'm launching now is only low-end wine. When I launch high-end wine, the profit will be higher."

The second-level brewing technology is really a bit of a dimensionality reduction blow, so Yan Changqing is quite confident.

Now there is no advertisement for the mid-range wine backgammon series, and the sales are gradually increasing by matching the good life series. The facts have once again proved that really good things cannot be hidden.

Moreover, the raw materials for brewing are the same, and the difference lies in the invisible and intangible technology. If this cost is excluded, what is the profit?
So it's really just getting started.

Chen Youliang lowered his head and thought for a while: "Let's redistribute the shares!"

"What?" Yan Changqing was taken aback at the time, I just showed off, what's the matter?This is not usually something I can show off to others, so I told you.

"The market has developed and stabilized now, and it's just like this. The rest is to see how far these people can go." Chen Youliang said slowly. "Your winery is so aggressive at the beginning, I can't figure out what will happen in the future."

"Also, it's been a year since the stock you asked to buy, and the current momentum is still rising. You also predict that there will be major changes in the future, and it can still rise?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "It can indeed increase."

Chen Youliang swallowed the dumpling in his mouth: "Look, I also read the news every day, but I can't see anything. I just have no idea how far this stock will rise in the future."

"Your winery, I originally thought you were joking when you said that you made hundreds of millions a year in the last Spring Festival Gala. Now I don't think it's a bit different. An advertisement in a province can sell so much in a month. What about in the future? I Still nothing."

"I don't want to do such a worthless business. You can take back the shares in the winery! The shares don't have much money, so I just listen to you, and you can make as much or as little as you like. But I don't know anything about wineries. No more."

Yan Changqing opened his mouth, but before he could speak, his uncle continued: "Don't worry, I have a plan in my mind for what I do, and you know that. We did business from the very beginning, when it was Do it with a dull head, but we also planned it, right, and what we did was a reasonable thing.”

"But the current development momentum of the winery, I really don't know. With my current ability, it is a bit difficult to manage the market. Do you know that in addition to watching the news, I also go to our city school to buy a lot of books for self-study? "

"It's a bit useful to learn, but it's not very useful now. In short, what I mean is, how much ability can eat as much rice, if your winery is like it used to be, it's still within my ability, the two of us I don’t say anything to one person and half, you can go if you want to do something else at any time, and I will take over at any time and continue to do it.”

"But at this point, if you continue to toss for two months, and you throw it to me later, I will be killed immediately, believe it or not? This is beyond my ability, I can't do it. You let me earn what I do I can't afford the money, is it interesting for me to take it?"


Yan Changqing thought for a long time before opening his mouth: "If you don't tell me, I want to talk to you. Your market hasn't done well yet, and now it's just a start. Why do you think it's over? Going west, some of them went to Qing Province Don’t you? Pull a full load of goods, and bring back local things at random. This is a waste!”

"There is so much land and abundant resources over there, how could there be so little that can be brought. Now their eyes are only on the factory's production and the finished products, and they don't think about anything else? Cordyceps medicinal materials? We have never touched these things, Did you study women's pants before? Aren't we still selling bodybuilding pants?"

"I don't dare to go further west, but as long as they are willing to pay for it, the locals will naturally transport the things to where we can go. Broaden your horizons, and you can bring more things. Isn't it good for local products? Are medicinal materials worthless?"

"They are a bit afraid to do it. Aren't you engaging in cross-shareholdings now? If you can't, just say, you can take more of the goods you bring over there, and let them carry them. If we lose, we will lose a lot. That's okay, right? ?”

Everyone in the market started with the two of them from clothing, and then brought small commodities, that is, from the more developed Jiangcheng and further south, selling industrial products.

A fixed mindset has been formed, and the thinking has not changed for a while.

Now some people have already reached the edge of Qing Province. Going there is a bit unpleasant to be honest, but it is also a reality, and it is a bit unsuitable to continue running there.

Language is one aspect, and customs are all aspects of the problem.

The current traffic situation is actually very good in Gansu Province. It is purely because they brought scarce products there. They gradually made friends with some locals and were willing to take them west. go further.

But that's it. If you're not familiar with the situation, there will be more fuel in the car than the cargo, and the safety problem will be a big problem.

Chen Youliang thought for a while: "Then I'll discuss it with everyone later, organize a large motorcade, and go over to have a look."

"Then let's wait for the weather to be warmer after the Chinese New Year!" Yan Changqing said. Now it's impassable over there. Basically, after October, it will get colder and colder there, and it will start to snow in November. .

"It must be warmer in the next year." Chen Youliang nodded. "Then what I just said, the winery, when will you be free, let's change the shares?"

"You let me think again." Yan Changqing said. "I basically don't go to the market. You don't lose money every month. Didn't the winery rely on the market in the early stage? Now you can divide it if you want. I have to think again."

"What can you think about?" Chen Youliang slightly raised his voice, then looked around, then lowered his voice. "You just say, is the money we save now enough to last a lifetime? If there is more, how much is a head? I am sure I will continue to work in the market, and I only want the market..."

If you stop now and spend all your money on land, it will definitely be enough for a lifetime.

"That's fine, the market will take care of you." Yan Changqing's mind immediately cleared up. "If you think you can do the market, then let's exchange it. You will have half of me and half of me, and the two halves will be exchanged directly. It doesn't work, the winery still has to rely on you to deliver the goods!"

"Forget it, [-] points! I take [-]% of the market, and I don't take it for nothing including the gas station. I will definitely help out in the future. You also take [-]% of the winery. Anyway, the cars on your side Deliver to me anytime."

Still the same sentence, money is earned, and relatives are a matter of life.

 Thanks to book friends "08a" and "book friends 20220812183836149" for the rewards, thank you for your support!

  Today is the third watch, there are many words
(End of this chapter)

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