Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 177 Industry Change Management

Chapter 177 Industry Change Management
After negotiating a big deal with a winery in Xinglong County, and just signed a long-term cooperation agreement, Yan Changqing set off again the next day with his people.

This time I went to a winery in the county.

The winery is a real small winery, which is a bit strange to be true. The new winery has been around for several years. It does not advertise or publicize, and does business purely by word of mouth.

They also sell loose wine, as well as bottled wine. The packaging is simple and the price is not high.

Family business, except for the family members who are relatives, does not even have outsiders. It relies on low cost. Anyway, as long as you earn a little these days, you can live a good life, and it has been in business.

Yan Changqing didn't have to do it himself this time, and let the factory manager talk about it.

Director Wan met with Director Qin of this small winery, and after exchanging pleasantries, they explained their intentions.

Director Qin was a little hesitant: "Our small winery doesn't produce much, and we can't supply too much for you."

Under Yan Changqing's instruction, Factory Director Wan expressed that he did not dislike it: "As much as you want, if you open up production, you can always have ten tons or eight tons a month, right?"

The production volume of wine is actually very flexible. For a small workshop, a wine stove and a small fermentation tank can ferment once in about seven or eight days to produce wine, more than 100 catties at a time, and hundreds of catties a month.

But as long as a few fermentation tanks are added a little and wine is produced continuously, it is not a problem for a small wine stove to produce several tons a month.

The Qin family winery is not a small workshop, and their production can be increased at any time.

But after thinking about it, they sell some loose wine mixed with water, and fill some bottled wine to supply the surrounding rural areas. They don't make much money, but they are stable, and they haven't thought about changing it. They hesitated for a while.

The main reason is that the price given by factory manager Wan is not high, and the small winery is not like the big winery, which can produce without waste and the cost is so low.

Factory Manager Wan didn't mind, and left a phone call: "If there is any situation in the future, you can call at any time, and we will buy puree wine from there. But you'd better hurry, otherwise something may change."


Afterwards, Factory Director Wan followed Yan Changqing like this, and walked around the small wineries in several surrounding counties without stopping.

Some of them were overjoyed when they heard that they could be purchased, and signed a contract on the spot, guaranteeing that the wine was freshly made and not adulterated at all.It is not used for purchases, and it is directly delivered to the door. Even if the profit is less, it is still profit after all.

It's nothing more than spending a little effort, at worst, hiring a few more people. Anyway, these days, people are rushing to hire someone for a day's work for one or two yuan.

If you give me a few cents a day, someone will come.

A winery surnamed Yang even directly stated that as long as you promise to pay on delivery and don’t default on our money, we can still expand production, and we will produce as much as you want.

There are also those who are hesitant like Qin's winery, thinking that they don't make much money, and they need to think about changing the current production model.

Factory Manager Wan always left a phone call and told them that when they were willing to sell the puree wine, they could talk again.


It seems that a group of people have been running for a few days, but the harvest is not very big.

But several people were quite calm, and they stepped up to produce their own wine as usual when they returned to the winery. After all, this is the root cause.

Yan Changqing is the same as before. He usually joins in when the bear children come to play.

A few days later, Factory Manager Qin and those bosses who didn't want to change and disliked the low profit came rushing over: "Do you still want wine? We sell wine!"

Director Wan discussed a series of conditions with them quite calmly.

First of all, the price is lower than before, and secondly, the quality requirements are also raised. At the same time, they are also asked what to do if they want to sell loose wine privately.

Compared with those bosses who directly agreed to supply wine, the conditions are much harsher.

Even so, the owners of these small wineries, for some reason, still held their noses and agreed.


Speaking of which, since Yan Changqing and the others left, for two days in a row, Director Qin always felt that something was wrong.

At any rate, he was a businessman, and he felt that the performance of that factory director Wan was a little bit wrong, as if he was "handling" himself, as if he was sure that he would find them to sell wine.

Is there something wrong?

As soon as I thought about it, I started talking around.

As a result, when I heard the news, I felt as if the bottom of my buttocks were on fire, and I couldn't sit still at all.

Because the official document will be issued recently, the news has been confirmed, and the alcohol market will be rectified.

In fact, it has been reported in the news since the end of last year that at that time it was just a wind blowing, but after the wind blowing, there was no follow-up, and many people didn't care, so what to do.

It's a pity that sometimes the wind doesn't blow indiscriminately.

And this time the rectification is called clean-up and rectification.

It is clearly stated that some informal small wineries and small workshops will be cleaned up and banned, and individual industrial and commercial households are directly prohibited from brewing and dispensing alcoholic beverages.

Moreover, the management of alcohol production enterprises has been strengthened. Those who are already in production must have a production license before they can engage in alcohol production, and the conditions for obtaining a license are strictly stipulated.

As we all know, if the above is strictly one, it will start to become [-] as you go down, and after passing down layer by layer, it may have become three at the bottom, or even four or five.

So Factory Manager Qin seemed to have an engine on his leg, and ran to the relevant department like the wind. When he went to inquire about the permit, he was told directly to stop busy work. I can't come down.

And he was also kindly reminded by the way that it is better to be careful at this pass, go home and put away the production and brewing things early, and don't be the bird that stands out in the limelight.

The one who shoots is the first bird.

When the top says to rectify, the bottom has to respond somewhat, right?
Grab a few typical examples and report them, which also reflects the vigorous and resolute nature of our work.


So the current situation is that wineries that have completed the formalities in advance can now be proud of themselves. If those small wineries with incomplete qualifications dare to come to him and make a report call, he will be closed immediately without discussion.

And things like Factory Manager Qin are happening everywhere now.

Nowadays, there are not so many people who strictly abide by the rules when doing things. It has the same nature as a driver’s license. Now until the next ten years, driving schools are begging people to go, and they will give the certificate for the money. Mail it to your home.

Even so, in the market in Taoshu Township, there are only a few people persuaded by Yan Changqing to apply for a driver's license, and only a small number of people who Yan Changqing didn't directly say are willing to spend a lot of money and run over to get a driver's license. certificate.

That little money is really a trivial matter to them, but some people find it troublesome and don't bother to get it.

The same is true for many small wineries. At first they were unwilling to do so, but now they are not able to do so even though they begged and cried.

So if you want to produce now, you can only do it secretly, at least not dare to make a big show, after all, no one wants to be the one who gets beaten.

But the risk is very high. Few of those caught in the limelight will end up well.

There is another way, that is to find a link.

Take off your own brand and change the name to work for others. In the future, you will listen to others and do whatever you want.

But the established wineries don't need them. At present, there is only a new BBK winery in the nearby area, willing to buy puree wine and give them a name.

So no matter what conditions Factory Manager Wan is asking now, as long as their business can continue, they have to agree no matter how unhappy they are.

You have to promise quickly, otherwise they won't give them this chance, and they can only go back and close the door.


Factory Manager Wan has been busy for several days in a row, and he is quite satisfied with several contracts, so he is stable now.

With these few more contracts, the winery will not be manipulated because the supplier is too single, and it can be done boldly in the future.

For those small wineries, Yan Changqing didn't think that he was a big fish eating small fish. He saved several small wineries. As long as they insist on supplying themselves honestly, they will still have a chance after a few years Hang your own brand!

In fact, in Yan Changqing's previous impression, there were no names of these wineries at all.

In other words, their only option for this rectification is to close the door, and future opportunities are not something they can just grab.

Because the above will continue to rectify the alcohol industry market again due to the problem of counterfeit wine, and then throughout the 90s, various famous wine brands with great vigor began to reshuffle like a big wave, some of them gradually ended, and some simply disappeared without a trace trace.

But this has nothing to do with him, he is just a small character who catches the wind and can't control so much.

He can even take this matter to warn those who do business in the market to see what will happen to those who are too lazy to apply for one certificate and another certificate.

The market will be gradually regulated, so it is better to be prepared early.

But he just said that with the arrival of wine from small wineries and large wineries, his blending workload has greatly increased. Recently, he can't care about "respecting the old and loving the young", let alone caring about other things. .

But fortunately for Feng Yigui, with the sufficient distribution of goods, it is enough to supply steadily in the future, which gave him a period of time to stabilize the current situation.

After actually running the business, he realized how unreliable his original idea was.

Those old wineries have been in operation and management for many years. Once they appeared in the Spring Festival Gala advertisements, they were still busy, and even had a big problem and went down immediately.

He, who has never been a manager, still wants to play the "hibernation" trick, and then directly make a blockbuster, he really thinks too much.


After the winery quickly smoothed out the work of production management, Yan Changqing relaxed again.

The advertisement of high-end wine has not been published, and it is all up to the dealer at present. By the way, I will introduce it to customers who come to buy good days.The price is still a bit too high, which makes many terminal sales customers hesitate.

For a brand that is not well-known, the price is directly aimed at the price of Moutai. Even if the name is auspicious, no one dares to buy too much for a while.

But Yan Changqing was less anxious than before. What happened to the low-end wine? In fact, his profit is higher than the "[-]% profit" stated in the textbook, which can make capitalists risk hanging their heads. .

It all depends on the high skill level, and the current situation is similar to what he expected. Other skills have reached the second level, and the progress bar is basically the same as the air force guy’s copying fishing net. I don’t know how long it takes to move—it may still be false movement.

But the brewing skills are different. After a few days of busy work, take a look, the progress bar is still moving forward.

It is really piled up entirely by quantity.

And if the progress bar moves a little bit, it means that the profit of the winery will be a little bit higher.

Because of the higher brewing technology and blending technology, he can use less self-brewed wine to blend more puree wine purchased from other wineries.

The price of puree wine is only as high as the price of packaging!

The production technology can't keep up these days, and the price of slightly higher-end packaging is higher than the production cost.

Just looking at the purchase price of scrap, Yan Changqing remembers that when he was in high school, the price of pulling carts to collect scrap on the street was still quite high.

The price of ordinary wine bottles ranges from [-] cents to [-] cents, and the slightly better ones cost more than [-] cents. At the time, beer bottles cost [-] to [-] cents at the lowest, and when they were high, they cost [-] cents to [-] cents. The waste paper is also three or four cents a catty (impression price, if there is any mistake, we will not be responsible).

To put it bluntly, the productivity is still insufficient, and no one can do anything for a while, and the price is high, so we can only pay the high price. I can't get a skill to make cardboard boxes and glass by myself. Are you busy?

Time passed quickly, and it was late autumn again in a blink of an eye.

Yan Changqing checked the maintenance of the machine in the workshop, and after confirming that there was no problem, he waved his hand: "Okay, let's continue production!"

Turning to the accountant again, he said, "Remember, the maintenance cost is five thousand and eighty thousand. I have rebuilt this broken machine, otherwise it would have been sold as scrap metal."

The maintenance cost is also counted as the production cost. The originally humble small winery, relying on that brainwashing advertisement, has achieved sales of several million in just a few months. I invited a few interns to work while learning.

Walking out of the workshop, Yan Changqing confessed to Factory Manager Wan: "The winter solstice is here, prepare to butcher pigs and make dumplings! Don't hurt the workers if you eat them, as long as we have a clear conscience."

Director Wan nodded, with a little shame on his face: "Well, the people from the police station are almost here, do you really want to hand them over to the police station?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "I've already called, if I don't hand over to someone, won't I be playing with the police station?"


There are many new workers in the winery. Today, a new worker has dirty hands and feet. Knowing that the price of good wine in the winery is high, he has a crooked mind.

Factory Manager Wan’s decision was a fine—he made the decision because firstly, the rules and regulations of the distillery were not perfect, and the old workers were basically related; People will not be fired, and the fine notice will be very severe.

But when he reported to Yan Changqing, he was asked to call the police station.

These days, there are people everywhere who want to work to earn money but can't find a way out. Yan Xingwang set up a construction team, and those who are willing to work as small workers gather in groups, and even talk about relatives who are far away from eight hundred miles away, and want to enter the project. team work.

That salary is not as high as that given by the winery, the work is dirty and tiring, not to mention the food, can the old man be more generous than Yan Changqing?
The engineering team and the winery are now recruiting people who are already serious outsiders, and those who have a little relationship nearby have already had jobs.

No matter how generous Yan Changqing is, it is not unlimited, and he doesn't care about those things. He is only responsible for instructing and telling others what to do. If they can't do it, there is no way.

Comparing the surrounding large and small enterprises, you will know how good the treatment of the winery is now.

Even in a state-owned enterprise, it is impossible to kill pigs and eat meat every now and then like a winery. If you come here and don't want to work in peace, why don't you keep disgusting yourself?
(End of this chapter)

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