Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 190 Winning the lottery depends on luck

Chapter 190 Winning the lottery depends on luck

After a good night's sleep, Yan Changqing ran to the park the next day to breathe the fresh air of Shanghai.

The most important thing is that he can practice his skills casually here, even if his behavior is weird, it doesn't matter.

After all, others are practicing more advanced qigong, absorbing the air-conditioning of the world - it's really cold this day, especially here in Shanghai, where it's damp and cold.

Yan Changqing practiced his skills, which can only be regarded as pediatrics here.

Speaking of which, some of them may have practiced for a long time. If they are not as bad as before, they should not have practiced much, but they still persist so much, and their spirit is worth learning.

With this spirit of admiration, Yan Changqing exhaled a long breath, then jumped up, stepped on the fence of the flower bed without public morals, and walked on it.

They are all wooden fences, the pointed ones, which are especially good for practicing skills.

Seeing this, those qigong practitioners just casually glanced at it with disdain, and then continued to practice their own qigong.

Yan Changqing ignored their contemptuous gazes.

After coming here a few times, Yan Changqing has already figured out these qigong routines.

For example, the contempt of others now is not the contempt for someone who has no public morality to step on the fence, but the mutual contempt between qigong schools.

Those who stand still and absorb the air-conditioning of the world are generally the mainstream now, and they are "true qigong".Other qigong, such as martial arts qigong, they look down upon.

However, the mainstream "zhenqigong" also despise each other. Generally, it depends on the master's genre, regardless of Wudang and Shaolin, but on who is more powerful.

It's also fun to think about this inexplicable chain of contempt.

At present, those who can send power to send satellites into the sky are the best, and they can despise everything else.

But I don’t know if there will be people who will go directly to Mars or go to space to develop new cities in the future.


In this day and age, some things would feel absurd when written as a novel.

For example, in the matter of water turning into oil, a certain liar surnamed Wang started to cheat a few years ago, and he is still cheating until now, and he can still cheat for a few more years, which is outrageous.

Moreover, this guy lied to the people of the whole country, and it is said that he also got the support of a certain military enterprise, invested hundreds of millions of dollars, and launched a water-to-oil project.

Yan Changqing didn't know too many details, but he still remembered this famous outrageous incident.

Since water can be transformed into oil and can receive hundreds of millions of dollars in investment, and qigong can launch satellites, what big business he, a little prodigy, can do can only be regarded as basic operations, which is a little strange, but it is completely within the scope of everyone's acceptance.


Yan Changqing goes to the park every morning to practice what other qigong masters call "pseudo-qigong" for a while, and then comes back to play cards with his second uncle and uncle to waste time.

I don't have any poker skills, absolutely not, I don't plan to make money from gambling, if it's entertainment...

Yan Erhe was shouting: "Qijin, are you interested? Why are you so clear about playing cards? I won't play with you anymore!"

Yan Changqing could only surrender: "Okay, okay, next time I will leave a card unread, is it okay to bet on luck?"

It's almost there!
Yan Erhe was satisfied, and Chen Youliang watched Yan Erhe win with a smile, and followed him to enjoy the victory with satisfaction.


It was finally time for the lottery.

The three of them were all ready. They laid out all the subscription certificates, took a pen and paper, and prepared to write down the results of the next lottery.

The three of them had money with them, and tomorrow was the time to pay the money. They didn't go to the scene, and it was the same as watching TV anyway.

It started with a speech, and after the speech was over, three beauties came out, ready to shake their numbers manually.

Now it is not the automatic lottery machine like the lottery lottery in the future, but a manual lottery machine that looks like a street popcorn machine with a transparent circle in the middle.

When the time came, the three urban beauties began to shake as if they were starting a walk-behind tractor.

The transparency is for the sake of fairness and justice. After shaking for a while, an exit under the transparent ball was opened, and a number fell out.

Yan Erhe and Chen Youliang were busy remembering the numbers, while Yan Changqing was calmer. Anyway, he knew that the winning rate was about 1%. Even if they bought more than 200 tickets, it would not affect the overall situation much compared to them. After all, more than [-] million tickets were sold.

It's nothing more than everyone earning less.

There were only seven stocks in the first lottery, which was actually quite fast.

When the results came out, the three of them ignored other things, picked out the winning numbers, and prepared to pay money to buy stocks.

The workload is not that big, because they are all consecutive numbers, it is easy to find out, it is repetitive labor, after all, there are more than 1 copies.


The next day, the three of them carried their purses to buy stocks.

Instead of queuing up, go directly to the manager who sold them the subscription card. When he was ready, he took them directly to a special reception room, where there were a few young ladies who were in charge of counting the money and received them specially.

The big family is like cowhide, and no one can do anything about it.

But they are not the most special, because there is another Boss Chen who also bought tens of thousands of copies, and they also enjoy the special collection treatment.

Hand over the money, exchange it for shares, and you're done.

At this time, some stockholders have discovered that they were completely fooled by some public opinion at the beginning, and now many people crowded outside the gate are here to inquire about buying subscription certificates.

Who makes the information unequal, and many people just listen to what others say, and just follow what others say, and they don't even bother to ask in person.

In fact, this kind of subscription certificate was originally a benefit for Shanghai residents, even if the number of shares issued due to the plan was small at the beginning, it was also a benefit.What's more, the number of stocks issued later increased to more than 50, which was really just to give them money.

Don't talk about fairness and unfairness, big cities can develop, that's how they are, just get used to it.


Then it will be fine... no, there is something.

Yan Changqing just discovered one thing. What he knew originally was that the stock market completely lifted the price limit in May. This is clearly written in Yang Wanwan's fortune history.

But in fact, this is not the case. It is just March, and there are two magical stocks on the stock market, which are soaring into the sky.

After further inquiry, these two stocks are pilots, probably to warm up for the release of restrictions in May, and the restrictions on the two stocks were released in advance.

Yan Changqing became entangled. It is said that the stock rose to the highest point in May, but now, looking at one of the stocks, the rise is a bit wrong.

Apart from Yan Erhe who was still watching TV seriously, Chen Youliang also had a big head: "Changqing, why don't we sell these two stocks first? The rise is too scary."

Yan Changqing was trying his best to recall. He remembered that one of these two stocks was the highest until May, and the other was an old stereotype, but it didn't seem to exist in the "stock price myth".

Thank you Wanwan Yang.

After thinking silently, Yan Changqing said with certainty: "The one that sells Yanshi, and the rest will be taken. Yanshi's stock is too small, and the price is a bit inflated now, let's sell it, anyway, I have already made a lot of money."

Chen Youliang nodded: "Let's go!"

Just do it.


As a result, the two of them were dumbfounded the next day, and they were still rising.

If it were someone else, every time the stock price rose by a little, I would feel that I had lost a little money.

But now for Chen Youliang and Yan Changqing, they no longer care about this.

Anyway, I still have a lot of stocks and subscription certificates in my hand.

The outside subscription certificate has now been fired to 7000 yuan, and it continues to rise. Those who actually speculate in stocks are not sold if they have a certificate.

Yan Erhe is rarely tempted: "Qijin, let's just sell the subscription certificate!"

Yan Changqing is very calm about this point: "We buy stocks normally, and the money we earn after selling them is pure profit, and we don't need to pay taxes. Take it back and deposit it in the bank. It's upright, and no one can say anything wrong."

"You are selling subscription certificates now, and the money you earn is not a decent way. We must continue to make a lot of money, and don't leave such a small place with problems that people can talk about."

Chen Youliang nodded: "Yes, what Changqing considers is the long-term approach. Don't think about these things, this is not your specialty. Aren't you optimistic about houses? Go buy a house!"

Upon hearing this, Yan Erhe ran faster than anyone else when he thought that he could finally stop staying in a hotel: "Walk around, I don't want to live here for a long time."


What Yan Erhe likes is the house by the river. He still insists that the real summer is only when he can play in the water.

Passenger ships and cargo ships on the Huangpu River are now very large. Standing on the riverside and looking over, you can see countless ships cruising on the river, which looks spectacular.

But Yan Erhe didn't bother to look at these, and went straight to the house he was looking forward to.

Following the main road into the small road, Qu Long turned around for a long time, and Chen Youliang was annoyed: "Where is the house you are looking for? Can there be a good house here?"

Looking at the houses on both sides, you can tell that what Yan Erhe is looking for is an old and dilapidated house.

Yan Erhe also plausibly said: "We don't live long enough, just buy a small run-down house, the houses elsewhere are expensive!"

"I don't live here." Chen Youliang said firmly. "Don't go, you have to buy it yourself, I won't go anyway."

"I'll go as long as I go, Qijin, can you accompany me?" Yan Erhetou was very firm.

Yan Changqing was watching the excitement, the second uncle's vision of buying a house is as usual!
He thought for a while, and said jokingly: "Why don't you buy a house on the other side of the river? It should be cheaper there now. Besides, you can see that a tower is being built there now. It will be convenient to buy a house there and see the tower when it is completed."

The Oriental Pearl Tower is under construction, which will soon become the Pudong New Area.

Not to mention the house price, the migrant team that Yan Changqing was in back then didn't even have the opportunity to pick up jobs there.

However, Yan Erhe insisted: "It's too far away, I have to cross the river, so I won't go."

Now Yan Changqing was sure, the second uncle didn't have foresight, he was just dawdling by luck, just like in his previous life.

Chen Youliang continued to object: "You said you couldn't find a better place, and you thought it was too far away. You kept saying that you wanted to find a place near the water. Can you see the river here?"

Yan Erhe finally hesitated, as if the place he chose was cheap, and it was a pity that he couldn't see Jiang.

He stopped in his tracks: "Those near the riverside have a good way out, and the price they want is high!"

Chen Youliang hates iron but steel: "The way out is easy for us to go out! Let's run back and forth with money, and you run around in the corners to show that you have money or are you afraid that no one will snatch it?"

Yan Erhe hesitated: "Then I found this cheap place after inquiring for a long time. If you don't buy it, you will lose money!"

Chen Youliang wanted to beat him up: "Are you short of that little money?"

Yan Changqing watched the two discuss with a smile. Anyway, these days, you can make money wherever you buy, it's just a question of how much.

It depends on how lucky the second uncle is, and where he wants to buy in the end.

In fact, watching such excitement is also quite fun!

 Thanks to "Book Friends 20220812193936149" and "08a" for the reward, thank you for your support!

  Today's three changes are over!

(End of this chapter)

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