Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 191 Bridge Repair Carbon Paper

Chapter 191 Bridge Repair Carbon Paper

Chen Youliang and Yan Erhe were standing by the Huangpu River, but the content of their conversation was like the one where the Yangtze River and the Yellow River did not meet for thousands of kilometers.

The two finally found Yan Changqing who was watching the fun, and planned to let him judge.

Yan Changqing raised his hand and pointed at the Pearl Tower under construction: "I'm going to buy a few facade houses near there, and set up a sales point of Backgammon Winery. What you both said has its own reasons, so why don't you just buy each one, and wait and see who will regret it?"

The two of them didn't have any opinion on him buying a facade house, but they both thought his idea was great, they bought their own, and who would regret it in the future?
To put it bluntly, I still have money, just to prove that my words are justified, and buy a house to win or lose.

The key is that housing prices are really cheap for the group of people who got rich early, and not many people think about buying and hoarding houses now, they only buy them when they need them.

Like another boss Chen who bought 6000 stock subscription certificates and earned 100 million, he only spent more than [-] million to buy a few shops here.

The three made a decision and went to an intermediary.

Yan Erhe also changed his mind. He felt that the house he was looking at was really too dilapidated, and he planned to buy it in a place with a view of the river.


The process of buying a house was nothing more than buying it after seeing it, but this time it was not as easy as Yan Changqing's time in Beijing to get the certificate, and the three of them didn't plan to wait here, and planned to go home as soon as possible after the procedures were completed.

On the day before leaving, Yanshi's stock rose to [-] yuan, which was tens of dollars more than when Yan Changqing and the others were liquidated. It was crazy.

But the three of them don't care about these things. They are happy when they play, but once they think of home, nothing else matters. They take the gifts for the family, drive in the car, and go home.

With the experience of coming, the way back will be much smoother.


When they arrived at the Taoshu Township market two days later, Yan Changqing didn't stop, let his second uncle and uncle get out of the car, and drove back home by himself.

Ever since her son left home, Li Xiuni had been muttering so loudly every day that Yan Haihai's ears were ruined. But when she finally saw her son come back, she asked a few words, and then quietly disappeared from the house, appearing in the most crowded place in the village.

The son has already seen it, and now it is more important to go out and show off the gift his son brought her for the first time.

Yan Haihai also saw his son, but he was very busy. Seeing that his son was still alive and kicking, he turned around and went to his own chicken farm.

He has a big plan this year, planning to expand the chicken farm, and now he is about to start hatching chickens, and plans to invite a professional veterinarian from the veterinary station to come to the chicken farm. His son is too busy to count on him, so he has to rely on himself.

Besides, relying on your son's words, will the contribution to the chicken farm in the future be his share?
Just do what you say, Yan Haihai plans to go to the town as soon as possible, go to the veterinary station first, and find out if there are any retired old veterinarians - he learned from the winery and invites retirees.

No one else can do without inviting retirees. Young veterinarians are inexperienced, and experienced veterinarians will not let them go, so they can only find retired ones.


After Yan Changqing visited his grandparents, he went directly to the winery.

First call the factory director, manager and other management personnel over to hold a meeting to inquire about the situation.

After listening to it, I made a call to Mr. Yang to ask what kind of process is needed to build the bridge.

Now the winery is developing too fast, and the bridge can be repaired as soon as possible while it is still in the dry season recently, otherwise it will take another year to wait.

In the end, a funny thing happened, and it didn’t take long for Township Chief Yang to call: “Changqing, the county has said that it’s not under our county’s management. If it’s divided by region, our county can only manage half of it, so it’s not their turn to approve the bridge building.”

Yan Changqing was dumbfounded: "Then who will I turn to to build the bridge? Shall I go to approve the other half first?"

"That's not necessary." Yang Xiang said. "If you follow the procedure, you need to prepare a document, and I'll send it over to let several departments on our side stamp it first, and then you can take it to Tongshan County, and let it be stamped there too."

"Okay!" Yan Changqing nodded speechlessly. He had never heard that the construction of a bridge required the approval of two counties. "Just tell me an idea to save the process!"

Township Chief Yang chuckled: "You ask someone to submit an application to seal that section of the river, and I'll stamp it for you. You can do the same when you go to the other side, and then as long as you don't block the river and stop the flow downstream, you can do whatever else you want."

"That's it?"

"If you're afraid that the other side won't give you a stamp, you just say you don't accept the things from the opposite village and let the people in their village solve it by themselves. Didn't you just do that when you had an electric disturbance back then? It's such a simple matter."

Yan Changqing was speechless. He felt that the idea of ​​Yang Xiangzhang was really simple, but he was not worried that the other side would not stamp it.I didn't expect Lao Yang to be wrong, and even gave him a 'harm trick'.

It is true that internal disunity is a big taboo, and only your own people know what your own people are most afraid of.

The river course is managed by the village, and the land on both sides is managed by the village. Needless to say, Yatouwa here, there is no difference between Zeng Shuangxi's Zhang and the winery's own.

As for the one on the opposite side, as long as you say that you want to borrow the land of the opposite village to build a bridge, you probably have to help with a shovel, so you don't have to worry about it being impossible.

Sure enough, there is an easy way to do things.


Yan Changqing called Director Zhu directly: "Uncle Zhu, I want to build a bridge here, can our oilfield construction team do it?"

Director Zhu asked: "How long is the bridge going to be built? Wait, I'll find someone to go there first and survey the terrain. The bridge building is still quite complicated. How much is the height difference between the two banks, and the geological structure below..."

Yan Changqing interrupted him: "Now it is a small wooden bridge, which cannot pass large vehicles. The height of both banks is also the same, about ten meters..."

Director Zhu laughed at that time: "It turns out that this is the bridge repair. I thought you were planning a big project! Wait until I get someone to call you. This small project is nothing to worry about. It's a vacation for them!"

Comrade Lao Zhu is also on the rise now, and he has started to make sure of everything about the project.

But to be honest, it is really not a big deal to build a bridge in a small river ditch that can be made up with a few wooden piles and a few planks.


After the engineering team arrived, the bridge was repaired in less than a month.

For people on both sides of the strait, this is a great thing. Although other people don’t use it very much, a solid and reliable concrete bridge, especially the solid bridge railings on both sides, is more reassuring than the original wooden bridge.

Moreover, it is also a kind of testimony to witness that a wooden bridge has been transformed into a concrete bridge that is not afraid of flooding and being destroyed in just one month.

As usual, when the project was completed and ready for trial operation, a bunch of firecrackers were set off to celebrate amidst everyone's joy.

However, this bridge is too small, and the place where it was built is not considered an important traffic route, and no one came to interview it. It is a little regrettable that the winery has become famous.

And no one came to celebrate, only Township Chief Yang ran over with a few people and brought a certificate of merit, although it was only issued by the township, it was considered a commendation for Yan Changqing.


On the contrary, the engineering team felt a little sorry, saying that such a small job was a little sorry for the good wine they drank every day.

The oil field distributes good days wine during the Chinese New Year. They know that the wine is not cheap in the market, but they drink it at the winery, even though there is no bottle, it is obviously better than that kind of wine.

Thinking about the wine that the celebrity in the ad is holding, it is natural to know that this wine is worth a lot.

Of course, for the winery, this is not a problem, and there are not many people in the engineering team, so how much can they drink?
But Yan Changqing still took advantage of the situation and said, that's just right, if you feel sorry, give us some advice on how to repair the cement road.

He planned to repair the road of Dayan Village, from the front to Xiaoliwan intersection, from the back to the winery, and all the way to the bridge.

This kind of project does not require an engineering team in the oil field, and people will still have work to do when they go back!
The engineering team in the village can make do with it, and the road is not afraid of being damaged anyway—no matter how bad it is, it can't be worse than it is now.

When the bridge was being repaired, the village engineering team followed suit. Now it is not that difficult to learn how to repair cement roads.


When the engineering team left, the construction project on the winery side was considered to have come to an end.

Yan Changqing didn't care about the road construction. The old man Yan Xingwang was full of energy now, and he couldn't stop his enthusiasm for labor.

Next, Yan Changqing was about to continue his wine making business when he was summoned back by his mother.

When I entered the house, I saw Principal Shen sitting at home. When he saw him coming in, he smiled embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but you have gone to school too rarely recently, and some students have started to let themselves go. I asked, you are not so busy now, why don't we continue to have physical education classes in the future?"

He really couldn't do without him when the bridge was being built. The oil field engineering team was there to save face, not just because they were paid for it. Moreover, if he was here, it would be convenient to coordinate manpower and material resources.

He has no skills at all, and he can't care about asking more questions about the brats.

Yan Changqing nodded and agreed: "It just so happens that I plan to go on, but I'm busy now, so it's unlikely that I can go to class on time like before."

"As long as you can go and see it every now and then." Principal Shen rubbed his hands, feeling really embarrassed. "The main reason is that the learning tasks are getting heavier now, and there are more homework. Some children may have become tired of studying, and now their grades have dropped too much..."

"Children are getting older, and it's not easy to manage. Children's ideas are different from adults. Every generation of children has different ideas. This..."


Listening to Principal Shen's narration, Yan Changqing understood that some students like Erwa were scumbags in the past, but now because of him and under his own 'education', their grades have improved.

But when I got busy and didn't bother to ask a few questions, these guys returned to their nature.

To be honest, there is indeed a lot of homework now. Most of the students' fingers and the place where they hold the pen will have a callus, which will be rubbed down by the pen and rubbed down again...

Like Yan Changqing himself, although he went to work after graduating from high school, the old callus stayed with him for many years, and then gradually disappeared.

However, there is no way to do too much homework, and the school in the village does not have any study materials, and even the conditions for printing papers are insufficient.

So most of the time, it was the teacher who copied the papers or exercises that he didn't know where to find on the blackboard, and the students below copied them into their own homework books.

In this way, the workload will definitely increase a lot.

Because students who have the conditions to print the paper only need to write the answer, and these students need to copy the entire paper.

There are too few learning materials, and the level of teachers is also limited. In order for students to master the knowledge as much as possible, the only way is repetitive labor—copying, copying all the things they have learned, the papers they have tested, and the questions they have done. Write down many times.

Teachers usually assign homework, and the first thing they say is: "Copy today's new words, add pinyin and group words, ten times, and copy the paper of the last exam twice."

So many students have mastered special writing skills, for example, holding two pens or even three pens at a time, so that they can write two or three lines at a time, which is quite efficient.

There is another way. For example, when writing pinyin, the positions of the pinyin in the grid workbook are the same. The lower characters are written according to the grid, and the upper pinyin is written sparsely. To write three characters, you only need to write two or one pinyin...


There are also many opportunistic ways to do homework. Yan Changqing once thought it was a good memory when he recalled it.

Until one day when he was on the construction site, pushing a gray bucket truck full of mortar under the sun, he suddenly had an epiphany.

From that moment on, he realized that those "tricks" that he racked his brains to get in his studies back then are now slowly repaying them in his whole life, and he can no longer be opportunistic!

When you don’t understand these truths, no matter how many people tell you, it’s hard to hear them in your heart.Only at the moment when I comprehend it, I realized that some truths are so cruel that there is no chance for people to repent...

He was in deep thought when he saw Principal Shen stop explaining, and took out a few sheets of 'carbon paper' from his pocket—it can be placed under the paper, when you write on the paper, the color on the carbon paper will be printed on the next paper, and the same content will be printed.

The old man said sadly: "Your village is rich now, but you can't waste things like this for the children. You need to save some for school. These children use it for homework, wasting things, and cheating the children..."

Yan Changqing was speechless!

Unexpectedly, the brats would also keep pace with the times. Back then, he didn't have the conditions to use such 'advanced' tools to write homework opportunistically.


After Principal Shen left, Yan Changqing began to investigate the culprit.

It didn't take much effort at all, because according to Principal Shen, the students who used this thing were very "loyal" and not only used it for themselves, but also lent it to their classmates.

And I also know not to hand in the top one written directly with a pen, because it will not be easy for the teacher to see that something is wrong-in fact, it is strange that the teachers can't see it if it is superfluous.

There are not many people in Dayan Village who are so 'speaking of loyalty'. For example, a certain person named Erwa likes to talk of loyalty the most.

Call Erwa over and ask, it really is him who did it.

Yan Changqing smiled and told him sympathetically: "This method is very good, but don't use it again in the future."

Turn around and let my mother go to Erwa's house to file a complaint.

Erwa's crying and howling sound spread throughout the village that day, and everyone in the village sighed with emotion. As expected, Erwa's voice was the loudest, and it was still the familiar voice...

(End of this chapter)

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