Chapter 192 Treatment Inspection
After educating her second child, Yan Changqing continued to resume her "teaching career".

Just like Principal Shen said, by going to school every now and then, you can keep track of the children's movements in time, and let them be your own tools by the way, and improve your teaching and other skills more or less proficient.

Now that they are all at school, it is inevitable to continue to go to the clinic to discuss some practical applications of medical skills with Dr. Shen.

The main reason is that Dr. Shen has the sick numbers of several surrounding villages in his hands. They are all old problems that can't die and live badly. Yan Changqing decided to start with these cases and make a bold attempt.

As his basic medical knowledge became more and more comprehensive, the small skill jade plate helped him more and more.

You know, the proficiency of the skills on Xiao Yupan is to ensure that he is on the right path and keeps going.

For example, when he can only use a simple prescription to treat a cold, the "guidance" function of the golden finger can at most allow him to gradually find out the more appropriate usage and dosage of this prescription.

But if he knows two prescriptions for treating colds, the "guidance" function of the golden finger can "guidance" him which prescription is more suitable for his diagnosis according to his diagnosis.

If he goes a step further and can accurately identify the medicinal effects of various medicinal materials, then the prescription he finally obtains is the one that is most suitable for the patient based on the knowledge he currently has.

Therefore, if his knowledge is comprehensive enough, in theory, he can use the most suitable prescription to treat the patient.

Now that Dr. Shen communicates with him, the people who have benefited more have turned around, and Dr. Shen feels that he has learned more.

The key is to be suitable for the patient, which must be diagnosed accurately in the early stage, so he is constantly looking for tool people everywhere, researching and hearing.

In fact, even if there is no skill, the more accurate the doctor's diagnosis is, the better the treatment effect will be.

It's just that he has golden fingers, as long as he keeps expanding his knowledge, sooner or later, there will be no disease in the world that he can't cure.


Yan Changqing feels that the knowledge he has now is almost enough, he has learned so many theories from books, and he also has the experience of treating simple diseases in the past.

So he told Dr. Shen that he was willing to pay a part of the medical expenses so that those patients with stubborn diseases could be treated by him.

Dr. Shen readily agreed to the request.

It is nothing more than to inform the patient that anyone who wants to come can come, it is purely voluntary.

Anyway, Dr. Shen was watching from the sidelines. After Yan Changqing gave the treatment, they could continue to discuss.

Moreover, Dr. Shen is familiar enough with these patients, because he has been helping the patients control their disease all along, but he is limited by his ability and cannot treat them thoroughly.

In the past, Dr. Shen was unwilling to use some relatively expensive medicinal materials, because this kind of long-term illness required long-term treatment. In terms of treatment costs, it was a bottomless abyss.

Now that Yan Changqing's prescription has expensive medicinal materials, he is also happier, and he just took this opportunity to observe the curative effect.

Cooperation is quite pleasant.

Dr. Shen felt that he had learned something new from Yan Changqing's treatment, and Yan Changqing was also very happy to see his proficiency in medical skills.

As for the patients, such as some rheumatism, rheumatoid and stroke, as long as they can relax a little bit, the whole family of the patients will be happy.

All are happy.


At the end of April, Yan Changqing looked at the calendar, called Director Zhu, asked about the situation of the May Day event, and reported a program by the way.

The unit's house is under construction, and I haven't got it yet, so I still have to go when it's time to perform.

As for the invitation to the party on the market station, go at one time, and don't give a house, whoever wants to go will go.

We are so realistic.

My unit is so good, and now I have something to do, and I always support it.

If there are wineries, they will give alcohol to the workers as benefits, if there are gas stations, they will quietly increase the fuel supply to the gas stations, and if bridge repairs are needed, they will send engineering teams...

Where can I find such a good unit?

Be sure to prepare a good show, why don't you show them blowing out fifty candles in one breath?
As far as our lung capacity is concerned, if anyone dares to try it, it's not surprising that he fainted a few times.

If you don't sing a song, it means you haven't sung a song yet!

Mainly, I don't intend to develop into the entertainment industry. Now that I have so many useful skills in my hands, I don't have time to focus on other things.


Just as he was thinking about it, the phone rang again, and Chen Youliang called: "Changqing, the county has said that some important people are coming to inspect our county's enterprises. They have inspected other places, and they want to visit our market."

"I asked a few people who were very tight-lipped, and I didn't say who it was. I was a little unsure, so you should come and have a look!"

Yan Changqing could only interrupt his program idea, and agreed: "That's fine, when will they arrive?"

"It'll be here in a while. This time it's a bit weird. I didn't notify you in advance. I always feel that someone deliberately covered it up and made it mysterious."

"Then I'll go there now!"

After hanging up the phone and changing out of the alcohol-smelling clothes on his body, when he was about to drive, he thought about it and brought a few boxes of the most high-end Gaosheng brand wine.

It's really a bit strange, there shouldn't be anything wrong recently, right?

I have doubts in my heart, but I don't want to delay the little bread and rush to the market all the way with smoke and dust.

The billowing smoke and dust was not my fault, but the fault of the road.

No matter how slow you drive, if there is no rain on the dirt road for a period of time, some floating dirt will accumulate on the road, and people will smoke when walking on it, let alone driving.


When I arrived at the market, I saw my uncle and my second uncle, a large group of people waiting in the market, all dressed neatly, busy directing other people to do some cleaning work, and by the way, park the carts loaded with goods first.

And there was a big banner on the top: Welcome the superiors to come to the Taoshu Township market to guide the work!

This sentence is a panacea, anyone can use it, it is a long-term backup, and it can be hung up at any time.

As a result, when the market was cleaned up, the people hadn't arrived yet.

Chen Youliang was very strange, and he read the local newspaper over and over again: "There is no news about this? Who came here, how big a person must be, and can it be kept secret to such an extent? I asked my acquaintances in the city, and no one has any news. It's strange."

Yan Changqing was also surprised: "I have already inspected other enterprises in the county, and we have no news? The news is too ill-informed!"

"Someone seems to have said it before. I think about it. By the way, it's the old white in taxation. He didn't make it clear. He seemed to mention something, and I didn't pay attention. I guess he got the news at that time, and people didn't let him tell him.

Then Chen Youliang patted his thigh: "I said, I thought that Lao Bai was free to make a phone call and chat, and asked us what project we went to Shanghai to investigate. I thought he wanted to find out something!"

Yan Changqing was speechless, these people are real, they are here to reveal the news, why are they covering it up...

It seems that I can't blame them, at least they are worthy of us as a big taxpayer. When we got the news, we were the first to pass it here.
Yan Changqing didn't have a good idea either, he was far inferior to Chen Youliang in terms of welcoming and sending him off, and even in two lifetimes.

Some things really depend on talent, unless he has a skill, but such a skill... Before rebirth, he had no ability to encounter problems and could only wrong himself. If he continued to wrong himself with a golden finger after rebirth, wouldn't he be reborn in vain?

Don't order!

When it was almost noon, the convoy arrived.

Seeing that the two cars in front were still from the bureau, Chen Youliang murmured, "You are really a big shot, they all use the car to drive."

Basically, all the public vehicles in this county come out, from the bureau, the government, the industrial and commercial taxation, and the finance bureau...

Although it is a poor county, the cars in the county are pulled out now, and it looks quite spectacular, a lot!

The one who got out of the car first was a secretary of the Zhengfu, who ran over and whispered: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Yan is here too! Hello, everyone. This time, the person who came here is a person from the Jun District, a big shot, with a mission, so he asked to keep it secret. I didn't notify you in advance. Please forgive me. Well, let's go and pick it up!"

Yan Changqing turned around and went to the back.

Professional things are left to professional people, and my uncle is more suitable for this, although he is definitely not very willing in his heart.

Yan Changqing was only behind, observing carefully.

It was indeed quite secretive. Almost all people, big and small, came out in the county, and there were not even reporters.

After a group of people got out of the car and gradually formed a semicircle, the three uniformed guests in the middle were particularly eye-catching.

The three guests did not take the county car, but got off a jeep with a white license plate.

The one in the front is a middle-aged and elderly man with gray hair but hale and hearty, about 50 years old, or 60 years old.

Next to him was a man in his thirties with a briefcase. Although he was also in uniform, he was wearing glasses. He looked like a secretary.

The other one was also in his thirties, but with his resolute and vigilant face, and the equipment he was wearing, he looked like a security guard.


A group of people surrounded the three guests, and under the guidance of Chen Youliang, they entered a conference room converted from a large warehouse.

Then a few people who seemed to be educated were in charge of serving tea and pouring water.

Yan Changqing found that Yan Youwen was also among the people serving tea and water, and this kid also put on a professional look, smiling without showing his teeth, looking like a dog.

But this kind of person has to be a waiter who looks like a dog, and a bully like Maverick can only be sidelined now...

Yan Changqing was thinking about others, and others were looking at him too!
The old white in the tax department didn't get the middle seat among this group of people, so he slipped to this side when he was sitting in the seat: "Mr. Yan, why don't you sit down?"

Yan Changqing motioned to the tea table next to him: "I'm in charge of watching the table."

Lao Bai laughed and said, "Mr. Yan is really low-key, but your tax is too scary, and you won't be low-key for long. Your winery is on the list provided to the leaders in the county, but the leaders haven't said whether to go or not. Are you afraid to go there later?"

Yan Changqing thought of his uncle's carelessness again: "My uncle didn't tell me, neither of us knew what was going on when we came."

Lao Bai was dumbfounded: "Hey, I called him and asked him to prepare in advance... Hey, I guess he didn't notice it, so I didn't let him say it..."

After muttering a few words, seeing the person sitting above finished exchanging greetings, the secretary-looking person coughed, and Lao Bai quickly sat upright, not daring to talk to Yan Changqing anymore.

In fact, there are quite a lot of people who know Yan Changqing, but with his current attitude, he obviously doesn't want to stand out, and no one has come to expose him.

This is the benefit of reputation. After all, he has done some things that are considered "out of line" by others, and he doesn't go out very often. If he has something to do, he asks others to do it.

Coupled with the aura of going to the Spring Festival Gala, no one really wants to offend him now.


After the uniformed secretary coughed, seeing the scene quiet down, he nodded in satisfaction, then briefly introduced a few sentences, and then talked about the topic...

The general idea is that this is a division-level cadre in charge of logistics from a certain Jun District. This time he came to Tongshu County, and he did not only come to Tongshu County, but to conduct a visit in some poor surrounding counties.

The purpose is because Jun District is currently carrying out reforms, and it is necessary to support some companies and enterprises at the local level, and work together to ensure the logistics work of Jun District, etc.

Yan Changqing murmured in his heart, there is no need to keep this kind of thing a secret, it is obviously a good thing.

These days, it is normal for the Jun District to support local enterprises. What a good thing it is. People in the market are taken aback, thinking it is something bad!
It seems that there is nothing to support in the market. Do you want to allocate materials for logistics through the market?

It seems to make sense.

But why not support your own winery!

Looking back, I am a special wine production company. At worst, we can make it cheaper. We can give a [-]% discount on supply logistics. If it is really possible, a [-]% discount is not impossible.

If it's [-]% off, I earn too little, I'm sorry for my second-level skills!


After the visitor has finished speaking, it is time for the market to express its position.

Chen Youliang also paid attention to it. He got up and introduced himself: "Our market has now spread to twelve surrounding provinces. There are hundreds of five-ton trucks, more than sixty eight-ton trucks, nearly a hundred light trucks, and dozens of tractors."

"And we also have the only formal gas station in the county that has been approved by the oil field. It has sufficient transportation capacity to ensure that the goods can be delivered to any place in the twelve provinces quickly and conveniently..."

Yan Changqing felt that his uncle was capable, and now he didn't even make drafts for bragging.

There were not so many five-ton trucks in the early stage of the market, because everyone was still poor at the beginning, and when they had more money, they caught up with the eight-ton magic truck Bapingchai, so everyone started buying Bapingchai.

There are not many light trucks, only guys like Yan Youwen buy the 'flashy' cars--the big bosses think that the car with enough load capacity is good, and they don't like light trucks.

As for imported large trucks, they are not within the scope of consideration of the big bosses, it is too expensive.

The standards for buying cars in the market are quite uniform, and it doesn’t matter if they are not uniform. Drivers learn from Yan Erhe’s maintenance, and they learn from the cars that are available in the market. Those stupid young people are not allowed to buy other cars, or they will be so broken that no one will repair them halfway.

Drivers who go out these days must not only dare to think and act, but also have a little bit of force, but also have some basic maintenance skills, otherwise the big car breaks down halfway, and they can't find a place to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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