Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 193 The problem caused by the pressure cooker

Chapter 193 The problem caused by the pressure cooker
There are a lot of vehicles parked in the market now, and the gas station can be seen without entering the market. Since no one knows how many vehicles have left, no one knows how much water is in Chen Youliang's words.

Anyway, it's just bragging, if you get an order from Jun District, then you can use tiger skin as a banner in the future, and maybe you can mix a few white license plates - the management is not strict at this stage, and it is normal for white license plates to run around on the road.

After Chen Youliang finished the introduction, Lao Bai also had a task. He took the report and reported the tax payment records of the market over the years, after a little artistic processing.

At this time, we must unite. No matter what kind of enterprise is favored, it is a common honor for everyone.

Therefore, when reporting, it is common for each other to carry out artistic processing. For example, when Lao Bai reported, Chen Youliang expressed his gratitude to various departments in the county for their support to the market and so on.

It seemed that the guests were quite satisfied. After the gray-haired guest said that he wanted to go out to see the specific situation, everyone cheered up.

Lao Bai sighed softly: "The enterprises in the county have come to look at them, but they haven't decided which ones they are interested in until now. Alas... By the way, have you arranged for cooking? It's time to eat!"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Don't worry, my uncle can forget about this!"

Lao Bai felt relieved: "Prepare some good things, take out whatever you have that you don't have anywhere else."

"There must be." Yan Changqing didn't know exactly what was there, but he knew that there must be yak meat. It was normal for the car to come back from south to north and bring some local ingredients back.

So he planned to improve his eating skills, and planned to find more delicacies. The first place he came to was the market, and he collected a lot of things to go back.


In fact, there is really nothing to see in the market. It is nothing more than what is in this warehouse, where it comes from, and where it is going to be shipped.

These news are not considered commercial secrets, even if they tell others, they don't have the ability to organize people to run.

Yan Changqing felt that his uncle had worked really hard. The market is something that ordinary people can't do. He brought a few people to each warehouse and introduced everything to each warehouse. Although there were people reminding him to add, he must be aware of it himself.

I feel that most people are not very professional. In a situation like the market, we should find a few people majoring in logistics to help... It seems that the current domestic universities do not have a major in logistics, right?

Alas, it is so difficult to develop!

Just as he was feeling emotional, there was a sudden loud noise, which startled Yan Changqing.

He stretched out his hand to ride on a large truck next to him, and jumped onto it instantly. At the same time, he also had a few coins in his hand, and looked around vigilantly.

Then I discovered that the place where the sound came from was the kitchen.

His heart jumped up at that moment, but don't let anything happen!

Just as he was about to step forward, he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye, so he stopped and shouted to the people below: "Kitchen, over there, hurry up and have a look!"

Then he looked at the place he had just glimpsed for two seconds before quickly jumping out of the car and running towards the kitchen.

When he arrived, someone had already come out of the kitchen: "It's all right, it didn't hurt anyone, I was just shocked, the pressure cooker collapsed..."

Yan Changqing couldn't hold back, probably many people are cursing in their hearts like him now!
Too scary!

In the future, it's okay to bang, but these days, it's different!

Just like in China in the future, when you hear the sound of bang bang bang, everyone will be curious about what is going on, and maybe you have to watch it.

If you put it in the free country where there are gun battles every day, when the sound of bang bang bang is heard, people's first reaction is to look around and look for a safe place...

It is not yet the time for the Battle of Majinglie to take place, and there are many weapons in the market. When they heard the bang sound, everyone's first reaction was almost the thinking of the free people.

Besides, the leaders of the county happened to be there, so frightening!


As for the leader of Jun District, Yan Changqing is a bit...

The mood is more complicated.

He thought of water turning into oil.

There was a bang just now, and many people subconsciously hid or observed the surrounding situation vigilantly, which is normal now.

But what did Yan Changqing see? He saw that the guard hid under the cart and was still inside, while the gray hair that needed this guy's protection was actually outside.

Outrageous or not?
Have you ever seen such a protector?
Who is protecting whom?

Now that the cause of the explosion is known, everyone is relieved.

Then a group of people from the county rushed to the gray-haired man under the car, apologized repeatedly, and helped him up.

As for the one who was hiding inside, he also came out and continued to make a vigilant look.

Yan Changqing felt that he was just pretending, and the pretending was not very professional. He always felt that he was a bit like a fighting cock, with some bluffing elements.

People are like this, when they believe, they believe deeply, but once they have doubts, they start to feel that there are doubts everywhere.


When he had no doubts just now, Yan Changqing didn't pay too much attention to his followers.

But now, in his eyes, he doesn't think this 'fighting cock' is like someone who trains regularly.

Those who do protection work and don't train often, that's the biggest problem.

After observing carefully for a few seconds, Yan Changqing was completely sure that this was definitely not a real guard.

I am a master of kung fu, a great master of boxing, foot and stick techniques, and I still have some eyesight, so I can't make a mistake—if I ignore his bluff, his posture is quite decent, but there is only posture.

As for the secretary, that one was even funnier just now, he seemed a little frightened, and then wanted to run away, but bumped into the escort from a nearby county, and now both of them are rubbing their heads.

This kind of performance, you say that he is a well-trained person from the Jun District, who will believe it?
However, I can't be too sure about this matter, and if I directly say that I doubt it, no one will believe it.

How to test and test?

After having doubts, Yan Changqing looked at the three people, and there were flaws everywhere.

For example, when they were walking, their posture was too deliberately stiff, and the gray-haired old man, although he looked very imposing, always gave off the feeling of being strong on the outside but dry on the inside.

Not to mention the secretary, who hit him so hard just now, his brain is probably still buzzing now.

Now that everyone has returned to the conference room, Chen Youliang was so depressed that he wanted to die. After expressing his apology, he didn't bother to say much, and he was dejected.Although the other people from the county were upset, they were all speaking for him, trying to ease the atmosphere.

Yan Changqing thought and thought, and after thinking for a while, he came up with an idea. As the saying goes, it’s good to tell the truth after drinking, and the atmosphere is so awkward now, why don’t you see what dishes are in the kitchen, and hurry up and eat?

He leaned over to Lao Bai's side: "Why don't you drink it first, I have a few bottles of good wine here, maybe drinking some will improve the atmosphere."

After thinking about it, Lao Bai also passed the message to the side, and then said to Yan Changqing: "Where is the wine, I will follow you to move it!"


After coming out, Lao Bai let out a long breath, and was also a little depressed: "I guess the market has nothing to hope for this time, alas, what a great opportunity!"

Yan Changqing was still suspicious, and refused to answer his words: "Let them drink a few more glasses later, maybe they will be fine. My wine is really good. There is only this one box, and I brought it here specially. Take out a bottle first, and you can bring it back later..."

"Don't believe me, after you open the bottle, you will have no chance to hide it. Other wines are not as good as this box, so these few bottles will be reserved for those three later!"

What he brought was really the best wine, the first batch of high-end wine bottled, brewed by himself (directed).

If those three people are really liars, they must be beaten to spit them out later!

But Lao Bai is still dubious: "Then I would like to thank Mr. Yan first, just leave me a bottle. In fact, these three guests have been inspecting for so long, I don't think they drink much, and there is probably a lot left..."


A pressure cooker was blown up in the kitchen, and it only broke a pot of vegetables. The other damage is not much. After all, the power of the pot cover is big enough, but it is so big, it is not powerful enough to fly twice.

When the three guests were persuaded by the people in the county to enter the banquet and the food was served, Lao Bai graciously held the wine bottle and got busy!

As soon as the wine bottle was opened, a faint aroma of wine wafted out. The wine inside had the aroma of wine before bottling, so it was considered to have been stored in the cellar, although the time was short.

It's not very strong, but it smells very comfortable.

The people sitting on the wine table are basically old drinkers, and they can almost tell the quality of the wine by smelling it.

Lao Bai also smelled it, and thought Mr. Yan was really interesting, so he hid a bottle for himself.

Then he said to the three guests: "This is a wine brewed by a winery in our county. The quantity is too small, so it can only be drunk by distinguished guests. Others will drink something else first."

Everyone else stared at Lao Bai. Fortunately, there was a guest, otherwise they would have to go up and ask him what he meant...

The atmosphere has indeed calmed down. After all, the situation is different once you sit at the dinner table.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, gradually, the embarrassment just now seemed to disappear.

At least that's what it looks like on the surface.


As time passed, after drinking some wine, everyone persuaded them too enthusiastically, and the three guests continued to drink a few more glasses before putting the glasses upside down on the table.

The gray-haired guest said with a smile: "Wine is good wine, but we have a mission and don't dare to drink too much, please forgive me!"

The others quickly said that they have forgiven you, so you don't have to be so polite, just feel free.

Yan Changqing found the opportunity and said with a smile: "This wine is not intoxicating, it is the best wine I have brewed."

"Can you make wine?" The three guests were a little surprised.

Seeing Yan Changqing come out to speak, Lao Bai got up with a smile and introduced: "This is our child prodigy. He also participated in the Spring Festival Gala. He performed an erhu show."

"That's it!" The gray-haired guest laughed. "If you don't remind me, I really didn't pay attention. You can do a lot at such a young age! You can do a lot!"

Yan Changqing smiled shyly: "Actually, it's nothing. I just like erhu since I was a child. It's my honor to go to the Spring Festival Gala. I met many big people there. By the way, there is a teacher Xu, who is also a famous erhu master. He is subsidized by the National Wu Academy. Have you heard of it?"

"We are from the northern war zone, and we don't know much about the people engaged in literary and artistic work in the capital." The guest smiled lightly. "People who are responsible for guarding the frontier generally rarely have the opportunity to run around. If we hadn't had a special mission this time, we wouldn't have come here."

Yan Changqing also smiled: "Yes, Mr. Xu said the same thing. She went to the Yalu River with her when she was a teenager, and she also lived in the army. It's really hard work for you."

Seeing that the guest smiled reservedly and said nothing, Yan Changqing continued: "Mr. Xu said that after the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the situation on your side was quite tense. Outer Mongolia asked us for help again, but we didn't agree. They planned to donate [-] cows to your war zone in exchange for our aid. What's going on now?"

"That must not be promised. Our assistance to them has not been small, and now they are a bit greedy. There are only a few thousand cows, and I was rejected at that time."

"Yes, that's what you want. You are worthy of being the leader, and you have a long-term vision. I think [-] cows are not too small! Then they are not doing anything now, right? I heard that they have formed a navy?"

"Haha, they don't even have a sea, how could they have a navy." The guest laughed again.

Yan Changqing also laughed: "In fact, Mr. Xu is also a member of your northern war zone."

The three guests were stunned together!

Yan Changqing said with a smile: "Not all of them. When they went to aid Outer Mongolia the year before last, they went there in your name."

"Oh, that's how it is, haha!" The gray-haired man laughed. "I said, if he is really from our place, how come I don't know. I didn't go there in person during the aid construction. At that time, the situation in the former Soviet Union was already very tense, and we didn't dare to transfer it easily!"

Probably after the bang just now, the atmosphere has not been very good, so although the three guests have controlled it well, they inevitably drank a few more glasses under the persuasion of everyone.

Now the old man's words are obviously much more than when he first came here, too many words will be lost!

Yan Changqing felt that it was almost done, smiled and said: "I wasted a good bottle of wine. You are liars!"


The entire wine table fell silent at that time.

After a while, the old man suddenly laughed: "Little comrade, don't talk nonsense!"

The others were also taken aback, and several people in the county had already jumped out, accusing one after another: "Yan Changqing, what are you doing?"

Some people just accuse their own people of trying to be the most vigorous, and their voices are getting louder and louder.

Yan Changqing ignored them, and said with a chuckle: "I made up what I said just now, there is no such thing as three thousand cows. Besides, I have never heard of a bodyguard who sits at the same table when drinking. You are too unprofessional..."

Speaking of which, he suddenly raised his hand, and with a slap, there was an extra coin that was almost completely submerged on the table in front of the bodyguard.

Yan Changqing's voice sounded: "If you move again, you will die."

The audience was silent again.

 Thanks to book friend '08a' for the reward, thank you for your support!
  The phone is broken and I want to buy a phone. Please forgive me if there are typos and cannot be corrected in time.

  Today's three changes are over!

  Updated daily at nine o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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