Chapter 194 One Dollar and Fifty Cents
As soon as Yan Changqing made a move, people in the county were shocked first.

Those who yelled and blamed immediately remembered that this person was not the person they usually shouted about.Many people know that this innocent-looking young man is not just an artist who can go to the Spring Festival Gala.

Although last year's case was kept secret at the beginning, everyone who should know knows that among the first few traffickers, only two had the opportunity to record a statement.

So as soon as he saw him, he would shoot, and the original bird shrank faster than anyone else. Just kidding, if I earned fifty cents from him, it would be too "earned"-the five cents plum blossom small copper coins stuck on the table.

Compared to the quiet surroundings, Yan Changqing was much calmer than them.

The reaction of the three liars was much faster than most people in the county. The person pretending to be a guard suddenly shouted: "You kid, why are you talking nonsense. What is a liar, Secretary Wang, show them our ID."

Others were afraid. Lao Bai was usually a person who dealt with the market a lot. Seeing this, he said cautiously: "Mr. Yan, this, you can't make a mistake, right? We have seen the IDs of the guests, and the letters of introduction..."

Yan Changqing smiled: "It's easy to fake those things, these people are actually quite unprofessional..."

The person playing the secretary also spoke: "This is..."

Yan Changqing raised his hand again, snapped another coin, and it was nailed to the hand of the false secretary who was going to touch the bag: "Warn this time, and die next time."

The secretary stared at the fifty cents, a little dumbfounded. Seeing the blood start to flow out, he just felt pain, and screamed: "My hand..."

Yan Changqing didn't look at him, but instead stared at the guard liar.

This guy was trying to get his hands to his waist, but he didn't dare to move again. The secretary next to him was screaming. He didn't think he could raise his hand faster than others.

Lao Bai was also taken aback at the moment: "Well, is it okay for me to talk?"

Yan Changqing was overjoyed: "Catch them quickly, these three are really liars, and they are not very professional. The bodyguards don't know how to protect the boss first, and the boss still looks at his own bodyguards. It is obvious that this person who plays the bodyguard is the boss of the liar. Such an unprofessional liar, why don't you arrest him for the New Year!"

It's a bit too disrespectful to some people, but it's just right, and no one will mess with Lengtouqing.

What's more, he is still a stunned young man with the support of oil fields, a company, and the aura of the Spring Festival Gala, and has two lives. Although Yan Changqing insists that the two traffickers are just unintentional mistakes made by saving people, he can't help if others don't believe it.

It can only be said that I originally set my heart on the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch!
A person next to Lao Bai realized it first, and stood up instantly: "Everyone from outside came in and caught these three liars."

This is the boss of the Public Security Bureau. Compared with others, he is more professional after all. Once the unprofessional performance of the three swindlers is pointed out, he immediately thinks of all kinds of suspicious points in the past few days.

At this moment, the key is to weigh the pros and cons, and the best choice is to arrest people first.

On the one hand, if the other person is not a liar, he will arrest the person first, and turn around to protect the other party. After all, someone here is 'crazy' and has already started to hurt people;
On the other hand, the opposite side is most likely to be a liar. If you continue to do nothing now and let 'others' show their power to arrest people, in the end, it will be everyone's face that will be lost.

Although the face of up and down is basically lost now, if the other side is really a liar.


There was a moment of silence outside, and a few people rushed into Hulala.

Yan Changqing has been watching that crooked bodyguard, only he has a weapon on him, as long as he doesn't move, the remaining two are nothing to worry about.

Seeing that people from outside had come in, the bodyguard liar seemed to have given up.

The people who came in were actually hesitant, but now that the boss was speaking, he didn't think too much about it. They divided into three groups and immediately walked towards the three liars.

The others also hurriedly got up to make way for them to pass by.

Just when one of the security guards walked in front of Yan Changqing and just blocked between Yan Changqing and the bodyguard liar, the liar suddenly shouted: "Don't move!"

With this yell, he quickly stretched out his hand to fish it back, and was about to continue to open his mouth to yell.

It's just that he opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Instead, he felt that the hand that had already raised the weapon in the air seemed to be hit back by something, and something was suddenly stuffed in his throat.


The sudden turn of events shocked everyone.

People with a good perspective just saw the crooked bodyguard, taking advantage of Yan Changqing's sight being blocked, while shouting, he took the opportunity to take out a weapon from his waist.

But when the hand holding the weapon was raised in the air, he was hit back by something, and then his eyes widened instantly, as if something unbelievable happened, there was a strange sound in his throat, and then bright red blood rushed out...

The sound of the soft weapon falling to the ground was especially loud after everyone was quiet.

And with this sound, the liar's bodyguard raised his left hand, covered his neck, and then slowly fell down.

Boom, boom...

The movement of his fall brought down the chair next to him, and there was a harsh sound, accompanied by a strange sound from his throat, which echoed in the quiet room.

"If you say it, you will die, if you don't believe it."

A voice broke the silence, and several security officers who were in charge of catching people reacted in an instant, and quickly rushed up to arrest the remaining two liars and put them under control, and put away the weapons on the ground...

Some people went to see the liar who was lying down and gradually became silent, and probably wanted to try to rescue him.

But it's too late!


Others also gradually came back to their senses, but some people may not be used to their gods just after returning, which is called out of their minds.

Yan Changqing stepped forward to look at the bodyguard liar, now he can calmly look at such things, checked it, and said regretfully: "This is the boss, but unfortunately he didn't catch a job. At that time, he moved too fast, I didn't have time to think about it, so I had to go to the vital point first, lest he raise his weapon..."

"You are still quick to react, that's right, right." Lao Bai patted his chest. "You stopped the danger in time, isn't that right?"

Director Liu forced a smile: "Yes, yes, this liar is stubbornly resisting. Fortunately, Boss Yan made a timely move, otherwise everyone would be in danger!"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Suddenly, more people agreed.

Obviously, it's almost time to see the situation clearly by now.

As for the few people who were eager to take the lead and blame Yan Changqing just now, they became the vanguard and praised Yan Changqing one after another.

It's just that although there is not much embarrassment in the flattering expression, it is somewhat shocking.


The hustle and bustle continued for a while, and gradually, the scene began to order.

Many people from the county also expressed their gratitude to Yan Changqing. Although they didn't know how much sincerity, Yan Changqing didn't care.

He went out to look around first, but he didn't see the figure of his second aunt and cousin. Knowing that the second aunt probably didn't come out with his cousin, he was relieved.

Soon the scene was cleaned up, Chen Youliang stood up, and began to invite everyone to change rooms to continue eating.

But right now, everyone lost their appetite, so they shied away a few words, took people with them, and left first.

Yan Changqing followed Chen Youliang, and when he saw Director Liu getting into the car, he reminded him again: "Ju Liu, I threw out one yuan and fifty cents, which is private property, remember to return it to me later."

Liu Ju turned around, the corners of his mouth twitched, his smile was a bit forced, he waved his hands, but didn't speak.

Get in the car and leave.


A car lined up out of the market and drove onto the road with great momentum.

But the group of people behind looked at it, and they always felt that there was an aura of fleeing in the dust that was brought up.

Chen Youliang waited for the car to go far away before turning his head: "Changqing, are you okay?"

"What can I do?" Yan Changqing said with a smile. "Do not worry!"

Chen Youliang nodded: "I'm afraid someone will be unhappy this time, alas, it's troublesome."

"What's the trouble?" Yan Changqing didn't care. "Don't touch the jade with the crock, maybe it will save a lot of trouble in the future!"

Chen Youliang pondered for a moment, then suddenly laughed: "Yes, haha."

That's right, Chen Youliang was worried that the market would offend a lot of people, but Yan Changqing was right, in the eyes of some people, people are jade objects, while others are crock pots, and they won't do things that they are not sure about.

Anyway, it is estimated that many people can remember the scene just now for a while.

The market hasn't done anything out of the ordinary, even if some people don't like it...then they don't like it!

I just like the way you look at me as if you don't like me, and you can't kill me!
Yan Erhe was a little confused, what are these two talking about?

Then I started calling people to clean up the room quickly. They left in a hurry and didn’t mention anything about protecting the scene, so I cleaned it up quickly. It’s a small dining room after all.


The people in the market were yelling, and Yan Changqing hurriedly asked the second uncle to explain: "Tell them all, stop yelling so carelessly, at least save some face."

Don't make things known to everyone, otherwise people who return to the market will feel shameless if they are mentioned so much.

But everyone is still relatively calm, nothing more than that.

There are many places that have been deceived these years, some of which have been exposed, and those who have not been exposed do not know how many are still there.

As long as you are bold and black, in the current situation where information, transportation and communication are not well developed, it really depends on how bold you are and how productive you are.

Several people were still discussing, and another car came to the market.

The one who came down was Lao Bai, who nodded and smiled and came to Chen Youliang's side: "Mr. Chen, um, about this matter..."

Chen Youliang just heard Yan Changqing's confession, and laughed: "It's nothing, I have confessed everything, and I won't talk nonsense."

"Hey, good good good good good good good!" Lao Bai immediately became happy.

He was a little helpless when he was sent back to say this, but who made him exposed just now, it seems that he has a close relationship with the market.
This guy was happy for a moment, then frowning again, forced a smile: "Hey, I shouldn't have talked much just now."

Sometimes you feel that you have done good deeds to help others, but others may not accept this kindness!

Yan Changqing didn't care about their nonsense, but was curious: "Have these three liars been here for a few days? Just eat and drink, nothing else?"

Lao Bai had a bitter face: "The one on the road just now... is the prisoner pretending to be a secretary. He has already confessed a lot. They went to various companies to eat and drink, and then he secretly 'raised' something. Many companies have already given red envelopes."

Yan Erhe was also curious: "Didn't you ask for anything from the county?"

"What do you think!" Lao Bai smiled wryly. "I'm about to help them contact customers. Before, he intentionally or unintentionally said that they are short of people, and they need to recruit more people from the local area next year. I see that this is not an opportunity? I am searching the family and preparing to give them some. I will send some relatives' children later..."

Yan Erhe doesn't usually take care of things, but with Yan Changqing's relationship, no one dares to look down on him.

Lao Bai probably didn't feel so tired getting along with him before, and he got on well with him, and he didn't have any worries when he spoke, and he directly expressed his little thoughts.

Of course, it is also for Yan Changqing and Chen Youliang, this guy wants to build a good relationship with the market now, although it can't help him much, but it is always good to have many friends.

At least for things like just now, he still dares to say a word, doesn't he?

Yan Changqing probably understood that there are too few outlets for people these days, and training in the team for a few years has become one of the few choices for most people.

Especially in a place with a huge population like Tongshu County, when there are too many people, problems will arise. The competition is not only fierce, but also tragic.

So every year when the income threshold is reached, all kinds of relationship seekers get busy.

Like ordinary rural families, no one had the opportunity to go to places like Dayan Village in the past.

So Lao Bai is very depressed now: "It is estimated that they have given so much air to many people. I thought I was thinking further! Now that I think about it, it is purely obsessed..."

Aren't they just obsessed with ghosts? People who are deceived are like this. They only focus on the "benefits" of nothingness, and they don't care about anything else.

This kind of thing is never uncommon. Even in the future, after various reminders above to download anti-fraud software, there are still people who secretly transfer money to scammers under the circumstances of dozens of reminders from the police, and there are even people who are cheated of money and feelings.

No one would believe it if it wasn't on the news.

Lao Bai talked for a few words and didn't want to talk about it anymore, after all, it was really disgraceful.

But let's be wrong, with so many people, not all of them think only for themselves.

He smiled and asked Yan Changqing: "Unexpectedly, Boss Yan still knows about things in Outer Mongolia. I rarely pay attention to those."

Yan Changqing said in his heart that if the Outer Mongolia Navy hadn't been too famous, who would have paid attention to them before!
But he still said: "Family affairs, state affairs, world affairs, care about everything! Read more news and you will know."

In fact, there has been very little news about it in the past few years, because there was too much assistance to them in the early days, and the people there were really greedy. They wanted this and that, and even construction workers asked for assistance.

In recent years, no one has paid attention to them, and naturally no one will publish their affairs in the newspaper.

So there are quite a lot of people who don't know about it, including those three liars.

(End of this chapter)

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